Sonata: Fleeing to Avoid an Arranged Marriage

Chapter 9: Work


After listening to Mi Qing's words, Xiao Gu couldn't help laughing, his reaction was exactly the same as when Mi Qing heard the husky calling Xiaotiangou that day.

Mi Qing's eyes widened, and she raised her voice and said, "What are you laughing at! Is it so funny!"

Xiao Gu smiled and said: "It's much more funny than Xiaotiangou, hero... as expected of what the little princess said."

Mi Qing stood up holding the instant noodle bowl, and left the living room angrily.

What happened to the hero? The hero can also poke him to laugh, so he will die laughing in the cinema watching American blockbusters!

She cleaned the bowl of instant noodles, went back to her room, turned on the computer and re-submitted her resume online.

Although she hated Xiao Gu very much, she listened to him and chose a few small and medium-sized enterprises that seemed to be doing well, submitted their resumes, and went to the forum to see if there were any buyers for the dress she hung.

There are a few replies, but they are all from the water, and no one wants to buy them. She forked the post, and looked for the post by Jiujin on the homepage, to see if she had sold the clothes.

Jiu Jin's post had reached the second page, Mi Qing clicked on it and found that she had sold her clothes and closed the building.

Mi Qing: "..."

Why did she sell out so quickly

Mi Qing felt unbalanced, she slid her mouse up and found the floor where the buyer left a message. The buyer was also a newly registered account, without even an avatar, and the name was also called Goudan, so it looked like it was taken randomly.

There were no details of their transaction in the building, so it should have been a private chat. Mi Qing searched but couldn't find the transaction price, so she forked the entire page.

Why is she so unlucky? Nothing goes well. But that profiteer Jiu Jin was able to find a buyer so quickly.

Mi Qing curled her lips, sat on the bed with her computer in her arms, and looked for a TV series to watch.

After she woke up the next day, the first thing she did was turn on her phone to see if there were any unread text messages.

There really is one.

Mi Qing sat up from the bed in good spirits, and opened the text message.

"Hello, Ms. Mi Qing, we have received your resume, please come to the company for an interview at 2:30 pm on the 12th."

The detailed address was also attached on it, and Mi Qing happily jumped off the bed and started messing with herself.

Xiao Gu said yesterday that she should wear low-key clothes, but her clothes are all famous brands, so she had to choose a few relatively ordinary styles.

She arrived early for the afternoon interview. This company is really much smaller than the one interviewed before, and even the front desk staff is not as beautiful as that one. Mi Qing thought that she would not work here all the time anyway, so she was relieved.

There were not many interviewees today, and Mi Qing was the second in line. There was only one interviewer sitting in the interview room, a middle-aged man, Mi Qing thought he wouldn't be like the female HR yesterday, who could tell the brand and price of the clothes she was wearing at a glance, right

Sure enough, she didn't ask about her family background during the interview. After the interview, Mi Qing felt that her hopes were relatively high. At least she had stayed abroad for a few years, so she still had an advantage in language.

This company did not reply her quickly, but received two more interview notices afterwards, and Mi Qing went to attend one by one. In the end, she only received the employment notice from the first company.

When Mi Qing received the text message, she read it over and over several times, and after confirming that it was a text message, she cheered in the room.

"Wow!" the husky in the living room heard her voice and ran to her door and yelled.

Mi Qing came out with her bag, and said to the husky who was squatting by the door: "God, we have meat again today."

The husky wanted to go out with her, but Mi Qing didn't dare to take it out. It took a long time for one person and one dog to fight wits and courage before Mi Qing successfully locked the husky in the door.

Its disobedient cry can be heard through the door panel.

Mi Qing bought a boxed lunch and two chicken legs downstairs, ordered another duck neck, and came back with a bag full of food.

The husky probably smelled the aroma of meat, and kept walking around Mi Qing. Mi Qing took the chicken leg out of her pocket and put one in the husky's food bowl: "Eat it quickly while your father is away."

"Woof!" The husky seemed to understand her words, and quickly lowered his head and started eating. Mi Qing opened the boxed lunch, and inside it was two meat and one vegetable. Although the rice was not as soft as cooked at home, it was still much better than instant noodles.

One person and one dog were very satisfied eating in the living room. Husky finished eating the chicken legs, then looked at Mi Qing eagerly, and asked her for duck necks.

Mi Qing looked down at it and said, "This duck neck is very spicy, you can't eat it."

"Wow!" Husky said that there is nothing it can't eat.

Mi Qing still shook her head: "If you eat badly, the landlord might beat me up."

"Wow!" Husky still insisted on the duck neck.

