Soon To Die

Chapter 22: Marriage


Lu Wenxi was suddenly flushed in the face, really depressed for a while, and didn't dare to take a breath for fear of being choked. As soon as the water was removed, Xu Chen turned off the shower head, turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

He watched Xu Chen leave without saying anything, and finally sighed helplessly, went to the side and got a bathrobe to put on, wiped his hair, and looked at himself in the mirror.

He looks so good-looking, what if this kid takes a fancy to him? If Xu Chen uses force, can he resist

Looking at it, he began to shake his head and sigh in self-pity: "It's a disaster, why is he so handsome."

After standing there for a while, he thought again. Xu Chen is also quite handsome. If he really wants to pounce on him, is he going to resist? Would you like to say no? Think about it too, he is almost dead, and he is still a 24K pure virgin, shouldn't he try to have sex? This is also considered dead without regret.

This kid Xu Chen really looks good.

The figure is also OK.

I don't know if it is 0 or 1

For Xu Chen's looks, it was worth it for him to attack with tears in his eyes.

After thinking about it, he walked out of the bathroom, walked towards the guest room, walked to the door and looked inside, only to find that there was no one inside. Just as he was wondering, when he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom outside, he guessed that Xu Chen was washing up.

He knocked on the door and asked, "Do you need me to rub your back?"

There was no one at the door.

"Don't worry, little brother is not a bad person." He said as kindly as possible, but no matter how he listened, he was not serious.

The people inside the door continued to ignore him.

In fact, Lu Wenxi really wanted to suggest whether we should try it, but he was afraid of being beaten up by Xu Chen, so he finally gave up.

Now he just thinks that Xu Chen is good-looking, he doesn't have any feelings, and he is not so eager to eat Xu Chen, a real little fresh meat, or want to have a fling with Xu Chen, it's just a whim.

Xu Chen had already expressed his refusal, and he understood it, so he was not persistent, and went back to the bedroom with a yawn, without even feeling frustrated.

The next day, Lu Wenxi did not go to the police station.

Lin Xiao came to dye his hair early in the morning. With a small body, he brought a bunch of equipment. When Yin Hanwei came in, he stared at Lu Wenxi and Xu Chen. After a round of inspection, he didn't care anymore.

After sneaking in, there was Deng Xuanhan. After entering, she yawned and went to the sofa, lay down and went to sleep. The daytime is the rest time for ghosts.

Then, Lu Wenxi saw Yin Hanwei sitting on the sofa, the position was exactly at Deng Xuanhan's knee, and Deng Xuanhan's body passed through. It seemed that after sitting down, Yin Hanwei felt a chill down his back, and Yin Hanwei got up after a while.

Xu Chen had already made breakfast, and kept staring at Yin Hanwei while eating.

Yin Hanwei was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed Yin Hanwei's arm, pinched Yin Hanwei's pulse gate, took the pulse for a while, then raised his hand, and tapped Yin Hanwei's eyebrow: " Someone in the family has a sudden illness, you may have time to go back now."

After Yin Hanwei heard it, he couldn't help being taken aback, and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

When Lu Wenxi heard this, he immediately realized something, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and threw them on the table: "Drive my car back, call first to confirm."

Yin Hanwei didn't know what was going on at all, and asked with a confused face: "No... what does this mean? What's going on?"

"Listen to him, go back quickly, I'm not joking with you, don't waste time." Lu Wenxi immediately became a little anxious, and hurried Yin Hanwei away.

Yin Hanwei suddenly thought of Xu Chen's evil spirit, plus the address of Xu Chen's home, he couldn't help being startled, and didn't dare to think about it, so he quickly picked up the key and went out.

Lin Xiao went to the bathroom just now. He didn't know what happened, so he came over and asked, "Why did he leave suddenly, and he didn't finish his meal."

"Suddenly something happened at his family." After Lu Wenxi answered, she also sent Yin Hanwei a WeChat message: Tell me if you have any difficulties.

Lin Xiao didn't take it seriously, but after sitting down, he looked at Xu Chen and asked, "Xiao Chenchen can cook!"


"It's amazing, your future girlfriend must be very happy." Lin Xiao began to sigh.

