Soon To Die

Chapter 17: cause of death


Xu Chen's voice was still without any emotion, and he spoke directly, as if he was reading a text palely, and while answering, he was still looking around: "There is a lot of yin in the room, and they are trying to corrupt you. Staying in the place for a long time is not good for you."

A person who is full of dead energy stays in a place full of yin energy for a long time, and the dead energy on his body will increase accordingly.

This is also the reason why people who have been ill for a long time cannot cultivate in a cold environment. The gloomy atmosphere in the house will bully the weak and fear the hard, and will corrode the weak.

Lu Wenxi felt that Xu Chen's hug was not cold, but very warm.

He also adjusted a posture very cooperatively, let Xu Chen hug his waist, and said: "You hold it like this first, and I will see if there is anything in the laptop, otherwise I am really not sure if I can get it from someone else's house." Take a laptop, does that count as theft?"

Xu Chen pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, but continued to hold Lu Wenxi in his arms. From his angle, he could see the back of Lu Wenxi's head and Lu Wenxi's movements of looking at the computer.

Xu Chen stared at the back of Lu Wenxi's neck. The tips of her cherry blossom-pink hair matched her light honey-colored skin quite well.

The password of the computer is also: 845369.

He didn't know if the number had any special meaning, and he wasn't interested. Just looking for the computer, I found that there are still some videos of Wei Haodong being photographed in the computer, and they are placed in the desktop folder, which is very easy to find.

He was not polite, and noticed that he was connected to the Internet, so he packaged the video and sent it to his mailbox, and then deleted the traces.

"I found the suicide note and diary, and I took photos in the house, and these videos have also been sent to my mailbox. My task is considered complete." While muttering, Lu Wenxi took out a tissue and carefully wiped off his own. fingerprint.

When he was about to stand up, he backed away subconsciously, and his butt bumped into Xu Chen's body. He knew that it was Xu Chen's part that hit him, so he couldn't help being stunned.

The posture of the two of them now is a bit...

He turned his head and found that Xu Chen was still holding his waist, looking sideways and ignoring him. He couldn't help but secretly speed up his heartbeat, and then laughed.

He is also quite promiscuous when he poses as a backward person in the yin house.

After looking for things, Lu Wenxi walked around the house again, and left after seeing nothing else of interest. He still has a notebook and a suicide note in his hand, which he wants to take away.

When he reached the door, Xu Chen immediately followed him, grabbed Lu Wenxi's pulse gate, and checked Lu Wenxi's pulse. Then he put his cold hand on Lu Wenxi's forehead, touched his neck, and asked, "Are you dizzy?"

"Ah... not at all." He had no reason to refuse being touched so directly.

"Do you feel particularly anxious?"

"No, because I'm quite excited to be a detective."

Xu Chen stared at him for a long while before he felt relieved, and then said, "Wait at the door."

"Are you going to cast a spell in the house?" Lu Wenxi asked.

"The yin in this room is too heavy to ignore."

Lu Wenxi immediately waited obediently at the door, still flipping through Deng Xuanhan's diary.

In fact, Lu Wenxi had already guessed more than half of the reason for Deng Xuanhan's suicide, but the real thing was worse.

Deng Xuanhan's diary is full of unbearable memories of the past, hating her own background, despising her becoming popular by stripping off her clothes, and finding resources by going to bed.

She regrets it.

I regret it very much. I regret that I have depression and need drugs to control the condition.

Deng Xuanhan was born in a patriarchal family. The family owed debts and needed to repay them.

As a result, Deng Xuanhan went out to work before finishing junior high school. The places where she can work part-time at this age are not formal. She works as a waiter in the kitchen during the day and a waiter in a nightclub at night.

Later, because she was good-looking and well-rounded, she gradually became the head of the big sister in the neighborhood. She made some achievements. In order to get a higher salary, she became a dancer in a nightclub. cook.

As a result, she met some miscellaneous people and started a messy life. A boss who took good care of her showed her a way and made a lot of money by taking photo videos, which was enough for Deng Xuanhan to help pay off her family's debts. superior.

She hesitated for a long time, and even refused, but when she returned home, she saw that the debt collectors had come to the house. Her mother was torn off by the debt collectors and insulted in front of her father, who actually only protected his son. .

