Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 71: The relationship between magic and spirit the battle of pure love


In the basement of a luxurious villa in Galaxia.

As the five overlapping contracts turned into smoke and dissipated, the five people all felt vaguely that their souls seemed to have a little more weight.

"The contract has been signed, so where is the treasure?" Adele looked around curiously: "I see, is it hidden inside these tables and chairs? Do we need to cut down the wood outside?"

It's no wonder that Adele would have such an idea. After all, the basement is basically filled with tables, chairs and furniture, which are clearly visible and there is no place to hide things.

"The treasure is not here," said Felix.

"If it's not here, then why are we here?"

Adele looked confused, but the others looked as if they had expected this. Lois pinched Adele's cheek and said, "Pay attention in class! We are magicians, not ordinary people. If we want to hide something, how can we hide it in the real world like ordinary people?"

"If it's not hidden in the real world, then where else can it be hidden... Oh, in the virtual world!" Adele suddenly realized, "No wonder it takes magic to open the treasure!"

Compared with the real world which is full of surprises, great changes, natural disasters and man-made calamities, the virtual world is the most ideal storage warehouse: it remains unchanged forever, there are no disasters and it is deserted.

The virtual realm has never been just a place for magicians to practice, but the cornerstone of the magician system. So far, no one dares to say that he has thoroughly studied the virtual realm. Almost every year and every month, magicians use the virtual realm to invent new technologies.

Magicians are like children picking up shells on the beach. Before them is still a vast ocean full of unknowns.

The virtual storage technology is not new, but it has not been commercialized to this day. It is a miracle that belongs only to high-level magicians.

The principle is very simple. It is to find a way to keep the virtual coordinates of the Gate of Truth constant, to ensure that one can reach the same virtual coordinates every time. Then the coordinates will naturally become the magician's personal warehouse.

It sounds simple, but the Gate of Truth appears randomly within the body of the magician. How can we keep its coordinates constant

This involves another little-known subject: the study of the relationship between magic and spirits.

Since magic spirits have intelligence, they naturally have emotions, but magicians cannot observe them. At least magicians below the holy realm cannot distinguish the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness of magic spirits.

But when multiple magic spirits come into contact with each other, their moods will inevitably change. If the law of change can be observed and the mood of one of the magic spirits is kept constant in a certain state, then the Gate of Truth in its body will also remain motionless and become an eternal and unchanging virtual coordinate!

Felix summoned his own wave sword spirit and said, "When the wave sword's expression changes, you must immediately let the killing sword approach it. Are you ready?"

Sonia nodded and summoned the 'Killing Sword' magic spirit.

Felix exhaled and called out his 'love' spirit, a pure and lovely one-winged beautiful girl spirit.

The Wave Sword Spirit looks like a cold swordsman. When the Love Spirit flies around it, its expression does not change. When the Love Spirit grabs its hand and shakes it, it still does not change. Suddenly, the Love Spirit leans over and kisses the Wave Sword Spirit. The Wave Sword's icy face, which has not melted for thousands of years, finally melts, revealing an almost invisible blush.

It's now!

Sonia immediately let the Killing Sword approach. The Killing Sword looked like a red-haired swordsman holding two swords, with a red halo wrapped around his body. When it approached, Qingtou hid behind the Wave Sword. The Wave Sword faced the Killing Sword fearlessly, emitting black waves all over its body!

The relationship between magic and spirit, the battle of pure love, is achieved!

Felix's eyes flashed, and his consciousness penetrated deep into the body of the wave sword to capture the door of truth!


A gray dot flew out from the magic spirit's body, then expanded rapidly, and soon turned into a gray, transparent bubble.

The grey foam slowly grew in the air, and there was even an illusion of thunder and lightning inside. Everyone stayed far away and dared not approach.

The Gate of Truth can be expanded, but it is of little use to real magicians - because only souls can enter the virtual realm.

No matter how big the Gate of Truth expands, it will be impossible for a magician to bring anything in.

Matter cannot enter the realm of emptiness.

But the opposite is not true.

Things in the virtual world can come to reality through the Gate of Truth. Some intellectual creatures will even take the opportunity to run to reality to obtain real bodies and wreak havoc.

