Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 39


As soon as Xiao Gu's kiss landed on Mi Qing's neck, she screamed: "Ah!!"

Xiao Gu's movements suddenly stopped, and he raised his head to look at Mi Qing.

His eyes were not as focused as before, and they were slightly drunk. Mi Qing seemed to be bewitched by those eyes, and instead of pushing him away, she stared at him for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Why don't you take a shower!"

Xiao Gu: "..."

Mi Qing: "..."

God why is she saying this!

Mi Qing herself was about to cry from shame, Xiao Gu let out a low laugh, but walked away from her.

He understood that this was Mi Qing's tactful refusal, and she was planning to sneak away while he was taking a shower.

Although he felt a little regretful, he didn't mean to force her. He glanced at her, turned and walked towards the bathroom: "I'm going to take a shower."

Xiao Gu purposely took an extra ten minutes in the bath to give Mi Qing enough time to leave. He put on his pajamas and wiped his hair with a towel, wondering why he didn't find himself so considerate before

When he came out of the bathroom wiping his hair, Mi Qing was still lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

Xiao Gu: "..."

This is... What accident happened on the way to escape

He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why are you still here?"

Mi Qing said: "I'm thinking about life."

Xiao Gu: "..."

"Oh." He put down the towel, went to the mirror and started drying his hair. When he finished drying his hair, Mi Qing was still staring at the ceiling.

He couldn't help asking: "Is the ceiling so beautiful?"

Mi Qing said: "It's okay."

Xiao Gu's eyebrows twitched again, he unplugged the hair dryer, walked back to the bed, looked at Mi Qing and said, "I gave you two chances to leave, there won't be a third time."

Mi Qing saw him pressing over again, and said hurriedly: "If I don't want to, you dare to mess around!"

Xiao Gu put his hands on her side and looked down at her: "Then why have you stayed here?"

"I said I was thinking about life!"

"Oh, did you come up with the result of your thinking?" He leaned down and gently sniffed at the ends of her hair, and kissed her neck.

Mi Qing felt that her heart softened in this kiss, her face was a little redder than before, and even the roots of her ears were pink. Xiao Gu kissed her all the way along her neck, and reached out to unbutton her shirt.

"Wait!" Mi Qing yelled again.

Xiao Gu frowned slightly, and looked at her sideways: "What's wrong?"

Mi Qing blushed and said, "Will it hurt?"

Xiao Gu paused for a moment, then laughed out loud: "I thought you were conservative."

"I've always been conservative!" Mi Qing looked at him unconvinced as if being insulted, "I'm just today... I seem to be a little drunk."

Xiao Gu pursed his lips, and breathed out his scorching breath on Mi Qing's cheeks: "Then it seems that I have to make good use of today's opportunity."

Mi Qing's face seemed to be ignited by his breath, and her whole body became hot. Xiao Gu kissed her on her pink lips reassuringly, and said in a low voice, "If it hurts, you can bite me."

Mi Qing opened her mouth and bit Xiao Gu's shoulder through her pajamas. Xiao Gu snorted, looked at her and said, "I haven't started yet."

Mi Qing spat out the Mao Mao in her mouth and said, "I'm a little nervous."

Xiao Gu looked at her, gave a low laugh, and took off his shirt.

The visual impact was so intense that Mi Qing's eyes lit up a little. Her eyes swept over the various muscles on Xiao Gu's body, and finally landed on the tattoo on his side waist.

"Ah, tattoos!" Mi Qing wanted to sit up when she got excited, she wanted to see this a long time ago!

Xiao Gu quickly pushed her back, and smiled at her: "We'll see the tattoo later, let's get down to business first."

Mi Qing wanted to say something, but was blocked by Xiao Gu's lips.

After a night of lingering, Xiao Gu had a few more tooth marks on his body.

The curtains in the room were drawn, revealing only a hazy light. Before Mi Qing woke up, Xiao Gu sat beside her, lightly brushed the hair on the side of her face, and looked down at her: "Mi Qing."

His voice was very soft, but the subwoofer-like voice pronounced these two words tenderly.

The person being called didn't respond. Xiao Gu curled his lips, leaned close to her ear and called again: "Little princess, wake up."

Mi Qing finally had some reaction, her curled eyelashes trembled twice, and slowly opened them.

When she opened her eyes and saw Xiao Gu sitting by the window, Mi Qing's mind went blank for a moment. Immediately following what happened last night, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Xiao Gu looked amused, and flicked her hair again and again: "I've done everything, what's there to be shy about?"

Mi Qing looked at him unconvinced, and snorted coldly: "Who is shy? We are all adults, this kind of thing is very common."

Xiao Gu smiled lowly: "It's good not to be shy."

He was about to go down to change clothes, but Mi Qing grabbed him and leaned his head towards him: "Wait, you agreed to show me the tattoo?"

Although he took off his clothes last night, she didn't have the chance to see his tattoo clearly, and she didn't have the strength to look at it after the business was done.

Xiao Gu looked at the head that was close to his waist, and pulled down the waist of his trousers very generously.

Mi Qing studied it from different angles for a while, then looked at Consultant Xiao: "What is your tattoo? A bird?"

