Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 16: English


There is a large lawn behind Nancheng Garden, and many nearby residents like to bring their cats and dogs to play there.

Xiao Gu would rest on the grass after being walked around by the huskies every day.

Mi Qing followed her today, as if to take care of her speed, and the husky also ran slower than usual. When passing by a small fried shop, the boss still shouted loudly: "Xiaoha, come out for a walk again..."

Turning the corner abruptly at this point, the owner of the small fry shop said in disbelief: "Boss Xiao, when did you find such a beautiful girlfriend!"

This feeling of a traitor suddenly appearing in the single dog camp is really uncomfortable.

Xiao Gu glanced at him and said calmly, "She's not my girlfriend."

Mi Qing walked past the shop door with a smile, and said to the owner of the small fry shop, "How could he have such a cute girlfriend like me?"

Small fried shop owner: "..."

It must be his delusion that this husband and wife are easygoing.

But today Xiao Gu walked the dog, and the shop owners along the road all had a consensus—hey, Boss Xiao's girlfriend is really pretty.

Mi Qing followed Xiao Gu to the grass. There weren't too many people coming to walk their pets, so she found an empty seat and sat down on the bench.

The husky was already playing with other dogs on the grass, so Xiao Gu walked over to Mi Qing and sat down, looked at it for a while and then ignored it.

The two sat quietly for a while. The scenery here is not very good, but the air is quite fresh. It is a bit cold to sit like this all the time. Mi Qing rubbed her hands together and said to Consultant Xiao, "Boss Xiao, should you consider giving us overtime wages?"

Xiao Gu looked at her sideways, and said indifferently: "Your current wages are already considered high salaries among waiters."

Mi Qing twitched the corner of her mouth: "...then we are also more tired than others, I didn't get off work until eleven o'clock last night!"

Xiao Gu laughed: "How tired can you be as a rookie? Have you learned how to count lottery?"

Mi Qing felt that she had been insulted, so she snorted dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Xiao, I also went to college anyway, ah yes, my major can be regarded as dealing with money, why don't you transfer me to the cashier?"

Cashiers are much more relaxed than waiters.

Xiao Gu said: "I think the waiter is more suitable for you."

Mi Qing was dissatisfied: "Why!"

"Because it's hard for me to imagine you doing mental work."

Mi Qing: "..."

Hehe, no need to communicate anymore.

She turned her head to look at the husky playing next to it, which was being pressed down by Teddy.

Mi Qing: "..."

She pulled the sleeve of Xiaogu's coat: "Your dog..." was crushed by a teddy.

Xiao Gu looked in the direction of her line of sight, and said with no surprise: "I have never won a fight every day."

Mi Qing asked awkwardly: "Even if the other party is a Teddy?"

"Even if the other party is a Teddy."

Mi Qing: "..."

Dog protein has grown so big.

The two sat on the bench for a while, Xiao Gu saw Mi Qing rubbing her hands from time to time, and sometimes she was still angry, so she stood up and said, "Okay, let's go back."

"Oh." Mi Qing stood up and was stunned as soon as she turned around.

When I came here just now, there were only two or three dogs on this grassland, and they were all small dogs, so she wasn't very afraid. But after sitting for a short time, more than a dozen dogs had gathered on the grass, and she couldn't count them all at once, including several dogs that were bigger than dog eggs...

It was hell.

Mi Qing froze in place and didn't dare to move. Surrounded by so many dogs, every strand of her hair was on guard.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Xiao Gu looked sideways at her.

"Dog..." Mi Qing uttered a word stiffly, her frightened eyes had already fully expressed her emotions.

Xiao Gu quickly came to his senses. He looked around and said to her, "It's okay, these are all pet dogs. Their owners are by their side, and they won't bite anyone."

Mi Qing was still stiff, but her neck moved slightly, as if she was shaking her head.

Xiao Gu said: "This piece of grass is at most six or seven meters, and it will pass quickly."

The corner of Mi Qing's mouth twitched, and three words trembled: "I dare not..."

Xiao Gu: "..."

He looked at her and thought for a while, then suddenly took a step forward and hugged her across the waist.

The moment her feet hung in the air, Mi Qing subconsciously put her arms around Xiao Gu's neck. She looked at him and said in surprise and anger, "what are you doing?"

"Hold you out." After Xiao Gu finished speaking, he turned his head and barked at his dog, "Tian Tian, let's go."

The husky didn't seem to have had enough fun, it barked twice, Xiao Gu gave it a look, and it ran over obediently. Seeing it following, Xiao Gu carried Mi Qing across the grass and walked outside.

People around looked over curiously. This standard princess hug posture caused many women to whisper. Mi Qing was always thin-skinned, but when they called her like that, she was so ashamed that she wanted to bury her head in her chest.

She pushed Xiao Gu twice: "You put me down, they are all watching!"

Xiao Gu said: "Are you sure? What do you think of that German Shepherd?"

Mi Qing: "..."

Let her down now, she will be so scared that she can't move, but it's really embarrassing to look like this. She couldn't bury her head in her chest, so she had to bury her head in Xiao Gu's heart, covering her face as much as possible.

The ambiguous noises of the owners and various dog barks seemed to be getting far away from her gradually, what Mi Qing could hear most clearly was Xiao Gu's heartbeat.

As if by magic, Mi Qing's heart miraculously calmed down. Surrounded by so many dogs, Xiao Gu's heartbeat made her feel very at ease.

She remembered ten years ago, when she was about to be scared and cried by a vicious dog when she was only five years old, Brother Rabbit also suddenly appeared in the same way and drove the big dog away for her.

