Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 50


Mi Qing's voice fell in the living room, every word resounded loudly.

Mi's father and Mi's mother seemed unable to react for a while, and they both froze. Even Aunt Ming, who came over with the dessert, froze in place.

Mi Qing was talking nonsense just now, but seeing the effect now, she feels pretty good.

The corner of Mi's mother's mouth moved slightly, but she didn't make any sound after all, but Mi's father opened his mouth and roared two words: "Nonsense!"

Mother Mi finally got over her breath, stepped forward and took Mi Qing's hand and said, "Qingqing, do you know what you're talking about?"

Mi Qing pursed her lips, since she had said everything, she had to pretend to the end! She held her mother's hand instead, looked at her and said, "Mom, he took care of me during the time I was in city A. He treated me very well, and we got together naturally."

"Together?" Papa Mi sneered angrily, "You have no shame in getting pregnant before marriage!"

Mi Qing bit her lip, just now she was shameless, but now she is shameless. She let go of the corner of her mouth and decided to take the blame, but she backed it: "Anyway, the Song family will definitely not want me anymore. Xiao Gu and I were planning to get married, why not hold the wedding now."

"You plan to get married, do I agree?!" Papa Mi was so angry that his lips trembled a little, he walked up and wanted to slap Mi Qing, but was stopped by Mama Mi again.

Papa Mi took a deep breath, pulled his hand back, looked at Mi Qing and said, "Okay, you said you were pregnant, right? I'll call your Aunt Xu right now and ask her to make an appointment as soon as possible to take you for a checkup. "

Mi Qing circled around for a while, seeing that her father really started dialing with the mobile phone, she quickly stopped him: "Wait, who is Aunt Xu?"

Papa Mi snorted and said, "Being out for more than two months, not only is she pregnant, but also lost her memory?"

Mi Qing: "..."

Her dad must have watched more idol dramas than she does.

"Xu Yuan, director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the city hospital."

As Papa Mi said, the other end of the phone was already connected, Mi Qing hurriedly interrupted: "No, I'm just pregnant, maybe I can't find out yet."

Papa Mi glared at her, and said with a sneer, "Why, are you more sensitive than the hospital's instruments? You can feel it if the hospital can't detect it?"

"I... this is the mother's nature!"

Papa Mi snorted and ignored her. He made an appointment with Xu Yuan and hung up the phone: "I can take you there tomorrow morning. Today you stay at home and don't go anywhere!"

Papa Mi made a final decision, and Mi Qing was sent back to her room. Aunt Ming delivered sweethearts and tea to her room, and also withdrew.

Mi Qing stayed alone in the room and looked around the room for a while.

This room is still exactly the same as when she left, not even a speck of dust, but she always feels that something is different.

She went to the bed and lay down, playing with the mobile phone that had just been returned to her. The phone card has been removed, and there is no WiFi in the house, so what's the use of her mobile phone? The computer can also play poker!


She turned over a little irritably, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

She came back like this, Xiao Gu will definitely be worried, and I don't know if he will come to find him. There is also the dog egg, if it is thrown outside like this, will it get lost? I heard that many stray dogs were caught, slaughtered and eaten...

Mi Qing shivered and shook her head vigorously.

She lay on the bed like a dead fish for a while, then got up and ate something. She can go out tomorrow, maybe she can find a chance to escape

Aunt Ming also brought her dinner upstairs. Mi Qing held her hand with a smile and called out sweetly: "Aunt Ming."

Aunt Ming trembled, and quickly withdrew her hand: "Miss, if you need anything, just tell me, don't talk like that."

Mi Qing still looked at her, and laughed twice: "Aunt Ming, I know in my heart that you have always loved me very much."

Aunt Ming heard what she said, and expressed her position without delay: "Miss, the master is still angry because of you running away, I can't help you escape."

Mi Qing smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I didn't want to run away." She blinked and asked, "I just want to ask, has anyone come to see me this afternoon?"

Aunt Ming hesitated for a moment, but said, "Yes."

Mi Qing's eyes lit up: "Who is it?"

"Young master of the Zhou family, I called to ask about your news."

