Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 10: Embrace


This slap was so clear and sweet that it not only stunned President Pang, but also stunned Manager Guo and Xiao Hu.

Pang is always an old man, after a short period of hesitation, he quickly came back to his senses. He slapped the table, stood up angrily and asked, "What are you doing?!"

Mi Qing was also getting angry, and asked him back: "I haven't asked you what you are doing, why are you touching?"

Mr. Pang said: "What's the matter if I touch you? I touch you to think highly of you!"

Mi Qing couldn't help but sneer: "Then I have to thank you? Let me tell you that I hate people like you the most. I usually touch little girls like this, right? They can swallow their anger but I can't! I think I have two Do all women with stinky money have to post it? Does your wife and children know? If you touch my hair, I feel sick and want to vomit!"

Mr. Pang probably encountered this kind of setback for the first time on the road of touching a little girl. After Mi Qing slapped her head and face, she became angry and wanted to hit someone: "Don't pretend to me here, you don't even know that you are being bullied." How many men have touched it and thought they were a saint?!"

Xiao Hu hurried over to stop him: "Mr. Pang, if you have something to say, don't do it with girls."

"It's easy to say? Didn't you see her hit me? Is this how you came to discuss cooperation?" He shook off Xiao Hu, picked up his coat and walked out, "Since you are not sincere, there is no need to waste time!"

Manager Guo also picked up his coat, and looked at Mi Qing angrily: "You don't have to come to work tomorrow!" After she finished speaking, she chased President Pang out.

There were only Mi Qing and Xiao Hu left in the room. Xiao Hu glanced at Mi Qing, saw her eyes were red, and couldn't help asking: "Are you okay?"

Mi Qing didn't answer, and Xiao Hu laughed, as if wanting to ease the atmosphere: "That Pang is always a famous old pervert, who has harmed many female compatriots, you slapped him today to relieve his anger!"

Mi Qing pursed her lips, picked up her bag and coat, and walked out.

It was already dark after six o'clock, and street lights were lit on both sides of the road. Mi Qing hailed a taxi at the intersection and went back to Nancheng Garden.

Based on the exercise during this period, she now climbs the seventh floor wearing high heels without sore waist or shortness of breath. She found the key in the bag, opened the door and went in.

The light in the living room was on, and the husky was eating dinner in front of the kennel. When Mi Qing came back, he excitedly barked at her twice.

Xiao Gu came out of the kitchen with a plate of stir-fried vegetables, and was about to eat. Mi Qing was still standing at the door dumbly, looking very bad.

Xiao Gu frowned slightly, put down the plate in his hand, took off his apron, walked over and looked at her: "What's wrong with you?"

The corner of Mi Qing's mouth moved, and after two sobs of unknown meaning, she burst into tears.

Xiao Gu: "..."

The huskies who were eating were also attracted by her crying, and gathered around to have a look: "Wow."

Mi Qing was not disturbed by the outside world at all, and she cried wholeheartedly, even if the makeup on her face was smeared, she didn't care. Xiao Gu frowned, stepped forward, and hugged her into his arms.

The sudden warm chest made Mi Qing slightly startled, as if she felt the comfort behind the other party's move, the grievances accumulated in Mi Qing's heart suddenly flooded.

She cried and said, "Since I came back to China, I haven't had a single good thing. I've been forced to get married, and my money was stolen when I finally escaped. I also encountered profiteers when I was selling clothes, and I even encountered perverts when I was looking for a job."

Xiao Gu's eyes moved slightly, forced to marry? Although he guessed that she didn't come to city A to find a job, he didn't expect that she came to escape marriage. He patted her on the back and asked something more concerned: "Meet a pervert?"

"Still, still an old pervert." Mi Qing's voice was crying, sounding pitiful, "He touched my hand, I slapped him, and he scolded me for being touched by countless men. , Although I studied in a foreign university, but, I have never even had a boyfriend, let alone been touched by a man."

Xiao Gu inserted his fingertips into her soft hair, and rubbed the back of her head silently.

Mi Qing continued intermittently: "I, my job is gone again."

Xiao Gu hugged her for a long time before her crying gradually stopped. Seeing that the person in his arms had calmed down a lot, Xiao Gu let her go, and handed her a tissue.

Mi Qing wiped away her tears, took out the makeup mirror from her shoulder bag, and took a picture of herself.

Xiao Gu smiled and asked her, "Have you eaten yet?"

Mi Qing shook her head: "I'm not full yet."

Xiao Gu couldn't help laughing again, he turned around and walked towards the dining room: "Come and eat together."

This was the first time the landlord invited her to dinner. Before every meal, she could smell the aroma of his plagiarism even if she stayed in the room. But even if she was sitting in the living room eating instant noodles and pretending to be pitiful, he was never moved.