Lu Wenxi had declared the relationship between the two of them before, so Lin Xiao stopped booing and started chatting normally.

As a result, after Xu Chen was asked this question, his first reaction was to glance at Lu Wenxi, and then he replied, "Just do whatever you want."

Lu Wenxi felt a little awkward when he was drinking porridge. When someone asked your girlfriend, what did he do? Is it possible that you really fell in love with him? But soon he realized that yesterday he found out that Xu Chen was gay, so Xu Chen's look might have been a warning, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

He also became interested and asked Xu Chen: "What kind of girl does Xiao Xu like?"

When he begged Xu Chen, Xu Chen was his queen ama.

Now, Xu Chen has become Xiao Xu, occasionally called Baby.

The title has not been fixed yet.

Xu Chen raised his head and looked at Lu Wenxi.

Lu Wenxi also looked at Xu Chen, waiting for an answer.

"I haven't thought about it." Xu Chen replied.

"Think about it now."


"Is it the feeling of Jiangnan women?"

Xu Chen didn't answer anymore, and continued to eat porridge, with an obvious attitude, anyway, he didn't like flowers and butterflies, such as Lu Wenxi.

After Lu Wenxi finished eating the porridge, Lin Xiao took him to dye his hair. While dyeing his hair, he sent a message in his team's WeChat group: Work has started, and I will go to S City tomorrow.

Xie Ke: When will I arrive

Lu Wenxi: Let's gather at the airport. We're leaving tonight. What's your convenience

Lin Xiao pulled off his gloves and replied: I am always on call.

Brother Liu: Anytime.

Yin Hanwei did not reply to the message for a long time.

After waiting for about 3 minutes, Han Fanming sent a message: Have you applied? Can take off

Lu Wenxi: Yin Hanwei has finished his application.

Han Fanming: Leave according to the application time.

This kind of thing is usually arranged by Yin Hanwei, but it seems that Steward Yin has not been on the channel today, and he doesn't know the situation on his side. It was inconvenient for Lu Wenxi to make a call right now, so he asked Lin Xiao to call him.

The phone was turned on speakerphone, and after making a call, Yin Hanwei only picked up the second time, and the voice was a bit wrong.

"What happened?" Lin Xiao asked.

"My dad had a heart attack and passed out at home. Fortunately, I got home in time, otherwise..."

"What's going on now? Need help?"

"I don't know, I'm waiting, my side..." Yin Hanwei hesitated to speak.

In the single-parent family in Yin Hanwei's family, there is only the father. If something happens to the father, Yin Hanwei can only take care of it. Yin Hanwei has been with Lu Wenxi these years, and has hardly had any holidays. Even if he has a holiday recently, he still comes to Lu Wenxi's place from time to time, and spends little time with the old man.

This time, he probably wanted to ask for leave, but it was hard to ask.

"You take good care of it. There is not enough money. Transfer it from my account. You still have more than half a million year-end bonuses with me." Lu Wenxi said at this time.

Yin Hanwei's voice over there was full of tears: "Boss... it's your first time on a reality show, and sister Xia is not around, so I still ask for leave, is that okay?"

"It's okay. When you two didn't take care of me, I grew up safely."

"Say thank you to Xu Chen, I think I misunderstood him before." Yin Hanwei seemed to be sniffling over there, and his voice was a little vague, "I thought he was a monster, but it turned out that A fairy."

Xu Chen has been sitting in the dining room, putting textbooks and notebooks on the table, and studying by himself earnestly. He doesn't know if he heard Yin Hanwei's words, and continues to study without any reaction.

Lin Xiao was more concerned about Yin Hanwei's situation, asked for a long time, and comforted Yin Hanwei: "Brother Yin, don't worry, when you are away, I can act as an assistant, leave it to me That's enough, and there's Xiao Chenchen."

Yin Hanwei over there sighed for a while, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao said in the wechat group: something happened to brother Yin's father, he asked for leave, we have to go alone, Xiao Chenchen is going to take the lead.

Han Fanming: Yin Hanwei asked for leave? Who will follow this time? Who is Xiaochenchen

Lin Xiao: The boss's new assistant.

