Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 2: I'm really a bad person



"Ash... Ash Hiss."


"I don't know. I have lost my memory."


"Let me see... Male."


“Perhaps not a dog?”

"Past experience?"

"I really don't know. I have lost my memory."

The blood-crazed hunter Aimi watched the situation in the interrogation room through a two-way mirror. When she heard that the cult leader was responding so nonchalantly and unscrupulously during the interrogation, she was so angry that her eyes turned into vertical pupils and the nails on her hands grew longer.

"Captain, does this villain think that everyone in the Hunting Hall is stupid? This interrogation won't work. Let me do it. When I was in school, I learned torture from my father during extracurricular time and passed the first-level torturer certificate. On my father's behalf, I guarantee that this bastard will tell me everything about his bed-wetting when he was a child!"

"Burn your torturer's license," Gerard said calmly. "Twelve years ago, the Human Rights Act Amendment Rules abolished the torturer system, and the Hunting and Crime Bureau was completely banned from interrogating suspects. Violators will have their hunter licenses revoked or be sentenced to more than 100 years in prison. The parliament is keeping a close eye on us. If Ash Seath just has trouble sleeping at night, we'll be in trouble. If you want to be bitten by the parliament, I won't stop you."

"Hmph." Ai Mi curled her lips in anger and fear, and changed the subject: "Where is the memory master? It's been so long since he was captured, why hasn't a memory master come to retrieve the villain's memory?"

"The memory master won't come."

"Why? For a major case like this, a memory expert must come to retrieve memory evidence no matter what, right? I remember that the Criminal Code said that all criminal offenses must have memory as direct evidence, right?"

"But he's different."

"Why is it different?"

Jerad glanced at her: “He has seen the Four Pillar Gods.”

Amy was slightly startled, then she understood.

"Not just him, all cultists can't access their memories."

Gerard said, "Memory pollution is the Four Pillars' specialty. One hundred and thirty-four years ago, I participated in the investigation of the Four Pillars' evil cult. It was because a memory master retrieved the memories of the cult members that they unknowingly became believers of the Four Pillars' Gods. That's why the Four Pillars' evil cult has endlessly revived."

"What should we do?" Aimi was dumbfounded. "We can't get any evidence by asking him, and we can't torture him, and we can't retrieve his memory... Can we still let him go without guilt? Or should we make special arrangements?"

"No need for special treatment." Gerald said, "There is a death penalty that is suitable for criminals like him who have committed heinous crimes and aroused public resentment... The interrogation here is just a formality. The real trial will not be held until 8 o'clock on the evening of the 15th, and will be completed by all the citizens of the city."

Amy understood immediately, but when she turned around, she saw the cult leader still in the interrogation room, saying "I don't know" and "I have lost my memory". She was still very angry. She stuck out her tongue and showed a little contempt, then turned and walked away with her drooping gray tail.

Gerard was still watching this meaningless interrogation. Because the interrogation time exceeded 15 minutes, it had to be paused to let the suspect rest. This was also a basic human right stipulated in the Human Rights Act.

The cult leader was drinking water, and from time to time he touched his chest which had been pierced not long ago. There was surprise in his eyes, but it soon turned into worry.

Somehow, Gerard felt he wasn't lying.

His various reactions, panic, curiosity, fear, confusion... really seemed like an ordinary person with amnesia.

According to the Human Rights Act, symptoms such as split personality, amnesia, and mental illness can be regarded as the person being unable to take care of himself and exempt from criminal punishment.

If the memory is retrieved and it is found that Ash really has lost his memory, then he can even be acquitted.

But these things have nothing to do with him. Because of the Four Pillars, there will not be and cannot be a memory master to retrieve his memory, so...

"Judging you is the people's business. We just need to bring you to the public's attention." Gerard turned and left, continuing to hunt down the next suspect.

"This time it's really better to die early and be reborn early..."

Lying on the clean and soft bed, Ash put down the documents in his hand and looked at this bright and spacious cell with a private bathroom, his heart was gloomy.

Although Ash had some expectations in his heart after seeing the ugly appearance of the four "angels" before they disappeared, he did not expect that the truth was even more serious than he imagined - the hunters' accusations against him were completely correct, and he was a cult leader who was not afraid of fire.

The gods who bestowed Ash with power were the four most notorious gods in the world. They had many nicknames, and the most notable feature was that the four gods often appeared together, causing endless chaos in this world.