Just when Mi Qing couldn't resist the gaze and gave it a duck neck, Xiao Gu came back. The husky immediately calmed down, and it seemed that he was often beaten.

Mi Qing continued to eat in the living room as if nothing had happened. Xiao Gu held a shopping bag in his hand and looked at her lunch: "I ate so much today, did you find a job?"

"Hehe." Mi Qing raised her head proudly, looked at him and said, "I'm going to go through the entry procedures tomorrow morning, and I'll be able to move out of your place soon!"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it." Xiao Gu's tone was light. He put the shopping bag on the coffee table and took out a box of dog biscuits. "Tian Tian, are you eating again?"

"Woof!" How could it be possible.

Xiao Gu glanced into its food bowl, and there were oil and bones left by the chicken legs in it.

He turned his head to look at Mi Qing, who was devoting herself to nibbling the neck of the duck in her hand.

Xiao Gu didn't say anything, he opened the dog biscuit, took out a snack box again, and poured some into it: "The new flavor in the supermarket, see if you like it."

The husky went up to sniff it, and then happily ate it.

Mi Qing looked into its food bowl, the biscuits were in the shape of small cubes, like butter cheese.

Speaking of which, she hasn't eaten butter cheese biscuits for a long time.

"Why, you want to eat too?" Xiao Gu gave her a playful look.

Mi Qing rolled her eyes at him, then turned her head back: "Who cares?"

She put away her things and carried them back to her room to eat. Although her dress still hasn't been sold today, finding a job is a good start, and she might be lucky soon!

With this beautiful wish, she finally ushered in the first day of work. There was another girl who went through the entry procedures with her. The two of them sat in the conference room and listened to the person in charge of the procedures explain the contract.

Mi Qing feels that it is really not worthwhile for her to find a job now, because the first three months are almost a probationary period, the salary is not high, and before she becomes a regular, she may already be able to go home.

But now there is no other way but to do it first. After the person in charge explained the basic situation, he took them to their respective departments. Mi Qing was assigned to the marketing department. She didn't like this department very much, but the person in charge said that it was deployed according to the company's needs, and she might be assigned to other departments after becoming a regular.

Mi Qing couldn't say anything more, so she followed her to the marketing department. Manager Guo of the marketing department is a woman in her thirties who looks capable and strict. She took a look at Mi Qing and said, "Okay, you will follow Xiao Hu from now on and learn more."

Manager Guo called Xiao Hu over as he spoke. Xiao Hu has a cropped cut and looks four or five years older than Mi Qing. Seeing Mi Qing, he jokingly said, "Hey, Manager Guo actually gave me such a big beauty?"

Manager Guo smiled at him: "You are beautiful. She just graduated and doesn't understand anything. You should pay more attention."

Little Hu said: "Don't worry, I like seeing beautiful women the most."

Manager Guo stopped talking nonsense with him, and turned to Mi Qing and said, "That's it, Xiao Hu will teach you the next thing, oh yes, we have a dinner tonight, and you go with me."

Mi Qing frowned: "Should I go too?"

Manager Guo said: "Of course, you are a newcomer, do you still want to be lazy?"

She spoke decisively, and Mi Qing didn't say anything more. Xiao Hu took her to her own job. When she first came to work, she had nothing to do, that is, help everyone with chores and get familiar with the working environment.

After get off work in the afternoon, Manager Guo took her and Xiao Hu to the dinner party. The place to eat is Tianxiaju, and Mi Qingguang can estimate the price of the dishes inside just by looking at the facade.

Seems like a big client.

The three of them waited in the private room for a while before the client arrived late. His image fits well with Mi Qing's image of the boss, half bald, with a beer belly, short and fat.

Mi Qing mainly came to sit with him today, after all, she only got a general understanding of the situation from Xiao Hu before she came. At the dinner table, I heard Manager Guo and the three of them coming and going, with a lot of tongues, and she occasionally echoed a few words.

After a few rounds, Manager Guo discovered that the client had been secretly looking at Mi Qing. She moved her eyes and said to Mi Qing, "Mi Qing, go to toast President Pang."

The chopsticks in Mi Qing's hand paused, and she looked sideways at Manager Guo: "Should I go?"

Manager Guo said: "Of course, there are still many places that need to be taken care of by President Pang."

"Where is it?" President Pang said a few times modestly, but kept his eyes on Mi Qing.

Mi Qing frowned slightly, picked up the wine on the table, walked up to President Pang, and poured wine into his glass.

President Pang looked at her with a smile: "Miss Mi's skin is really good, look at this hand, it's so white and tender."

As he spoke, he touched the back of Mi Qing's hand, Mi Qing's movement stopped abruptly, she threw the wine bottle on the table, and slapped it.