Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 45: do not blame me


The Starry Kingdom, Galaxia, Sword and Rose Magician University.

"... When facing a turbid monster, unless the swordsman can pierce its brain stem immediately - chopping off its head is useless, as long as the turbid monster still has a brain, it can launch an attack - otherwise it will be affected by its magic spirit's 'frenzy'. When the swordsman finds that he is getting impatient, he must pierce his thigh to use the pain to stay awake, allowing other long-range magicians in the team to kill the turbid monster... "

The only sound in the classroom was the teacher's talking. Sonia, sitting by the window, looked at the three shining stars in the sky outside. The warm sunlight was shining on the lawn, the sidewalk, and the benches. Everything in the world was shining.

"Sonia!" Ingrid said in a low voice, "Don't be distracted in class."

Sonia, who was resonating with the light of reality, smiled slightly, "It's not an important class. The bracelet is also recording notes. Even if I am distracted..."

"This is the most important 'Introduction to Swordsmanship'!" Ingridt said seriously, "Will you not enter the abyss in the future? Aren't you afraid of danger? So what if you have a bracelet to record your notes? This is the most important lesson on how to fight the enemy. It is never too much to be careful about safety!"


The teacher on the podium coughed twice, and the two of them quickly sat down and listened attentively.

"Introduction to Swordsmanship" does not teach empty theories, but tells how swordsmen should respond to different enemies and in different environments. The reason for this course is that it is closely related to the future career direction of swordsmen.

Sword masters are undoubtedly pure combat masters, unlike water masters who can become healing masters, or mechanical masters who can become creation masters. If it were a peaceful and prosperous era, sword masters would definitely gradually decline, and it is even possible that their inheritance would be cut off.

Swordsmanship flourishes in the Starry Kingdom because the world is not safe and is always threatened by the abyss.

The Abyss is not a fixed place, but a randomly appearing monster lair. Although it is said to be random, there are also traces: it will only appear in cities with a lot of people, or in other words, the more magicians there are, the more likely the Abyss will appear.

As the core city of the stars, Galaxia naturally suppressed the largest abyss.

So far, no scholar has been able to explain the reason for the formation of the abyss, but the threat it brings must be resolved. The abyss cannot be eradicated. The deeper you go, the stronger the monsters become. There may even be three-winged sanctuary and four-winged legendary deep-level monsters. However, the surface monsters are also difficult to resolve.

Because the terrain of the Abyss changes drastically every once in a while, magicians cannot build camps in the Abyss. At the same time, the Abyss will riot every once in a while, and legendary monsters will run to the surface, so magicians must exit the Abyss during that time.

Due to various restrictions, "regularly cleaning the abyss" has become a very important social division of labor. Except for a few people who can become "riot control consultants" for nobles and companies, most swordsmen will form a team with other magicians and regularly venture into the abyss to clean up monsters.

This is not a dirty job, and it is also a very good way out, because in addition to the "extermination gold" given by the country, the various loot dropped by the abyss monsters are extremely valuable, and sometimes you can even find scarce resource points in the abyss.

There are countless nobles who originated from the Abyss Adventure Team, and countless magicians who have had adventures in the Abyss.

But the risk is proportional to the reward. Almost all monsters in the abyss are possessed by magic spirits, and their combat power is not inferior to that of magicians. Every day, no one knows how many magicians die in the abyss, and even the whole team may be destroyed and become nutrients for the abyss.

That's why Ingrid was so dissatisfied with Sonia's attitude: If you listen for one more second in the "Introduction to Swordsmanship" class, you will be more vigilant when you encounter danger in the abyss in the future!

But Sonia had just absorbed an experience orb, and like a child who got a new toy, she was excited and focused on verifying the knowledge of the Light Faction. Moreover, she didn't think she would venture into the Abyss - it was a possibility before, but now with her talent and the support of the Viewer, she could achieve the Three-Winged Sanctuary step by step, so why would she go to the Abyss with others to fight for her life

After the "Introduction to Swordsmanship" get out of class, the next class was "Practical Swordsmanship", a class for students from the swordsmanship department to learn from each other. When walking to the practical hall, there were students secretly observing Sonia along the way, and they kept talking about her.

Sonia was not surprised by this. When Professor Trozan allowed her to skip all the procedures and transfer to the swordsmanship department, she had already become the focus of the students and the topic of the day.

But today was a little different—because in addition to Sonia, the students were also observing Felix on the other side.

"Look, she's the one who put Celia..."

"Sonia will probably be dumped soon..."

"I knew she was that kind of person the moment I saw her..."

Although she only heard bits and pieces of information, Sonia roughly knew what had happened—the news that Felix had dumped Celia had spread, and as the woman who had recently appeared in Felix's life, Sonia inevitably became the center of everyone's attention.

