Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 31


Mi Qing blushed subtly, and then pretended to be cold and said to Xiao Gu: "You are really not ashamed."

There was a slight smile in Xiao Gu's eyes: "Why should I be shy?"

Mi Qing continued to be cold: "Shameless."

Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows: "Is it shameless for me to do this? You have never seen the world."

Mi Qing: "..."

She lowered her head and began to eat silently. The old man said that eating without talking and sleeping without speaking was true.

She stopped talking, but Xiao Gu couldn't stay idle. He looked at the person sitting across from him, and asked, "That Zhou Yiran, apart from saving you as a child, what else is good about him?"

Speaking of Brother Rabbit, Mi Qing has too many things to praise: "He is handsome and gentle, and he is very smart. He often comes first in exams and plays the piano very well. He got the highest score in college. The one who enrolled was favored by many masters, oh yes, he has held several recitals abroad."

Every time she said one more word, Xiao Gu's face became ugly. When she stopped, Xiao Gu said with a serious face, "It's just that you beautified his image in your heart."

In a common saying, Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder, but he does not admit that they are lovers.

When someone said Brother Rabbit was bad, Mi Qing was not happy: "How did I beautify it? Everything I said is true." She wrinkled her nose and whispered, "At least better than you."

Although her voice was very low, Xiao Gu still heard it. The corners of his eyes twitched, and his face was darker than before: "How is he better than me?"

In his heart, Xiao Gu compared Mi Qing’s praise of Zhou Yiran to himself one by one—handsome, he is also very handsome; gentle, he thought he was already very gentle to Mi Qing; smart, he had not been less since he was a child. First in the exam; he plays the piano well, he cooks well...

Before he finished the comparison, Mi Qing said opposite: "At least his education must be higher than yours!" Brother Rabbit completed his studies at the highest music school in France, and he also studied under internationally renowned masters.

Xiao Gu: "..."

Now Xiao Gu didn't want to talk anymore, Mi Qing saw him eating in silence with his head down, thinking that he must be ashamed of himself.

Mi Qing, who felt that she had scored a point, finished the delicious meal in a good mood, and was even more motivated than usual to wash the dishes.

She returned to the room after washing the dishes, Xiao Gu played with the dog in the living room for a while, and then returned to his room to make a phone call.

"I remember that the last salary has been settled with you." Yu Yi's voice came from the receiver. Xiao Gu pondered for a while, and said, "I agreed to the interview that your colleagues from the Propaganda Department said last time."

Yu Yi seemed to be stunned for a moment, and after a while his voice rang through the receiver again: "I'm a little curious about the reason."

Xiao Gu laughed self-deprecatingly: "In case someone always thinks that I haven't graduated from high school."

This time Yu Yi was quiet longer than last time: "Are you in love?"

Xiao Gudao: "You're already married, so I can't have a relationship yet?"

Yu Yi smiled and said: "I will notify the people from the Propaganda Department to contact you."

The people in the Propaganda Department were very efficient. They made an appointment with Xiao Gu for an interview the next day, and even in time for Christmas Eve, they finished writing the interview draft, typesetting it, and posted it on the official website and official Weibo.

Yu's official Weibo is a big V with more than 10 million fans, and Mi Qing is one of them.

In addition to announcing the new products of Yu's stores as soon as possible, the official Weibo will also make food or chef specials on a regular basis. Mi Qing always puts it in the special attention, and will check if there is nothing to do.

As soon as I refreshed it today, I saw the latest official special. In order to echo the Christmas atmosphere, the layout of the special was also made full of Christmas atmosphere. Mi Qing clicked on the big picture with great interest.

After the picture was refreshed, Xiao Gu's face appeared in the most conspicuous position, and the phone in Mi Qing's hand almost hit her face.

She opened her eyes and looked at it carefully, and made a title with a Christmas effect, which read "Christmas special! Yu's special guest chef, Xiao Gu!".

Mi Qing: "..."

She suddenly felt that the world had become a bit mysterious.

She put down her mobile phone, crawled out of bed, and re-logged on Weibo with the computer in her arms. Click on the big picture again, it is still Xiao Gu's familiar handsome face, but it is bigger than before.

Although Xiao Gu runs a restaurant, she has never seen Xiao Gu wearing a chef's robe. Putting on a French chef's gown now... um, did she ever say she's a uniform guy

Mi Qing rubbed her eyes and focused on the report below.

The beginning of the interview is naturally Xiao Gu’s basic information introduction. He graduated from the Finance Department of Imperial University at the age of 20, and then went to France to study Western food. He studied under Master Leslie. He was his only Chinese student and his most proud student. one.

If Xiao Gu continues to develop in the western food industry, he will definitely be as famous as Lin Che, the baking prince who is highly sought after by the media. Unfortunately, he only stayed in France for three years before returning to China... to run a skewer shop.

Mi Qing: "..."

What kind of... a mysterious life is this.

He felt that there must be a reason for Xiao Gu's going abroad and returning to China, but she didn't have time to think about it now, so she continued to read.

The special feature introduced some of Xiao Gu's best dishes, as well as photos of him studying and working at the Samsung Restaurant in France, and two photos of his life at the end.

