Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 102: You really don't care about your own life or death?



"One-winged spirit"

"Restriction: Must have a heart"

"Basic effect: Transforms the heart into a 'Sincere Heart'. During the duration of the effect, the magician's mental resistance is greatly enhanced, weakening a series of negative effects on the soul, consciousness, and thinking such as dizziness, confusion, and sluggishness."

"Passive effect: The magician will become more willing to tell the truth, prefer sincere communication, and be more likely to distinguish the truth from falsehood in other people's words."

"'There are only two tragedies in life: one is not telling the truth, and the other is telling the truth.'"

Sonia stroked the one-winged magic spirit that looked like a transparent butterfly, and she felt incredible. It was not the first time she summoned a magic spirit, but it was the first time she summoned it so unexpectedly and it was so surprising.

She knew that the 'Sincerity' magic spirit was summoned because of the forced ritual of the viewer, but she mastered 'Sincerity' with almost no obstacles and fully understood the knowledge structure of 'Sincerity'.

Sonia had a strong premonition: even if "Sincerity" was lost in the future, she would be able to summon it again.

Obviously, she had never learned anything about "sincerity", and her nature was very different from "sincerity", but when she stroked this transparent butterfly, the resonance of knowledge connected her with the magic spirit. Sonia felt as if they were connected by blood, as if "sincerity" was also her own magic spirit.

She suddenly recalled the origin of magicians that she had learned in class.

The original magicians did not know how to summon magic spirits. They just lived their normal lives, and then "little cuties" would keep appearing to help them.

In that distant era, the years were long and worth waiting for, and a magical spirit might descend upon you at any minute or every second.

Ash opened the "Operator Management" and took a look.

"Death Mad Sword Princess"

「Human, Female, 18 years old」

"Bond level: 2 (40% experience sharing)"

"Bond Resonance: Greedy: When acting at the same time, there is a chance to obtain better loot."

"Occupation: Silver Mage of Destruction"

"Professional feature: Each effective attack can restore 0.5% of the maximum magic power."

"Holding item: wooden sword for training"

"Controlling the spirits: Wave Sword, Moon Silk, Torrent, Killing Sword, Split Sword, Scabbard, Sharpening Sword"

"Swordsmanship Faction: Silver Level"

"Light Faction: Silver Level"

"Water Magic Faction: Silver Level"

"Psychic Faction: Silver Level"

"Virtual Realm Exploration: 0.098%"

"Curse of Knowledge: Vortex Secret Poison"

As expected, the psychic faction was directly promoted to the silver level, but why did she have a few more magical spirits that she had never seen before

Sonia told Ash about her experiences and gains over the past two days, which surprised and delighted Ash. He thought that this might be the missing social development module and plot module in "Aurora's Sorcerer's Manual". Even without the help of players, the mature Sword Princess completed the plot and got the rewards by herself.

Although Ash couldn't help Fiora pass the "game level", he was determined not to hold Fiora back, and would try his best to take care of Fiora's needs when dividing the spoils in the future.

"I can teach you the miracle of "Killing Intent Activation", but I cannot tell you about "Sword Sheath Contains Light" and "Ten Years of Sharpening the Sword". Sonia explained, "The latter two miracles were taught to me by Professor Trozan. We signed a sealing contract. I only have the right to use these two miracles, not the right to share them. Before the contract is torn up, I cannot reveal any information about these two miracles."

Ash said he understood that these two miracles were plot rewards exclusive to Sword Princess, and naturally they could not be shared with other characters. The source of the activation of Killing Intent was the Killing Intent Sword, which was what they had gained together in the virtual world. Then Sword Princess returned to her world and triggered an additional plot, which was equivalent to an extra reward, so naturally everyone could benefit.

However, he was not interested in these miracles. After all, he did not have the key magic spirit, and he himself was an unlearned magician. Even if he learned the miracle formula, he would not be able to research anything.

Sonia glanced at him, pursed her lips and asked, "What about you? Did you escape from prison?"

Ash shook his head and told him about the strange experiences he had had over the past two days.

Sonia's mood went through ups and downs when she heard that the jailbreak plan was cancelled, the Three-Winged Sanctuary Hunters were coming, and she was even nearly murdered in her dormitory by the hunter captain.

"So what are you going to do? Wait ten days before escaping the prison?"

"I hope so." Ash shrugged. "But there will be another Blood Moon Trial in a few days. I doubt whether I will be selected into the Lucky Eight again. Xilin even invited the Sanctuary Magician to come out. I don't believe he will let go of this opportunity for me to die openly."

"It's just that Valkas was in my way last time, so this time I can only get through with my own strength."

"You want to fight against the Blood Moon Trial?"

"I want to play the victim in the live broadcast so that the audience can vote for other criminals."

"So you plan to just sit there and wait for death." Sonia frowned, revealing a dissatisfied expression.

