Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 60: Extra episode one (1)


Mi Qing's due date is October, and the day Xiao Baozi came to this world was a sunny and crisp autumn day.

Xiao Gu was at the company that day. It was the National Day holiday and everyone was on vacation, but there was an impromptu meeting in the company, so he had to rush there early.

Fortunately, Auntie Ming came to City A to help take care of Mi Qing in September, otherwise he wouldn't be worried about leaving her at home alone.

Mi Qing was tortured by the little bun in her stomach for ten months, and she just hoped that he would land soon...

Sometimes wishes come true so unexpectedly.

In the morning she felt a pain in her stomach, but now the pain is more frequent. It was only now that she realized that this was different from the pain of the past, so she hurriedly called Aunt Ming. Xiao Gu said before that she should go to the hospital as soon as the due date arrives, but how can the hospital be more comfortable than home, and now that the hospital is hard to find a bed, she doesn't want to occupy the bed at all.

Xiao Gu thought that Auntie Ming would stay with her all day anyway, so he didn't force her. Mi Qing felt very lucky at that time, but now she just wanted to fly to the hospital with her wings.

Fortunately, Aunt Ming has already prepared the things needed for hospitalization, so she won't be in a hurry right now. She called the driver, helped Mi Qing into the car with her waiting bag, and then called Xiao Gu.

Xiao Gu is still having a meeting in the conference room at the moment. In this kind of occasion, everyone will consciously turn off their mobile phones and mute them no matter how bad they are, but Xiao Gu's mobile phone rang so abruptly.

He specially set this ringtone for Mi Qing, just because he was worried that something unexpected happened to her and he missed her call.

At this time, when the phone rang, Xiao Gu's heart skipped a beat.

He interrupted the product manager who was demonstrating the PPT to everyone on the stage, and quickly walked out of the meeting room with his mobile phone.

"Mi Qing, what's the matter?" His voice was very soft, and his deliberately low breath revealed an imperceptible tension.

"Miss seems to be about to give birth, and I'm accompanying her to the hospital now."

Aunt Ming spoke quickly, as if fighting on a battlefield, Xiao Gu was taken aback for a moment, then his pupils shrank slightly: "I'll go to the hospital right away."

He hung up the phone and started to walk towards the elevator. Fortunately, his assistant came out in time and stopped the figure who was walking away: "Mr. Xiao, what happened?"

Xiao Gu paused, turned around and looked at him and said, "I'm rushing to the hospital, the meeting will be rescheduled."

When Xiao Gu said this, his face was terribly gloomy, and the assistant thought for a moment that he had been diagnosed with some new type of terminal illness.

It wasn't until Xiao Gu's tall and straight figure disappeared in the elevator for a long time that he suddenly realized that Miss Mi was about to give birth

He hurried back to the meeting room and shared the good news with everyone.

Many of the managers here are experienced people. The wife is going to have a baby, which is definitely a major event in life, so even if everyone made a waste of a trip today, they all expressed their understanding.

On the other side, Xiao Gu drove the car very fast all the way, like the thirteen youngsters in the third ring of City A.

It took him less than 20 minutes to travel from the company to the Central Hospital—almost before Mi Qing arrived.

Because Kerry International is close to the central hospital, Mi Qing also built the card here. When Xiao Gu arrived, Mi Qing was pushed into the waiting room. The pain in her stomach became worse in the waiting room. When the nurse came to check again, she said that she could enter the delivery room.

Xiao Gu had been waiting outside with Aunt Ming, but now that he heard that Mi Qing had entered the delivery room, he couldn't sit still anymore. He wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the nurse.

Aunt Ming comforted him, saying that if all goes well, the baby will be born in an hour or even tens of minutes. Now that medicine is so advanced, it will definitely be fine.

But Xiao Gu is still worried. Mi Qing was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has never experienced any hardships. It may be okay for you to ask other mothers to fight alone in the delivery room. Xiao Gu is a bit afraid to think about the same with a little princess.

