Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 61: Greatly shocked


Ash picked up the towel covering his face and sat up with his hands.

His first reaction was to touch his neck, but he didn't feel any scars.

"Strange, you didn't use me as an experimental material for surgery."

“It’s done.”

Medical technician 222, who was sitting at the end of the bed, didn't even raise his head. He lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand, his crow's beak trembling.

"It's done. The operation was successful. You're already a handsome man."


Ash quickly looked for a mirror, but there was none around. The medical technician chuckled, "It's fake. Repairing your throat is actually very simple. It doesn't take much time at all, so I performed a few minor surgeries on you. No major surgery. You didn't even wake up after the surgery."

Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

"So what surgery did you perform on me?"

"The Duffy procedure to open the canthus, the Aibo procedure to adjust the brow bone, the Rocha procedure to adjust the chin, the Ellas procedure to make the eyelashes naturally curled, and the..."

The more Ash listened, the more confused he became.

"So how similar am I to my previous self?"

"They should be very similar. They both have two eyes, a mouth and a mouth."

"This is called 'no big change'? Does the big change mean replacing my head?"

"Not really. Replacing your head is still quite dangerous." The medical doctor gestured and said, "The most popular major surgery among magicians is to replace all your facial features. For example, your eyes can be replaced with those of a swift eagle, your teeth can be replaced with those of a shapeshifter, your nose can be replaced with that of a wolf, and your ears can be replaced with those of a bat demon... Replacing limbs and internal organs is also common. Recently, mechanical prosthetics are a very popular modification direction."

Wow, it turns out that the magician has already chosen the technology tree for biological colonization transformation

No wonder when Ash saw a composite man with rabbit ears and boar fangs in prison, he wondered at that time whether rabbits and wild boars could cross species barriers and hybridize

It turns out that it is not the beasts that are playing wild, but the magicians who are playing wild.

Ash looked at the healer curiously: "Have you ever performed such a major operation?"

The medical technician hesitated for a moment and said, "I guess so."

"Oh~" Ash stared at the healer's crow mask, "I see..."

How could the medical technician not know what Ash was thinking? He put his hands on his hips and said, "I'm not as ugly as you. My face has always been perfect and doesn't need to be changed."

"Oh, you didn't replace your face." Ash glanced at the healer's body, but unfortunately the healers were all wearing thick robes, so no trace of their outlines could be seen.

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm watching to see if you'll stick a handful of Phillips screw heads out of your fingers."

"There's no screw head, just an ear pick, would you like to try it?"


"I won't talk to you anymore, okay."

The doctor took out ten silver coins from his purse and placed them on the bedside, then waved his hand.

Ash pointed to the pile of silver coins and asked, "Why?"

"Didn't we agree that you let me perform the surgery and I'll give you money? I practiced ten techniques and I'll give you ten silver coins. That's reasonable."

"No, what I want to ask is, didn't you pay with gold coins before?"

"I went back and asked other medical practitioners, and they didn't pay anyone for practicing their skills. At most, they gave silver coins, and no one gave gold coins at all!"

"You just don't have your own opinion. You must not just follow the crowd. You must be firm in your own ideas. Otherwise, if others eat shit, will you eat shit too?"

"What you said makes sense. I still don't want to give you money. I can't be deceived by you anymore—"

"But it's also a good quality to listen to other people's advice occasionally." Ash quickly put away the silver coins.

The medical doctor wanted to laugh, but quickly stopped laughing. "You can be said to be really famous this time. You are the only criminal in the history of Kaimen City who was injured in the Blood Moon Trial but survived."

"The only one? Has there never been a death row inmate accidentally injured during a trial before?"

"Yes, but they couldn't be saved. They were torn to pieces by the executioners. It can be said that there are only a few cases like you, who were killed by other death row inmates but whose wounds were so shallow that not saving them would be equivalent to violating the Life Saving Act."

Ash still couldn't get used to the way this world classified wounds. The injury that almost cost him his head was considered a minor injury that could be healed by putting on a Band-Aid.

"Remember to find a way to earn more contribution points after you get out, so as not to be selected to participate in the next Blood Moon Trial. There will be no elves standing in your way next time."

Ash looked at the healer curiously, "You care about me so much? Did you develop feelings for me during your treatment?"

"You have to come to the treatment room almost every day. If the prison had a few more model prisoners like you, I might be able to leave this place after working hard for another month or two."

The medical technician shrugged. "Thanks to you, I have become very proficient in many of these techniques."

"Can you take me with you when you leave? I promise to be your experimental material for three years at most. Isn't that a good deal?"



"If you are willing to be taken away by me in three different boxes, I have no problem with that, and the prison is willing to let you go."

Ash smacked his lips, "Can you put it back together after you take it out?"

"If I were a four-winged legendary magician, I should be able to do it, and I can even install some plug-ins for you."

"And you are?"

"If I were, I wouldn't have time to talk to you about this kind of shit."