Han Fanming: Why don't I know

Lu Wenxi: I recruited myself, okay

Han Fanming: You recruited yourself? Are you crazy? What if you change jobs after working for a few days, and then expose you to a pile of black material? Let him come to the company to meet me within 1 hour.

The people around Lu Wenxi were recruited by Han Fanming. They were all elites in the industry, and they were very reliable, and they signed strict agreements.

Lu Wenxi couldn't imagine what it would be like for Xu Chen to meet Han Fanming, and what could Xu Chen do when he went to make a fortune for Han Fanming

He immediately felt something was wrong, so he typed a reply: I know the people I recruit myself.

Han Fanming: Can you die if you don't fight for three days

Lu Wenxi: I will be lonely.

As a result, Han Fanming called directly, and Lu Wenxi hung up immediately, and replied on WeChat: I am dyeing my hair, so I can't answer.

Han Fanming didn't reply anymore, and Lu Wenxi could imagine that Han Fanming should have been furious, and maybe an hour later, he would kill him directly.

Helpless, Lu Wenxi held the phone and sighed, feeling tired of hiding his lover.

Xie Ke: Is there a newcomer

Lin Xiao: That's right, a handsome guy, super handsome.

Xie Ke: Really, do you have a girlfriend

Lin Xiao: Fang is 18 years old.

Xie Ke: So small? !

Han Fanming: Really just an assistant

Lin Xiao: The boss said yes.

Han Fanming: Lu Wenxi, if you make another big news, I will hide you!

Lu Wenxi: Then I will buy Hengchuan.

Sitting next to Lu Wenxi, Lin Xiao couldn't help but raised his hand and gave Lu Wenxi a thumbs up, feeling that Lu Wenxi was about to become a beauty in anger.

Han Fanming was speechless again, probably his heart was broken.

After dyeing her hair, Lin Xiao helped Lu Wenxi restyle her hairstyle and trimmed it a little.

It turned out that the coquettish hairstyle disappeared all of a sudden, and turned into black hair, which was specially blown to make it look very fluffy. It was placed on the top of the head, and the bangs were also specially styled. Boy, does it feel like a college kid.

In order to match this hairstyle, Lin Xiao went shopping last night and bought new clothes for Lu Wenxi, a light blue pinstriped shirt and a white coat. The lower body is simple light blue jeans, without holes, in good order. The feet are matched with white sneakers.

After changing the look, Lin Xiao walked around Lu Wenxi a few times, changed Lu Wenxi's earrings, and then found a pair of plain glasses for him to wear, all he wanted was for decoration.

The rebellious boy was gone, and now Lu Wenxi was gentle and obedient.

"Xiao Xu, let's see if I look like a top student." Lu Wenxi dressed up and went to Xu Chen's side, asking Xu Chen to give him an evaluation.

Who knows, Xu Chen looked up at him, and handed a book to Lu Wenxi: "Let's do this calculus, Xueba."

"..." Lu Wenxi looked at the book and fell silent.

Then, Xu Chen pointed to a place: "Actually, the answer is here."

"..." This kid is really unlikable.

Lin Xiao was overjoyed when he saw it, but he didn't say anything, and handed Xu Chen a suit of clothes: "Go, change, my sister will do your styling for you. The time has just been confirmed, and the flight will take off at 4 pm."

"take off?"

"That's right, take the boss's private jet to City H, and the application is over."

When Xu Chen heard the word airplane, his eyes lit up for a moment, and then he obediently went to change his clothes.

The clothes were chosen by Lin Xiao for Xu Chen, and they fit Xu Chen's temperament. In disguise?"

"Uh..." Lin Xiao was a little stumped by the question.

Sitting aside, Lu Wenxi couldn't help laughing.

When going to the airport, Lin Xiao was sitting in the passenger seat, Lu Wenxi and Xu Chen were sitting in the back, Lu Wenxi was looking at his mobile phone, when he suddenly felt Xu Chen looking at him, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xu Chen.

This time, Xu Chen actually looked away, turned his head away, and stopped looking at him.

This is very suspicious.

So he laughed, moved closer to Xu Chen, and asked him, "Little brother, I've become more elegant, how do you look?"

Xu Chen ignored him and said nothing.

Lu Wenxi didn't care, she lowered her head and continued to play with her mobile phone. When she remembered something, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Xu Chen's ears. Sure enough, the tips of her ears turned red again.

