Soon To Die

Chapter 101: guilt


Liu Yanqing died.

Totally dead.

He didn't become an evil spirit, which means he didn't carry any resentment. His soul didn't stay in the underworld, and went directly to reincarnation, leaving only his body in the woods.

He should have run before he died, ran fiercely, was still injured, and was finally chased and killed.

The thin body was lying alone in the woods, and it was only discovered after several hours of death. The beautiful face was covered with some dirty snow and blood that was already dark red.

Lu Wenxi and Xu Chen went to the scene incognito, because the police couldn't see them, so he was able to see the corpses that hadn't been removed from the scene. His nose suddenly became a little sour, even if Liu Yanqing had never been with him, she was still a buddy who grew up with him, and the friendship for many years is still there.

In fact, strictly speaking, Liu Yanqing never did anything to offend him.

Although Liu Yanqing looked like a shou, he was actually a straight man. He struggled a lot after being liked by him, but he still refused.

Lu Wenxi thought that he was too fat to be liked, so he began to try to lose weight, but he was too fat, and sports would damage his bones. After going to the hospital for an examination, the hospital diagnosed him as morbidly fat.

His obesity is a kind of obesity that endangers his health, so he chose to cut his stomach to lose weight.

But this incident irritated Liu Yanqing and made Liu Yanqing feel that Lu Wenxi used this extreme method for him. Because he had no face to face his former buddies, he chose to study abroad.

What a pity, it was a good buddy, so many years of friendship ended just because Lu Wenxi was gay.

After Liu Yanqing came back, she tried to contact Lu Wenxi. He asked Lu Wenxi if she could be friends again, but Lu Wenxi didn't answer at that time, because when Lu Wenxi confessed her love, she planned to never be friends again.

Liu Yanqing also understood that she felt pity and would be sad, but she didn't bother.

Now Lu Wenxi was thinking, why did Liu Yanqing call him in the first place

Because I learned that Hu Xue was dead, and I was deeply involved in it, did I feel fear? Call him for help or what? Why don't you contact Yuan Yefu anymore? We are all buddies.

Hu Xue also analyzed it with Lu Wenxi when she came here. Lu Wenxi only listened to part of it because her mind was confused.

The Liu family was an embarrassing role in this matter. There was a huge hole that needed to be filled, and the Liu family was the first to be unable to protect themselves, and became an abandoned child. In order to fill this loophole, the Liu family owed a large amount of debt due to the loss of the past six months.

Liu Yanqing was a victim of the Liu family. At this time, she was called back to deal with the family's affairs. She was so devastated that she might have thought of asking Lu Wenxi for help.

Because Liu Yanqing really made the Liu family turn around a lot in a short period of time, Hu Xue mistakenly thought that Liu Yanqing had also gone in some crooked ways.

Not long after Hu Xue's death, Liu Yanqing called Lu Wenxi. Lu Wenxi would never know what Liu Yanqing was talking about in that call.


Totally missed it.

When Xu Chen reminded Lu Wenxi to call Liu Yanqing, maybe it was too late, but Lu Wenxi still didn't contact Liu Yanqing, now thinking about it... What a fucking bastard.

How unlucky Liu Yanqing was, he fell in love with him out of nowhere, and then my buddy had nothing to do, and wanted to call him for help before he died, but he was still playing smart over there, wanting to figure it out before contacting Liu Yanqing.

Or if she thinks that Liu Yanqing is really in a hurry, she will call again.

Has Liu Yanqing been waiting for him to call back

It turned out to be totally late.

What happened to Du Mo made Lu Wenxi feel nervous for a long time. She always wanted to find out before going to Liu Yanqing, for fear of causing trouble all over.

Now that Liu Yanqing was dead, he began to feel uncomfortable again.

He squatted beside Liu Yanqing's body, covered his face with one hand, and started to cry in a suppressed voice, calling himself an idiot all the time.

Xu Chen was standing beside Lu Wenxi, hesitatingly stretched out his hand, wanting to rub Lu Wenxi's hair, but hesitated again. Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, Lu Wenxi grabbed it.

