Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 13: return home


The husky was originally bought and raised by Gu Xin, but later because he was too busy, he had to give it to Xiao Gu, and he nicknamed it "two single dogs make a good pair".

Mi Qing didn't stay in the living room, but returned to her room. Lying on the bed, she casually searched for Gu Xin on her mobile phone.

A lot of results popped up in the browser, she clicked on the first one, and looked at his personal information. Eh... City C? Gu Xin is from City C

Mi Qing frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

There is indeed a Gu family in City C, and they still have contacts with their Mi family. In fact, they were all friends in the same circle, but she was more familiar with the Gu family, namely Gu Zhen and Gu Bao, the two siblings. As for Gu Xin, she really had no impression, let alone Xiao Gu.

Although they are all from the Gu family in City C, it shouldn't matter.

Mi Qing didn't think about it any more, she slid down the browser, and saw a photo of Gu Xin lifting up her clothes. Because he was facing the camera sideways, the camera did a good job of capturing the tattoo on his waist.

Mi Qing: "..."

These two brothers even got couple tattoos, oh no, brother tattoos, the relationship is really good.

She clicked on the big picture and carefully studied the tattoo on Gu Xin's waist, it looked like a unicorn. Mi Qing blinked, is Xiao Gu's tattoo also a unicorn

Mi Qing recalled the graphic she saw that night, but she couldn't think of anything, so she set the alarm on her phone, put it aside and started to catch up on sleep.

It was half past four when she went out, and happened to meet Xiao Gu who was out walking his dog. Mi Qing looked around in the living room, but Gu Xin was no longer there: "Has he left?"

"Yeah." Xiao Gu put the husky on a leash, and picked up the coat on the sofa, "He's very busy with work, so he only comes here once in a while, and luckily he still recognizes him every day."

Mi Qing nodded in agreement, it seems that Goudan's IQ is not bad. Xiao Gu pulled the dog leash, opened the door, and looked back at Mi Qing: "By the way, Gu Xin is about my cousin, don't tell anyone else."

"Oh." Mi Qing put on flat boots, walked out behind him, and closed the door, "Since he is your cousin, if you ask him to endorse your store, it will definitely attract many of his fans to eat .”

Xiao Gu said: "The store is already too busy to receive his fans." He thought for a while, and felt that what Mi Qing said made sense. Since his cousin is useful, he doesn't need it for nothing, " Otherwise, the new store can let him go to cut ribbons."

Mi Qing originally teased Xiao Gu on purpose, but he didn't expect that he really thought it was feasible, so she couldn't help but chuckled: "A big rock star is going to cut the ribbon for the Chuan Chuan shop. Pfft, the picture is so beautiful."

Xiao Gu glanced at her sideways: "Is it strange? Ding Meng is still a regular customer in my shop."

Mi Qing: "..."

She knows Ding Meng, she is also a singer, and she also watched when Ding Meng and his wife abused dogs on a large scale online.

A door on the fifth floor was suddenly opened, and an old man came out from inside. The grandfather saw Mi Qing and Xiao Gu coming down from upstairs, and smiled kindly at them: "The young couple went out for a walk with the dog again."

Mi Qing: "..."

Xiao Gu: "..."

He pursed his lips slightly, and said to Mi Qing in a low voice: "Grandpa Qiu is getting old, sometimes he gets confused."

"Oh..." Mi Qing smiled at Grandpa Qiu and walked past him. Xiao Gu pulled the husky to a stop and chatted with Grandpa Qiu.

Nancheng Garden is just across the road from Xiao Gu's Chuan Chuan Xiang shop, and it only takes a few minutes to walk there. After Mi Qing punched out her card and changed into her work clothes, it was only ten minutes before five o'clock, but there were already early guests sitting and waiting in the lobby.

Mi Qing really doubted whether she would be able to eat so early.

In the evening when Shen Shishi was not there, Mi Qing followed Lin Jingrong. After six o'clock, the passenger flow reached its peak, and Lin Jingrong was too busy to take care of her. Fortunately, apart from counting lots, the Chuan Chuan shop didn't have any special technical tasks. Mi Qing got started quickly, but she still had some psychological barriers when cleaning the table for the first time.

Although Xiao Gu told her to leave work at ten o'clock in the evening, some customers came to eat after half past nine, and they couldn't finish eating in half an hour. They had to wait until the customers finished eating before leaving.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Mi Qing got home, she was so tired that she fell on the bed and didn't even want to take a bath.