She was completely chilled.

Born into such a family, where can there be any dignity

She felt sorry for her mother, so she agreed.

He also made his debut because of a photo shoot, with a pure appearance, and became a star. He became popular because of an urban emotional drama, and made more and more money in the later period, but he has been filling the bottomless pit of his family.

Until she met Wei Haodong, that year Wei Haodong was still a teenager, 19 years old, a sunny boy, tall and handsome, he admired her very much, saying that she was his goddess.

She doesn't like this kind of little boy, after all, she is 31 years old.

At first, Deng Xuanhan just liked Wei Haodong's body, because it was young and full of strength, which could fill her empty body and let her find happiness.

For this kind of satisfaction, she also helped Wei Haodong as much as possible, turning Wei Haodong from an unknown person into a rising star.

I'm afraid it's because of the long-term love, or because Wei Haodong is the only one who makes her feel comfortable in bed, so she gradually changed her attitude and started to like to text Wei Haodong, and she would laugh when thinking of this big boy. She felt that she was moved by the sincerity of this little boy, and there was no better man in this world for her.

The two became a couple. In order to maintain the image and popularity of Wei Haodong's idol, Deng Xuanhan has not disclosed the relationship between the two of them, and they are very cautious when getting along.

As a result, after Wei Haodong's popularity stabilized, this man changed, and she couldn't get over it, and became not like herself.

During this period, her depression was very serious, Wei Haodong was her biggest support, she even tried to keep Wei Haodong with her body. It was later discovered that Wei Haodong liked younger and more beautiful girls. She found Wei Haodong cheating and cheating again and again, and was even insulted by Wei Haodong, calling her an old woman and calling her a bus.



When she decided to break up, she unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant.

She was ignorant when she was young, and she was pregnant and had an abortion when she was in a nightclub. In the later stage, I was struggling in the entertainment circle, and I don't know which "entertainment" won the bid, which caused an ectopic pregnancy.

This time, the doctor told her that if she had another abortion, she might not be able to reproduce again.

She thought, she is also getting old, so it doesn't matter if she just takes a rest for a while, gives birth to the child and raises it alone. As a result, her assistant told Wei Haodong about this matter, and Wei Haodong came over at night and said he wanted to talk to her.

Her heart softened, she ate with Wei Haodong, talked about the past, and shed tears for a while.

It turned out later that it was a conspiracy.

Wei Haodong put sleeping pills and other drugs in the drink, which made her fall into a coma, and then gave her abortion pills to prepare for a medical abortion. Wei Haodong couldn't tolerate this child, fearing that this child would be a ticking time bomb that might delay his future at any time.

At that time, the child was already 6 months old, and the medical abortion did not work, but several medicines before and after would cause serious harm to the fetus, and the child might be born with dementia.

In desperation, Deng Xuanhan had no choice but to have another abortion, and invited a doctor to come to the house to purify the palace under poor equipment. The child was taken out in sections, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She even went to see the child's body, crying until she fainted.

Later, I went to check again, and sure enough, I could no longer get pregnant.

Deng Xuanhan liked children very much, and she didn't expect Wei Haodong to raise them with her, but she couldn't keep this child, which made her very disappointed in Wei Haodong.

The diary was written like this, and the suicide note listed Wei Haodong's bad things over the years.

Opening the diary again, I saw the checklist sandwiched between them, ranging from the discovery of the pregnancy reaction, to the later checkup, and the checklist for confirming that she was unable to conceive.

Holding these things, Lu Wenxi couldn't lift his hands.

This thing is too heavy.

The family is not harmonious, the memory is not good, the love is lost, and the child is also lost under the conspiracy. When she has nothing, no one can comfort her, because the assistant betrayed her for the company, and her ex-boyfriend hurt her.

When he was extremely sad, Wei Haodong actually publicly announced his love affair.

Wei Haodong lived so happily, but she lost all hope.

So Deng Xuanhan chose to commit suicide.

How weak.

But being so ruthless to himself, he thought of Deng Xuanhan's thin figure jumping out of the window.

Former movie queen...

Today's down and out woman.