Mi Qing has always relied on him, and the person who bought a lucky bag and asked him to accompany her, now being thrown alone in the delivery room, must be very scared.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, and finally he went to the hospital to apply for accompanying delivery. The doctor wanted to persuade him at first, saying that having a husband with him would not be conducive to childbirth, because the mother would have a dependent mentality, but Xiao Gu was firm, and the hospital finally agreed.

There was only Mi Qing in the delivery room, so there was no inconvenience. When Xiao Gu put on the full set of equipment and walked in, Mi Qing almost didn't recognize her.

In fact, she was already in so much pain that her brain was starved of oxygen.

At the beginning, she was the one who said that she wanted to have a normal delivery, because she couldn't even think about such a terrible thing as having a knife in the stomach. But at this moment, she was in so much pain that she lost all temper, and just wanted to stop this torture quickly. She once begged the doctor on the hospital bed to change her to a caesarean section, but was refused.

This doctor is also a friend of Mi’s father—I don’t know why her father has so many doctor friends. In short, if she changed to another doctor, she might agree, but this doctor still insisted on her, saying that she would be fine if she survived. .

But she felt that she couldn't make it through!

Just at this time, she saw Xiao Gu. He only showed a pair of eyes, Mi Qing had never seen such complicated eyes from him.

There is urgency, worry, distress, and fear.

This look instantly touched Mi Qing's heart.

She watched him come over and hold her hand, and she thought that as long as she begged Xiao Gu, he would definitely agree to let her have a caesarean section, so that he would not be as hard-hearted as the doctor, and could not bear to see herself in such pain.

But when the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak. In the end, she just smiled at Xiao Gu, without any extra strength.

But my heart is obviously much more at ease than before.

She thought maybe Xiao Gu was her spinach.

Xiao Gu could imagine how much Mi Qing was in pain. The knuckles of her hand holding her arm were all white. In just a moment, she could hold his hand with red marks, but this little pain was not as much as one ten-millionth of hers.

He pursed his lips tightly, wiped her tears, and looked up at the doctor: "Can she have a caesarean section?"

The doctor said: "The cesarean section is easy now, but recovery is very slow afterwards. My suggestion is, if you can persist, you will persist."

Xiao Gu fell silent for a while, Mi Qing just opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, when a burst of unprecedented pain hit her, she wished she could die on the spot.

"Baby's head is coming out!"

I don't know who yelled, but this yell saved Mi Qing. It was like a person who had walked for three days and three nights in the extremely dry desert and finally saw the oasis.

The medical staff cheered her on and asked her to cooperate with her efforts. The subsequent process was surprisingly smooth, and the baby was born within a few minutes.

The doctor used scissors to cut off the connection between the baby and the mother, and the pain that was killing him just now was relieved a lot.

Mi Qing breathed a sigh of relief. She worked hard to exercise her body during this period, and it really wasn't in vain...

When the doctor reported the baby's gender and weight, she didn't listen at all, but she heard what Xiao Gu said to her very clearly.

He said, little princess, everything is over, and we will never have children again.

It was only after Mi Qing asked Xiao Gu that she had given birth to a baby boy. Xiao Gu said, this is all right, when the child grows up, he can also help her manage the company, as long as she can be the queen mother at ease.

But Mi Qing was still a little worried, what would she do if the child grew up and wanted to play music like Gu Xin? Do you want another one

Xiao Gu just smiled at this: "I'm not as good-tempered as my little uncle and aunt."

Mi Qing: "..."

The baby has a future career, but no name yet, which is a big problem.

Xiao Gu said that he had already thought about it, so he called him Xiao Qing. Mi Qing was silent for a long time after hearing this name, she couldn't believe it was a name thought up by a top student of Imperial Capital University.

"Your Xiao and my Qing? You are too lazy, didn't it take two seconds to choose this name?" Mi Qing almost wanted to throw him a blank stare.

Xiao Gu explained it convincingly: "This sunny day is not only your sunny day, but also because the day he was born was a sunny day."

