Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 26


Mi Qing walked around the guest room, then excitedly went to visit the bathroom. The bathroom is small, with white tiles on the wall, and a white porcelain bathtub placed in the inner position, and the outside is not blocked by a glass door.

She tested the temperature of the water, put the water in two-thirds, and sat in. The bathtub was just enough for her to straighten her legs, and the hot water at a suitable temperature relieved her fatigue well.

She leaned in the bathtub and sighed comfortably. The bathroom in the master bedroom should be more comfortable after taking a bath, right

No, she didn't want to take a bath in Xiao Gu's master bedroom.

She came out after soaking for more than twenty minutes, just in time to hear someone knock on the door.

There are only her and Xiao Gu here, and the people outside the door are self-evident. She woke up and knocked on the girl's door at night, she must have no good intentions. The flag of vigilance in Mi Qing's heart was planted again: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Gu asked outside the door: "Are you hungry? I cooked some noodles, do you want some?"

Mi Qing touched her stomach subconsciously. Although she ate late at noon, she was on her way at night and only ate some snacks in the car. She was indeed hungry. She thought about it for a while, and went to the mirror to take a look, making sure that her pajamas were tightly wrapped, and then opened the door and went out: "Eat."

Xiao Gu chuckled, turned around and walked downstairs.

Outside the kitchen is the dining room. Xiao Gu cooked a pot of noodles in a small pot, added random dishes in it, and brought out two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks.

Mi Qing picked up a chopstick noodle from the pot, caught it with the bowl in her hand, and sucked the noodle into her mouth.

"There are no ingredients here. I only found these things, so I will eat them." Xiao Gu also picked up his chopsticks and rolled some noodles into a bowl.

Mi Qing was a little unconvinced, is this taste called just eating? Then when she ate instant noodles before, did he think she was eating rubbish

"Do you want an egg?" There was a poached egg in the noodles, Xiao Gu only found such an egg, so he boiled it together.

"Yes." Mi Qing handed the bowl to the side of the small pot, and waited for Xiao Gu to put the egg into her own bowl.

Xiao Gu hooked his lower lip helplessly, picked up the poached egg with excellent chopstick skills, and put it in Mi Qing's bowl: "You eat so much at night, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

Mi Qing swallowed all the noodles in her mouth, and said disdainfully: "I won't gain weight, I have a physique that can't eat fat, hum." I've seen it all, is it a bit wrong to sit with him and eat noodles happily today

She frowned, looked up at Xiao Gu and said, "Don't talk to me, we are still in a cold war."

Xiao Gu put down the chopsticks in his hand, and couldn't help laughing a few times: "If you feel that you are really at a disadvantage, I can also take it off for you to see."

"Puff, cough, cough..." Mi Qing choked on her face, and looked at him angrily and shyly, "Who wants to see you, pervert!"

Xiao Gu stood up, and took two steps back from the table: "I'm serious, it's a matter of courtesy, lest you always feel that I took advantage of you."

Seeing what he said, Mi Qing planned to take off her sweater, and hurriedly followed him to stand up: "Stop it! Stop making excuses and be a hooligan!"

She knew that the weasel called her at night, not as simple as eating noodles!

Xiao Gu laughed twice and leaned against the wall behind him. Mi Qing picked up her own bowl with a flushed face, and rushed upstairs quickly.

Xiao Gu stayed alone in the dining room, lowered his head and smiled for a while, then went back to the table and sat down, finishing the remaining noodles.

Mi Qing finished eating the poached eggs in the guest room before putting down her chopsticks with lingering fear.

It's been a long time to see people's hearts, Xiao Gu's skin is already crumbling.

Probably because she spent too much energy climbing the mountain during the day, Mi Qing slept very deeply that night. When Xiao Gu came to call her, she was still dreaming.

Mi Qing, who was woken up, was in a bad mood. She opened the door aggressively and looked at Xiao Gu outside: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Gu is not Shen Shishi, he was not frightened by her getting up, he looked at her a few times, and smiled at her: "Little princess, you have to go to work today."

Mi Qing: "..."

The little princess doesn't need to go to work!

Mi Qing closed the door sadly and began to change clothes. When she walked down the stairs, Xiao Gu was waiting at the door.

"Let's go." Mi Qing said.

Xiao Gu looked at her and asked, "Have you brought all your things?"

Mi Qing thought for a while: "I should bring them all."

"Should?" Xiao Gu took two steps to the side and said to her, "Come here and get your fingerprints."

Mi Qing froze for a moment, then looked at him suspiciously: "What are you doing fingerprinting for?"

"If you remember that you forgot something here after you go back, do you still want me to come over and open the door for you?"

Mi Qing: "..."

