Soon To Die

Chapter 142: Spirit World Gathering (Part 2)


"A five-hundred-year-old evil spirit?!" An elder of the Nangong family asked in shock. Xu Chen turned his head and saw that it was the old gentleman who had helped Lu Wenxi before, so he replied politely, "Yes. .”

"What kind of evil spirit is it? Has it already gathered the evil spirit and almost formed it?"

Xu Chen didn't know how to describe it, so he thought about it and replied, "It's quite lively."

"Lively... evil spirit?"

Xu Chen nodded, took out a gourd from his waist, opened the bottle cap, a black mist ran out of the black mist in an instant, stood calmly on the open space, raised his hand to look at his hands.

Finding that he was free again, this time he didn't make fun of himself to attack Lu Wenxi and Xu Chen, but turned his head and ran away, thinking that there were too many people in the way, so he directly struck out with his palm.

The moment the evil spirit appeared, many people felt the frightening evil spirit, which shows how many innocent people and ordinary souls this evil spirit has killed. The yin and evil spirit almost gathered into shape, showing signs of harming the surrounding vegetation. Many people's compasses were spinning rapidly, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

Mr. He was the closest to the evil spirit, backed away in fright, and finally stood by Xu Chen's side.

The power of this palm is extraordinary, maybe it will kill some people who are not capable enough, and many people flee in a panic.

As a result, such a fatal blow directly hit the barrier, and before he could run far, he was kicked to the ground.

Lu Wenxi held the gourd, knocked the mouth of the bottle on the evil spirit's head, and then the evil spirit disappeared again and was sucked into the gourd.

In the hands of a half-human, half-ghost who possessed the ability of a thousand-year-old evil spirit, this five-hundred-year-old evil spirit is like a little chick, completely manipulated in his hands.

After Lu Wenxi took the "human head", he went back to sit.

The old Nangong family was stunned, so he sighed: "It's really... quite lively."

Some people present felt that they were being tricked, but there were still many people who felt that... Lu Wenxi was quite powerful, and Xu Chen also gave people a feeling that they were hiding something.

Just when everyone cast their yearning eyes on Xu Chen, they saw Xu Chen frantically controlling the two mobile phones.

When playing the game, it is also quite involved.

This time, no one went to watch Mr. Wang cast spells.

The five-hundred-year-old evil spirits were all "snapped" by others. Mr. Wang spent a long time tidying up a place without any danger, and even missed the auspicious time for the party. Everyone in the Taoist school suddenly felt that it was quite cheap.

In the beginning, when Xu Chen and Lu Wenxi introduced themselves, they both said that they were Taoists, because the number of Taoists is indeed huge.

There were 500 people participating in this spirit world gathering, 350 of them were Taoists, and the number of ghost catchers was small, and they were rarely known.

However, in the main position, it is still a representative of Taoism, a representative of ghost hunters, and a principal of the organizer.

All of a sudden, Xu Chen pretended to be a coercion invisibly, saving some face for the ghost hunter.

The ghost hunter finally raised his eyebrows in front of the Taoist family once.

Before, some people questioned that Xu Chen was too young to represent a ghost hunter, but no one said anything now.

The big brother of the Taoist school dropped a level before he even appeared on the stage, which is also wronged.

Mr. Wang came here with his disciples in a grand manner.

The spiritual weapon is a huge ship-like aircraft, as if flying in the air, it is considered to be of a higher grade today.

After these people came in, the venue had returned to calm. He came to apologize to everyone and said some scene words.

I don't know why, but I always feel that these people are not as enthusiastic as imagined, but they didn't ask too much. After they came in, they glanced at Lu Wenxi and Xu Chen. Although they were surprised, they didn't say much.

At the official opening, Xu Chen took out his fan, unfolded the fan and muttered something, and two miniatures appeared from the fan.

Xiao Yunmo patted his sleeves, and walked directly towards Lu Wenxi, ignoring Xu Wang who was going to help him, and sat on Lu Wenxi's shoulder.