Mi Qing: "..."

So now she wants to thank him for not naming his child "National Day"

Xiao Guoqing...

Mi Qing choked on her own saliva, and retorted: "No, the word Qing is more feminine, think again."

Xiao Gu couldn't think of a clue for a while, but Mama Mi took a bunch of names from a fortune teller and asked Mi Qing to choose them.

Either Mi Qing thinks it is too ordinary, or thinks that too many people have used it, and none of them have taken a fancy to it.

In the end, Papa Mi threw her a Xinhua dictionary and asked her to dig it out while she was recovering.

Although Mi Qing thinks this is too casual, but... it feels quite feasible.

She started flipping through the dictionary, and used whatever word she saw first on the page she turned to.

Hua, Tong, Craftsman, Xue...

It's not as good as the words her mother asked for orz

After looking through the dictionary all morning but not finding a single one, Mi Qing impatiently gave the dictionary to Xiao Gu: "Come on, you're lucky."

Xiao Gu's good luck is not only reflected in his frequent wins in mahjong, but also in scratching lottery tickets when he goes out to eat. He can always win the lottery—the minimum is five yuan!

Mi Qing felt that in his previous life, he either became an eminent monk or saved the universe. She wanted him to buy lottery tickets, but Xiao Gu flatly refused.

"If I keep winning the first prize, it won't be that some strange organization will arrest me for research."

—He said so.

Mi Qing could only give him a hehe.

Now Xiao Gu looked at the dictionary Mi Qing handed over, smiled and fed her the apple in his hand before flipping through it casually.

"Mo." He said.

Mi Qing froze for a moment, then asked: "Which mo, the silent one?"

"The street in the fields."

"Xiao Mo." Mi Qing repeated it in a murmur, and thought for a while, "This name is not bad, it is enough to pretend to be a fork, and it looks like a domineering president!"

Xiao Gu smiled and said: "But the meaning is not very good."

"Not at all!" Mi Qing seemed to have decided on the name, a little bit determined, "Anyway, I like it, if you don't like it, think about it yourself, I think about it."

Xiao Gu said: "Didn't I mention Xiao Qing from the beginning?"

Mi Qing: "..."

Xiao Mo sounds a hundred times better than Xiao Qing! Isn't it popular among parents nowadays to give their children middle school names, all of them can be directly used as the protagonists in romance novels.

Mi Qing has no objection if she likes Xiao Gu, it depends on whether his grandparents agree or not.

Just as he was thinking, his phone vibrated on the table.

Mi Qing was sitting by the bed, and saw the text message on the screen, the ticket text message.

"You ran three red lights and were speeding?!"

Xiao Gu: "..."

Thirteen young men from the third ring, how could they receive a ticket

Extra episode two

The Gu family's branch in City A is under Xiao Gu's hands. After several years of development, it has gradually gained a firm foothold, and the company's performance is also improving year by year.

Although Xiao Gu, the general manager, still has a lot of things to do now, he is much more relaxed than when the company was established.

At least he seldom works overtime now and has more time to spend with his wife and son.

Of course, there are huskies too.

As soon as the hour hand pointed to six, Xiao Gu turned off the computer in the office and walked out of the general manager's office.

Mi Qing is no longer working in his office, but sitting with other colleagues.

Her office area was on the same floor as Xiao Gu's. When Xiao Gu left the office, he walked straight towards Mi Qing.

Mi Qing was writing an email, but she didn't notice Xiao Gu approaching.

After being trained by Xiao Gu for so long, she has basically gotten acquainted with the company's business, and now Xiao Gu will let her participate in some of the company's relatively large projects. Her work is obviously much more complicated than when she was a twenty-four-hour personal secretary. Fortunately, she stayed abroad for several years when she was studying, and there was no obstacle in communicating with foreign customers.

Sometimes when a project is completed well, Mi Qing will feel self-inflated, thinking that she can go back to take over her father's company in a minute.

