Soon To Die

Chapter 118: rescue


Seeing this scene, Han Yu was shocked. Standing beside Xu Chen, he said a dirty word with an accent, but Xu Chen didn't understand.

But Xu Chen was already panicked. He walked towards the cemetery quickly, wanting to ask their souls what happened and why they were here, but Han Yu suddenly held his shoulders: "Don't panic, I saw I am myself."

Hearing what Han Yu said, Xu Chen suddenly discovered that in the distance of the cemetery, there was indeed Han Yu's soul, and he was chatting with someone while smiling, without the panic of other souls.

"If I'm not wrong, the souls of all the people on this mountain are in it. This is the sphere of influence of this thousand-year-old demon. He is controlling the life and death of everyone on this mountain. But I'm sure that Lu Wenxi's soul Not inside." Han Yu became more certain of their previous guess that this thousand-year-old demon had taken a fancy to Lu Wenxi's body.

"So, the cemetery is a world of its own. If we go in, will it destroy the balance? I'm afraid entering rashly will interfere with the life and death of these people. What should we do now?" Xu Chen frowned and said, turning his head to see Han Yu He took out his phone and was recording.

There is actually a mood to record!

"This thing is amazing. The next time the spirit world gathers, this video will probably be a god." Han Yu said.

Xu Chen was in a hurry, Lu Wenxi and the others were not sure whether they were safe, and there was an unreliable teammate by his side!

The mudslide is over.

Lu Wenxi shook Yin Hanwei, who was holding his arm, shaking like a sieve, and looked back at the situation of his parents, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

When the mudslides approached them in the early stage, it was just the earth trembling, and in the later stage, sand and rocks began to fly. The last period of time was dark and dark, with huge stones and unknown building fragments hitting the walls and windows. They are always worried that the house will not be able to withstand a sudden collapse, or that the windows will be smashed and mud will be poured in.

When all was calm, they found that they were very lucky.

The glass didn't shatter, the dirt didn't pour in, and they had room to get out, even with the windows open.

Look carefully, the talisman on the window is gone, but the one on the door is still there.

Lu Wenxi and the other three waited quietly for a while, and then began to discuss what to do. Lu Yushang and Qu Qiaoyi were thinking of waiting for rescue, Yin Hanwei was so frightened that he could only cry, and Lu Wenxi was thinking about escaping.

At this time, there were voices in the corridor, which should be the survivors, and there were screams, cries, and someone calling for help.

Lu Wenxi looked around subconsciously, and saw that there were many auras in this building, some were intact, some were dying, and those on the lower floors were trapped dead auras, the souls of the dead.

Sure enough, there were casualties.

"I'll go and have a look." Lu Wenxi said and got up, but was grabbed by Lu Yushang.

People always think of themselves as great, but when it comes to critical moments, they are more selfish. At this time, Lu Yushang still hopes that his family members are safe and sound, they are not saints, self-protection is the most important thing.

Lu Wenxi smiled, and patted Lu Yushang's hand: "Dad, I am saving myself by saving others. If I don't go, and others don't go, what should those people who could have survived do? And I have Xu Chen to give me help." My amulet, you can protect me once, don't worry."

Lu Yushang's eyes loosened for a moment, and finally he sighed and let Lu Wenxi go. Yin Hanwei was scared to death, but he followed Lu Wenxi, at least he was a man.

Lu Wenxi first went to the window to look, and found that the soil was below them. It seemed that the ground was as high as two floors away from them. You know, they are on the fourth floor here, which only proves that the first floor is completely swallowed up, the second floor may still be saved, and the third and fourth floors are both fine.

After taking a look, Lu Wenxi opened the door and walked out, and found that the corridor was also covered with mud. It seemed that their windows were not broken, and it was indeed the effect of the talisman. Most of the glass in other rooms was broken, and mud and building debris poured in. There was also mud in the corridors.

The two of them didn't care about the shoes anymore, they walked quickly to the next room, and saw that there were two people living in it, a man and a woman. The woman was crying, and then pulled the man who was crushed under the cabinet. It should be that when the mud came in, she rushed to the cabinet and hit the man. There was still mud on it, which added weight.

The two of them immediately went to help and helped to get the man out.

The man was still alive, but he was dying, and it was difficult to walk. After Lu Wenxi carried the man to the room where they were, he went to other rooms to help. The woman from before seemed to want to thank her, but she hurriedly forgot about it. When she came to her senses, she suddenly thought that the man just now... seemed to be Lu Wenxi.

Lu Wenxi and Yin Hanwei wandered around the entire floor, knocking on the door of every room, and saved a few more people, and a few others were fine, but they were in a bit of a mess.

The windows of this hotel are really bad. There are so many rooms on the first floor, facing the direction of the mudslide, nine times out of ten the windows are broken, and the tourists inside look in a mess. The situation on the side with their backs turned was not bad, and under the influence of Lu Wenxi, the survivors also followed suit to help.

