Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 47


After returning home, Mi Qing really slept on the bed for a whole day, and the next day, she was caught by Xiao Gu and sent to help out in the store.

The number of customers surged during the New Year's Day, and the store was too busy, so she had to return to the ranks of waiters.

Xiao Gu also stayed in the store almost the past two days. When Mi Qing was carrying an empty teapot to boil tea, she gave him a hard look: "Didn't you agree to be the proprietress? It turned out to be a waiter girl."

Xiao Gu didn't speak, just smiled and patted her head.

A table of female guests in the hall pulled Shen Shishi who had finished mixing tea, and pouted in Mi Qing's direction: "Hey, what's the relationship between your waiter and Boss Xiao?"

Shen Shishi glanced at them, then turned her head with a smile: "Oh, that's our boss' girlfriend, the quasi-boss wife."

The female guest immediately held her heart, and looked as if she had been greatly shocked: "Boss Xiao has a girlfriend?"

"Yes." Shen Shishi nodded with a smile, "The two of you are very much in love with each other, and they abuse dogs in the shop every day."

Female guest: "..."

She felt this deeply.

This New Year's Day, not only the turnover of the store has increased rapidly, but even the romantic affair between Boss Xiao and the proprietress's wife has also spread rapidly among customers.

After New Year's Day, Mi Qing finally resumed her status as a temporary dog walker, as long as she goes out to walk the dog's eggs every day, she can complete her work.

When Xiao Gu came back from handling the branch work, Mi Qing was playing with the dog in the living room wearing her rabbit ear overalls. Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned around and saw Xiao Gu walking towards the living room, holding a rose in his hand.

Mi Qing blinked quickly and asked, "Which girl gave you flowers?"

Xiao Gu gave a low laugh, and handed her the flowers in his hand: "It's for you, I've worked hard these days."

Mi Qing looked down at the beautifully packaged red roses, then raised her head to look at Xiao Gu: "Borrowing flowers to offer blessings?"

Xiao Gu raised his hand and patted her on the head: "I just bought it at the flower shop."

"Oh." Mi Qing raised her eyebrows lightly, then curled her lips and said, "It's really stingy, people always send flowers in one bouquet, and you only give one."

Xiao Gu smiled and said, "This one is the most beautiful one in the flower shop."

Mi Qing was amused by him: "You said it anyway, I'll go and put the flowers up." She bounced back to the bedroom, found a glass, took some water and inserted the rose into it.

Putting the glass on the window sill, she ran out bouncingly and turned around in front of Xiao Gu: "Do you think I am different today?"

Xiao Gu was playing with huskies, when he heard her question, his movements froze for a moment.


He looked at Mi Qing carefully, and when he was about to open his mouth, Mi Qing said first: "Do you dare to say that I am fat again?"

Xiao Gu couldn't help laughing out loud, and tentatively said: "Eye shadow..."

Mi Qing's eyebrows twitched.

"I didn't change it." Xiao Gu changed his words graciously.

Mi Qing looked at him and continued to wait for his answer.

Xiao Gu's mood at this time is as if he is forced to play to find the difference, or there is no comparison picture. He looked at Mi Qing for a while, not even letting go of the tips of his nails... Nails

Xiao Gu felt that the whole world suddenly became enlightened: "Have you done your nails?"

"Yes!" Mi Qing happily stretched out her hand in front of Xiao Gu, spreading her fingers apart, "Does it look good?"

Her ten nails were dyed light pink, and the fingertips were inlaid with exquisite rhinestones, and there were even small patterns of drawn rabbit ears.

Such delicate work cannot be completed in a few hours, Xiao Gu praised the situation wisely: "Mmm, it's very beautiful."

After receiving his praise, Mi Qing immediately smiled and took his arm: "Yes, I really like it too. I did it for more than two hours this afternoon!" When she said this, her eyes widened again. Look at Xiao Gu, "I don't need to be a waiter now, you won't ask me to cut my nails anymore, will you?"

Xiao Gu smiled and said, "Well, you can keep it if you like."

"Ah, that's great!" Mi Qing raised her hand and admired herself for a while.

Xiao Gu Shunshi kissed her, looked down at her and said, "Come with me to Kairui International tomorrow."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I've pretty much arranged things here. The branch is expected to open in March. We can move to Kairui International for a while so that we don't have to run around."

"Oh..." Mi Qing nodded, although she knew she was going to move out a long time ago, she was really reluctant to leave now.

Seeming to see through her mind, Xiao Gu said again: "Half of the employees from the main store will also go there, and I transferred Shen Shishi to the branch store, which is closer to their school."

Hearing what Xiao Gu said, Mi Qing's sadness was reduced by half, and when she thought of the big bathtub at Kairui International, the remaining half of her sadness was replaced by anticipation: "Then when shall we move?"

"Next week, I'll find a cleaning company to clean it thoroughly. Besides, there are not many daily necessities there. Let's go buy some tomorrow."

"Okay, the four-piece suit and curtains in the master bedroom are going to be pink!"

Xiao Gu: "..."

It turned out that she still remembered this matter.

Xiao Gu made an appointment with the cleaning company to do the cleaning the next morning, and in the afternoon he took Mi Qing to the department store for shopping.