At this time, Xiao Gu would throw her a job at hand, easily crushing her self-confidence.

Seeing that Mi Qing was still concentrating on writing emails, Xiao Gu raised his hand and tapped on her desktop lightly: "I'm off work, I'm going to pick up my son from school."

"Oh, oh!" Mi Qing just glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. It was already six o'clock, and the kindergarten had been out of school for a while.

Her nails were exquisitely done, and she only used her fingertips to type a series of letters lightly and quickly on the keyboard, and took the time to say to Xiao Gu: "I'll finish writing it soon, this email must be answered today."

Xiao Gu didn't urge her anymore, anyway, it doesn't matter to him if his son plays a little longer in the kindergarten.

Mi Qing sent the email within three minutes, and quickly pressed the switch off button: "Okay, let's go, Zhouzhou should wait."

Zhouzhou is Xiao Mo's nickname. Originally, Mi Qing wanted to call him Momo directly to save trouble, but it was a pity that it had the same name as a software. So Papa Mi waved his hand and gave the name in his own handwriting, Zhou Zhou.

As for why the word "boat" is used...of course it is also a dictionary. :)

Mi Qing picked up the windbreaker that was draped behind the seat and put it on, and walked sideways from the desk. Xiao Gu took her hand and walked out.

As soon as they left, the office area exploded.

"Oh my god, I'm so shown every day, I really want to quit my job!"

"I typed up my resignation letter last time, and when I saw Mr. Xiao's face, I swallowed it whole."

"Mr. Xiao doesn't know that almost all the employees on this floor are single dogs? The curse floor is really not meant to scare him."

"Huh? Why is Tingting gone?"

"I've been knocked down by this cruel world."


Xiao Gu and Mi Qing were completely unaware of the misery of the colleagues in the office area, and were happily planning what to eat next: "Today is Friday, let's take Zhouzhou to eat something delicious!"

Xiao Gu smiled softly: "You mean that the ones I usually make are not tasty?"

Mi Qing: "..."

"Of course not, I mean, don't cook so hard today, Friday!" Mi Qing hurriedly flattered the chef at home.

Xiao Gu Yuguang glanced at her with a smile, but said nothing.

Kindergarten usually ends at 5:30, but today is Friday, so it was half an hour earlier. When they rushed to the kindergarten, the children had almost left.

The elders of the two families have said to them before that both adults have to go to work, so they hire a nanny to pick up and drop off Xiao Mo every day, so that he doesn't have to wait in the kindergarten all the time. But Mi Qing was worried about the nanny who was hired at random, and after she saw several news about nanny abusing children, she flatly refused.

Fortunately, Xiao Mo is very sensible, even though his parents pick him up after six o'clock every day, he never once complained.

In fact, many parents of children in the kindergarten came after six o'clock. Usually, when Xiao Gu and Mi Qing arrived, there were still more than half of the children left in the kindergarten.

Today was Friday, and many parents came to pick up their children early. Mi Qing used to leave early on Fridays, but today she had a lot of work, so she delayed until six o'clock.

The children who were not picked up were all gathered in a classroom by the teacher. When Mi Qing walked to the door of the classroom, she called out distressedly: "Zhouzhou, mom is here to pick you up."

Xiao Mo's little hand holding the paintbrush stopped, he raised his head and glanced at his mother, then ran over cheerfully: "Mom."

Mi Qing picked him up, and he kissed Mi Qing on the face, while Xiao Gu stood aside and apologized to the teacher: "Sorry, I came to pick up the child so late."

"It's okay, it's okay." The teacher sniffed, fearing that his nosebleed would flow out one day.

Xiao Gu was already handsome, but after becoming a father, he became more mature than before. The charm that only belongs to men seems to be carved into his bones, and every tiny movement is bewitching people's hearts.

The teachers in the kindergarten are all young girls, and they have no resistance to this kind of man. How can they bear to blame him for being late, not to mention... more than six o'clock will be charged extra.