Xu Huang sighed, sat down next to Xu Chen, and followed him to watch.

Many people have seen this scene, and this time they believed Xu Wang and Xiao Yunmo's miniatures for a thousand years. Looking at the miracle, many people have the idea of making friends with Xu Chen.

Spirit world gatherings were originally the arena for the juniors.

If Xu Chen grew up in a normal way, he would also participate in this kind of competition, which is to compete with his peers. But he is very different. When he came to participate for the first time, he sat in the highest position and became a referee.

Taoism relies on one's own ability, holding a compass, and some people holding whisks, it is considered all the property. Ghost hunters need more tricks, that is, they can use their own evil spirits to help them.

The two sides are the same, that is, formations, talisman seals and other methods.

There is indeed a feng shui problem here.

In the ancient tombs of emperors or dignitaries, there will be real tombs and some fake tombs. Most of the fake tombs are buried with objects and people buried with them. If those people die in the tomb, if they feel resentful in their hearts, they will become evil spirits.

It's okay if you've been trapped in the tomb, but if you think of a way to escape, you'll come out and do evil.

Xu Chen suspected that the evil spirit he had caught before had escaped from the tomb about five hundred years ago.

There should be a fake tomb here, and the gathering of evil spirits has caused problems here.

The content of this test is that these juniors go around to clean up what is wrong here.

In fact, Mr. Wang is also a good elder. He felt that there was a strong evil spirit in one place, and he was afraid that the juniors would not be able to settle it, so he made a move. Later, I heard about Xu Chen and Lu Wenxi, and after the game started, I kept asking Xu Chen for advice, and chatted with Xu Wang by the way.

There are some screen-like things rotating around the venue, broadcasting the actions of these disciples in real time.

"Now the spirit weapon has developed like this?" Xu Wang sat on Xu Chen's shoulder and sighed, "Blame me, it's just a miniature, and I haven't passed down any decent spirit weapon to you."

"It's okay." Xu Chen replied in a low voice, he didn't care about it.

"Go back and I will teach you how to do it yourself."


Lu Wenxi was not interested in these people's magic performance or anything, and felt bored after just a few glances.

Xu Chen has been watching, very seriously, obviously studying. Xu Chen's comprehension is so good that it is shocking. Sometimes, as long as he observes a person's spell-casting process and goes back to study a little, he can research it by himself.

So Xu Chen is taking the best position to learn secretly.

Not long after that, problems popped up.

Some disciples calculated that there is a lake where the evil energy gathers, and they sent the boat artifact, so they went to the lake to check it out, and the boat was completely swallowed by the lake.

Everyone present watched helplessly as the three disciples wanted to jump out of the water, but were dragged down by something.

It's almost a stylish evil spirit.

Xu Chen held Lu Wenxi's hand, made a formula in his hand, and said: "Yin!"

After the sound, everyone present was brought to the lake in an instant. Xu Chen was led here by following the spiritual power of the three disciples.

After attracting so many people in an instant, Xu Chen didn't seem to have the reaction of running out of energy, which shows how strong his energy is.

A method that is very difficult for others to do, he actually did it so easily.

But no one had time to be shocked at this time, but saving people was the most important thing.

Xu Chen didn't have any spiritual weapons, so he walked towards the center of the lake on foot, and saw that where he walked, his feet would freeze instantly, and a road was formed in this way, allowing Xu Chen to walk to the center of the lake smoothly .

When he reached the middle, he took out ten talisman seals from his pocket, unfolded the fan and read the formula in his mouth. The ten talisman seals were completed in an instant, and then he pushed them with his hand, and the talisman seals flew directly into the lake.

In an instant, the spiritual power in the lake surged, and then the surface of the lake was seen churning, and there was a faint roaring sound.

Xu Chen's expression didn't fluctuate at all, he squatted down, pointed his palm at the lake surface and exerted force suddenly: "Get out!"