He wanted to look at the kitchen supplies first, but Mi Qing forcibly dragged him to the home textile floor: "Let's look at the bedding first."

Xiao Gu looked at her playfully: "What kind of things are on the bed?"

"It's just..." Mi Qing originally wanted to say a four-piece suit, but before she said it, she realized what Xiao Gu was referring to. She blushed, stopped and looked at Xiao Gu: "Let's go to the washing area first, I'll buy you a pack of decontamination powder."

Xiao Gu lowered his head and laughed.

When the shopping guide saw a customer coming, he greeted him very warmly: "You two, what do you want?"

Mi Qing said: "Four pieces."

The shopping guide nodded clearly, and asked, "Is it for a wedding bed?"

Mi Qing's face turned red again when she was asked: "Bad, almost."

Xiao Gu looked at her and laughed again. The shopping guide lady didn't feel any embarrassment, and led them to look at the products: "This set of mandarin ducks has been sold very well, the fabric is pure cotton, the jacquard embroidery on it is exquisite, and the lace decoration adds a touch of sweetness. .”

Mi Qing was a little disgusted and said: "It's too red, is there any pink one?"

"Yes." The shopping guide led them to another one, "This series of fairy tales, the prince and princess embroidered on it, symbolize the couple living together happily, and the lace ruffles on the pillowcase are also full of princess atmosphere. .”

Mi Qing was very satisfied, she touched the fabric and found it was very soft and comfortable: "This is not bad, let's take this."

Xiao Gu looked at the pink color and nodded silently.

After buying a four-piece set, Mi Qing bought another curtain of the same color, and then pushed the cart and Xiao Gu to the kitchen supplies.

When choosing tableware, Mi Qing still used all the pink ones. Xiao Gu was worried that the house would be completely occupied by pink, so he racked his brains to criticize: "Look at this bowl, there is a black spot here."

Mi Qing looked at the place he pointed, and there was indeed an inconspicuous little black spot. The shopping guide saw it and said quickly: "It doesn't affect it, it will be fine in a few days."

Xiao Gu sneered and said, "Don't talk like you have a cold."

Shopping guide: "..."

Mi Qing also hated the black spot on the bowl in her hand, so she put it back and picked another... pink one.

Xiao Gu: "..."

This shopping is full of rewards, but most of the pink makes Xiao Gu a little bit unbearable to look directly at.

It was almost five o'clock when we got home, Xiao Gu put down his things and started cooking. While helping her, Mi Qing sneaked a peek at the entertainment stars on TV.

""God's Forbidden Zone 4" is about to be released!" Seeing Mo Zhen's face appearing on the TV screen, Mi Qing shouted excitedly, "Mo Tianwang is so handsome!"

Xiao Gu glanced in the direction of the living room, put down the knife in his hand: "Mo Zhen is handsome?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Mi Qing couldn't bear to look away from the screen, "Let's watch the movie together after it's released!"

Xiao Gu pressed her shoulders and forcibly turned her to his direction: "Who is more handsome, Mo Zhen or I?"

Mi Qing said: "Mo Zhen is my male god!"

"Oh." Xiao Gu took off the apron on his body, "Then you find your male god to cook for you."

Mi Qing: "..."

She approached Xiao Gu flatteringly, took his arm and said, "Don't be like this, you two have different paths, and you are both handsome in their own way."

Xiao Gu folded his arms in front of his chest, leaned on the glazed platform and looked at her with a half-smile: "Tell me, who is the most handsome?"

Mi Qing: "..."

"Why are you so naive, like a little girl!" Mi Qing snorted at him dissatisfied.

Xiao Gu remained indifferent, as if he had to wait for an answer.

Mi Qing was thinking about her dinner, and said compromisingly, "It's also because I'm past the age of crazy star chasing. When I was studying..." She suddenly turned up her voice, and said to Xiao every word. Gu Dao, "You are the most handsome! Let's go!"

Xiao Gu suddenly laughed, and the raised lip line was so beautiful that it was a bit confusing.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed her soft hair: "Good boy."

Mi Qing: "..."

She pushed Xiao Gu's hand away and turned her face away.

His cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

After Xiao Gu finished the dinner, Mi Qing helped serve the dishes. In addition to three dishes and one soup, Xiao Gu also made a fruit platter with the fruits he just bought today.

Fruit platters are not unusual, but the one Xiao Gu made surprised Mi Qing at first glance.

Because he peeled out a pair of rabbit ears from apples and cherry tomatoes.

"Oh my god, this one is so cute!" Mi Qing picked up a cherry tomato and poked it with her fingers on its rabbit ears, "How did you make this?"

Xiao Gudao: "Compared to the complicated carvings in Chinese food, a pair of rabbit ears is considered entry-level."

"Xiao Gu, you are so amazing!" Mi Qing couldn't bear to eat the rabbit-eared apples and rabbit-eared virgin fruits so much.

Xiao Gu smiled at her and said, "I prefer to hear you praise me for being the most handsome."

Mi Qing chuckled, put the cherry tomatoes back on the plate, and wrapped her arms around his waist: "Do you still remember that when I first came to City A, my money was stolen and I couldn't find a job?" , At that time, I said that I haven't encountered a good thing here." When she said this, the corners of her mouth raised, "But it's not like that, the best thing I encountered in City A was you."