Soon To Die

Chapter 40: first kiss


Lu Wenxi finally finished his makeup and was about to start filming his first scene.

The investment of this film is not high, and it will be equipped with explosion special effects in the later stage, so the initial funds are limited, and they will push the plot according to the venue. The crew has already sorted out each location and the plot that needs to be filmed, and then all the scenes at this location are filmed before going to the next location, which saves money and does not need to move equipment frequently.

For the characters in the play, every time a scene is filmed, a dedicated staff member will take a few photos of them and keep them for archiving, so as to avoid mistakes in clothing and hairstyles in the future, and avoid wearing out.

Lu Wenxi's appearance in the movie is quite simple, even in the police uniform, and her hairstyle is messy all day long. Most of the freckles on her face need to be recorded.

After taking the photos, Lu Wenxi entered the shooting scene.

Du Zishan was wearing a white coat, standing beside the hospital bed in the room, and there was a "corpse" lying on the bed, which was a "corpse" played by a real person in makeup.

In this scene, Zhao Yang, played by Lu Wenxi, met Lin Jiaqi, played by Du Zishan, for the first time.

The plot is about Zhao Yang, who has always been a small policeman. He has a very good relationship with his neighbors in normal times. He is enthusiastic and popular. He has no airs, has a very good heart, and is full of justice. When helping to solve the relationship between neighbors, I accidentally encountered a big case and fell down from upstairs.

Everyone was a neighbor, and most of them knew the deceased, and Zhao Yang also knew him. They all felt that the deceased had no reason to commit suicide, yet the case was deemed a suicide.

At the insistence of Zhao Yang and his family members, they planned to send the body to the military region for autopsy.

What is being played now is such a play.

Zhao Yang promised that he would keep an eye on the case and return justice to the family of the deceased, so he followed to watch the autopsy. A police officer who has done a big case since he joined the job was catching thieves. It was the first time he saw a corpse being dissected, and he vomited it out in vain.

It was a disgusting scene that was hard to see in a dream. After seeing it, the body would feel numb and shudder, and the discomfort would emanate from the inside out, which was difficult to control.

Lin Jiaqi is a female forensic doctor, usually indifferent and very arrogant. She is a female doctor, an older leftover woman, because of her personality and occupation, she is still single even though she looks very good.

The first meeting between the two was not good. Lin Jiaqi despised Zhao Yang very much, and Zhao Yang was a little afraid of Lin Jiaqi.

However, for the sake of the case, Zhao Yang persevered, and finally got involved in a bigger case, and was even suppressed by his superiors to let him give up solving the case.

Zhao Yang did not give up, and came to Lin Jiaqi again and again, and called her late at night. Later, when her superiors did not allow her, she conducted a second autopsy on the corpse in private, and finally discovered the problem.

In this scene, there are not many opponents between the two.

When Lu Wenxi saw Du Zishan, Du Zishan was wearing rubber gloves, standing indifferently in front of the bed, with both hands raised in front of her chest, which was a common posture for surgeons.

He took a look with his head and found that Du Zishan didn't look at him at all. The staff told him that it was about to start and asked him to get ready.

He knew that Du Zishan had already entered the play.

He has seen this state in Deng Xuanhan's body, and he also saw it when filming a previous movie. During the first filming, he was happy to see other actors in the film, laughing at them as drama masters and chubby kids. Only now did he realize that among these people, he was the one who was most uncertain about his position.

The second force is only him.

Therefore, he was not ambiguous, and worked hard to cooperate after the start.

The two of them had no rivalry, only eye contact. Zhao Yang's eyes were trembling, erratic, and even a little uncomfortable. When he looked at Lin Jiaqi, he flinched. Lin Jiaqi's eyes were indifferent, even a little annoyed. She felt that Zhao Yang's existence disturbed her, and she was annoyed when she saw it.

When Lu Wenxi was filming, he watched Du Zishan cutting a piece of pork and felt very sick, so he began to imagine the ghost scene he saw and the feeling of himself bathing in blood, and his face became more and more ugly.

The director He Zhengxuan watched Lu Wenxi's expression in close-up, especially carefully. This detail must be well presented, and he may stop at any time and find out the mistake. The first scene is very critical, which is related to the speed at which the protagonist enters the scene.

But he didn't call to stop, and the filming of this scene went very smoothly, in one go.

When the director stopped shouting, Lu Wenxi couldn't hear clearly. He was vomiting at the time, and his own retching was louder than other voices. It was Du Zishan who brought him back to his senses.

"Oh my God, I have never cut pork with such a cold expression, and put it on a human body. I am really afraid that I will cut a human body. Can you feel that feeling? It is actually quite disgusting. I say you Haven't finished vomiting yet? Don't make a fake show for a while, if you really spit it out, let me tell you, I'm already disgusting."