This is also the basis for the birth of magic spirits. The magician uses knowledge to arouse resonance in the virtual world, allowing the truth of the virtual world to flow into the magician's knowledge. When knowledge and truth are mixed, magic spirits are born.

That's why Sonia and the others were so scared that they retreated to the stairs, and ran away as soon as they found something wrong.

Because the virtual coordinates that can be used as warehouses by magicians are basically not good places. If a magician puts something on a calm island, not to mention that it may be found by other magicians, more importantly, knowledge creatures will also look for food.

Felix chose to expand the Gate of Truth instead of going in himself, which also meant that he knew that the virtual world corresponding to the coordinates was extremely dangerous, and it was not surprising that something would happen. There was a widely circulated joke in the school that said a magician had just opened the Gate of Truth and was knocked unconscious by a shock wave. It was possible that a battle was taking place at the corresponding coordinates.

Being killed by the Gate of Truth can be said to be one of the stupidest ways for a magician to die.

The gray foam grew larger and larger, and the thunder and lightning in the foam became more and more intense. Everyone was so scared that they wanted to escape from the basement. Felix, who had consumed a lot of magic power, turned pale, groaned, and the unformed silver wings spread out from his back!

Sonia stared at the silver wing that was almost half condensed and narrowed her eyes slightly.

The gray foam continued to expand, and suddenly a bolt of thunder struck the chair next to it, instantly turning the chair into charcoal!


"What should we do?"

"Why don't we wait until the weather is nicer?"

Everyone looked at Adele with subtle eyes - there was no such thing as weather in the virtual world...

Just when Felix was about to give up, a box suddenly fell out of the foam. He immediately stopped the magic power, and the gray foam disappeared with a snap. The scattered magic power formed a light breeze that blew over everyone.

“Is this the treasure?”

Adele ran to the box with a snort and looked at the box that fell from the virtual world with curiosity. "It looks like... hey, how come it disappeared... hey, it appeared again? Am I dazzled?"

The box appeared to be made of obsidian, which seemed normal, but it disappeared when Adele blinked, and reappeared when she looked closely.

“The Unforgettable Wood.” Lois’s voice was very soft, as if she was afraid that a louder voice would scare away the treasure chest: “If you don’t pay attention, you will not see it, or even ignore it, and finally forget it… This is a precious material that can only be obtained in the virtual world.”

"Its most important use is that it can be hidden in the soul and brought out of the virtual world by the magician. Of course, it can also be brought into the virtual world by the magician."

"If you make a sealed container out of the wood that cannot be remembered, then the things inside the container will not leak any aura. You can even put real objects inside and bring them into the virtual world..."

Everyone exclaimed, marveling at the magic of the unforgettable tree, without thinking much about it.

Only Lois glanced at Felix secretly, feeling somewhat doubtful.

Because of her family background, she had some knowledge of this extremely rare and expensive commodity.

She clearly remembered that the Unforgettable Wood was a rare material in the third layer of the Void Realm, 'The Distant Space', and it could not be obtained without the Three-Winged Sanctuary.

Honestly speaking, this box is probably much more valuable than the things hidden inside it - a rare item like this that can travel through reality and virtuality is not just a matter of price but is itself the source of chaos that will cause magicians to kill and fight!

She had not had high expectations for Felix's 'mother's legacy', thinking it was just some props that could help the Silver Magician.

But the appearance of the unforgettable wooden box made Lois think more - Felix's mother was much more extravagant than him, as she was able to use the box of a three-winged magician to pack the props of a one-winged magician for the sake of her son.

Or, in his mother's opinion, there is no difference between being unable to remember the wooden box and the silver-level props.

Just like Lois won’t buy cheap clothes just because of the price, not because of luxury, but because the price difference is almost not noticeable to her, so why put herself in a difficult position

Felix's mother must have other ways to preserve the items, but she chose to use the unforgettable wooden box, which only shows that a mere unforgettable wooden box could not cause any waves in her heart.

So what level of magician is Felix's mother

Three-winged sanctuary, four-winged legend, or...

Lois swallowed her saliva, feeling that she had been led into a trap by Sonia. This was a dispute within the Vosloda family! How could she, a merchant's daughter, touch this

But it’s no use regretting now, she even signed a confidentiality agreement!


Felix opened the unforgettable wooden box, and a golden light gushed out.