Xiao Gu nodded and said: "Well, there is a kind of bird recorded in Shan Hai Jing. It is said that eating its meat can prevent you from sleeping, so in ancient times, rich people would eat this kind of bird for their employees, so that they I can work for myself non-stop." He walked to the bed and rummaged through the closet for clothes, "At that time, Gu Xin dragged me to get a tattoo, I wanted to get this bird tattoo on my body, my staff probably You can also work harder."

Mi Qing: "..."

The poison of capitalists has penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Xiao Gu changed his clothes, saw Mi Qing was still lying on the bed, walked over and looked at her: "Why don't you get up?"

Mi Qing sighed lazily: "If my father finds out, he will definitely beat me to death." She herself didn't expect that she would do such a bold thing, so she could only say that the hormone secretion was too much last night In place, let them covet each other.

Xiao Gu stood by and looked at her with a smile: "Didn't you just say that this kind of thing is very common?"

"But my father doesn't think so." Mi Qing rolled her eyes.

Xiao Gu walked to her side, bent down and kissed the corner of her mouth: "Why don't we go and pull the evidence today, so that he has nothing to say."

Mi Qing chuckled twice: "In this way he will beat you to death."

Xiao Gu smiled and said, "I'm not afraid." Ever since he decided to be with Mi Qing, he had already planned to face her father.

He pulled Mi Qing out of the bed, and handed the clothes into her arms: "Don't think so much, I'll take you down for dinner first."

Mi Qing hugged the clothes and lost her mind for a while, then put the clothes aside: "No, no, I think there are some things we need to clarify first."

Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows, looked at her and said, "Listen carefully."

Mi Qing was very satisfied with his attitude: "You see we are all like this, but you haven't said you love me yet."

Xiao Gu was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. He cleared his throat, looked at Mi Qing with a smile on his face: "I love you."

Mi Qing nodded.

Xiao Gu said: "I'm done talking, it's your turn to speak."

Mi Qing looked at him amusedly: "Hehe, I'm a little princess, why should a little princess love you?"

Xiao Gu: "..."

He hadn't heard of playing like this before.

He fell silent at the side, and the little princess Mi Qing started to announce the second thing: "Since I have put you to sleep, I am the hostess here. I want to change the decoration of this house to pink, oh, And your wool rug, too, for a pink one."

Xiao Gu: "..."

He frowned, and reached out to pull Mi Qing into his arms: "I think we need to have a serious discussion about who slept with whom."

Mi Qing widened her eyes and said, "If I didn't want to sleep with you, do you think you could have succeeded last night!"

Xiao Gu and her looked at each other for a while, then buried his head on her shoulder and smiled lowly.

Mi Qing was inexplicably blushed by his laughter, and twisted his slim waist: "What are you laughing at? I'm going to change clothes, you go out."

Xiao Gu let go of her, and there was some playfulness between his brows: "Is there anything else on you that I haven't seen?"

Mi Qing blushed and said: "When I don't want you to watch it, you can't watch it!"

Xiao Gu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he obediently went out.

Now he understands what his father said a little bit, marrying a little princess home, it seems that it is really not easy to raise.

After Mi Qing changed her clothes and washed, she went downstairs by herself. Xiao Gu was waiting for her in the living room, and when he saw her coming down, he asked her, "Should we eat here, or go back to Nancheng Garden?"

Mi Qing just checked the time, unexpectedly it was half past ten, she walked up to Xiao Gu, and said to him, "Let's go back to Nancheng Garden first, there is no dog food for dog eggs."

Xiao Gu took her hand with a smile, and walked out: "Don't worry, that guy can't find anything else, he is very good at finding food." When he went out, he seemed to remember something, and gave Mi Sunny reported a series of numbers, "This is the password for the door. If you cannot read your fingerprints, just enter the password."

"Oh." Mi Qing memorized the string of numbers in her heart.

It was past eleven o'clock when she and Xiao Gu returned to Nancheng Garden. Xiao Gu took her directly to a small stir-fry shop. Mi Qing realized when she saw the owner of the small fry shop. Isn't this the boss who teased them when she took the dog eggs for a walk

The boss also recognized Mi Qing. After listening to Xiao Gu's order, he elbowed him: "Is this really your girlfriend? If not, I'll chase after you."

Xiao Gu smiled at him and said, "She just became my girlfriend last night."

Boss Xiaochao: "..."

There is something in this sentence.

He smiled and retreated, wanting to add two spoonfuls of salt to Xiao Gu's dishes.

In the end, he still relied on his professional ethics to defend the bottom line. After Mi Qing tasted the dishes on the table, she opened her eyes wide and nodded to Xiao Gu: "Yes! These stir-fried dishes are really delicious!"

Boss Xiaochao was overjoyed, and just about to go up and ask her to reconsider her boyfriend candidate, she heard her continue: "I'm almost catching up with you!"

Boss Xiaochao: "..."

What does it mean to catch up? He is a professional seller of stir-fry, can't he compare to Xiao Gu who sells skewers!

He thought about it for a while, and it was probably because Xiao Gu's fried dishes had an extra seasoning.

is love.

he thought with emotion.