At this time, no one is in the mood to chase stars. Everyone is thinking about how to protect themselves, how to escape, and how to save others.

I'm afraid there are too many people, there will be a sense of security, and people on the entire floor will start to gather together.

Lu Wenxi was still scanning the floor, and then saw a faint aura. The situation was very bad, but he was still alive.

He walked to the door of the room and shouted into the corridor: "Come here some people, there are still people in here, knock the door open to save people."

There was mud in the corridor. Several men rushed over quickly, all of them wading through the muddy water. There was resistance in the mud, and it was very difficult to hit the door. Some people questioned: "How do you know there is someone?"

"I just know, don't get in the way if you don't want to save people?" Lu Wenxi didn't have a good attitude, and continued to lead a few men into the door.

The person who was refuted couldn't help grinning, hid aside, took out his mobile phone to record the video, the purpose was to expose the popular star's big name and bad temper. In the end, a complete video was recorded, in which Lu Wenxi led the crowd to break into the door, and then rescued the man in his fifties who was submerged in muddy water.

Contemporary people have a problem, they have to take a picture before eating a meal and send it to Moments, and when there is a car accident, they have to immediately take a photo and send it to Moments live, and even add a filter if they are in the mood.

The person who made the video was also in a good mood, thinking that there was nothing to do now, and unexpectedly posted the video on Weibo, complaining about the poor signal after the disaster while posting it, but finally it was successfully posted.

What he didn't expect was that when he was connected to the Internet again, he clicked on Weibo and saw more than 9,000 unread messages. It was just that the topic of Lu Wenxi was included in Weibo, which instantly attracted attention.

#某景区油树流#, #旅游暴酒店#, #卢闻西also among the victims#, #卢闻西先生力人#.

Once the news is released, it is difficult to control it.

At the very beginning, there was a problem here. The nearby alarm calls have been ringing off the hook, and many rescuers are rushing in. However, due to the large area of the mudslide, the roads are also submerged, vehicles cannot pass through, and the hotel deep in the forest is almost destroyed. Isolated, the rescue team is trying to overcome the difficulties.

Before arriving at the location, the news has already exploded on the Internet.

The first poster became the one who received the most attention. Many netizens asked him to broadcast the situation live, and many netizens, Weixi, and Xima came to ask about Lu Wenxi's situation, and they were very worried about Lu Wenxi.

What's more, he started to praise Lu Wenxi.

This is no show!

Who would use such a thing for show? This is a matter of life and death, not to mention that Lu Wenxi was also a victim, and his body was in extreme distress. How could there be any brilliance in his daily life

She was covered in mud all over her face, and her hair was also stuck in the mud. When exerting force, his handsome face was almost distorted. When he was moving things, there was blood on his palms, and there was still mud on the wound.

This is not the effect of makeup, it is Lu Wenxi who is really trying to save people.

What's wrong with your bad temper? Who hasn't lost their temper yet

What's wrong with poor acting? He can work hard in the later stage, his attitude has been very good recently, and his acting skills are gradually improving.

Lu Wenxi has never done anything harmful to nature, and even always does some good deeds. He will save Fat Momo without thinking, will challenge Deng Xuanhan, and will take the lead in saving others in difficult times.

At this time, the charisma of a star was fully reflected. In addition, Lu Wenxi was used to being the boss on weekdays, with superb commanding skills, amazing judgment, and that kind of innate domineering, which suddenly became a disaster. Leader of the rescue. When the rescue team couldn't rush over, it acted as a vanguard.

The victim who originally wanted to criticize Lu Wenxi was suddenly entrusted by many netizens, and suddenly became more responsible, and reposted a video of the scene of the death, but the response was mediocre, and the attention was much lower than the previous one.

This person knew the situation, guessed that he would bring Lu Wenxi, so he could get angry, and immediately followed Lu Wenxi's rescue team.

Lu Wenxi is about to take the able-bodied people to the second floor to rescue people. The situation on the third floor is already very bad. Many of them are too tired to sit in the mud and refuse to get up. The situation on the second floor is even worse. The silt in the bed has reached the waist, and walking is very strenuous.

The photographer followed up boldly, and it was a fight.

Half an hour later, another video was uploaded.

There was a lot of mud, and the scene was very chaotic. Because everyone was in a hurry, they all relied on shouting when communicating with each other. In the video, Lu Wenxi led a group of people to break into the door again, and then miraculously dug a person out of the mud.

The man was trapped to the point of death, and his breathing had stopped, but Lu Wenxi did not give up. He pressed the man against the wall to perform CPR. When he heard the sound of coughing, he began to pat the man on the back and coughed up dirt from his mouth. .

At the end of the video, Lu Wenxi saw that the man seemed to have recovered, and ordered someone to lift him up first. Turning his head, he saw that there seemed to be tears in Lu Wenxi's eyes. He just wiped the clothes on his shoulders casually, and said : "Let's continue, there are still people inside!"

Video ends.