It was as if a long-standing wish had suddenly come true for Mi Qing, and she was at a loss for a moment. It wasn't until Xiao Gu took another set of bowls and chopsticks and put them on the table that she walked over in a daze.

Mapo tofu, steamed pork ribs, and a seaweed egg soup.

They are all home-cooked dishes, but they look very tempting.

"Eat while it's hot." She had been crying for so long just now, and the food was already getting cold.

Mi Qing picked up the bowl and chopsticks, took a bite of the soft white rice, and then put a spare rib into the bowl. The aroma of steamed pork ribs was very strong, and she couldn't help but take a bite: "Oh! It's delicious!"

Xiao Gu glanced at her, raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is not delicious, I am not the best at these."

Mi Qing looked at him curiously: "Then what are you best at? Chuan Chuan?"

Xiao Gu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but did not reply. Husky restlessly pawed his front paws on the table, as if he also wanted a share of the pie.

Xiao Gu dialed it down impatiently: "Go eat your chicken breast."

"Woof!" I want chicken breast and ribs too!

"Do you want to be beaten again?" Xiao Gu threatened.

The husky's tail drooped, but he still didn't dare to provoke him, so he went back to eat the chicken breast.

After Mi Qing gnawed a rib, she raised her eyes to look at Xiao Gu: "Why did you suddenly hug me just now?"

Xiao Gu looked at her and said, "When my mother was crying, this is how my father comforted her."

Mi Qing subconsciously bit the chopsticks in her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed by what he said. She took another spoonful of Mapo Tofu into it with a spoon, and asked with her head buried, "Do you think I'm too impulsive and immature?"

"Yes." Xiao Gu replied simply and simply.

Mi Qing: "..."

"However, no one becomes mature automatically as soon as they leave school. If this happened after you worked for a year, I believe you will handle it better than today." Xiao Gu added casually, "Girls are doing things outside. It's easy to be wronged, that kind of old pervert is so rampant because he hasn't been beaten. If you slap me today, maybe touching a girl in the future will leave some psychological shadow."

Mi Qing froze for a moment, feeling a little encouraged. She nodded vigorously, and said to Xiao Gu: "You didn't even see that Mr. Pang, it's really disgusting!"

Xiao Gu glanced at her and asked, "What are your future plans?"

When it comes to this question, Mi Qing also has a shadow in her heart: "I can only find a job again."

Xiao Gu thought about it for a while, and said, "You can go to my store to help out for now, anyway, you are only coming to City A to avoid the limelight."

Mi Qing's movements froze, she stared blankly and asked, "How do you know that I came to City A to avoid the limelight?"

Xiao Gu looked at her with some amusement: "You said it yourself just now, you were forced to marry and fled here."

Mi Qing: "..."

She was so sad just now, she just poured out all her grievances, completely unaware of what she said.

"Don't worry, I won't talk about it everywhere." Xiao Gu smiled at her, "The first three months in my store are a trial period, with a basic salary of 2,800, two staff meals a day, and a commission bonus at the end of the month. Ten o'clock in the morning The working hours are half-to-two in the afternoon, and five to ten in the evening. The rest of the time can be rested in the store, or you can arrange it freely. There are four days off in a month. Regular employees buy five social insurance and one housing fund, and there is another time at the end of the year A two-day, one-night group tour."

Mi Qing was stunned when she heard that, she didn't expect that the benefits of a skewer shop would be so complete, even company tours. But... "The basic salary is so low."

Xiao Gu looked at her: "How much was your previous salary?"

"Uh..." Mi Qing was a little embarrassed, "Although it's about the same, but at least I work in a company."

Xiao Gu smiled: "So you look down on the waiter?"

Mi Qing said: "I don't look down on waiters." It's just that I don't want to be a waiter either.

Seeing her subtext, Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows and said, "Forget it."

After taking a few mouthfuls of rice, Mi Qing couldn't help raising her head to look at him: "What do you need to do in your shop?"

Xiao Gu laughed and asked, "What will you do?"

Mi Qing: "..."

She is also a college student after all, do you really think she is worthless

Xiao Gu said: "The Chuan Chuan shop doesn't need to serve plates, you just pour water for the customers, clean up, and see what the customers need to help."

Mi Qing thought about it, just like what Xiao Gu said, she just came to City A to avoid the limelight, and she didn't plan to develop here, as long as she can find something to do. And in Xiao Gu's store at least there is a support, and there are two staff meals, she no longer has to eat instant noodles.

She nodded and said, "Okay then."

She agreed, but Xiao Gu looked at her for a while and said, "Our shop is very busy, you may not be able to make it."

Mi Qing: "..."

So what is he going to do!