Lu Wenxi took the water handed by the staff and rinsed his mouth, then spat it aside, looked back at Du Zishan, then smiled, and the previous mood was swept away.

Du Zishan feels quite careless, but it feels good to act with her. She has a carefree personality and is a bit chatty, but she enters the play quickly and leaves the play quickly. When she is free, she pulls Lu Wenxi to chat. The two of them didn't go back at night, but stayed in the compound to play and chat about the script .

They are chatting about the script here, which is actually to avoid suspicion, and the staff has not left yet, and other actors are filming other scenes.

When we met for the first time, we talked about our views on the role, how to cooperate in the future, and one simple thing. Du Zishan could speak 5 times as much, which caused the crew to call it a day. The two of them didn't finish their chat. yawn.

Xu Chen and Yin Hanwei have been following in the crew. Because of boredom, Yin Hanwei began to teach Xu Chen how to play mobile games. When Lu Wenxi finished work and came over, the two were still chatting about games, Yin Hanwei explained, Xu Chen played with his mobile phone, occasionally looked up at Lu Wenxi, and then continued playing.

After Lu Wenxi came back with the script in his hands, Yin Hanwei called Brother Liu, and they went home together.

"Boss, Lin Xiao called before, but you haven't dismissed work, so I didn't bother you." Yin Hanwei said while sitting in the car.

Lu Wenxi was used to sitting next to Xu Chen, and didn't bother Xu Chen to play games, but just rested lazily on Xu Chen's shoulder. Xu Chen was busy playing games, so he didn't refuse, and let Lu Wenxi lean on him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Recently, he gave Xie Ke and Lin Xiao a small vacation, and he would call them over when something happened. Xie Ke would come to take a sideshow every now and then.

"I said I went shopping today, saw a pair of watches, and thought it would be suitable for the two of you, and asked you to transfer money, but her quota is not enough." Yin Hanwei explained.

"Oh, you transfer it, you also know the account number and password."

"I have to ask you first. After all, you said that the relationship between you two is pure, and you can't just buy a pair of 6 million couple watches. Oh, it's not a couple watch, but a buddy watch of the same style."

Lu Wenxi was delighted when he heard it, pointed at Yin Hanwei, opened his mouth and cursed silently, then couldn't get angry, he reached out and patted Yin Hanwei on the head, and said, "Buy!"

Yin Hanwei was happy after hearing this, nodded, took out his mobile phone to transfer money to Lin Xiao, and asked her to buy it tomorrow.

After Xu Chen listened, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Wenxi: "I don't want it."

"I'm happy to buy it, did I tell you?"


"Put it on after you buy it, it's convenient to check the time and finish the work."

"You can tell the time on your phone."

"Take it as work clothes with a watch."


After Yin Hanwei listened, he couldn't help interjecting resentfully: "Boss, I also want work clothes and a work watch."

Lu Wenxi gave Yin Hanwei a direct look, and Yin Hanwei immediately fell silent.

Xu Chen always felt a little weird. After playing the round in his hand, he put down his phone and wanted to say something, only to find that Lu Wenxi had fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder, probably very tired.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Chen pulled Lu Wenxi's wrist and pressed the Neiguan acupoint on the inner side of the wrist to help Lu Wenxi relieve his fatigue.

Yin Hanwei glanced back, quickly noticed that the two seemed to be holding hands, and immediately turned back, pretending not to see anything.

Lu Wenxi finally woke up when he got home.

He moved here suddenly because the house was close to the shooting location, and that's why he met Xu Chen. If Lu Wenxi was still living in the original house, it is estimated that Xu Chen would not find his home.

There are many interesting rumors in the entertainment industry.

At the beginning, Lu Wenxi had an illegitimate meal, and wanted to get close to Lu Wenxi, so he actually sneaked into the hotel arranged by the crew, worked as a waiter there, and planned to ask Lu Wenxi for his autograph. Who knows, after Lu Wenxi joined the group, he bought a house nearby to live in, and didn't stay in a hotel, which disappointed the illegitimate meal, and sent a long weibo to cry.

Of course, this long Weibo eventually became a joke, and was laughed at for a long time.

Lu Wenxi has a lot of fans and a lot of illegitimate meals, and some of them are very crazy.

After Deng Xuanhan's incident, his current residence is no longer a secret, so when the car arrived at the garage, there were already a group of bastards waiting inside. Lu Wenxi felt a little headache when he heard the cries of the illegitimate fans. He really didn't know how they got into the community.

Yin Hanwei was very used to this kind of scene, and immediately escorted Lu Wenxi out of the car, Liu Ge also got out of the car, personally protecting Lu Wenxi, Xu Chen got out of the car after him, closed the door, and looked around at the same time, suddenly stunned.

In the aura of a group of people, he saw a pink aura, and just about to confirm it, Yin Hanwei urged him to hurry up, and he immediately followed the elevator.