"I might be able to save him, but I... I..." Lu Wenxi choked up and said.

Xu Chen knelt down on one knee, hugged Lu Wenxi into his arms, stroked Lu Wenxi's hair, and comforted him softly: "You can't predict everything, you are not a god, you are not a savior, you are just an ordinary person."

"I'm an idiot. I'm always causing trouble for others. I think I'm smart. It's really bad. He's only 23 years old. He just returned to China and he should have a bright future. He told me that he likes gentle Girls like petite and cute ones, he wants to get married at the age of 28..." Lu Wenxi leaned in Xu Chen's arms, talking about the past, his emotions almost collapsed, and he even began to feel that he was the one who killed Liu Yanqing.

"Everything has its destiny, you can't change anything, it's great to be able to do so many good things when you're too busy to take care of yourself."

"We grew up together..."

"Don't cry, we have to get busy and find the real culprit."

Lu Wenxi leaned against Xu Chen's arms to recover, and finally pulled himself together, stood up, took one last look at the corpse, turned and left.

Back in the car, Lu Wenxi took out his mobile phone and sent Yuan Yefu a message: How is it with you

Yuan Yefu: I called the police directly and handed over the ledger and recording pen to them, saying that I found them in the closet.

Lu Wenxi: I have also read it here, Liu Yanqing's soul has been reincarnated.

Yuan Yefu: I can understand your mood, but I still want to say something, you are with Xu Chen, so don't have any white moonlight plot, there is someone living in your heart. Stay with Xu Chen properly, you are not to blame for what happened to Liu Yanqing.

Lu Wenxi leaned on the chair to experience his mood.

There is really no nostalgic feeling, he will be sad and want to cry, it is because of guilt, but also because he feels that it is a pity that Liu Yanqing died at a young age. There is also the relationship between the two of them, which is regrettable.

There are always many choices in life. If you make a choice at that time, you will never regret it later.

The wrong choice made Lu Wenxi very anxious.

Lu Wenxi: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Yuan Yefu: That's good.

Lu Wenxi: But, I'll take care of this matter!

Yuan Yefu: You try to hide yourself as much as possible, don't get involved, your identity is sensitive, a little thing is big news, just give me any clues.

Lu Wenxi: Understood.

Lu Wenxi drove back to the suburbs, and called his family, asking them to bring his three cars and fill up the gas. At the same time, I bought a new batch of mobile phones, cameras and other equipment, as well as some self-defense items. Each soul was given a backpack so that they could carry it with them.

Hu Xue didn't need Lu Wenxi to explain, after getting the car and mobile phone and other things, she went to investigate by herself.

The other souls were in groups of three, and went to investigate places that Hu Xue felt were suspicious.

They are ordinary souls, and they also have many problems, such as not being able to enter the building casually, and they can't get evidence, so they can only secretly take a photo or record a video.

So Lu Wenxi sent a message to Han Yu at the same time.

This was the first time that Lu Wenxi's Baiguihui was officially dispatched, and Han Yu cooperated at the same time and carried it out together.

The case was closed earlier than Lu Wenxi imagined. At that time, Lin Xiao forcibly took him to the company for beauty treatment.

Artists who have micro-plastic surgery or injections are always concerned.

Therefore, the company is very considerate on the first floor of the company, specializing in services such as beauty treatments and injections for artists, and they can rest in the company.

Lu Wenxi was lying on the bed, still listening to Yin Hanwei, Lin Xiao chatting with Sister Xia.

Sister Xia has been crying since just now: "It's so pitiful, she doesn't look like a human being, none of the nails on her ten fingers are intact, and her voice is so hoarse, there are so many wounds on her body, bloody everywhere, I'm afraid it's okay It will take a while to recover.”

"This Ran Nan is not popular, why did he provoke such a ruthless person, and was arrested and abused for more than a week?" Lin Xiao felt goosebumps all over his body when he said that, and felt extremely horrified.

