Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 38: The man behind the scenes


Because it was almost 8 o'clock in the evening when he arrived at the restaurant, Ash naturally could not order the limited edition Lala Fei cuisine. He just picked up a few meat dishes and sat down to eat.

"Was the food delicious after the victory?"

Ash looked up and saw Valkas sitting opposite him with a glass of water.

"To be honest, these leftovers are getting a little cold, and you guys have ordered all the Lalafei..."

"You can go order some food. You won 37 contribution points from me. It's not too much to spend one or two points to reward yourself, right?"

"Ah? Ordering food? Spending contribution points?"

"Don't you know? That's right, you've only been here for two days." Valcas pointed to the menu sign next to the restaurant and said, "You can order food at any time, regardless of the restaurant's supply on that day. If it's not free time, the restaurant will also deliver food to your dormitory - as long as you spend contribution points."

Only then did Ash realize that the menu sign was an order form. He had previously thought it was a face-saving project for the restaurant - look, boss, we offer so many dishes here! We really didn't withhold the prisoners' rations!

The menu seems very cheap at first glance, with any three dishes costing only 1 contribution point. For example, the three popular dishes of 'Seafood Lala Fat' + 'Creamy Chicken Lasagna' + 'Mist Spinach Quiche' only require 1 contribution point, which is enough for a good meal.

However, each death row inmate only has 50 initial contribution points, and 10 points will be automatically deducted every month, which is also a bargaining chip for applying for a deathmatch. The lower the contribution point, the higher the trial sequence, and the more likely it is to be named to participate in the variety show "Blood Moon Trial".

Therefore, contribution points in prison not only represent circulating currency, but also represent the life quota of prisoners. Consuming contribution points is no different from chronic suicide... Maybe there is, that is, in chronic suicide, you don’t know when you will die, but when you consume contribution points, you can watch your life quota become less and less.

"Although there's not much to do in prison, if you want to spend contribution points, you can definitely spend them," said Valcas. "Hair care, custom prison uniforms, buying specific toiletries... You can even spend contribution points to get a better dormitory with three bedrooms and two living rooms and a window. The rent is 1 contribution point per day."

"One contribution point per day? That's crazy! Who would live here?"

"Yes, Diamond Tiger has been living in that VIP suite for the past few years. He has so many contribution points that he can't spend them all. There are always idiot newcomers who give him contribution points. If we convert it based on 1 contribution point equals 1 gold coin, Tiger may be richer in prison than outside."

Ash raised his eyebrows. "That means... in the prison's evaluation system, prisoners like us are only worth 50 gold coins?"

"You think it's too little?"

"is it a lot?"

"Most ordinary people who don't receive higher education can't earn 50 gold coins in their lifetime. Even less successful magicians can't earn that much. If you have an annual salary of 1 gold coin, you can live a good life in Kaimen City."

At this time, Ash finally understood the true value of the gold coin in his arms, and also discovered how wicked this prison was - three meat dishes cost a year's salary! Is the Lala Fei in the Love story a PhD graduate

"I suddenly feel that leftovers are still quite delicious."

Valcas snorted and just looked at Ash quietly.

After eating for a while, Ash finally couldn't help but say, "Mr. Elf, I'm the type that can't pee when someone looks at me."

"Pee, pee"

"I'm just making a metaphor, you don't have to whistle to agree with me!"

"I thought young people nowadays like to eat and pee at the same time." Valcas smiled, then his expression returned to indifference: "I will talk to myself next, and most of it is just nonsense. If you hear it, it's best to pretend you didn't hear it."

Ash was slightly startled.

"In addition to being the president of the Kymon City Elf Race Rights Protection Association, a Kymon Council member, and a university professor, Xilin Dor has another hidden identity—one of the behind-the-scenes supporters of the Woodpecker Gang. On the surface, he will oppose the Blood Saint Council members and the Moon Shadow Council members in order to protect the interests of other races, but he has already secretly conducted many secret deals with the Blood Moon and Blood Moon Council members. The Woodpecker Gang is his black glove, and he also contributed to the fact that Mayor Fenanxue of Kymon City was able to take office."

"The Four Pillar Gods Cult has not appeared for many years and has almost disappeared, except for a rumor without any evidence - during the archaeological excavation of the Eastern Ruins eight years ago, there were rumors that some important ritual books about the Four Pillar Gods Cult were unearthed. In the same year, the Eastern Ruins encountered a virtual storm, and most of the archaeological findings were destroyed."

"Professor Xilin Doll was the main advisor to the excavation team that led the archaeological excavation of the eastern ruins."

"Shilin is a very patient elf. At least I have never seen a creature that can surpass him in terms of patience. If he wants someone to die, it means that person holds information that is vital to him. Once leaked, it will cause him great losses."

Valcas took a sip of water to moisten his throat and glanced at Ash.

"In theory, most of the death row prisoners have had their memories checked. If there is any intelligence, it will definitely be found by the Criminal Investigation Department... Unless someone's memory has not been checked."

So that's how it is.

Although Ash still doesn't know his relationship with Professor Schilling, he fully understands why Schilling is trying to murder him - he thinks he holds a secret that has not yet been revealed!

Because of the Four Pillar Gods Cult, the Criminal Hunting Office did not dare to check his own memories, so Ash Hiss became the only prisoner in the prison who still had a secret!