Don't cause me trouble... Sonia now only wants to accumulate wealth in a low-key manner and doesn't want to be distracted by such boring things.

But women have strong predictive abilities, especially when it comes to predicting bad things. After entering the combat hall, Sonia found many unfamiliar people present, and the only one she knew was senior Celia.

Celia was wiping tears at this moment, her eyes were red, and she was dressed in a simple and elegant outfit, which made her look very pitiful. Although Sonia was proud of her outstanding appearance, Celia had the temperament, atmosphere, and tearful makeup. At this moment, Sonia could not defeat her no matter what.

"Ingrid, I want to skip class."

"Yeah." Ingrid also expressed her understanding.

However, just when Sonia was about to leave the practice hall, a loud shout shook the dust off the ceiling.

"Felix, come here!"

A tall, black-haired swordsman shouted, "How dare you fool my sister's feelings? You dare not show up?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Felix and Sonia. Felix was calm, it seemed that he had encountered this kind of thing many times, and he calmly stepped into the practice hall. After a lot of inner struggle, Sonia also gave up the idea of running away - she couldn't leave in such a shameful way without saying a word, leaving meant cowardice, and running away meant giving in.

In the countryside, being cowardly and giving in will only make you more vulnerable to bullying.

The same is true in big cities.

There is no essential difference between country mice and city mice in their short-sightedness.

"Lorian, Celia, good morning." Felix nodded to them. "Would you like to have lunch together later?"

"No thanks. I feel like vomiting just looking at your face." Facing the young master of Vosloda, the black-haired swordsman did not give him any face at all: "Draw your sword, let me see Vosloda's backbone."

Hearing this, the students nearby began to whisper, and Ingulit couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's Senior Luo Lian!"

With Ingulit's introduction, Sonia learned that this senior Luo Lian was also a celebrity, a third-year swordsmanship genius. Although he was not favored by Professor Trozan, he became a research apprentice of a gold swordsman. A year ago, he became a silver swordsman and a member of the Sword Flower University competition team!

Although it is just a middle-class noble family, Luo Lian can at least achieve two-wing gold in the future and has a bright future. Naturally, he does not need to respect a mere young master of the Vosloda family. People who make a living by their own abilities are tough.

Luo Lian and Celia are not biological siblings, but their fathers are brothers. In addition, they go to the same school and are in the same grade, so they have a good relationship on a daily basis. It is almost natural for Luo Lian to vent his anger for Celia.

However, Felix did not agree, but looked at Celia: "Senior, is this what you want?"

Others might think that Felix had given in, but Sonia knew that he was truly doubtful - as a man who could change girlfriends four times a month, Felix naturally had no feelings for his girlfriends. He thought that other women also approached him knowing this, so nothing had happened to his promiscuity.

However, Sonia noticed the way Celia looked at Felix and immediately understood everything.

It was just a casual affair, but Celia fell in love with him.

Only true love can explain why Celia was so irrational at this time, cutting off the last possibility between herself and Felix and doing useless things.

Feelings are the most unpredictable things, and even hunters sometimes step into their own traps.

Women always think they are the last one for the other, and men always think they are the first one for the other. The losers who get caught up in it always have unrealistic fantasies.

Felix looked at Luo Lian after not getting Celia's answer: "Senior Luo Lian, do you mean... to beat me up?"

"This is the combat hall, let's have a combat training." Luo Lian sneered, "Next to it is the treatment center, I will also try my best to save my strength and will not let the Vosloda family lose an outstanding child. You don't dare, do you?"

"Okay, very good. How could I not dare? It's just a first-year student sparring with a third-year student. A swordsman who has just become a magician for a few days is fighting with a senior who has been a magician for more than a year. How could I be afraid?"

Felix bared his white teeth, accusing Luo Lian of bullying the weak. He was a nobleman, not a fool, so how could he fall for such a boring provocation

The students around him obviously did not approve of a fight with such a huge disparity in strength, which was no different from bullying. However, Luo Lian's face remained calm, and his eyes shifted from Felix to Sonia.

Sonia suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Felix, I heard that you recently got a beautiful 'good school girl'. You two even summoned magic spirits during the battle. I guess you have a 'good' relationship and a 'deep' personal relationship."

Luo Lian deliberately emphasized the words and said sarcastically: "As a senior, I certainly won't bully the weak. I will even give you the opportunity to bully the weak with your numbers. Since I'm here to vent my anger for Celia, it's not enough to just look for you, Felix. Ask your junior sister to come over as well!"

"I'll beat both of you alone!"

Although Luo Lian did not say it out loud, almost every word he said revealed the same subtext:

Today I am going to beat you two dogs!