The few remaining children in the classroom looked enviously at Xiao Mo, who was hugged by his mother. The teacher walked over and comforted them with a smile: "It's okay, your parents will come soon."

She must leave a good impression in front of Xiao Mo's father.

However, Xiao Gu didn't care about what she said, he just stretched out his hand and said to Xiao Mo, "Come here, dad hugs."

Although the son is still young, it is still very heavy to hold. The little princess should be tired after a while.

Xiao Mo actually prefers to be hugged by his mother, but the image that Xiao Gu usually establishes in front of him is too majestic, and he dare not confront him. After moving obediently, he also kissed Xiao Gu's face: "Ba Ba."

"En." Xiao Gu patted his head and said to Mi Qing, "Let's go, you should be hungry too."

Mi Qing chuckled twice, then turned to Xiao Mo and asked, "Is Zhou Zhou hungry?"

Xiao Mo nodded: "I'm hungry, the teacher gave us some biscuits just now."

The teacher who was called quickly took out the unfinished biscuits: "Oreo, I just bought it today!"

Mi Qing glanced at the biscuit in the teacher's hand, and asked Xiao Mo, "Did you thank the teacher?"


"Good boy, Zhou Zhou." After greeting the teacher again, Mi Qing followed Xiao Gu out, "What would Zhou Zhou want to eat later?"

"I want to eat McDonald's, now I have a toy for free." A child in the kindergarten got the toy, and Xiao Mo also wanted it.

"Okay, let's go to McDonald's then."

There was a McDonald's on the way home, so Xiao Gu parked his car there. There were so many people at this time, they had to wait for a while to get a seat. Mi Qing and Xiao Mo are in charge of ordering food, while Xiao Gu is in charge of queuing and paying the bill.

During the waiting period, Mi Qing heard many passing young girls exclaim: "That kid is so cute~~!"

Mi Qing is very proud. With her and Xiao Gu's excellent genes, how can the children born be not cute.

Her vanity has been greatly satisfied by Xiao Mo, which can be seen from the frequency of her posting on Moments.

In the past, she didn't post on Moments once in a few months, but now she posts every day, and almost all of them post about her baby.

——Since she became a baby-showing fanatic, many of her friends have blocked her.

But she still enjoys it.

The cutest time for children is only in those few years. If you don’t show up now, you won’t have to show up when you grow up.

She thought about it and couldn't help but kiss Xiao Momi Fen Nennen's face, which just fell into the eyes of Xiao Gu who was holding the dinner plate.

Both he and Mi Qing love Xiao Mo, but sometimes he feels that Xiao Mo's status in Mi Qing's heart has surpassed his own, which makes him very uncomfortable.

If the kindergarten teacher knew about his little thoughts, his image as a mature man would be greatly reduced.

He put the dinner plate on the table, and the air pressure was a little low: "Don't always eat these fast food in the future, there is no nutrition and it is easy to accumulate fat."

Xiao Mo was taken aback by his words, he was the one who said he was going to eat at McDonald's, so his father must be talking to him. Helplessly, he turned his head and glanced at Mi Qing, who immediately stood up and said, "Of course the kid likes these, and Zhou Zhou doesn't eat them often, this is the first time this month."

"After that, you can only eat it once a month." Xiao Gu sat down quietly in his seat.

Mi Qing blinked and said, "One time for that son, one time for me."

Xiao Gu: "..."

Look, she is protecting Xiao Mo like this.

Seeing that Xiao Gu's face was still gloomy, Mi Qing quickly moved over and kissed him on the cheek: "Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

Xiao Gu's low pressure disappeared under her kiss. He smiled helplessly, and took out what they ordered from the dinner plate: "Eat, little princess."

Mi Qing happily picked up a spicy chicken wing, and handed over the toy Xiao Mo wanted: "Zhouzhou, your toy."

"Thank you mom, thank you Baba." He still didn't forget to thank his father who paid.