Entering the crew to shoot is a tight job. As the leading actor, Lu Wenxi has been busy all the time. Because the makeup is special, the makeup time is longer than others.

The shooting a few days ago went very smoothly. Although Lu Wenxi did not perform against the sky and was able to pass them all at once, it was considered a good performance. Every time after shooting, he would go to watch the replay with the director, think about it after watching, and ask for reshoots himself.

When reshooting, I will learn from each other's strengths and make improvements through my own thinking.

When you get busy, the time will pass very quickly. The film has been filming for more than 20 days. Today, the filming is about Zhao Yang's family, and most of it is about the neighbors. Du Zishan simply has three days to spare and flies to S City to shoot commercials .

Zhao Yang's house is not big, it belongs to an old community, and it has to be authentic. It's a bit messy there, the room is small, and it's full of small things.

Lu Wenxi's scene was all his own. It was Zhao Yang who woke up in the morning and realized that it was too late. He hurriedly got up, washed up, and then rushed to work. The scene where people greeted him along the way was the very beginning of the movie. . Old-fashioned, but highly acceptable.

Lu Wenxi entered the shooting location wearing a pair of shorts and a pair of worn slippers on her feet. Her hair was messed up and she had just finished styling. He looked around the room, sat on the bed and felt it again, then took a look from the room to the bathroom, and returned to the room.

Pulled out a few sheets of paper from the paper drawer, spat on them a few times, rolled them into a ball, and threw them next to the trash can, then made two more, and only one was thrown into the trash can.

Zhao Yang is a dick, so it's quite normal to masturbate by himself at night.

After finishing this thing, he heard someone in the crew laughing, but the voice was very soft.

He didn't care. He lay on the bed, adjusted his posture a few times, and started shooting when he felt it was okay. When he was awake, he first turned over and lay on his back on the bed, frowning slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. As if willing to wake up, he reached into his shorts and scratched twice.

Then he sat up, raised his hand and smelled his fingertips, and then turned his head to look out the window. It seemed that something was wrong with the sun, so he hurriedly looked at his phone, and then started a series of small movements.

There are no lines, all body language. This is a movie, and the movie is to record life. It should not be too exaggerated, but it must be understood by others. Small details are a test of real acting skills.

This scene took three shoots. It wasn't that Lu Wenxi didn't perform enough, but that when Lu Wenxi was filming, he gave the director new inspiration and added some small details, such as standing up and kicking the ball of paper, and then For example, when I was brushing my teeth, I scratched my buttocks, and when I was sitting on the toilet to poop, I picked up the shampoo next to me to read the text, and tried hard at the same time, trying to finish it quickly.

After filming, when watching the replay, He Zhengxuan couldn't help asking Lu Wenxi: "Is this the case when you were at home?"

Lu Wenxi immediately shook his head and denied it: "I think, if it's Zhao Yang, it should be like this."

"That's right, he's so handsome, he shouldn't have to solve these things by himself."

Lu Wenxi immediately understood what these things referred to, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He was a little bit embarrassed to say it, and most of the time he really... solved it by himself.

There was a break in the middle, and Lu Wenxi went back to the lounge. The temporarily rented room was also an old residential building, and there were staff members who came to rest here.

After Lu Wenxi came, he took a thermos and drank the red wine made by Xu Chen, and read the script.

At this time, a person came into the room. Lu Wenxi was still a staff member, so he didn't pay much attention, but suddenly saw a touch of pink.

Pink... aura

He looked up in surprise and saw a young girl standing in front of him. She looked about eighteen or nine years old. She was thin, but she was in good shape. She was of the type with big breasts, thin waist, and upturned buttocks. She was pretty good looking. But it's not the type that Lu Wenxi likes. He likes the type of girls who are straight and masculine. He likes the Internet celebrity face. The girl in front of him has obvious personal characteristics.

Single eyelid, a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, a tall nose bridge, but the tip of the nose is small, the lips are also very thin, and the palm-sized face looks a bit... like a fox.

Pink aura, looks like a vixen.

It's kind of... seductive.

Lu Wenxi looked behind her, and found that the door was closed when he came in, and his heart skipped a beat, another evil spirit that can pass through solid objects! He subconsciously wanted to find Xu Chen, turned around and found Xu Chen's mobile phone on the small table beside him, the game was still on, it was obvious that he had become a pig teammate, and actually hung up, he knew it, the jumping text was scolding Xu Chen.

He was a little panicked, not knowing what the hell this time was, so he immediately grabbed Xu Chen's bag, trying to find two talismans.

As a result, the girl with a pink aura came to him, and suddenly blew a breath on his face. It was also a pink mist, but it still had a little fragrance.