In the past, Sonia would just make a joke or two and then ignore it. After all, the viewer's reality had nothing to do with her, and the viewer's complaints and worries about his or her situation were at best just topics of conversation during their rest time.

She never really cared about—or worried about—the plight of her viewers.

But this time, Sonia couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have any backup plan or trump card? If you really encounter an unavoidable desperate situation, do you have a way to escape?"

"No, no, if there was, I would have escaped from prison and breathed the sweet air outside."

"How could you not have it? You can force me to train, you can see through the secrets of the virtual world, you can read the magician manual at will, and you can even let me summon magic spirits that I have never thought of. How could you not even be able to save yourself?"

"But I just can't do it." Ash spread his hands: "Maybe I'm just unlucky, sorry."

Sonia looked at him intently and suddenly said.

"Is it my illusion, or do you really not care about your own life or death?"

Ash was slightly startled, turned his head to look at the white mist sea beside him, and said shyly: "I feel a little embarrassed to hear that you care about me so much."

"I didn't..."

Sonia was stunned when she was halfway through her words: "Wait, does that mean my ritual is terminated?"

Ash nodded. "Of course, the ritual was terminated when you summoned the 'Sincerity' spell. By the way, your Psychic Faction realm has also been upgraded to Silver level. Remember to find some books to read when you return. Perhaps I can also arrange for some Psychic Faction training."

"No, I'll go learn the Psychic School myself!" Sonia refused firmly. She looked at Ash suspiciously and suddenly said, "Viewer, you are a humble, kind and good person."

Ash wondered how he got a deluxe nice guy card, only to see Sonia let out a long sigh of relief: "Ah, it feels so good to lie."

Ash's face was full of black lines. He said with a sigh, "I'm too lazy to talk to you. It's time to explore the virtual world. Now that we have condensed the silver wings, we should play it safe and try to explore low-risk areas—"

"you have not answer my question yet."

Sonia grabbed Ash's right wrist, which was tapping the light curtain, and stared at Ash's blurry face with her red eyes. "I've never seen anyone so indifferent to their own life and death. Do you have a secret trick up your sleeve that I don't know about, or do you simply not care about your own life and death?"

"Hey, why don't I care? It's just that I don't think it's necessary to show my nervousness. Do you really want to see me trembling in fear and panic? Sword Princess, you have such a bad taste~"

Ash's tone was relaxed, and his words did sound reasonable, but Sonia shook her head.

"When I was a child, my mother would occasionally bring snacks and delicious food home. Whenever I asked her to try some, she would always shake her head and say she had already eaten." Sonia said, "This is how you make me feel - do you think I'm a little girl? And even a little girl can see through this level of lies."

Ash thought about it, relaxed on the boat, and smiled helplessly.

"I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth. If I wasn't afraid of death, why would I be so concerned about jailbreaking? Why would I go to so much trouble to form a jailbreak team? I'm also afraid of death, and I also long to live. This is the instinct of living things. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"All I can think of is just living." Ash looked at the gray sky of the virtual world. "I have no past, no future, no relatives, no friends. Now the only thing that pushes me to keep going is pure biological inertia. I don't have a goal worth fighting for. I live just to live."

"It sounds a bit hypocritical, doesn't it? I'm afraid you'll laugh at me." He shrugged: "I don't know how to describe this feeling... I feel as light as a balloon, but there's only a thin string tying me to the ground."

"It sounds like the early symptoms of 'immortality'." Sonia said, "Some legendary magicians who are very old and long-lived have a chance to suffer from this special disease. Because their exploration of the virtual world has stagnated, their management of reality is seriously insufficient, and they are too old to update their circle of friends in time, and they can't even keep up with the changes of the times. In the end, they fall into confusion and loneliness."

"Many years ago, 'Immortality' was considered a terminal illness. Sorcerers who were sick would quickly die of soul decay."

Ash was shocked: "Is it that serious?"

"But with the development of medical sorcerers, this disease was soon solved. For hundreds of years, no sorcerer died from the 'immortality disease'."

Sonia held up two fingers and said, "There are two treatment methods. The first treatment method is to use the miracle 'Light of Hope' directly, so that the magician can rekindle the light in his heart and find his life goals. 'Light of Hope' is also a very common medical miracle, which can effectively treat various diseases caused by thinking and consciousness."

Although Ash has tried his best to overestimate this world, he did not expect that the world of magicians would continue to surprise him - magicians are truly amazing and can even cure pretentiousness.

"The second method is talk therapy, which is to cheer you up through conversation. Do you need my help with this?"

"Okay, how about talk therapy?"

"First you have to call me Master."

Ash was silent for a moment, then said, "Sword Princess, I think you seem to have some symptoms of 'immortality', why don't I treat you first... Even a little boy won't believe your lies!"