This kid can't help being funny.

"When you are photographed, it is always blurry. Can this be adjusted?" Lu Wenxi couldn't help asking Xu Chen.

"It should be that the evil spirit around me is too strong, which caused this situation, just like being in a thick fog."

"Can I change it? My personal photographer is here today. I'm afraid I'll scare her. It's a girl."

Xu Chen didn't speak, but frowned slightly, and after a while, he said, "Let's try now?"

Lu Wenxi immediately turned on the camera function of her phone and found that the camera was broken...

After the mobile phone was flooded yesterday, other functions had no effect. Unexpectedly, the camera was broken.

He reached for Xu Chen's cell phone, turned on the camera function, took a photo of Xu Chen, and found that the photo was clear, so he asked with a smile: "Can you take back your evil spirit? You can take it back freely? My death Can you breathe?"

"It needs to be restrained deliberately. It's a bit troublesome. If you don't pay attention, it will be released again. Your dead energy cannot be restrained, and there is no way to save it."

Lu Wenxi curled her lips, feeling unhappy for a while, and then said: "When you noticed that Xie Ke was taking pictures, just restrain yourself a bit."

When he arrived at the airport, Xu Chen met the so-called private photographer. He picked up the camera and took a picture of Lu Wenxi without saying anything. Lu Wenxi has long been used to it, and she will act like she was secretly photographed, which is very natural.

These photos will be posted on the Internet later, which is the so-called airport look, the so-called plain makeup is the result of an hour of makeup, and the so-called casual look is the result of careful dressing by the stylist.

They don't actually use the waiting room. After all, they are private jets, and they can board the plane at any time. They come here just to borrow the scenery.

After filming, they left quickly.

On the way to leave, Xie Ke formally greeted Xu Chen: "Hello, my name is Xie Ke, and I am the same age as you."

Xu Chen didn't say hello to Xie Ke, but just glanced at Xie Ke and asked, "Is your zodiac a rabbit?"


"The family was not considered happy in the early years, but your luck is very strong, so it will not affect you. You have a younger brother, who is a horse in the zodiac?"

"Huh? Lin Xiao told you?" Xie Ke was a little confused.

"You've had good luck recently."

"what? What?"

"this month."

Lu Wenxi kept listening, and couldn't help being happy after listening, and patted Xie Ke on the shoulder: "Not bad, I'm going to get married."

"What is it?" Xie Ke was teased before he understood what was going on.

"Our new assistant can read pictures." Lu Wenxi replied.

Lin Xiao hurried over and asked, "Xiao Chenchen knows how to read faces, so take a look at mine, do you have any luck?"


Lin Xiao was immediately disappointed, and couldn't help feeling depressed: "Then do you think I can get married in this life?"

"Why don't you give me your birth date?"


On the private plane, Xu Chen took a seat by the window, and Lin Xiao had already handed over a piece of paper on which he wrote his birthday.

Only then did Xu Chen deduce it, and after a while, he replied, "I can marry."

"How old can you be?"

"Married at the age of 32."

"Is it imaginary?"


"Oh... what about the child's?"

"There is a son in middle age."

"middle aged?"

"Approaching forty."

Lin Xiao dragged Xu Chen to ask questions for a long time, and Xu Chen answered patiently, and then Lin Xiao and Xie Ke started chit chatting.

According to Xu Chen's calculations, getting married at the age of 32 and having a child at the age of nearly 40 is also in line with Lin Xiao's personality and plans for himself, which sounds quite reliable.

Lu Wenxi couldn't help being curious, and asked Xu Chen: "Didn't you count my horoscope before? Look at me, can I have a date before I die?"

"Your fate has been destroyed by external forces, so it's not accurate."

"Then according to the previous, normal calculation, will I have a date in the future?"


"Hey! When? What is the other party like?"

Xu Chen lowered his head, pinched his fingers to calculate, and replied: "According to the previous calculation, you will fall in love next year, get married in five years, and have no children. The other party is two years older than you. fortune."

"Still married?" Lu Wenxi was quite surprised, and nodded cheerfully. She was two years older than him and married to him, so it should be true love.

But we can only talk about it next year... Will he survive until then