There seemed to be movement in the room, Lu Wenxi quietly opened the door of the room, and looked inside.

Xu Chen stood in the middle of the room, with his back to him, and his hands should be pinching his handprints on his chest. There shouldn't be a wind in the room, but suddenly there was a hurricane centered on him, Xu Chen's sleeves were blown and his hair was blown up.

Lu Wenxi seemed to have seen the yin energy in the room, like a cloud of black mist, swirling around him, like a low-end version of a tornado. In the end, all the black mist poured into Xu Chen's palm.

The young man standing in the room seemed to be able to tear off the stars with both hands, and sprinkled starlight in the quiet room.

The wind died away.

At this moment, Xu Chen turned his head sideways, as if to confirm whether Lu Wenxi was peeking.

Lu Wenxi kept staring at Xu Chen's back. When Xu Chen turned his head sideways, his wind-blown hair also fell down. Looking at Xu Chen's handsome profile, Lu Wenxi's heart beat a little faster.

It's the second time today.

Damn it, I actually think this kid is a bit handsome, so handsome that he can't close his legs and wants to be fucked.

But Lu Wenxi quickly came back to his senses and asked, "Are you done cleaning?"

"Well, but it is certain that the little girl who died in this room has become an evil spirit."

Lu Wenxi suddenly remembered that there was a ghost around Wei Haodong, and realized that it was not Deng Xuanhan who caused the trouble, but the little girl who was killed.

There has always been a saying about the consequences of abortion.

Legend has it that aborted children have knives stuck in their bodies. They do not have complete bodies, but broken pieces of flesh. It was very painful, very lonely and helpless, and I wanted to find my parents, but found that there was no one around me, not as good as a lonely ghost, and was torn apart and devoured by other evil spirits around me.

So they turned into resentment and have been following their parents, which will affect their parents' future life, and everything that goes wrong is considered light.

Deng Xuanhan's child, already formed, was cut off and died.

The child will follow the mother for a period of time, hear the mother's confession, and know the reason for killing her, so the resentment will increase, and the child will seek revenge from the father, and thus become an evil spirit, entangled Wei Haodong.

Wei Haodong was so frightened that he was hospitalized, and he didn't know what was going on now.

deserve it.

At that moment, Lu Wenxi felt that Deng Xuanhan's daughter might also be a temperamental person.

On the way back, Lu Wenxi told Xu Chen about Deng Xuanhan's diary and the reason for her suicide. Xu Chen kept listening, then frowned, and finally said two words: "Scum."

"It's really hateful." Lu Wenxi drove the car and turned on the music at the same time. As soon as he turned it on, he sang a song, but quickly turned it off again, for fear that Xu Chen would think his song was offensive.

Back home, Lu Wenxi studied Deng Xuanhan's diary and suicide note again, and finally took photos of the suicide note and the test report.

There is too much black history of Deng Xuanhan in the diary, Lu Wenxi does not want to disclose it, it is the last protection for Deng Xuanhan, what he wants to disclose is only Wei Haodong's various bad deeds, and the exposure of Deng Xuanhan's forced abortion, as well as Cherry Entertainment Persuade her to accept the details of the unspoken rules.

After taking the photo, I canceled the airplane mode, and then I received a series of message bombardment.

Lu Wenxi was not interested in reading the news sent by Han Fanming, so he sent a few pictures directly.

It was already 3 o'clock in the morning, and he thought that Han Fanming was already asleep, but the other party replied in seconds: What is it

Lu Wenxi: Haven't slept yet

Han Fanming: Thank you for being busy with public relations.

Lu Wenxi: See for yourself, it's absolutely amazing.

After waiting for seven or eight minutes, Han Fanming replied again: Where did these things come from? real or fake

Lu Wenxi directly sent a voice message: "I think my public crusade against Wei Haodong will not only not affect my reputation, but also restore my image. After all, I am the first one to publicly denounce scumbags. These things are all true. Yes, Deng Xuanhan's suicide note, as well as Deng Xuanhan's post-abortion test report are all there, not only can they destroy Wei Haodong at once, but they can also destroy Cherry Entertainment."