Xiao Gu is quite satisfied with his attitude, except that the adults don't remember the villain's mistakes, and Mi Qing kissed him just now.

After the three of them had dinner, they went to the shopping mall next to McDonald's to buy something for a while, because Mi Qing said that the weather is good these days, suitable for going out, so Xiao Gu thought about taking them out for a walk during the weekend.

After buying all the necessary things, he drove Mi Qing and Xiao Mo back home.

Extra Three

Saturday, still a sunny day.

Although it was a rare weekend, Xiao Gu didn't use it for sleeping in. He was going on a long trip today, so he got up early, and after making breakfast, he woke up Mi Qing too.

When discussing the destination last night, Xiao Gu considered that they hadn't returned to City C for a long time, not to mention whether Mi Qing missed her parents, the old people must have missed Xiao Mo's child.

So he proposed to choose the destination in city c, not only to visit the newly developed scenic spots, but also to get together with his family.

Neither Mi Qing nor Xiao Mo had any objections, so the matter was finalized.

After being woken up by Xiao Gu, Mi Qing washed up and went to call her son again. Unexpectedly, when she opened the door, Xiao Mo was already dressing herself.

Seeing how he was trying to put his pants on, Mi Qing couldn't help laughing: "Zhou Zhou, mom will help you."

She walked over and wanted to help Xiao Mo put on his pants, but Xiao Mo refused: "Baba said that I want to learn to put on clothes by myself."

Mi Qing blinked and said, "But these are pants."

Xiao Mo thought about it, and felt that it made sense, so he happily handed the pants to his mother: "Then mother will help me wear them."

Mi Qing took the little trousers in his hand and helped him put them on in two or three strokes. After getting dressed, he took him to the sink to brush his teeth and wash his face. After finishing, he dragged him downstairs.

When the huskies saw them coming down, they leaned over, wagged their tails and barked twice. Xiao Gu was putting the breakfast on the dining table, when he heard the cry, he turned his head and asked Xiao Mo, "Is it the clothes you are wearing?"

Xiao Mo nodded sincerely: "Yes!"

Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Mi Qing who was smiling beside him, and asked, "What about the pants?"

Xiao Mo: "..."

"My mother helped me put it on..." He buried his head while speaking, not daring to look at his father's face.

The smile on Mi Qing's face froze for a moment, Xiao Gu curled his lips, and said to Xiao Mo: "From now on, I have to learn to wear all the clothes, pants, socks and shoes by myself, you know?"

"Got it." Xiao Mo nodded his head.

Mi Qing was a little dissatisfied: "Zhou Zhou is still so young, what's wrong with helping him get dressed? You even helped me get dressed this morning."

Xiao Gu: "..."

He coughed, pulled out his chair and sat down: "Don't say this in front of your son."

Mi Qing: "..."

Why did the words become inexplicably obscene after passing through his mouth

"Mom, does Baba want to help you get dressed?" Xiao Mo looked up at Mi Qing, no wonder Baba seldom helped him get dressed, so he wanted to help his mother get dressed.

When Mi Qing was asked such a question, she became very popular. In fact, Xiao Gu helped her undress more often...

She coughed dryly, and carried Xiao Mo into his exclusive little chair: "Kids, don't ask strange questions."

Xiao Mo was even more confused by what he said. Is it strange that Baba helps his mother get dressed? Because mom is an adult, do you feel shy when others help her dress

Before he could figure it out, Xiao Gu put a piece of bread with jam on the plate in front of him: "Eat."

"Oh, thank you, Baba." Xiao Mo picked up the bread and started to bite, the husky also returned to his kennel and began to eat.

When setting off, the husky desperately wanted to follow, Xiao Mo put his arms around the husky's neck and looked at his mother: "Tian Tian is so pitiful, don't leave him alone at home."

At first he called Husky Goudan, because his mother called him that. Later, when he found out that Baba had been barking Tiantian, he called him Tiantian with a special wink.

Tiantian heard that finally a little master knew how to feel sorry for it, and he whined twice in a particularly cooperative manner.