After Mi Qing read Xiao Gu's special series from beginning to end, she fell into a long silence. She commented a little sluggishly, intending to ease her mood.

"Holy shit, so handsome! I haven't read the content yet!"

"Yu's chef has reached a new level of handsomeness [laughing cry] I am increasingly suspicious that Yu's HR manager is Yan Kong [laughing cry]"

"Graduated from the Finance Department of Imperial University at the age of 20... Now, to be a chef, you must not only have a height of 180, but also an IQ of 180 [smile]"

"A student from the Finance Department of Imperial University is here. I just want to say that our school's curriculum is very abnormal. It's not bad if you don't repeat a grade [doge]"

"Finance is one of the trump cards of Imperial University, as well as science and engineering."

"Wait, why are you discussing finance and engineering under a food special [laughs cry] I just want to ask when this handsome guy will go to Yu's, please pack him as a Christmas present for me :)"

"Why is it a special invitation! Can't you sign him here! As a platinum member of the Yu family, I think I have the right to make this request [doge]"

"Isn't this Boss Xiao!!!!"

The last sentence brought Mi Qing back to reality.

She went back and read Xiao Gu's special series again, and found that although it said that Xiao Gu was running his own Chuan Chuan shop, the name of the Chuan Chuan shop was not announced.

Mi Qing immediately scolded Xiao Gu in her heart, why is he so stupid, what a good promotional opportunity!

Uh, but it is also possible that the Yu family blocked the name of the Chuan Chuan store on purpose, after all, it is not a store under the Yu family.

She read the special series of Xiao Gu for the third time, and finally her eyes stopped on his photo.

Boss Xiao... It turns out that he really has received higher education. And now it seems that he not only speaks English fluently, but also speaks French fluently.

Well, he tied with Brother Rabbit.

But to Mi Qing, Brother Rabbit is different.

Probably every girl has a hero complex. When you were a child, you may have admired Superman or Monkey King, but her hero has always been the rabbit brother who fell from the sky with rabbit ears.

She turned off the computer and lay down on the bed with a mixed mood.

The next day was December 24, Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve.

Although the Chuan Chuan shop is in the old style, there is also a small Christmas tree at the door, and Xiao Dezi also wears a Christmas hat to distribute candy to the customers who enter the shop.

Many people probably saw Yu's report yesterday, and those who didn't see it, learned about it today through the endless admiration of other people.

All day long, not only the shop assistants have been crazy about Boss Xiao, but even the customers who entered the shop kept talking about things related to Boss Xiao. What Mi Qing heard the most was that there was a Ding Meng in this community, and another Xiao Gu, who had such a long face.

Landlords, including those renting houses nearby, feel that the rent can be raised appropriately.

However, the hero they were discussing never appeared, and Mi Qing didn't see him either. The store was very busy today, she didn't even bother to run home during her afternoon break, and fell asleep in the lounge.

At 10:30 in the evening, she didn't finish work. Mi Qing changed back into her down jacket and walked back alone.

The temperature at night was very low, Mi Qing was going to trot back, but just as she walked to the gate of Nancheng Garden, she saw Xiao Gu coming out with a dog.

She looked at him, walked up and asked, "where are you going so late?"

Xiao Gu said, "Pick you up."

Mi Qing was stunned, pick her up? He would be so kind

"Why do I have the feeling of a weasel greeting a chicken." Mi Qing stared at him suspiciously. Xiao Gu couldn't help laughing, looked at her and said, "It's past half past ten, and you haven't come back yet. As the landlord and boss, I have an obligation to come out and take a look."

Mi Qing chuckled: "I didn't see you come out to pick me up when I came back at eleven o'clock before."

Xiao Gu paused, and said, "Call me for working overtime in the future."


"I'll pick you up."

Mi Qing's eyes became more suspicious, she even wanted to go up to test the temperature of his forehead: "Do you have a fever?"

Xiao Gu turned around speechlessly, and pulled Husky back: "Go back."

Mi Qing followed behind him, walking back silently. Xiao Gu made a special trip to pick her up, this is too abnormal, it's almost like chasing her.

Eh, chasing her? Is he chasing her

Mi Qing thought of herself and blushed.

Xiao Gu who was walking in front suddenly stopped, looked back at her and said, "What are you dawdling about? Go faster."

Mi Qing: "..."

With such a bad attitude, you still want to chase someone? hehe.

The husky barked at her twice, and Mi Qing decided to show Goudan a face, took two steps forward, and walked forward side by side with Xiao Gu.

She only reached Xiao Gu's shoulder, and she had to raise her head slightly to see his face. She glanced at him quickly, and then stared at their faint shadows under the street lamp.

The two of them walked back home quietly like this. Mi Qing was going to take a shower and go to sleep, but Xiao Gu stopped her suddenly: "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Mi Qing stopped to look at him.

Xiao Gu picked up a beautifully packaged red apple from the table and handed it to Mi Qing: "This is for you."

Many thoughts flashed through Mi Qing's mind at once, and the last thing she stayed was—

This must be the poisoned apple that the Queen gave to Snow White.