He was taken aback, thinking that he was going to be poisoned, so he quickly covered his mouth and nose, and when he turned his head, he saw that the girl with a pink aura had come to him, looking at him with a delicate smile, with one hand on his shoulder, and gently The voice said: "Hey, you are so strange... Can you see my aura? Like the brat who ran after me just now?"

He sits, she stands.

She was not tall, and the spring bed he was sitting on was very low, making him turn his head, and what he saw was the plump breasts, which made him step back subconsciously. This posture is quite embarrassing, even if the other party is an evil spirit.

Lu Wenxi guessed that Xu Chen must have seen this girl with a pink aura, so he suddenly put down his phone and chased after her, but she actually came back again.

In this case, it is estimated that Xu Chen will come back soon.

"You... what are you doing?" Lu Wenxi asked, could it be that he wanted to possess himself again? Can the opposite sex be possessed

"Do you think I'm pretty?" The pink girl looked at him with a smile, her eyes were like silk. I have to say that this enchanting appearance is indeed very charming. There is a feeling of deliberate seduction, but it is not annoying.

Unfortunately... he is GAY.

"It's okay." Lu Wenxi replied.

The pink girl's eyes were unnatural for a moment, but she didn't give up. She stretched out her hand to hold Lu Wenxi's hand, and at the same time put one knee on Lu Wenxi's leg, letting Lu Wenxi's hand rest on her chest, and then asked: "What are you doing?" Want to touch me?"

Lu Wenxi looked at her, then at his own hand, and squeezed it twice, still feeling baffled.

"Is this... a special soul exchange ceremony?" Lu Wenxi couldn't help asking.

"Ah?!" The pink girl also froze momentarily, looking up at Lu Wenxi in surprise.

Not quite right...

Lu Wenxi withdrew his hand and quickly dodged. At the same time, the door was opened. Xu Chen pushed the door in and saw them. The girl with pink aura immediately jumped out of the window. Xu Chen chased to the window, gnashing his teeth angrily, as if he wanted to chase after her, and then looked at Lu Wenxi.

Lu Wenxi's aura was dyed pink.

Xu Chen was surprised for a moment, and immediately backed away, walked to Lu Wenxi's side, pressed his hand on Lu Wenxi's face, and fired a cannon, causing Lu Wenxi's aura to scatter. Xu Chen took a closer look and found that the pink aura was a little thicker.

"You..." Xu Chen wanted to ask about Lu Wenxi's condition, but felt his palm was kissed.

He immediately withdrew his hand, and took a step back at the same time, but Lu Wenxi immediately caught up with him, hugged his shoulder, pressed the back of his head with one hand, and kissed his lips directly.

The lips of the two were pressed together, the warm breath entangled together, the soft touch, and the feeling of being burned, as if an electric current stimulated the whole body, making him tremble.

The beating sound of his heart made him think he heard thunder, and his brain went blank for a moment, and he forgot a lot of things. He didn't know what to do, he forgot how to deal with this situation, forgot to push Lu Wenxi away.

After being kissed, he instantly turned into a fool, he forgot to blink his eyes, and just let Lu Wenxi hold him. He felt that Lu Wenxi withdrew a hand, lifted his clothes, and stroked his abdominal muscles.

He smelled a burst of fragrance, which was exhaled from Lu Wenxi's nostrils. Lu Wenxi must have sucked the virgin ghost's profuse powder to be so distracted.

Xu Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, finally came back to his senses, pushed Lu Wenxi away, and patted Lu Wenxi's face: "Wake up."

After being pushed away, Lu Wenxi was very unhappy, and was about to kiss again, but Xu Chen covered his face with his hands, pushed him away, and then explained: "Wait a minute, you should be a fan, I looked for a book, but I never expected to meet a virgin ghost before, so I didn't read carefully how to dispel it."

The things in Xu Chen's bag were carried with him, he immediately turned around to search for his bag, but he dragged Lu Wenxi there, because Lu Wenxi refused to let go of him, and kept hugging his body, still kissing His cheeks, once and again, then his ears, his neck.

Xu Chen's hands trembled a little after being kissed. He pretended to be calm and rummaged in his bag, but because he was flustered, it took him a long time to find a book. The book is very old, even a little worn and yellowed, I don't know how long it has been there. He stood up and opened it to look, trying to find a solution, but Lu Wenxi had already arrived in front of him again.

In fact, Lu Wenxi didn't know how to kiss, but he also knew that the kiss just now was not pleasant at all, it was not enough at all, and he wanted more, so he held Xu Chen's face again and kissed it.

Lu Wenxi's movements were very light and gentle, kissing little by little, rubbing her lips, then sticking out the tip of her tongue, prying off Xu Chen's defense, and sticking her tongue in, she was instantly numb from the sweetness.

The book in Xu Chen's hand fell to the ground, and he had no chance to pick it up after being kissed.