The Lord of Billions of Lights, also known as the Tyrant, seeks endless war and a sea of blood and corpses that drown the world. His followers will kill everything they see, even themselves;

The King of Wind, Rain and Snow, also known as the Evil Prime Minister, is known for playing tricks and manipulating mortals. He likes to fulfill the wishes of his followers the most, although fulfilling their wishes will drive them into extreme madness;

The Eternal Burning Heart, also known as the Kind Father, is the source of all plagues and diseases, and the final destination of decayed things. His followers will become hotbeds of disease, living in pain, horror, and despair, but will not die;

The Dreamlike Soul of Freedom, also known as the Prince of Indulgence, represents the endless desires of living things. He is also the one introduced the most in the information - intelligent races are most easily seduced and corrupted by him. Once they are corrupted by his desires and become believers, intelligent creatures will become instinctive animals that can never be satisfied, and rationality will be completely swallowed up by instinct.

In fact, Ash had suspected that the other party was making up the information to deceive him, but firstly, he had been caught, and the other party could put him in any shape he wanted, without any trouble; secondly, the information was also illustrated, with pictures and texts of Heath's crime and detailed process of the crime. His methods were so brutal that Ash wanted to spit out the mushroom sauce chicken noodles he had just eaten.

Since Heath is a bad guy, the Four Pillars Gods are naturally evil gods.

Then conversely, the blood-crazed hunter who is chasing him is a force of justice... or at least a force that maintains social stability.

In just half a day, Ash experienced great joy and great sorrow - he initially thought he was a hero who was just about to leave the novice village, but he didn't expect that he was actually the leader of a cult who had just received the first wave of angel rounds and was preparing to start a business.

Then it was killed by groups of brave warriors as a wild elite monster.

It would be fine if I traveled through time and space as the leader of a cult right after I arrived, but I traveled through time and space earlier than usual, and it just happened to be when the hunters were closing in on the cult... So I came here specifically to deliver rewards to the hunters

Ash tossed and turned in bed, complaining about the unfairness of fate and wondering if he had died suddenly from working overtime. But all his thoughts finally converged on one thought: How will they execute me

Although the interrogation was very polite, free food and a luxurious single room were provided, except that he had to wear exquisite bracelets and anklets, Ash even felt like he was on vacation.

But just thinking about the fallen hair shows that there is no way the other party will let me go.

However, Ash had a vague feeling that the civilization of this world seemed to be very advanced, and perhaps the death penalty had been abolished, so he still had a glimmer of hope...

Suddenly, a crisp notification ringtone rang in my mind.

“Ding Dong!”

Ash felt a heat on the back of his neck, and then a curtain of light unfolded before his eyes.

His heart was shaken, and he discerned the strange words on the screen with countless expectations—

"Dear Mr. Ash Seath, prisoner number 4001623. The Kaimen City Hall formally invites you to be the special guest of the "Blood Moon Trial" program on Kaimen Channel 1 at 8 pm on the 15th of this month. Please pay attention to your appearance at that time. We will send someone to escort you to the live broadcast site of the program. If you want to withdraw from the program, please reply 'TC'."

Although he didn't know what this "Trial of Blood Moon" was, the name didn't seem like a good thing, so Ash naturally quickly edited 'TC' in the dialog box.

However, when he had a thought, a prompt popped up on the screen:

"You are currently under arrest and the messaging function has been disabled."

Damn, so the last part of the notice was just to tease me!

Ash estimated that this "Blood Moon Judgment" was his death sentence, but at this point he had already focused his attention on the light screen in front of him.

He touched the back of his neck and could not feel any obvious bumps, but he could clearly feel that the back of his neck was closely related to the light curtain, as if the light curtain setting was implanted in the back of his neck.

Since the information like "death sentence" would be notified to him in this way, Ash felt that this might be the communication tool of this world, and it was not unique to him alone.

As expected, when he focused his mind on the "?" sign on the upper left of the light screen, a series of information popped up:

"Name: Hiss's 'Consciousness Light Curtain'"

「Version: 14.4.1」

「Chip model: Miracle 13」

"Current status: Sending messages is prohibited, networking is prohibited, accessing channels is prohibited, recording images is prohibited, output kinetic energy is limited, virtual realm access is prohibited, and magic power output is prohibited..."

"Main Number: 459105198"

「Service operator: Kaimon Tongling」

Ash casually changed the name to "Ash's 'Consciousness Light Curtain'", thinking that the technological system of this world is really advanced, with both extraordinary abilities to enhance individual combat power and this kind of technological peripherals that are popularized to everyone.

The funny thing is that Ash just thought it was a cheat that he had traveled through time, but he didn't expect it to be a common product that everyone has. It's just like an ancient person who traveled through time and space to the modern world and picked up a mobile phone and thought it was a magical artifact.

Ash felt his face getting hot when he thought of the second-year thought just now.

Although Ash really wanted to study this new toy, most of its functions were disabled. Apart from the calendar, information, notepad, and calculator, there was only...

"Aurora's Sorcerer's Manual"

Ash was confused.