With a hehe, she went up to record a fingerprint.

Seeing that she finished recording, Xiao Gu hooked the corners of his mouth and walked out: "Let's go, you're going to be late."

Mi Qing: "..."

A few minutes later, she sat in Xiao Gu's Land Rover, and the Land Rover was driving towards Xiang Piao Shi Li Chuan Chuan Xiang shop.

Xiao Gu handed Mi Qing a custard bag, which she bought at the supermarket next to Kairui International just now. Mi Qing glanced at the milk yellow bun, but still took it and ate it.

"Oh." Mi Qing who was sitting in the passenger seat sighed.

Xiao Gu said: "Why are you sighing so early in the morning?"

Mi Qing glanced at him: "Because I'm not sleeping early in the morning, but at work." Thinking of going back to work as a waiter again, Mi Qing's heart is particularly heavy.

Xiao Gu hooked his lips, but did not speak.

The car drove for about forty minutes before arriving at Xiao Gu's Chuan Chuan shop. Mi Qing unbuckled her seat belt and asked casually, "Why did you buy the house so far away?"

Xiao Gu said: "If you like it, buy it. I plan to open a branch there."

Mi Qing nodded thoughtfully. There are still many residents there, and there is also a business circle, so it should be pretty good.

After playing for two days and coming to work, everyone seems to be a little confused, and the topic of conversation still revolves around travel.

Mi Qing went up to press her fingerprints, and the attendance machine beeped, showing her name. Mi Qing withdrew her hand and took a step towards the dressing room, then froze in place.

Just now she felt that something was wrong, so it was here!

The door of Xiao Gu's house has a fingerprint lock, and if he asked her to record a fingerprint, wouldn't that be the same as giving her the key to his house

Boss Xiao is really relieved of her, hehe, and he is not afraid that she will vacate his house, hehehe.

Mi Qing didn't think about it any further, she patted her face and went into the locker room to change.

When she came out, she met Lin Jingrong, and Mi Qing greeted her, a little concerned about what happened yesterday: "Sister Rongrong, why didn't you come back in Boss Xiao's car yesterday?"

Lin Jingrong must be the one who has the best relationship with Xiao Gu in the store. Her behavior yesterday was really abnormal. And if it wasn't for her to squeeze the van, Shen Shishi wouldn't follow "Adult Beauty".

Lin Jingrong was silent for a while, then smiled and said to her: "Well, because I was rejected by Boss Xiao yesterday, it's a bit embarrassing to ride in his car."

Mi Qing was stunned. She just asked casually, but she didn't expect to get such an explosive answer. She repeated with some hesitation: "Refused?"

Lin Jingrong nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, he said that he only regards me as an employee and a partner, so in the future, you should stop jokingly calling me the boss lady."

Mi Qing pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I don't know..."

"It's okay." Lin Jingrong patted her on the shoulder, and the smile on her face became meaningful, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Mi Qing: "..."

What oil does she add? Trying to be a foreman

"By the way, I saw you coming in Xiao Gu's car just now, did you two come back last night?" Lin Jingrong asked as she walked down the stairs beside Mi Qing.

Mi Qing's face turned red immediately, as if she was in a hurry to clarify something, she said: "No, it was a bit late yesterday, so he took me to live with Kairui International."

Lin Jingrong paused for a moment, then nodded suddenly: "Oh, I haven't been there yet."

Mi Qing panicked even more, Lin Jingrong looked at her and smiled: "I'm just chatting for a while, why are you blushing so much?"

Mi Qing touched her face subconsciously, and said, "I'm just afraid that you guys might misunderstand, Boss Xiao and I really have nothing to do..."

She said that she had no confidence in the end, because the picture of the kiss and the hot spring pool appeared before her eyes again.

When Xiao Gu returned home, he took his dog back first. The husky hadn't seen him for two days, so he was very excited to be brought home now. Xiao Gu teased the dog for a while, and was about to take it for a walk when he received a call from Gu Xin.

"What's the matter?" Consultant Xiao asked, and Husky followed suit.

"Oh, Xiaotian seems to be very energetic, do you miss me?" Gu Xin heard the husky's cry and asked with a smile.

Xiao Gu said: "Do you need me to give it my phone so that the two of you can chat?"

Gu Xin hooked his lips and said, "Is Shen Shishi going to work today?"

Xiao Gu frowned slightly: "Why are you asking this?"

Gu Xin said: "She is my fan, I plan to come over and give her a surprise."

Xiao Gu: "..."

He touched Husky's head, recalled for a while and said, "She is on duty at noon today."

"OK, I'll bring a friend over, you can arrange a private room for us." He raised his hand to check the time, and said, "We're leaving now."