After lying down for a while to catch her breath, Mi Qing simply washed herself up and fell back down again. Well, it's okay not to take a shower for a day... She thought about it in a daze, and fell asleep without knowing it.

At half past nine the next morning, she was woken up on time by the alarm clock she had set. When the alarm clock rang persistently for the second time, she reached for the phone with her eyes closed and pressed the alarm clock off.

After the alarm clock was turned off, Mi Qing quickly fell asleep again, and at ten o'clock, the second alarm clock she had prepared rang. After pressing the alarm clock this time, Mi Qing finally got up reluctantly and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When Xiao Gu came back from walking the dog, he found that Mi Qing hadn't left, so he went to check at the door of her bedroom. Mi Qing's bedroom door was not closed, she was sitting at the desk putting on makeup.

Xiao Gu stood outside watching her finish taking the foundation, turned slightly sideways, leaned against the door and said, "There are still ten minutes, and you will be late for work."

Mi Qing was obviously taken aback by his sudden voice, she turned her head to look at Xiao Gu, then turned her head back hastily: "I haven't put on eyeliner yet, it will be ready soon."

Xiao Gu was still leaning against the door, and said unhurriedly: "If you are late for more than half an hour, it will be counted as half a day's absence from work, and if you are more than two hours late, it will be counted as one day's absence from work."

Mi Qing's hand holding the eyeliner paused for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "... Then why don't you go if you're two hours late, since it's counted as absenteeism anyway."

Xiao Gu smiled at her: "One day absent from work without reason, three days' wages will be deducted."

Mi Qing: "..."

Therefore, honest working people will never be able to play against insidious capitalists.

She angrily put down her eyeliner, put on her coat and went out. When passing by Xiao Gu's side, he snorted coldly.

Xiao Gu was not annoyed, he just snorted, looked at her back and said, "Actually, your eyes look big even without makeup."

Mi Qing, who was standing at the door putting on her shoes, chuckled, "Is this a compliment?"

Xiao Gu said: "The eyes of a cow are very big."

Mi Qing: "..."


She slammed the door and ran down quickly.

At 10:29:36, she pressed her fingerprint on the punch card. Mi Qing heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her name displayed on the punch card, she changed her clothes and came out, took out her mobile phone and looked at it.

She was so tired last night that she didn't even check Mr. Rabbit's Weibo, and she didn't know if she missed any news.

Mr. Rabbit really posted a new Weibo after five o'clock in the morning. Although it was only three short words, Mi Qing was stunned on the spot.

"Going back to China^_^[picture]"

The phone in Mi Qing's hand almost fell to the ground, she stared at the accompanying picture, her eyes widened slightly. This photo was taken at C City International Airport, and the Weibo location also shows C City International Airport.

Mi Qing felt her heart pounding, Brother Rabbit has returned to China

She calmed down her breath, which had become a little disordered for a moment, and put the phone back into the bag again.

Brother Rabbit has returned to China, but she has come to City A to work as a waitress in...a string shop.

Thinking that Mi Qing was like a deflated ball, she nervously took out her phone, found her friend Alice's Weibo, and sent a private message: "How is the situation now? Is my father showing signs of softening? "

She stood at the door of the dressing room and waited for a while, but she still didn't get a reply from Alice, so she had to go downstairs to get ready for work.

At this time, it has not officially opened yet, and everyone is doing preparations before opening the store. Lin Jingrong gave Mi Qing a bamboo stick and asked her to practice counting. Mi Qing thought of Shen Shishi's Foshan Shadowless Hand, so she practiced with some enthusiasm.

Next to her was a young boy who was also counting the lottery. He looked young, as if he had not graduated from high school for long. Lin Jingrong was watching from the side, they were not easy to chat, the boy was eager for success, and accidentally scattered the bamboo sticks in his hand all over the floor.

Lin Jingrong commented from the side: "How can a man's hands be so stupid?"

Mi Qing: "..."

Sister Rong Rong, can a little boy really understand what he said

Of course, her own condition was not very good. Although she didn't spread the lottery all over the place, the speed was too slow, and even she couldn't stand it anymore. Lin Jingrong looked at her for a while, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you a little absent-minded?"

Mi Qing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't have any."

In order to prove that she really didn't, she also quickened her hand movements, and then accidentally, like the boy just now, scattered the lottery on the ground.

Mi Qing: "..."

Sister Rongrong wouldn't say, how could a woman's hands be so stupid?

The author has something to say:

Yesterday’s silence was, ex-boyfriend ○| ̄|_