Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 1372: )


"Name Vichy"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 12.8"

"Guardian Spirit Dusk Glow Dragon"

"Seven Wings Highest Rank"

"Core Faction Soul, Prophecy"

"Core Spirit Seven-winged God Soul Lock"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants: Jupiter, the fourth son of Aschus; Mercury, the fifth daughter of Aschus; Apollo, the thirteenth son of Aschus; Minerva, the fifteenth daughter of Aschus."

"Future Message I don't think you would want to trigger Future Echoes."

Although it was very quiet just now, at this moment, the hall was dead silent.

Everyone's eyes moved back and forth between Ash and Vichy, and finally focused on Ash. Even Fanxing was a little surprised: No way, brother, she is the Ghost Prophet, you have women, so are you going to take this poisonous snake in

It is no surprise that Vichy is also the Supreme of the Seven Wings. Compared with her future strength, the situation of her descendants is more shocking.

Although she couldn't speak, Weisser could stretch out four fingers and wave them in front of Vichy. Vichy didn't dare to look up at all, and stared at the copperplate book, as if she wanted to melt the words on the pages with her eyes. Finally, she looked at Ash suddenly, and the viciousness in her eyes almost ignited Ash.

Four, four!

How dare you!

I will be the Seven-Winged Supreme in the future, and you dare to ask me to give birth to four children! ? One alone won’t satisfy you!

If they could take action now, Vichy would confiscate Ash's tools even at the cost of his life!

But when Vichy calmed down, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the stars next to her with a very strange look. Gradually, everyone began to look at the stars, occasionally looking at Ash, with disbelief in their eyes.

If the first three were just coincidences, the fourth one, Vichy, was Ash's enemy. However, even she would become one of Ash's spouses in the future, so is there a possibility that everyone present would...

Although Fanxing's expression did not change, the light around her suddenly dimmed. When the copperplate book floated in front of No. 5 Fanxing, she glanced at Ash, and the coldness in her eyes made everyone shudder.

"Name Stars"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 11.16"

"Guardian Spirit Original Sky Comet Dragon"

"Seven Wings Highest Rank"

"Core faction astrology, swordsmanship"

"Core Spirit Seven-winged Spirit Supernova, Seven-winged Spirit Black Hole"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants of the Six Feathered Serpents of Ash"

"The message from the future will trigger the echo from the future. You won't regret it."

Compared to the previous one, it is not surprising that Fanxing will become the Seven-Winged Supreme in the future. After all, she has been a Six-Winged God for countless years, and her advancement to the Seven-Winged God seems so natural.

Only she herself knew how big the gap was between six wings and seven wings. This gap was so big that no Lord God had been able to cross it for tens of thousands of years. Even for her, she could only say that she had hope of hunting angels and breaking through the limits of magician civilization.

However, the most shocking thing for everyone is that Fanxing will be Ash's spouse in the future, and they have a daughter.

You have to know that Ash is only a legendary magician now, and Fanxing is the six-winged god who has stood in the magician civilization for thousands of years... From various angles, Fanxing cannot become Ash's partner, let alone become "one" of Ash's partners.

However, the victim Fanxing was not very excited. She looked up at Yaxiu, but this time there was no coldness in her eyes, only a hint of curiosity.

Is it because of that message? Everyone vaguely realizes that for some people, "Future Echoes" may not be a blessing, but a terrible curse. The purpose of this future message is to dispel Fanxing's concerns - she did not regret her choice in the future.

No matter what Fanxing decided, the bronze book passed across the entire round table and came to Freya No. 6. She immediately opened it impatiently.

"Name: Freya Hoyne"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 7.7"

"Guardian Spirit Thousand Wishes Love Heart Dragon"

"Level Six-Winged Divine Lord"

"Core Faction Mind"

"The core spirit, the six-winged spirit, the love of the six-winged spirit, the echo of the six-winged spirit"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

“No offspring situation”

"Future message, go go go, Ash's sensitive area is the dimples on his waist!"