"Oh, it's him." Mi Qing's eyes dimmed again. Aunt Ming thought for a while, then looked at her and said, "Miss, don't blame me for talking too much, is everything you said to Mrs. Master today true? Are you really...

She glanced at Mi Qing's belly, and the words behind her were self-evident.

Mi Qing touched her belly subconsciously, and said with a smile, "Of course it's true."

Xiao Gu said before that she had gained weight, which seemed to be true, and it felt like there was flesh on her stomach.

Mi Qing felt sad for a while.

Aunt Ming opened her mouth, said nothing, and left Mi Qing's room.

After Mi Qing finished her dinner, she was depressed again for a while, and vaguely heard a commotion downstairs. She went to the door and put her ear on the door to listen for a while, and vaguely heard Holly's voice.

Her eyes lit up, and her eyes seemed to be shining.

It was Holly who helped her escape last time, maybe she can do the same thing again this time!

She couldn't wait to open the door, and she saw Holly standing downstairs.

"Holly!" she called out affectionately, and was about to run downstairs to give her a big hug, and her father walked down from the study.

Mi Qing's joyful pace suddenly stopped, Papa Mi raised her head and glanced at her, and walked towards the living room: "Holi, Mi Qing is very unwell today, so I can't play with you anymore, come find her some other day."

When he said that, Huo Li was too embarrassed to stay cheeky. She looked up at Mi Qing, smiled and said to Papa Mi: "Since that's the case, I won't bother you. See you, Uncle Mi."

Mi Qing watched her go out, and Aunt Ming closed the door behind her.

Mi Qing held her breath in her heart, looked at her father and asked, "Why am I not feeling well?"

Papa Mi sneered: "You are pregnant, how can your body be comfortable?"

Mi Qing: "..."

She pursed her lips and went back to her room.

If it doesn't work today, and tomorrow, she doesn't believe that she still can't find a chance to escape tomorrow.

In the evening, she took a bath early, then nestled under the quilt to brew sleepiness, but after brewing for more than half an hour, she was still not sleepy at all.

She took the phone on the dresser and pressed the play button on an audio file.

"Wake up, little princess."

Xiao Gu's deep and magnetic voice came over, and Mi Qing repeated the single several times, feeling even more unable to fall asleep.

Why didn't I record "Good night, little princess" at that time!

Xiao Gu's voice was still playing over and over again, and Mi Qing's eyes turned red when she heard it.

She was still leaning against Xiao Gu's arms last night. He had a refreshing smell, which smelled very comfortable, as well as his burning chest and his heartbeat that reassured her.

Mi Qing rubbed her eyes and turned off the phone.

She didn't sleep well all night. When Aunt Ming came to knock on her door in the morning, she threw the pillow she was holding in her arms towards the door a little annoyed: "What's the matter?"

Aunt Ming said outside the door: "Miss, I made an appointment with the hospital for an examination this morning, and it's almost time to get up."

One sentence brought Mi Qing back to reality, she looked around the room, rubbed her messy hair and sat up: "Got it."

After she finished washing, she picked out a plush coat with rabbit ears in the closet—it was the one that the customer said she couldn't afford in the string shop. After dressing up, she came down from upstairs and sat in the dining room to have breakfast.

Both Mi's father and Mi's mother were there, seeing her coming down, Mi's father said: "Today, your mother and I will accompany you to the hospital."

Mi Qing, who was brushing chestnut sauce on the toast, gave a slight pause, and raised her head to show a warm smile to her father: "Dad, you are so busy, I can just go with my mother."

Papa Mi said: "It's okay, what is bigger than your pregnancy? I have already explained the company's affairs, so you don't have to worry about it."

Mi Qing: "..."

Sure enough, after having a bad record, they will be watched closely. It seems that it is not so easy to take the opportunity to escape today.

Mi Qing took a bite of the toast in her hand, and could only settle for the next best thing.

Even if you can't escape, at least you have to contact Xiao Gu and let him come to you.

After breakfast, Mi's father and Mi's mother sent Mi Qing to the car. After getting in the car, they sat on both sides of her. Mi Qing suddenly thought of the same thing when the police escorted the prisoner on TV.

