Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 110: Let's break up now


"I remember now," Sonia murmured, "this is the question of fate."

"Questions and answers about fate?"

She nodded slightly. "This is a very rare virtual world mechanism, and it comes in many forms. The one we encountered is the simplest 'paper question and answer'. If the answer is correct, we can ask the virtual world any question, and the virtual world must give us an answer."

"Anything you want to ask?" Ash asked in surprise, "Then if I ask how to become immortal and invincible, will it answer?"

"Yes!" Sonia nodded affirmatively: "But the quality of the virtual world's answer will be determined by the number of your answers. In other words, the more correct answers you get, the more detailed the virtual world's answer will be."

"In fact, compared to the reward of 'Ask the Void', more magicians actually pay more attention to the fate question itself - because the questions raised in the fate question are all about the magician's future."

"Problems in the future?"

"Yes, the questions here are all things that magicians have not experienced yet. It is impossible for magicians to know the correct answers. They can only infer the future based on the past." Sonia looked at the paper and whispered: "It is said that all the future mentioned in the fate question will inevitably become reality."

Ash said, "What's your problem?"

Sonia's pupils suddenly shrank, and she said nonchalantly, "I don't want to tell you."

"Why? Wouldn't it be easier to find the correct answer if two people discussed it together?"

"Oh, please stop prying into a girl's privacy. It's disgusting." Sonia pretended to be disgusted.

"What privacy does a magician have..."

Ash muttered, watching Sonia covering the paper intentionally or unintentionally, thinking that she was really shy, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

When it comes to power and future, Sword Princess has never been vague. Although she sometimes has a bad temper, it is undeniable that Sword Princess is indeed a good team member. She has never been a drag in the exploration of the virtual realm, and she has never hesitated when she is needed to contribute.

The fate quiz is undoubtedly an extremely rare opportunity. In this case, would Fiora refuse to cooperate because of "shyness" and would rather give a wrong answer than discuss it with Ash

It's fine for others, but Fiora is the one who can shout in front of him, "You don't have dreams but you can protect my dreams." Her greed is even recognized by the game. "Bond Resonance: Greediness" is the best proof of her ambition.

What's more, Ash and she are from two different worlds, just like strangers on the Internet. Even if Ash knows many of her secrets, it will not affect her reality at all. It's useless for her to pretend to be innocent in front of Ash.

It was as if a laser pierced through his head, and Ash suddenly had an idea: "Is your problem related to me?"

Sonia paused.

She knew that now was the best time to deny it. She should refute it with a humorous, disdainful and surprised tone, and finally say "Stop prying into the girl's privacy" in disgust, which would dispel all the doubts of the audience.

Just lie and hide things. Just consider your own interests and nip any facts that are unfavorable to you in the bud.

But for some reason, she, who was always eloquent and alert, suddenly hesitated at this moment. It was this pause that made it impossible for her to conceal anything.

Perhaps it was influenced by the 'Sincerity' magic spirit...

Sighing inwardly, Sonia nodded: "Yes."

"Sure enough." Ash muttered, thinking: "It's related to you and me, and you don't want to tell me, could it be that it says-"

Sonia suddenly became nervous.

"—you're in love with me?"

"You haven't slept for too long, so you can dream with your eyes open now?" Sonia said unhappily, "How is that possible!"

"You deny it so firmly that I can't help but doubt it... Hey, hey, hey, you're answering the question about fate. What sword are you holding? Put it down. You're disturbing me while I'm answering the question!" Ash scolded Sonia righteously and looked down at his own question: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. You make me seem very curious."

"Aren't you curious?"

"Of course I'm curious. I wish I could trick you into turning around and snatch your questions away." Ash said faintly, "But you don't want to. I can't offend you for the so-called 'fate'."

"When the 'destiny' written above is likely to come true, don't you want to know what will happen to you and me in the future?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask yourself." Ash said, "Are you willing to share your future with me?"