This time everyone's first reaction was to look at Ash's waist, and Ash lowered his head in embarrassment.

Freya will not be the Supreme of the Seven Wings in the future. The others don't know, but the first five are comfortable. Even if all of them are Ash's harem, at least there is a hierarchy in terms of strength.

However, Shivlin and other people who were familiar with Freya were surprised that Freya had no offspring. With Freya's usual obsession, they thought that her offspring would be at least in the double digits. Could it be that the physique of the Veela was so difficult to reproduce

At this time, the copperplate book came in front of No. 6 Shifflin.

Life is not easy, Bat sighed, Shiffrin opened the copperplate book and read about her fate with a complicated expression.

"Name: Shivlin Gowen"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 9.1"

"Guardian Spirit Black Eclipse Heavenly Dragon"

"Level Six-Winged Divine Lord"

"Core faction blood magic, necromancy"

"Core Spirit Six-winged Spirit Death Bureau"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants" Cain, the second son of Ash

"Future Message: Supporting Freya is your best choice to escape bad luck."

Ash's second son... Everyone looked at Shiffrin with some surprise. Although this didn't mean anything, it always made people feel that Shiffrin seemed to be very favored by Ash.

It was this message to the future that made Vichy and Fanxing look at Shifflin twice more. It turned out that not everyone who knew Ash liked him.

The copperplate book floated in front of No. 8 An Nan. An Nan touched the amethyst earrings and leisurely opened the copperplate book:

"Name: Annan Dolan"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 2.28"

"Guardian Spirit Purple Resentment Hidden Concubine Dragon"

"Level Six-Winged Divine Lord"

"Core Faction Gunsling, Soul"

"Core Spirit Six-winged Spirit Barrage"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants: Ash's ninth son, Yin Flit, and Ash's eleventh son, Livia"

"In the future, Freya will let Ash start a harem."

An Nan looked up and exchanged glances with Freya, and they both raised their hands and high-fived each other through Shivlin. There was no doubt that An Nan's vote would depend on Freya.

The copperplate book came to No. 9 Tamashi. She looked quite confused, as if asking, "Why am I here?" She opened the copperplate book blankly:

"Name Tamashi Crow Killer"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 4.4"

"Guardian Spirit Judgement Crow Dance Dragon"

"Level Six-Winged Divine Lord"

"Core Faction Claw, Dream"

"The core spirit, the six-winged spirit, dies, and the six-winged spirit judges"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants of Ashura's Twelve Garudas"

"There is no message for the future, just follow your heart."

Tamashi tilted his head, seemingly unable to understand what the information above meant to him. Spouse, offspring, future... these concepts were too unfamiliar to the Senluo people.

The copperplate book came to the last person, Felix No. 10. Felix looked at everyone and opened it reluctantly.

"Name: Felix Vosloda"

"Gender: Female"

"Birthday 1.21"

"Guardian of the Spiritual Moon, Swift Mist Nether Dragon"

"Level Six-Winged Divine Lord"

"Core faction wind magic, space"

"Core Spirit Six-winged Spirit Space"

"Spouse Ash Hiss"

"Descendants: Ash's tenth daughter Shiva, Ash's fourteenth daughter Hydaelyn"

“You don’t have to be that scared of future messages… But I understand you, you don’t have to accept them.”

After Felix finished his introduction, the copperplate book returned to the center of the round table, out of reach of everyone. After a moment, Diya tentatively called out, and everyone realized that they could now discuss freely.

However, although we clearly had a lot to say just now, now that we can really discuss it, everyone is a little speechless.

After a moment of silence, Shivlin suddenly said, "My vote will depend on Freya. Just as Annan said in his future message, Freya likes Ash so much that she will pamper him unconditionally, so Freya will definitely help Ash to open a harem."

"Since my future self has said so, I will obey you." An Nan supported her cheek and said leisurely, "I will also vote for Freya."