"I don't know what I suffered, but I don't have any memory at all. It doesn't matter if I don't remember it, or... I don't remember it. It's easier. I don't remember the pain." Sister Xia said with a sob.

"It can't be disfigured?" Lin Xiao asked.

"I heard that some wounds will leave scars and need medical treatment." Sister Xia replied.

The three people over there sighed for a while, and seemed to feel that the matter was terrible.

Lu Wenxi was lying on the bed, only then remembered that Su Lin had been purified, probably sent to the hospital by Yu Yan

Yin Hanwei asked at this time: "Didn't he film with Yu Yan? Does Yu Yan know the situation?"

"It was Yu Yan who sent him to the hospital. Yu Yan doesn't know the specific situation, but I think Yu Yan's attitude is a bit strange..." Miss Xia replied.

"Why is it strange?"

"I will go to the hospital to see Ran Nan. As long as I look at Ran Nan, I will suddenly lose my temper. I lose my temper and leave, and I will come back the next day. Yu Yan's condition is very wrong, and I didn't dare to ask more questions. It's a bit... scary, no Like usual him."

They were still chatting over there, but Lu Wenxi was a little distracted.

Yu Yan and Su Lin are still torturing each other...

If Yu Yan just gave up on Su Lin, then as long as Yu Yan adjusts his mood and is more ruthless, he will still have a bright future, a bright future, and a bright future. After all, Su Lin no longer remembers everything that happened before.

If Yu Yan and Su Lin are still entangled with each other, then it's really a scumbag with a deep sadomasochistic relationship.

It's just that I feel sorry for Ran Nan, a good young man, who was involved by the two of them just like that.

The phone beeped several times, and Lu Wenxi immediately took out the phone and took a look.

Yuan Yefu: The Ming family is really a fucking bastard.

Yuan Yefu: The money earned from drinking human blood has made them arrogant for so long, and even raised a fucking little bastard!

Yuan Yefu: The case is not complicated at all, it's just fucking hateful!

The author has something to say: It is interesting to see a long comment, if you are interested, you can read it:

Reader: [I can't hold the wood] Although you wrote my pen name wrong in your original comment, I love you and compare my heart.

[Mexico №1]

! ! ! ! !

Sissy is out of the closet! ! !

Did you guys watch the statuette ceremony tonight? My mom, I'm already incoherent!

[West Mom Support Club №2]

Saw it! Official candy! I'm going to pass out!

Also... Can any of you see the little assistant's face clearly? How do I see it as a mosaic

[There are too many №3 upstairs]

I see it clearly, it’s a handsome mosaic emmmmmmm

[Poke the chrysanthemum №4 upstairs]

The one on the 2nd floor! I can't see his face clearly either!

Is there any master who will come out and say something? Our Xibao will not be entangled by some monster, right? I'm so worried!

[Undocumented Celestial Master №5]

I think it is possible!

Think about it, Lu Wenxi was poor in acting before, who didn't know he was a vase? But what about him now? Actor!

Think again, when did he start to change

[Child who is afraid of children №6]

Don't scare me upstairs! I don't read much!

[The Show of Tihua №7]

Lu Wenxi started to change, right after being scolded by Ge Xinlong? Then he got involved with Deng Xuanhan's suicide and gave her a voice. But I have never heard of any connection between the two of them before, let alone friends.

With just such an incident, Deng Xuanhan took revenge, and then Lu Wenxi also cleaned up a lot, and after that, his acting skills soared all the way, and now he has won the best actor.

At the same time, there was an extra assistant beside him, an assistant who couldn't see his face clearly.

Say yourselves, what does this mean

[Wang Bold №8]

Fuck! Thinking carefully is terrifying!

Don't scare me upstairs! Please speak clearly!

[Speak clearly №9]

Speak clearly +10086!

[Undocumented Celestial Master №10]

The meaning of the 7th floor is that Deng Xuanhan did not go to reincarnation after death, but seized a body to follow Lu Wenxi

[Show of Tihua №11]


According to my careful analysis, because Deng Xuanhan was in the same neighborhood as Lu Wenxi, she became an evil spirit after she died and took away an ordinary person, but this ordinary person had no skills, and she couldn't avenge herself, so she went to cooperate with Lu Wenxi. Taught Lu Wenxi to act, and Lu Wenxi helped her speak up to expose the scumbag.