Xiao Gu looked at the husky and frowned slightly. If it was a puppy, it could still be carried, but it is so big...

"Take it with you, there should be enough space in the car." Mi Qing also spoke for Huskies, because she was pregnant, the dog's egg had already been sent away once, and now if it was not a last resort, she didn't want to throw it alone at home.

Hearing that the hostess was also standing beside him, the husky acted harder, his eyes were full of drama. Xiao Gu couldn't help but rubbed the husky's head and said with a smile: "You are a male dog, don't imitate such a pitiful look in your eyes, it's disgusting."

Husky: "..."

If you don't take me with you in the future, I will continue to disgust you!

The huskies finally took this ride and made it to this trip.

Xiao Gu carried Xiao Mo into the child seat, fastened the seat belt, and then led the Husky into the car from the other side: "Be good on the road, or I will throw you down at any time."

Before closing the door, Xiao Gu did not forget to threaten. The husky barked twice, and licked Xiao Gu's hand flatteringly. Xiao Gu smiled and closed the car door. "

Xiao Mo stretched out his hand and rubbed the husky's head like his father's usual way, and told him in a childlike voice, "Tian Tian, be good on the road, or Baba will really throw you down."

"Pfft!" Mi Qing, who was sitting in the co-pilot, couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Gu got into the car, leaned over and kissed her smiling lips, and asked softly, "So funny?"

Xiao Mo, who was sitting in the back, saw it, and said unwillingly, "Baba, I want to kiss you too."

Xiao Gu started the car: "Look for Tiantian."

Xiao Mo: "..."

After more than two hours, the family arrived in City C smoothly.

Xiao Gu first drove the car to Mi's house. Mi's father and Mi's mother were at home today, and they were very happy to see their grandson. Aunt Ming also specially prepared a table of delicacies.

After lunch, the family took the dog and went to the scenic spots together and took a lot of photos. In the evening, Mi Mu specially called her grandson to her room to sleep with her, which just fulfilled Xiao Gu's wish, so that her son would not be squeezed between him and Mi Qing.

Early the next morning, he took his wife, son and a dog to Gu's house.

Mr. Gu is quite old, but he is still in good health. Today, he was very happy to hear that his great-grandson was coming.

There is a large lawn in front of the Gu family mansion. After Xiao Gu parked the car, the husky ran happily on the lawn. Xiao Gu and Mi Qing led Xiao Mo in, and Mr. Gu was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Xiao Mo knew him, and when he saw him, he obediently called Grandpa Zeng.

Old man Gu smiled from ear to ear, and hugged him on his lap to tease him. After playing with the old and the young for a while, Xiao Mo went outside to play with the huskies. After he went out, Xiao Gu chatted with Mr. Gu. It was nothing more than asking about Mr. Gu's health, and Mr. Gu asking about his company.

Another car drove in from outside. When passing the lawn, the car stopped slowly and the windows were lowered.

Gu Bao poked his head out of the driver's seat and shouted outside: "Hey, isn't this my little cousin?"

Xiao Mo heard Gu Bao's voice, turned around to look at him, and recognized him: "Uncle."

Gu Bao got out of the car, still holding a pair of sunglasses, walked up to Xiao Mo and asked, "Did Mom and Dad bring you here?"

"Well, there is still Tiantian." He pointed to the husky next to him.

Gu Bao smiled, and picked him up from the lawn: "Zhou Zhou wants to go out to play with my cousin?"

Xiao Mo hesitated for a moment, looked at him and said, "I have to tell Baba first."

"Oh, then where are you Baba?" Gu Baoxue asked in a tone of teasing.

Xiao Mo's little finger pointed to the big house of the Gu family: "I'm chatting with Grandpa Zeng in the house."

"Then let's talk to him now." He carried Gu Bao and walked inside.

Xiao Gu was still chatting with Mr. Gu, and Mi Qing was listening, occasionally making some remarks. Gu Bao came in with Xiao Mo in his arms, and smiled at Xiao Gu, "Cousin, I'll take your son out to play."