Han Fanming: Where did it come from

Lu Wenxi: I bought it for a huge sum of money, but you can sell it at a high price and recover part of the loss for me.

It was indeed bought, and it cost 50 yuan plus round-trip gas money.

After a while, Han Fanming sent a message: where is the original

Lu Wenxi: Here I am.

Han Fanming: Awesome.

Lu Wenxi: Oh, it's rare that you can praise me.

Han Fanming: This Wei Haodong is really not a thing. I have already contacted a reliable channel, and it will be sold soon, which will bring a heavy blow to Cherry Entertainment.

Cherry Entertainment is a joint company between Deng Xuanhan and Wei Haodong. In order to protect Wei Haodong who can also bring them benefits, they chose to keep the news open and only said that Deng Xuanhan was depressed, so as to protect Wei Haodong.

As soon as this news is made public, it will definitely deal a devastating blow to Cherry Entertainment, its image will plummet, and the stock market will inevitably be turbulent. Let's see how confident they are in grabbing resources from Yokogawa Entertainment.

Han Fanming is excited now. As a manager and one of the shareholders of Yokogawa Entertainment, he will be very happy if his competitors suffer.

The two of them didn't talk after that, probably Han Fanming was going to be busy.

Lu Wenxi couldn't fall asleep any longer. When he opened Weibo, he found that he was indeed on the headlines and trending searches again. His Weibo was also attacked by fans of Wei Haodong and Xiao Ya.

In the comments, it is also very lively:

Miss Ordinary: What qualifications do you have to make Dongdong apologize? Who do you think you are? Take care of yourself, Dongdong's acting skills beat you by a few blocks.

Reflection of the left hand: Don't be too hot, okay, I hate people who throw back arrows like you the most, disgusting!

There was no Xiaoxin in Crayon: I lied about being haunted before to divert my attention, but now I rely on Hei Dongdong and Xiao Ya to divert my attention, right? #录吻剧跑出娱乐圈# You just have poor acting skills, your face is paralyzed, you will be your rich second generation, go get out of the entertainment circle.

Draw a forbidden area: You have such a sense of justice, why don't you follow to die? Rubbish!

Facial paralysis is black for a lifetime: #录吻赞转出娱乐圈# Do you think you can whitewash yourself by using dead people to stir up topics? It will only make you more and more disgusting.

Lu Wenxi looked at it, then put the phone aside. When he looked up, he saw Xu Chen dangling in the room. He took a bottle from his room and went to the guest room. He immediately followed.

Then I saw Xu Chen holding a bottle of spray and spraying it into the air.

"Are you..." Lu Wenxi couldn't help asking.

"There are a lot of mosquitoes in the house, it's very serious." Xu Chen's expression was very serious, as if he was facing a serious problem, and he was not so serious when dealing with the private house.


In such a high-rise building, the windows are rarely opened, so how can there be mosquitoes? He wandered around the room, but he didn't see it. When he looked back, he found that there were really many mosquitoes around Xu Chen, and Xu Chen was still spraying.

"Uh... You put down my moisturizing spray first, and calm down." Lu Wenxi said to Xu Chen.

Xu Chen then picked up the bottle of spray, looked carefully at the English on it, and found that it was really a moisturizing spray. He couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked, "Is there no pesticide in your home?"

"I'm really not prepared for this." Lu Wenxi said, walked to Xu Chen's side, and brought back her moisturizing spray.

Xu Chen looked at Lu Wenxi's side, and then at Lu Wenxi: "The death energy on your body seems to be able to repel mosquitoes."

"Actually, you are more attractive to mosquitoes, right?"


"I can't help it. I'm a popular idol. It's impossible to stay by your side to help you repel mosquitoes. Goodbye my baby. I'm going back to sleep." After finishing speaking, she took the moisturizing spray and went back to her room.

As a result, I didn't sleep for long when I heard someone singing downstairs.

He didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and just about to fall asleep, he was awakened by singing. He immediately went to the window and looked down, and saw a group of ghosts gathered in the courtyard of the community, singing rock music.

Deep in everyone's soul, there is a rock singer. He does not reject the soul's love of rock, but don't disturb others' sleep, okay? Opening parties in the middle of the night, how can a person who can see hell live