This was Schilling's luck, as Heath had not given away his intelligence;

It's also Schilling's misfortune, because Heath could report him at any time!

To be honest, if Yaxiu really knew this secret, he would definitely report it to the Crime Hunting Office immediately.

It's not that he is a bad guy who harms himself and others, but he is a little curious about Schilling and wants to become a close cellmate with Schilling. It would be even better if he had the chance to have a passionate clash in the death fight ring.

But the problem is—Ash really doesn’t know Shilling’s secret!

He didn't absorb even a single drop of the original owner Heath's memories!

It's so annoying. Ash also wants to use Heath's memory to help the Crime Scene Investigation Bureau bring the bad guys to justice.

After all, there are so many people breaking the law, why am I the only one caught?!

It's a pity that he knows nothing.

What’s even more infuriating is that others are afraid that he will reveal the secret, so they try every possible means to get rid of him!

But he knew nothing!

This feeling is just like when I was a kid and I didn't steal anything but the teacher wrongly accused me of stealing my classmates' stationery.

"Hey, you haven't left yet? Didn't you hear me talking to myself?" Valcas stood up and said, "Let's stop here today. I'll have some brainstorming with you when I have time."


"Haha, I'm just kidding. I don't have the time, and you don't have the brains."

"Wait a minute Valkas." Ash called him, "Why are you helping me?"

Although Ash thought that Valcas would give him some information because of his defeat, the way of giving it to him was completely different from what Ash had imagined. He thought Valcas would come to him and say something harsh, like "I am the weakest of the Four Dark Lords. It's useless for you to defeat me. Our people will cause trouble for you soon."

Ash didn't expect Valkas to rebel so decisively. It turns out that he also has moral correction when he beats people

"I'm not helping you."

Varcas shook his head.

"I just wanted to give that bastard Schilling some trouble."

Harming others without benefiting oneself is indeed a very reasonable reason. Yaxiu took advantage of the situation and asked, "Do you know if there is a channel for trading magic spirits in prison? If I can get a few sword magic spirits, I will have a chance to cause serious trouble to Xilin-"

"None of my business."

Ash choked and decided to take the caring route: "By the way, Valcas, you failed to kill me this time and lost to me. Will you be in any trouble-"

"none of your business."

"Then you have to tell me how Xilin will deal with me next?"

Valcas glanced at him, left a word and walked away.

"Next time we meet, you will know Shilling's methods."

Ash felt that the reason why Valcas was imprisoned was closely related to his foul mouth and Riddler attributes.

But now he can at least be sure of one thing: the mastermind behind all this must be Heath’s former university professor, the elf scholar Shilin Dor!

... ...


After dinner, Ash did not linger in the prison any longer. He hurried back to his dormitory and started shouting.

"Sword Princess? Are you there?"

“Yes, but not completely.”

Sword Girl sat on the bed with her legs crossed. Her dark black stockings outlined a graceful curve. She supported her chin with her palm and looked at Ash with a squint.

"What's up?"

"You were the one who reminded me during the death fight just now, right?"

Ash stretched out his hand, and in his palm appeared a 'substitute' spirit that was sleeping soundly while touching its belly.

"The chip is still limiting my output of magic power, but why can I activate my substitute magic spirit?"

"Isn't it obvious? You understand the knowledge of substitute spirits, and when the conditions are right, you can directly trigger the resonance of the spirits, and the spirits will automatically play a role in affecting reality. Other death row prisoners who want to activate their spirits in prison also use this method."

Although Ash had heard of this many times, he couldn't help but be surprised by this phenomenon: mature sorcerers could actually cast spells on their own.

"But how do I understand the 'Stand' spell?" Ash was still puzzled: "I haven't learned any knowledge about the Stand spell."

“You learned it and you understood it.”

Ash was stunned, and suddenly remembered the words that Sword Lady reminded him.

"Is it because of this sentence? 'If you feel pain, just treat yourself as someone else, and then it won't hurt'?"

"That's right." Jian Ji nodded: "When you understand this sentence, you will naturally understand this magic spirit. In essence, the magic spirit is a collection of knowledge. When you have a magic spirit, even if you don't take the initiative to learn, the knowledge of the magic spirit will actively pursue you."

"It's that simple?"

"It's not that simple." Sword Princess shook her head. "Reading knowledge and understanding knowledge are two different things... If you weren't in extreme danger just now, with your body covered in scars and your mind close to dissipating, you wouldn't be able to resonate with the substitute spirit. Just learning is not enough. Empathy is a necessary condition for understanding the spirit."

Ash looked at the substitute spirit on his palm and tried to use his consciousness to penetrate deeper into the spirit.

This time was better than last time. Ash could understand the information flow of the magic spirit, but he still couldn't understand its structure. If the magic spirit was a dish, last time Ash didn't even have a sense of taste and couldn't taste the magic spirit at all; this time Ash could taste the magic spirit, but he didn't know how it was made.

"You can already understand the limit of magic spirits. As long as it is not your own magic spirit that you summoned yourself, you will never be able to find the door to truth hidden in it."

Jian Ji saw what he was trying to do at a glance: "It must be a magic spirit born from the knowledge you possess, so that you can find its door to truth. The magic spirit you obtain from other channels, no matter how deeply you understand it, is not yours after all."

"The truth must be pure and perfect, without any flaws."

The truth is really strict.

Ash retracted his magic spirit and looked at Sword Lady.

"Why did you disappear for so long?"