"Vichy, Felix," Fanxing said, "If you don't want to be forced to accept your fate of becoming someone else's harem, vote for me. In return, I will definitely help you become the Six-Winged Lord."

"You can vote for me!" Wei Xi said immediately: "I will also be the Seven Wings Supreme in the future—"

"First, no one will vote for you because of your credibility." Fanxing said, "Second, you gave birth to four children for Ash in the future. I doubt very much that after you get your future memories, you will unconditionally meet all of Ash's requests like Miss Freya did."

Vichy's face turned red and white. No matter how many oaths and promises she made, all her explanations seemed so pale and powerless in the face of the irrefutable evidence of the four children.

Fanxing's words also revealed the most dangerous part of "Future Echoes" - it will allow the recipient to obtain future memories! In other words, even if they don't like Ash now, after obtaining future memories, they may fall in love with Ash uncontrollably!

Felix's disgust towards Ash was clearly shown on her face, and Fanxing didn't even need to use the authority of the Lord God to get her vote easily.

Then Fanxing looked at Tamashi, who immediately shook her head, "I will not help Ash's enemies."

Even when facing the Six-Winged God, Black Crow's arrogance did not fade in the slightest.

"Then Black Crow, please vote for me." Sonia called Black Crow and said with a smile, "I am Ash's favorite person, and I will definitely help Ash out of this difficult time."

"Why not me?" Diya asked, "I can do it too! And my future self said I must never let you—"


Sonia selected "1" on the numeric keypad and confirmed it. She said calmly, "Because I have voted for myself. Now Freya has 3 votes and Stars has 3 votes. If you don't vote for me, you can only watch them get the future response."

Diya and Weisser didn't expect Sonia to be so naughty. Diya looked at Ash with an expression that said, "You should take care of her." However, Ash spread his hands to show that he was powerless. Although Sonia was often naughty, she was usually trying to be naughty with Ash in a roundabout way. When it came to decision-making, Sonia usually compromised with Ash. So once Sonia was naughty and willful, Ash couldn't interfere in any way.

"I'll be frank," Weisser said calmly, "your wish at this moment is to gain 100% love. Once you obtain the Future Echo and become the Supreme of the Seven Wings, you will definitely monopolize Ash. So why should we support you? We might as well support Freya. At least she is willing to share Ash with us!"

"No, I'm at least willing to share with you." Sonia shook her head: "You are different from them - you all have a relationship with Ash. If Ash wants to see you, can I still break his legs and lock him in a small dark room, only giving him one hour of exercise time under my supervision every day? When I'm not around, can he only play games and watch TV in his room?"

Ash said weakly: "Sword Princess, you described my life in captivity in such detail..."

"If I can't see you, Ash will definitely make trouble for me, even if it means quarreling with me." Sonia continued: "But their relationship with Ash is not enough for Ash to offend me in order to see them. This is the difference between you and them."

"I admit that I will definitely get the lion's share of love after I get the future response, but at least I can reduce the number of partners to the three of us. And if you vote for Freya, the number of partners will be ten or even more. How much love do you think you can get then?"

Diya and Weisser looked at each other and voted for Sonia helplessly. At this time, Sonia looked at Diya and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, witch, why don't you have children in the future? Don't you like it?"

"Because she still wants to be a child." Ash explained to the witch, "And if she wants 'offspring', she can just split her personality and even customize the age of her personality, skipping the baby's infancy. In comparison, having a child is really not attractive to her."

"Actually, I'm just not that interested." Diya stretched out on the table, "Besides, it's so troublesome to take care of a child, and I want to be taken care of!"

"What about you, Freya?" An Nan asked curiously, "I thought you would have the most offspring."

"I don't understand either." Freya folded her hands in front of her chest, arched her trembling body, tilted her head with a confused look, "I am happy to bear a child for Ash..."

"I can probably guess why," Shiffrin said, "You need to get pregnant to have a child."

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

"Although it's not always forbidden, but at certain times, it's best for couples not to engage in overly intimate behavior..." Shivlin looked at Ash: "And Ash should be a person who pays special attention to your safety."