City C is not as big as City A, and it doesn't take much time to drive from Mi Zhai to the city hospital. After getting off the car, Mi's father and Mi's mother still kept her under wraps, and Mi Qing found out, and the two men in black who escorted her back yesterday also followed. It seemed that her chance of escaping was very slim.

Because she had already made an appointment, she didn't register and was sent directly to Aunt Xu's consulting room.

There were only Mi Qing and Dr. Xu in the small room. Dr. Xu smiled at her and said, "I heard from your father that you are pregnant. Is it true?"

To deceive the enemy, you must first deceive yourself, so Mi Qing firmly said: "Really."

Dr. Xu smiled: "Whether it's true or not, we'll know when the test results come out."

The tip of Mi Qing's tongue lightly brushed the corner of her lips, looked at her and asked tentatively: "Could it be that she is not pregnant for a long time, and can't be detected?"

Dr. Xu said: "If you can't find out even the examination, how do you know you are pregnant?"

"Maternal instinct?"

Doctor Xu chuckled, lowered his head and gave her a test sheet: "I'll go for a blood test later."

When she heard that blood was about to be drawn, Mi Qing frowned. She held Dr. Xu's writing hand and looked at her beggingly: "Aunt Xu, you have loved me the most since I was a child. Are people being torn apart in a living way?"

Doctor Xu glanced up at her and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Mi Qing looked at her with wide eyes: "Can this result be faked?"

Dr. Xu blinked quickly, and asked, "Do you want me to help you lie to your parents?"

"No, no, don't lie, it's a white lie. And even if you don't have a child now, you can have it soon!"

Doctor Xu laughed again, and then wrote her a list: "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this."

Mi Qing pursed her lips, and held her hand again: "Then can you lend me your mobile phone?"

Dr. Xu stopped writing again and looked at her without speaking.

Mi Qing explained: "My mobile phone was shut down, but I suddenly remembered that I made an appointment with a friend today to contact her. If she can't find me, she will definitely be worried."

Dr. Xu was silent for a while, then took out the mobile phone from his white coat and handed it to her.

"Thank you!" Mi Qing was very excited. She had already memorized Xiao Gu's phone number. She pressed the string of numbers on the keyboard and waited quietly for the call to be connected.

However, a mechanical female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sorry, the user you dialed has turned off the phone."

Mi Qing: "..."

What the hell does Xiao Gu mean! Is it because I sincerely want to get rid of her by shutting down the phone at this time!

She hung up the phone and dialed again without giving up, still with the same voice and the same sentence—sorry, the user you dialed has turned off the phone.

Mi Qing clasped the phone on the table with a snap.

Dr. Xu glanced at the phone, put it back in the bag, and said to Mi Qing: "It's really not that I won't help you."

Mi Qing sat on the seat angrily, feeling like giving Xiao Gu a good beating.

After doing a series of checks with this test sheet, it was a long wait for the results. She thought her father would be impatient, but she didn't know what he ate today, but his patience turned out to be very good.

When Dr. Xu came out with the test results, all three of them stood up nervously.

"How is it?" Father Mi asked Dr. Xu.

Dr. Xu glanced at Mi Qing, and said to Father Mi: "It is indeed pregnant."

Mi Qing was stunned for a moment, and almost rushed forward to blow Dr. Xu a kiss.

Although she rejected him mercilessly just now, she still stood by her side in the end!

She is a friend of justice!

Mi Qing was so happy that her tail almost went up to the sky. Father Mi's complexion was not very good. He clenched his fists angrily, looked at Mi Qing and cursed: "I didn't expect you to do such a thing! If it gets out, where else will I put my old face!"

Mi Qing pursed her lips, and said to him: "I told you that Xiao Gu and I planned to get married in the first place, so it's not unusual to have children, right?"

"You!" Mi's father turned red with anger, he took a deep breath, and shouted at Mi Qing, "You think you can blackmail me if you have a child? Go and kill the child!"

"You want to kill my child?"

Xiao Gu's voice came over suddenly, Mi Qing froze for a moment, and followed the voice.

Xiao Gu was walking against the light from the opposite side.

Suits and leather shoes.