[I can't hold a tree №12]

Upstairs, your analysis is wrong, right

If she exposes the scumbag, she doesn't need to go to Lu Wenxi to cooperate, right? Since she has already taken over others, can't she get the evidence herself

[Love Little Public Judgment №13]

Wo Ri, of course because she has a crush on our cutie Xi!

We Xixi are so handsome, I can't believe she doesn't like Xixi! The two of us still live in the same community, she must have planned it for a long time!

And now that she broke up with the scumbag and was born again, she wants to find another boyfriend, so she will attack us Xibao!

[Wenxi Zexi №14]

Isn't the upstairs a bit too romantic? Of course it's not impossible... Xixi is really handsome.

[Undocumented Celestial Master №15]

Don't make the upstairs one crooked, okay

As far as I know, it is difficult for evil spirits to stay sane. If Brother 7's guess is correct, it is Lu Wenxi who rescued her and brought her with him.

After all, his family is so rich, it is no problem to hire a powerful celestial master.

[Lu Bai Lifetime Push №16]

So why did Lu Wenxi save Deng Xuanhan? To ask her for advice on acting

[Did Lu Wenxi record the kiss scene today №17]

Pfft, it should be said that our Xixi really loves his job and is dedicated to his work

[Show of Tihua №18]

Referring to the comments above, I probably understand what's going on.

First, Deng Xuanhan committed suicide and became a ghost.

Then, in order to learn acting, Lu Wenxi invited a celestial master to save her and find her a new body.

Then, in order to repay him, Deng Xuanhan taught him acting, and in the process, they fell in love.

Finally, today, Lu Wenxi openly proposed to her.

[Wang Bold №19]

The explanation upstairs is very detailed! When will I be as good as you

[I can't hold a tree №20]

Tihua Zhixiu, you are really outstanding! I washed my hands, can I touch your dick? Oh, I said trophies.


Referees please don't leave the field to answer questions!

... ...

[Lu Wenxi №202]

[Xu Chen №203]

[Into the big chrysanthemum №204]

The two upstairs are...

[Deng Xuanhan №205]

Don't hurt me, I'm really dead!

[Cat and mint fragrance №206]

Upstairs IQ is moving

[Lu Wenxi №207]

I'm Lu Wenxi, don't make wild guesses, my little husband-in-law is going to be angry with me.

[Xu Chen №208]


I trust you.

[Lu Wenxi №209]

You see, you are just angry, and the punctuation marks are all round with anger, aren't you? Wait until I get home to coax you, okay

[Xu Chen №300]

I am not angry.

[Lu Wenxi №301]

Okay, okay, you're not angry. But my husband is so cute, can't I coax you if you're not angry

[Xu Chen №302]


[Lu Wenxi №303]

Be good, give your husband a kiss=3=

[Xu Chen №304]

The crowd, please pay attention.

[Lu Wenxi №305]

Okay, okay, let's go home and have fun =3=

[Moxico №306]

I'll just go out for a meal... What's going on with the two upstairs? Language c or fine score scene

[Wenxi Zexi №307]

The language is c, it is still against the cp.

Does the little assistant feel good at first glance? !

[Lu Wenxi №308]

Is my husband Tong Yan Ju Dior okay

[Deng Xuanhan №309]

I testify that Xu Xiaochen is the attacker.

[Ghost 1№310]

testify +1

[Ghost 2№311]

testify +2

[Xu Chen №312]

… very good.

[Lu Wenxi №313]

Sir, are you going to fuck me angrily? I'm going home now! Don't get discouraged!

[Moxico №314]

… did not see

[I can't hold a tree №315]

… did not see

[Wenxi Zexi №316]

… did not see

[Administrator 03№317]

[Red and bold] This post is 8CJ, please do not follow up!