Although the sound that came out was like the sound of a dragon chant, it was actually a snake that churned out of the water in the end. The scales on its body were close to the color of dark gold, faintly showing signs of becoming a dragon.

After Lu Wenxi saw it, he was afraid that Xu Chen would not be able to handle it and wanted to follow, but he heard Xu Chen say, "You don't need it, it's quite dirty."

"Oh." Lu Wenxi didn't step forward, and waited in place.

Xu Huang, who was on Lu Wenxi's shoulder before, said to Mr. Wang at this time: "Give him a helping hand."

Mr. Wang immediately understood that the stronger the evil spirit here, the stronger the snake's ability. They are here to help drive away the evil spirit, and they can also help Xu Chen. He immediately ordered everyone present to help Xu Chen get rid of the evil spirit

Xu Chen watched coldly as the snake jumped up in front of him and entered the lake again. Before the splash could touch him, it had already turned into ice cubes and fell one after another.

He glanced at the lake again, and released the spell in one direction. The water in the lake froze, and the ice cubes rose from the bottom, pushing the bodies of the three people out at the same time.

Seeing the body of the junior, the elders of the family immediately picked it up and took it to the side for first aid.

At this time, the giant snake jumped up again and charged directly at Xu Chen.

Xu Chen jumped up immediately, stepping on the iceberg that had just risen and jumped a few times, during which time three talismans flew out.

The ability of the talismans is related to the mellow spiritual power of the person who wrote the talismans. Xu Chen's spiritual power is strong now, and the talismans he wrote also have powerful abilities. The three talismans made the giant snake splatter and roar. With a sound, he did not retreat into the lake, but attacked Xu Chen again.

The shapely evil spirit suddenly entangled Xu Chen's feet, preventing Xu Chen from moving his body. Seeing the giant snake approaching, he could only melt all the ice, and then fell into the lake.

Lu Wenxi was so frightened that his heart tightened. Just as he was about to chase in, he saw a sudden light flash in the lake. The huge lightning flash made the body of the giant snake swimming in the lake convulse, and finally surfaced, leaving no room for struggle. .

This kind of electric wave circulation in the lake water is comparable to a thunder disaster that overcomes the disaster.

I thought that under such thunder and lightning, other fish in the lake would die along with it. As a result, they found that the lake was really occupied by this snake, and there were no other creatures.

The evil spirit here is too strong, and ordinary creatures can no longer survive. This giant snake is nourished by the evil spirit, so it can survive for so long.

But it still longed for real food, so these three disciples became its prey.

Xu Chen stepped on the ice from the lake and shook his clothes, as if he was trying to radiate heat to dry his clothes, and the ice under his feet melted little by little.

"The ice cubes just now looked pretty." Lu Wenxi put his arms around his chest and sighed.

He thought the scene of Xu Chen walking towards the lake stepping on the ice was simply beautiful.

Xu Chen glanced at Lu Wenxi, and then waved his hands. As if he didn't need money for energy, he arranged a road formed by ice blocks in the lake, and there were ice sculptures of different shapes.

Lu Wenxi's eyes lit up after watching it, and he immediately went out, skating on the ice, and took out his phone to take selfies.

Everyone in the spirit world didn't know why, the gathering in the spirit world went smoothly, but they forced to watch the two men show their affection.

They just wanted to stay and clear away the evil spirit accumulated here, but at the same time clearing up the evil spirit, they watched the popular actor and took selfies on the ice for more than thirty minutes without getting tired.

Xu Chen, a representative figure in the world of ghost hunters, even worked tirelessly to take pictures for Lu Wenxi, and watched a lot less of the subsequent games.

When finally summing up the performance of the juniors this time, Xu Chen thought for a long time, and could only comment on this sentence: "They all performed well."


Really gone.

Xu Chen's attention at this gathering was all on Lu Wenxi, and he suddenly discovered that Lu Wenxi was particularly good at skating.

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