Before Xiao Gu could speak, Mr. Gu spoke first: "Where do you take him to play? A bar or a club?"

Before Gu Bao could speak, Mr. Gu added, "Stay away from Xiao Mo in the future, and don't make him look like you."

Gu Bao: "..."

Xiao Gu smiled and said nothing, Mi Qing looked at Gu Bao sympathetically.

Gu Bao, although he doesn't look serious at ordinary times, is not really that bad, otherwise he would have been beaten to death by Mr. Gu long ago.

Xiao Mo put his arms around Gu Bao's neck, looked at Mi Qing and said, "Mom, I want to go out with my cousin, and he said he would buy me chicken chops."

Mr. Gu said: "It's time to eat, what chicken chops should I buy?"

Gu Bao grinned and said: "Kids just love to eat chicken chops, don't they, Zhou Zhou?"

"En." Xiao Mo nodded.

Normally Xiao Gu would definitely not agree, but today he managed to take Xiao Mo out for a play, and he didn't want to spoil his interest: "Then go, be back in thirty minutes."

"Okay." Gu Bao went out with Xiao Mo in his arms, but after more than ten minutes, Gu Bao called and the first thing he said was, "Cousin, I just had a car accident."

Xiao Gu's face suddenly changed, his eyes narrowed, and his tone became much sharper: "Where is my son?"

Mi Qing was taken aback when she heard him ask such a question, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Gu held her hand comfortingly, and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"It's all right!" Gu Bao also said on the other end of the phone, "A girl hit my car just now, rear-ended, it's not serious, don't worry, Zhou Zhou is unharmed!"

As he spoke, he handed the phone to Xiao Mo's ear, and Xiao Mo opened his mouth and called out, "Baba."

Hearing his voice, Xiao Gu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked him on the phone, "How are you? Are you injured?"

"No, but that sister seems terrified."

That older sister was the girl who hit Gu Bao's car, she was really terrified because Gu Bao was driving a Ferrari...

"We are waiting for the insurance to come over now. I am afraid that you will wait too long, so I will call you to inform you." Gu Bao put the phone to his ear again, and said to Xiao Gu.

"Where are you? I'll go as soon as I'm in my heart."

After Gu Bao reported the address, Xiao Gu hung up the phone. Mr. Gu was also taken aback. Now that Xiao Gu hung up the phone, he asked, "What trouble did that kid Gu Bao cause?"

Xiao Gu said: "His car was hit by a girl, he's fine, he's waiting for insurance, I'll go and pick up Xiao Mo first."

Mr. Gu nodded, and Mi Qing followed Xiao Gu with her bag.

When Xiao Gu drove to the scene, Gu Baozheng was pulling Xiao Mo to stand by the side of the road, smiling and looking at a girl next to her in a white T-shirt and with buns.

The girl seemed to have been greatly frightened, and her face hadn't recovered yet, she stood quietly by the side like a quail.

When Xiao Gu's car drove over, Xiao Mo saw it, and he yelled at Xiao Gu who got out of the car: "Ba Ba."

Xiao Gu walked over to pick him up, checked everywhere, and found that he was not injured. He glanced at Gu Bao, and curled his mouth: "Don't touch my son again."

Gu Bao twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling very innocent: "Please, she hit my car, not I hit her."

The girl on the side trembled again when she heard his words. Xiao Gu looked at the girl twice, she should be a college student, at most just out of society. He looked again at the place where the two cars kissed, raised his head and said to her, "Don't worry, his car is worthless."

girl:"… "

Really? Why did she hear that Ferrari is a famous car in the world

Gu Bao twitched the corners of his eyes: "Whether it's worth it or not, wait for the insurance company to appraise it."

Just as the insurance company was talking, Xiao Gu hurriedly took his wife and son to leave first: "I'll go first, grandpa is still waiting for us to go back for lunch."