Soon To Die

Chapter 94: parasitic


Han Fanming felt that he, Lu Wenxi's manager, was acting like a spectator. Lu Wenxi made another big news, and he actually discovered it on the hot search.

It has to be said that Lu Wenxi is in charge of traffic, and they didn't work, so this news was airborne and hot searched, and it attracted a lot of attention.

After Han Fanming got the news, he first read some news, then watched the video of Lu Wenxi's performance, and then gave the team an order: stir up!

Han Fanming's request is very simple, first show the video of the curtain call, mainly Ge Xinlong and Lu Wenxi standing together, what Ge Xinlong said.

Just play this paragraph, and the majority of netizens will be curious, how about Lu Wenxi's acting skills, does Ge Xinlong dare to brag like that? It is estimated that many people will question, even suspect that Ge Xinlong received money to praise Lu Wenxi so much. From the very beginning when Ge Xinlong criticized Lu Wenxi, it was a big show.

When there are signs of a fight, and then playing the video of the previous performance, it can be regarded as speaking from the facts and causing a reversal.

The video was recorded by Manman's friend. At first it was just to commemorate it. I didn't expect that it would have such a big response when it was posted on Weibo, and it suddenly became popular.

However, the video uploaded to the video website is a bit watery, almost recording the entire drama. For more than 3 hours, few people were willing to watch the end, they only cared about how Lu Wenxi behaved.

While frying the first video, Han Fanming asked the team staff to edit the video, extract the clips of Lu Wenxi's appearance separately, make another refined video, and do a little post-processing.

After doing this, Han Fanming took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Wenxi to complain.

Han Fanming: I said, can you stop making surprise attacks all the time? Can you tell me first when you go to Ge Xinlong

Han Fanming: But this time the performance is good. You are very motivated recently. During the annual meeting, the company will send you a pennant for advanced employees.

Lu Wenxi: Aren't you busy getting money and don't have time to talk to you? Look at my salary, this is the first time I got cash.

Lu Wenxi: [picture]

Han Fanming clicked on the picture and found that the remuneration was 4 100 yuan and 2 50 yuan, all without tax deduction, but it was quite economical, which allowed Lu Wenxi to secure her reputation as a poverty alleviation remuneration.

At this time, someone came to ask Han Fanming what to write in the promotional content.

Han Fanming: It's too fake if it's all boasting. It may be because the starting point is too low, so Lu Wenxi's acting skills grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. Last time it was a clip, this time it's a scene, is it obvious enough

The staff sent a series of emoticons, saying that Han Fanming is the cut of love.

Han Fanming looked at his mobile phone and kept laughing, Lu Wenxi...he really can't fall in love, when can I save him some time

However, this was enough to drive Lu Wenxi's fans crazy, feeling elated for an instant.

look! Our boss is really working hard!

look! How well he performed, the seniors all praised him!

The most frightening thing is...the story of Ge Xinlong and Lu Wenxi's CP, old opera bone and little fresh meat has been spread for a while, mainly due to the recent release of a same-sex movie with the same theme.

But soon someone stood up: Stop spreading the word, Ge Xinlong's daughter is about to be urged to marry!

In short, this time's big hit has been rated as the most boring "explosive" icon hit in the recent period.

Xu Chen handed the phone to Lu Wenxi: "There is a missed call."

Lu Wenxi was receiving the money at the time, and was very happy. He took a look at the phone, put it in his pocket, and didn't call back.

After thinking for a while, I went to Xu Chen's side and explained: "I admit, I didn't give up at first, so I didn't delete his phone number. But after I put it down, I forgot about it. I was too busy. How can you find a phone number and delete it when you have time?"

Lu Wenxi was telling the truth.

When Liu Yanqing first left the country, Lu Wenxi hadn't given up completely yet, thinking that maybe there was still a chance.

After a long time, it gradually faded away. He was also busy with work, so he forgot all these things before he knew it. If he really deleted the phone on purpose, it was because he still cared about this person. Will forget, it proves that there is really no contact, I don't remember these things, and I really don't care.

Xu Chen nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he wondered why Lu Wenxi didn't contact Liu Yanqing: "Why didn't you call back?"

"I'm an artist, and it's common to miss calls. I'll call again if I have something to do. If I don't get in touch after that, it means it doesn't matter."

Lu Wenxi waited for a while at the theater, but he didn't get the celebration banquet, but thinking about it, it's normal for this kind of drama that doesn't make much money to not hold a celebration banquet, and it would be nice to pack lunch every day.

So with a salary of 500 yuan in his pocket, he greeted the other crew members and left directly to the hotel.

On the way, he glanced under a tree on one side, and then sighed.

There was a person sitting under the tree, with a bloody head, and looked very scary, but it didn't cause anyone to panic. The expressions of the people around him were normal, which could only mean that he could see ghosts again.

It took only a few days to kill so many evil spirits in a row last time.

"I can't take a bath alone again." Lu Wenxi suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, but thought that Xu Chen should not be allowed to smoke second-hand smoke, so he held back again.

Xu Chen turned his head and glanced at Lu Wenxi, nodded to show that he knew, and his expression became a little more serious.