At that time, it was also the feeling of peace of mind.

"What are you thinking? You look like a nympho." Xiao Gu walked across the road at some point and put Mi Qing down.

Mi Qing sorted out her clothes and hair in embarrassment, coughed and said, "I didn't think about it, I was just a little scared."

Xiao Gu looked her up and down a few times, and raised a playful arc on his brows: "I remember you said that a big brother helped you drive away a dog and became your hero? Then now I'm a superhero? A hero?" He couldn't help chuckling, "Don't think so, I'll die laughing."

Mi Qing: "..."

She clenched her right hand into a fist, took a deep breath, and walked forward quickly. Huskies dragged Xiao Gu, barking and chasing after him.

Mi Qing rested for a day, and went to work the next day full of energy.

At the beginning, the job was daily counting lottery training, and she was still with that little boy. The two practiced for a period of time, and their counting skills improved to varying degrees. Sister Rong Rong finally stopped teasing whether their hands were stupid or not.

During the last respite before opening the store, the little boy shook his sore hand and poured himself a cup of tea: "When I was studying, I also thought about relying on my face to eat like Boss Xiao, but who would have expected that in the end I would have to sell him?" Labor."

Mi Qing was concerned, so she comforted him: "At least you won't starve to death with your hard work, but with your face, you might starve to death in two days."

Little boy: "..."

Thank you so much, I was so comforted.

"Okay, cheer up and start working." Sister Rongrong clapped her hands and organized everyone to start working. So everyone who can't rely on their face began to sell their labor to make a living.

After twelve o'clock, three foreigners with blue eyes and yellow hair came, and Xiao Dezi, who greeted the guests at the door, was suddenly stunned. He recalled all the English words he had learned while studying, and then spit out the one he thought was the most standard pronunciation: "Hello!"

The foreign uncle with blue eyes and yellow hair happily talked to him in English: "Hello, we are here for tourism and just passed by here. The aroma here is so tempting. What is this for sale?"

Xiao Dezi: "..."

He recalled all the words he had learned again, and then said: "Three grams of oil!"

The foreign uncle laughed happily: "You're welcome, we are all curious about what we eat here." He thought for a while and asked in jerky Chinese, "Yes, hot pot?"

Xiao Dezi finally understood the word "hot pot", he shook his head and said, "NONONO, this is not hot pot, it's Chuan Chuan Xiang." He said Chuan Chuan Xiang in a foreigner's tone, with exaggerated mouth shapes.

"Chuanchuan, Xiang?" The foreign uncle imitated him and said once, raising his eyebrows in doubt, "What is this?"

Xiao Dezi organized the language for a long time, and finally shouted into the store: "Mi Qing, do you know English? The one who went to college!"

Just as Mi Qing poured tea for a table of guests, she heard Xiao Dezi howling at the door, so she looked outside. When he saw three foreigners standing there, he hurried over: "Hi, may I help you?"

She spoke English very fluently, which caught Xiao Dezi in a daze. The foreign uncle was very happy to see that someone could finally talk to him: "Oh, yes, we want to have lunch here, I wonder if it is possible?"

Mi Qing said: "Of course, please follow me."

Mi Qing led the three foreigners in, and Lin Jingrong gave her a look, which meant that the three foreign friends would be handed over to her.

Mi Qing was happy because she was dedicated to serving these three foreigners. They were curious about everything, and she only needed to act as a good translator.

Xiao Dezi leaned on the cash register, looked at Mi Qing's table, and said to Lin Jingrong: "Sister Rongrong, I think she might really not like me."

"Pfft." Before Sister Rong Rong could smile, the girl at the cash register laughed out, "Just your halo three grams of oil?"

Xiao Dezi: "..."

He was injured and went to the door to blow the air.

An hour later, the foreign friend left with tears in his eyes but satisfied. There weren't many customers left in the store at this time, everyone closed up, and the work at noon was over.

Xiao Dezi had just gasped for breath lying on the side of the door, when he saw the foreigner who had been away for a while come back.

He quickly stood up straight and pulled himself together.

"I'm sorry, did you see my USB flash drive? It seems to have been dropped in the store just now. It's just so big, it's easy to lose." It was still the foreign uncle just now, and he gestured anxiously to Xiao Dezi.

Xiao Dezi, who couldn't understand what he was talking about, was even more anxious than him. Mi Qing had already gone home to rest, and Shen Shishi would come in at night. Now there was no one in the store who could communicate with him.

"Hello, what's the matter?" A string of fluent and low-pitched English suddenly rang in his ears, and Xiao Dezi looked up in surprise, and it turned out to be Xiao Gu.

When the foreign uncle saw the Chinese man in front of him who could speak English, he said to him: "Hello, my USB flash drive seems to have been dropped in this store."

Consultant Xiao: "What brand, what color?"

The foreign uncle told him the color of the brand and even the capacity.

Xiao Gu nodded and said, "Please wait a moment." He walked into the store and asked the cashier staff, "Did you pick up a USB flash drive?"

The cashier thought for a while and said, "Ah, yes, there is one!" She took out a USB flash drive from the drawer and handed it to Xiao Gu. Xiao Gu took a look and found that the information was consistent with the description of the foreign uncle just now.

He returned the U disk to the foreign uncle, and the uncle said happily: "Oh, that's great, thank you! There are many photos in it, very precious!"

Xiao Gu said: "You're welcome, this thing is small, be careful next time."

Xiao Dezi looked at him with his mouth wide open, and asked after a while: "Boss, why do you speak English so well..."

Xiao Gu glanced at him sideways: "Why do you talk so much?"

Xiao Dezi: "..."

He is curious!