The medical doctor crossed his arms and said, "And you're still thinking about escaping from prison. Tsk, tsk, tsk, you've even gone through the Blood Moon Trial, and you still haven't given up on such a childish idea?"

"You are a good young man. Who doesn't think about escaping from prison every night? And after seeing the Blood Moon Judgment with your own eyes, who can stay here?" Ash clenched his fists and said, "I will escape this prison!"

"Come on, remember to be safe when escaping the prison, and it's best to keep your body intact."

Ash leaned over to the medic and asked, "Do you have any good ideas for escaping the prison?"

The medical technician glared at him with his beak: "Don't think I won't report you just because I made you look a little more handsome."

"Don't be so nervous. You've made me like this. Let's just treat this as a time to chat after we're done." Ash said nonchalantly, "Just treat it as a puzzle game. If you were framed and imprisoned in Broken Lake Prison, how would you plan to escape?"

“But I won’t be falsely accused.”

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because there is a memory master. Once the memory master checked my memory, he knew that I was innocent."

Ash also thought of this and couldn't help asking, "Don't you think this is... bad?"

The medical doctor was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

"It's about having your memory searched. Don't you think that memory is an important privacy and shouldn't be searched?"

"You still say you are innocent, but isn't this liberal terrorism?"


"Only terrorists with evil intentions would want to abolish the memory censorship system. There are even more outrageous demands, such as unbinding the miracle chip, giving pregnant women the right to abort on their own, and even making birth matching records public... Why do you look so nervous?"

Ash swallowed and said, "Can't pregnant women have abortions?"

"Of course not. If the fetus is found to have any congenital or genetic disease, abortion is necessary."



"What if the fetus is healthy?"

"Then you must give birth to the baby."

"Don't you need to ask the pregnant woman's opinion?"

"Why are you asking?" The medical practitioner felt very strange. "Will a pregnant woman refuse? The maternity subsidy for each birth is almost equivalent to three years' salary for a mid-level professional. It fluctuates according to race. If you are a magician, you will get even more. The first birth will get a 100% bonus, and births within the guidance age will get another 50% bonus."

"Unless they are extremely talented female magicians who don't want to waste any time, most women will give birth for the first time at the age of instruction. As for whether they will have a second or third time, it depends on how rich their nightlife is. Anyway, there will be some troubles during the pregnancy period. After the birth, the baby will be sent to an orphanage, and the pregnant woman will get the fertility fund she deserves on the same day."

Ash was shocked. He suddenly looked at the healer with a strange look: "What about you?"

"Me what?"

"Have you... received the fertility fund?"

The medical practitioner hesitated and said, "I can't have children."

Ash quickly apologized, "I'm sorry."

The medical doctor waved his hands. "There's nothing to apologize for. I don't need that little money. But, you actually support pregnant women's right to have their own abortion? Then you are considered a more radical type among liberal terrorists."

Ash wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Is this considered radical?"

The medical doctor said as a matter of course: "Of course, supporting voluntary abortion is equivalent to promoting a lower fertility rate. It's okay for races like humans and orcs, but races like elves and veela whose fertility rates have never increased hate this kind of speech the most. A congressman who proposed this proposal was forced to step down after being exposed to various scandals within a few days."

"Supporting the abolition of the memory review system is equivalent to increasing the difficulty of criminal investigation and creating a good environment for crime. Only people who want to commit crimes will support such remarks. Even members of parliament will not make such sensational remarks."

"Similarly, supporting the removal of the miracle chip is equivalent to supporting the removal of the shackles from the prisoner's neck, which will only make it more difficult to capture the prisoner and increase the possibility that the prisoner will continue to commit crimes..."

Ash asked, "But you all have Miracle Chips, so aren't you all in shackles? Aren't you afraid?"

"You make it sound like you're not one of us."

The medic gave Ash a strange look.

"Besides, we haven't committed any crime, so why should we be afraid? Only criminals who want to undermine public order would be afraid."

It made sense, and Ash couldn't refute it at all.

He realized that in the Blood Moon Kingdom, the medical practitioner's perception was the public's perception. Since they all recognized this social supervision system, it meant that this approach was relatively correct. The wrong person was the death row inmate in prison, Ash himself.

I never thought that I, a law-abiding and tax-paying citizen who supported regulation in my previous life, would become a liberal terrorist after traveling here...

"I'm getting off topic. Let's assume that you are like me, framed as the leader of the Four Pillars Gods cult, and the Criminal Hunting Office doesn't dare to search your memory. You are imprisoned in Broken Lake Prison. How would you think of escaping?"

"Are you really being framed..."

"Just treat it as a thinking game! But I heard that medical technicians' logical thinking ability is not very good. Is this game too difficult for you?"

"Do you think I will fall for your childish words? Do you think I am a child?" The medical doctor turned his head away and snorted coldly: "But the way to escape is obvious, so you don't realize it."