"Ah!" Freya suddenly realized: "No wonder I can't have children in the future!"

"So what's the situation now?" Vichy looked around: "A tie?"

Sonia, Diya, and Weisser have 3 votes, and they are all on Sonia.

Freya, Sif, and Annan 3 votes, hang on Freya

3 votes for Stars, Vichy, and Felix, hung on the stars,

It's exactly a tie of 3:3:3!

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Tamashi. Tamashi thought for a moment and pressed the "abstain" button: "I don't want to vote for Ash's enemy, nor do I want to vote for someone who dotes on Ash, and I don't want to vote for someone who wants to possess Ash... I won't vote."

Now the only person who has not voted yet is Ash, who does not have the right to be a candidate.

"Ash, you must have voted for Freya!" Shivlin said in a seductive tone: "Although we just met again today, don't tell me you don't know how much this veela loves you - let Freya get the Future Echo, she will definitely help you realize all your wishes!"

"Ash." Sonia stared at Ash and said lightly, "If I get the Future Echo, I will find a way to monopolize you. I will not let you like other women except the Witch and Weisser, so if you don't vote for me, I will hate you for the rest of my life."

"Ash Hiss."

Hearing that Fanxing was also going to join the persuasion team, Vichy and Felix were a little surprised. They could not think of any reason why Ash would vote for Fanxing.

“You voted for me, and I promise on my name that I will not force you to do anything.”

Ash blinked.

Fanxing said: "Although my future memories will be overwritten, I am sure that I can suppress my feelings and will not force you to date. At the same time, I will not stop you from dating others. It is your freedom to like or hate anyone you want. Under this premise, I will protect you and at least help you become a six-winged god. As for the future, I can only say that I will help you as long as I am able."

"Of course, you and I have never met before, so my promise has no credibility to you, but we will have a daughter in the future. I can't think of any other reason other than love. I will never compromise myself for any reason, in the past, now, and in the future."

"After I get my future memories, even though you still know nothing about me, I will know you better than anyone here. If you think that you and I will be together in the future because of love, if you think that your true self can win my approval... then you don't have to worry about me regretting it."

“The best promise is not what I say, but what you are.”

Sonia, Shiffrin and others immediately saw through Fanxing's persuasion strategy - they all said 'what they can make Ash gain', while Fanxing said 'I will not let Ash lose anything'!

If Ash chooses Sonia, he can raise the favorability of Sonia, Diya, and Weisser to the highest, but at the same time all relationships with other people will be prohibited; if Ash chooses Freya, the advantage is that he can establish relationships with everyone, but the cost is that the favorability of Sonia and the other two will plummet!

Choosing Fanxing would not make Ash lose anything. Even if she protected Ash, it was for the sake of interests, not feelings. She would not forbid Ash from contacting other women like Sonia, nor would she pester Ash all day like Freya. Instead, she would have limited contact with Ash, and it was okay if Ash didn't want to.

In a word, it is to give Ash as many choices as possible and let Ash have "freedom"!

Even though it was the first time she met Ash and she was clearly in the "anti-Ash camp", Fanxing still found the best persuasion strategy to turn disadvantage into advantage!

As long as he chooses Stars, Ash won't have to cut off contact with Freya and the others, nor will he make Sonya too angry - even if she is angry, it will only be for a short while. After all, for them, everything remains the same and their interests are not harmed.

"I won't help you pursue them, nor will I stop them from pursuing you." Fanxing stared at Ash and said, "I promise that they and I will pursue the happiness we desire in a relatively fair environment."

Ash looked up at the stars, whose eyes were bright and shining; then he turned his head to look at Freya, the Veela had her fists clenched and her face was nervous, her eyes were full of expectation; finally he looked at Sonia, the red-haired swordsman had a calm expression, but her fists were clenched subconsciously, and a hint of grievance revealed in her eyes.

Ash took a deep breath, looked at the numeric keypad in front of him, and reached out to press a number.