After being together with Lu Wenxi, I will be worried. Doing good deeds requires luck. If there is nothing to help, what should Lu Wenxi do

When Lu Wenxi returned to the room, he regretted not smoking a cigarette. He always felt inexplicably irritable, probably due to his addiction to cigarettes.

He wanted to go out to smoke a cigarette, but when he saw the swaying aura in the corridor, he walked back and cursed: "Fuck! Find a place with so many people, and you won't be free to do anything."

Xu Chen had just taken off his coat, and was taken aback when he saw Lu Wenxi suddenly get angry.

Lu Wenxi still didn't finish. Seeing Xu Chen's stunned look, suddenly an unknown anger rose again, and continued to curse: "Just talk about you, how did you find the place? Are you brainless?"


Why lose your temper

It's just a trivial matter, why did you lose your temper, why did you say such things to Xu Chen

Lu Wenxi still retained a sliver of reason, but couldn't control himself at all, so he turned around in annoyance, kicked the wall fiercely, swearing while kicking, the whole person seemed to go crazy.

Xu Chen walked over quickly, hugged Lu Wenxi in his arms, and pressed his forehead against Lu Wenxi's forehead. Lu Wenxi only felt the soul in his body shake suddenly, and then gradually recovered.

He turned his head in astonishment and looked at Xu Chen. He couldn't figure out why he lost his temper just now.

Because he can see ghosts again

Or is his condition getting worse now

"What's going on?" Lu Wenxi couldn't help asking. He wanted to apologize to Xu Chen, but he didn't say it. He knew that Xu Chen understood him, and Xu Chen could understand without explaining.

"You just recovered from your dead anger. It should be because you lived in the Yin Mansion. It made you anxious and lost control of your temper. The state just now was only slight. If you are really crazy, it will be like Deng Xuanhan's early stage. I can't help myself, I just want to do bad things and expose my darkest and most manic side."

Lu Wenxi swallowed heavily, feeling worse and worse in his heart. He realized that he was out of control. Although it was only short-lived and seemed harmless, he still became frightened.

Because I have my mind and my body is out of control, it feels so bad.

If one day I lose my mind, will I do crazier things? What if Xu Chen is not around? What if he hurt innocent people

"Can it be controlled?" This is what Lu Wenxi is most concerned about right now.

Xu Chen pursed his lips and seemed to be thinking too, but first he helped Lu Wenxi sit down on the bed, took his pulse, checked his condition, and then said: "We need to find the root cause as soon as possible, you are in such a state It's not good if it drags on for a long time, this time it may be because of Yin Qi entering the body, next time it may be due to excessive weakness and so on."

"You're right."

"Actually, there is another possibility." Xu Chen said this sentence suddenly again, his expression getting more and more ugly.

Lu Wenxi was startled when he saw Xu Chen like this, but then he understood.

"Your parents... what was the situation at that time?" Lu Wenxi still asked, he needed to be mentally prepared.

"The torment of the evil spirits when they crossed the catastrophe falls on them, and they will be extremely painful. They didn't die because of too much pain, but because the elders in the family didn't want them to suffer so much anymore, so they killed them directly and gave them a happy time. "

This topic is too heavy for Xu Chen.

"Is my state like them just now?" Lu Wenxi bit the bullet and continued to ask.

Xu Chen frowned slightly, and finally shook his head: "They are the pain of crossing the catastrophe, and your state just now is more like the initial uncontrollable state of the evil spirit, which should be caused by the invasion of Yin Qi. In addition to your The body already has dead energy, which will aggravate the situation.”

It suddenly occurred to Lu Wenxi that after the yin energy entered the body, other people would be motivated or cared about most.

Just like Su Lin and Xu Chen, what they aroused was love, but for him, what they aroused was anger. Why

Could it be that he has been enduring the pressure all this time, and because of his status as an artist, he didn't vent his anger, so at this moment, what he released was his manic temper

He was suddenly a little embarrassed to look at Xu Chen.

At the beginning, he was the one who fell in love with Xu Chen first, or he was the one who chased after Xu Chen first, but his love didn't seem to be as deep as Xu Chen's love for him.

Thinking about it, everyone in Xu Chen's life was betrayed, and only Xu Chen was left alone.

When Xu Chen decided to be with Lu Wenxi, he would put all his heart and soul on Lu Wenxi, and the person he cared about the most was also Lu Wenxi.

What about Lu Wenxi... At this time, he was suddenly reviewing. He didn't seem to like Xu Chen as much as he thought

Was it just because Xu Chen gave him a sense of security that he had the drawbridge effect


Get the fuck off!

Whether you like a person or not, your body knows best. If you don't like this person, you don't want to let that person touch you at all, let alone let that person toss in various poses.

Except for Xu Chen, there is no other person in this world who can get comfort from Lu Wenxi after hurting Lu Wenxi.


What is this anxiety about

In the early stage of the evil spirit... Can't control your emotions


Evil spirit

But he is not dead! It is impossible for a second soul to exist in his body!

"Xu Chen, if you want to possess me, can you just crush my soul? Is it possible to enter and squeeze out my soul little by little? Or...slowly parasitize?" Lu Wenxi asked.