Sonia was slightly startled, picked up the paper to cover her mouth, and shook her head: "I'm not really willing yet."

"Okay." Ash shrugged and looked down at the question.

After a while, he asked again: "Are you really unwilling? If you are unwilling, I will ask again later."

Sonia almost couldn't hold back her laughter and gave Ash a displeased look. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly in a very cute way, her eyes curved into crescents, and her brows were full of charm. Ash thought she had used some kind of beauty magic.

"You're so annoying." She muttered, "Okay, okay, I can't guess the answer anyway, so I'll discuss it with you."

"Have you actually wanted to talk to me for a long time—"

"Please listen to the question! Multiple choice question, what is the fundamental reason for the breakup between Sword Princess and the Observer? ① Sword Princess hates the Observer's indifference, ② The Observer thinks Sword Princess is out of control, ③ The spoils are not shared equally, ④ All of the above are correct."

"Will I break up with you in the future?" Ash also became interested: "Break up? This is the first time I've heard this word in real life. It feels like a word that only appears in stage plays."

The most serious declaration of breaking up a friendship that Ash has ever heard of is "I don't want to play with you anymore." Words like "break up" are usually used between two major forces. Ordinary people don't have the qualifications for "break up." "Divorce" is more like it.

"Tell me quickly, do you want to control me, and once you find that you can't control me, you will feel resentful?"

"How is that possible? You might as well consider that your impression of me is distorted. I don't look like a hot-blooded teenager at all. As a mature member of society, isn't indifference a very good traditional quality? How can you hate my indifference?"

"So I don't think it's option ①. I prefer option ③, unequal distribution of spoils."

"Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with the current system of distributing spoils of war?"

"It's fine now, but after you escape from prison, maybe your appetite will grow. Then it will be hard to say..."

"Bah, I think you are greedy and want more. I have to tolerate you for the sake of the overall situation. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and parted ways with you, a jerk who gets more than he works for!"

"Speak with conscience. From the beginning till now, I have contributed the most in every battle, and I have the highest output in every battle. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you have exposed your true colors. You must be planning to reduce my share of the spoils in the future!"

"Even if the shares are adjusted, there must be my reasons. I am always fair and just, and I will never do anything dishonest..."

"Who just said that if I were chosen to participate in the Blood Moon Trial, I would cause a prison riot? Who was it?"

Although they were discussing a serious topic about the future, the two seemed to be arguing about who would be responsible and who would be responsible for what after the game. Their tone was light and they were talking and laughing, which gradually relaxed Sonia.

She was originally worried that speaking out about this question of fate might arouse suspicion and resentment among the viewers, but the viewers' attitudes made her worries disappear.

This is the case with many things. When you don’t think it is a problem, it is not a problem.

"① is wrong, ② is wrong, and ③ is wrong." Sonia said unhappily, "Then which one do you think is the correct option?"

"I actually think there is no correct answer. If I break up with you, there must be another reason."

"what reason?"

"For example, you're not strong enough."

Sonia was startled: "What do you mean?"

"That means you may not be able to keep up with my progress in the future," Ash said, "and if I meet a stronger teammate, you will naturally be useless."

This is what Ash thinks is the most reasonable reason - although there is only one operator, Fiora, it does not mean that she will be the only operator in the future. As a mobile game, it is normal for the initial characters to not keep up with the pace of the later stages. In the future, he will definitely be able to draw stronger operators, and then Ash will naturally not include Fiora in the team.

Sonia was so angry that her hands and feet were cold and her shoulders were shaking: "Because I'm not strong enough, you want to abandon me?"

"It's not that I'm abandoning you. It's just that you may not be worthy of me at that time, and you may even hinder my progress. For our future, we can only separate temporarily. This is good for both you and me—"

"No need for the future, let's break up now!"

"Ah?" Ash was startled.

Is this destiny question so effective that it becomes true directly!