Sonia now feels like she wants to smash the spectators' heads - how did she, a clean spectator, get involved in this mess

Everyone's eyes were on him now, even Felix was no exception.

Sonia looked away but did not leave. She stood beside Ingulite with a puzzled expression: "I'm sorry, Senior Luo Lian, I don't understand what you mean. Although Felix and I studied with Professor Trozan, we didn't have much contact in private. This is your personal grudge, and I have no reason to get involved."

Just because Luo Lian spoke rudely, he rushed forward to fight alongside Felix

Sonia is no longer a child, and likes and dislikes are not the only principles she follows when doing things.

She now just wanted to grow up in a low-key manner and had no interest in Felix's friendship. Moreover, this was her best chance to clarify - if she really went to fight Luo Lian with Felix, it would simply confirm her suspicion of being a "couple".

No matter how you think about it, getting out of this vortex is the wisest choice.

Luo Lian no longer paid attention to Sonia and sneered: "It seems that your charm is just this level, Felix."

"You misunderstood." Felix said lightly, untied the sword bag and took out the wooden sword. The atmosphere was tense.

Just when Sonia thought she could skip class, a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder.

"This is unreasonable. How is a fight with such a huge gap in strength different from bullying? As a member of the Discipline Committee, I cannot allow such a one-sided crushing to happen."

A heroic orange-haired female swordsman pressed Sonia's shoulders and pushed her forward. Sonia turned her head and saw her work ID on the female swordsman's chest: "Sword Flower Disciplinary Committee Member: Leonie Victor".

"It's Leonie-senpai!"

"Why is she in school?"

"It's the Orange Dancer himself!"

The orange-haired female swordsman pulled Sonia all the way to the center of the venue. Her hands were like a vise, and Sonia couldn't break free at all.

"Junior Felix, Junior Sonia, you should communicate more often. Professor Trozan would definitely be disappointed if he knew that you two can't even help and love each other."

The orange-haired female swordsman looked at Sonia with a smile on her face.

"Luo Lian certainly seems to be bullying the weak, but you are Professor Trozan's research apprentices. If he bullies you, it's like humiliating the Hidden Hand Sword Master. How can you tolerate this? You should know that Felix now represents not only himself, but also Professor Trozan's only apprentice. Junior sister Sonia, do you understand this?"

Sonia reluctantly nodded and shook her head, "But this is their personal grudge..."

"When Luo Lian said he wanted to challenge you two, you had to accept the challenge, even if it was just to protect the reputation of the Hidden Hand Sword Saint. Moreover, with two against one, the odds of winning were so great that it would be a coward if you refused."

"As a swordsman, you should have the courage to move forward and the confidence to use the sword to make your point! If you can defeat the enemy, you are the most reasonable!"

"Sonia, what do you think?"

When the orange-haired female swordsman mentioned Professor Trozan, Sonia knew that she could not escape this battle.

Whether Trozan cared or not, Sonia didn't dare to gamble.

Trozan was her biggest backer at the moment, and she would not risk anything that would affect Trozan's opinion of her, not to mention that there were hundreds of people watching. The news that she had retreated despite Professor Trozan's dignity would spread throughout Jianhua within ten minutes.

But she hated this feeling: being manipulated, forced, and calculated by others, and finally having to participate in a battle she didn't want to participate in!

A strong sense of frustration and shame fermented in her body, so much so that Sonia's shoulders could not help but tremble slightly.

But she was a girl who ran from the countryside to Kaleshi alone, and reason quickly prevailed.

However, just as she suppressed her inner dissatisfaction, a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

"Do you need my help? I promise to remove the unhappiness from your heart."


"You promised me this yourself. I'm leaving now. Don't blame me."

The viewer walks behind Sonia, speaks, and then disappears into thin air.

The next second, Sonia looked at the orange-haired female swordsman.

"Sonia, what is your decision now?"

"I refuse!" Sonia shook her head firmly. "I will never get involved in their personal grudges, I will never fight alongside Felix, and I will never fight with Senior Luo Lian!"

The orange-haired female swordsman raised her eyebrows slightly: "But in this case..."


Sonia looked at the orange-haired female swordsman and spoke each word with great force.

"As Professor Trozan's apprentice, I cannot tolerate you repeatedly using Professor Trozan's reputation to provoke me in front of me. I cannot tolerate you trying to incite students to question Professor Trozan's teaching quality. I cannot tolerate you using our victory or defeat to slander Professor Trozan's character!"

"I don't-"

"No need to explain. As you said, if you can defeat the enemy, you are the most reasonable. So—"

Sonia opened her sword bag, took out a wooden sword and pointed it at the orange-haired female swordsman.

"Leonie Victor, I challenge you."