Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 81: It was you who lured the Blood Saint Clan here (Eighth Update)


Watching the wounded swordfish dragon fleeing into the white mist, Shifrin fell into deep thought.

This was the fourth intellectual creature she had encountered tonight.

Generally speaking, Shiffrin would only encounter one special event during her exploration of the virtual realm every night, and most of the time she would just wander around the whole night - because the Sea of Knowledge was so huge, and the white fog was so thick, that unless there was a life-and-death fate, it would be difficult for them to meet on the sea.

However, tonight, she encountered four knowledge creatures in a row, which made Shivlin wonder if today was the breeding season for knowledge creatures, so they gathered in groups around to estrus...

However, Shiffrin actually understood why she was able to trigger combat events continuously.

She turned into a little bat again, and after waiting for a while, she heard the familiar 'plop' sound again!

here we go again!

After hearing this voice for five times in a row, Shiffrin could no longer deceive herself into thinking it was an hallucination.

She could even foresee that as long as she flew in the direction of the sound, she would definitely encounter another knowledge creature! Just like the previous four times!

What's going on!

This situation is not mentioned in books like "One Hundred Years in the Void Realm and Ten Years in the Sea", "Poor Magician and Rich Magician", and "Sailing Ten Thousand Miles"!

The only similar situation is the legendary "Mermaid's Call": It is said that there is a knowledge creature called Female Lantern Dragon in the Sea of Knowledge. Its body is extremely ugly, but its tentacles are mermaids with charming looks, sweet voices and sexy bodies. When the magician can't resist the temptation and approaches the mermaid, the Female Lantern Dragon lurking in the sea will suddenly appear and eat the magician up in one bite.

However, Shiffrin neither saw the mermaid nor encountered any traps, as if the "plop" sound was simply to guide her to the nearest habitat of knowledge creatures.

She also wondered if it was another magician playing a prank on her, but when she thought about it carefully, it was impossible - her ultrasonic detection was already considered the top reconnaissance miracle at the silver level. Even so, she could only detect the terrain within three meters around her. Ultrasonic waves farther away would be blocked by the white fog.

The section of sea she flew over before robbing the swordfish dragon was nearly a hundred meters long.

Even miracles from the prophecy and destiny factions could not penetrate the dozens of meters of white fog. Even if they could, it was definitely beyond the capabilities of the Silver Magician.

However, once a magician is promoted to the second-wing gold or third-wing holy realm, the door of truth they open will no longer lead to the sea of knowledge. The path of a magician is a one-way road, there is no possibility of turning back, and there will only be one-wing silver magicians in the sea of knowledge.

What's more, she had no idea why the other party was guiding her - if the other party could really see through the white fog that was hundreds of meters thick, his ability would definitely be enough to crush Shiffrin. Wouldn't it be better to just tie Shiffrin up and take whatever he wanted from her

This is a virtual realm. As long as the other party conceals their identity, the Blood Saint Clan will not be able to find their target even if they want to take revenge.

Therefore, Shiffrin felt that she had triggered a certain mechanism in the virtual world, causing the virtual world to actively guide her to find the nearest knowledge creature.

Like the whirlpool, there are many mysterious mechanisms in the virtual world that cannot be explained. Some appear randomly, but some are accidentally triggered by the magician.

For example, the 'Great Road' in the Sea of Knowledge, although the research institute has not yet found a feasible way to trigger it, after integrating various data, it is found that the sorcerer who majors in earth magic is most likely to encounter the 'Great Road'. It is highly likely that the behavior of the earth magician causes changes in the virtual realm, thus allowing the Great Road to emerge.

Shifflin had read a miscellaneous book called "Records of the Fantasy World", which recorded many such unfalsifiable virtual world mechanisms: for example, if you throw a one-winged magic spirit into the sea, a masked magician will emerge from the sea, holding a two-winged magic spirit and a three-winged magic spirit in his hands, and ask you which magic spirit you just threw. If you honestly answer that it is none of them, you will get a reward... Most of the stories in it are of this kind of absurd, unearned fantasy with strange triggering conditions.

Although this mechanism is basically impossible to replicate, Shiffrin still tried her best to recall what she had just done that led to the triggering of this mechanism.

Could it be that her words just now, "I hope to meet intellectual creatures," were heard by the virtual world

"I want to see the Adventure Island... I want to see the whirlpool... I want to see the golden fish... I want to eat truffles... I want to condense seven or eight more drops of colorless blood..." Shiffrin muttered as she flew, hoping that the virtual world could hear her wishes again.

However, Xu Jing did not seem to hear her prayers. Instead, she heard the faint screams of the Swordfish Dragon again, as if the Swordfish Dragon was being beaten not far away.

This is not the first time. The several intellectual creatures defeated by Shiffrin before also let out shrill screams in the distance after escaping.

Could it be that the new miracle she learned, 'Blood Reversal', is really so powerful that it can make the intellectual creatures wail all night long and cannot be healed even after escaping

If Shivlin flew ten meters to the right, she would see the escaping Swordfish Dragon being beaten up by a pair of bastards. It looked at the two people in front of it with a furious expression as if it was you who lured the Blood Saints here, and after making an unwilling whine of "a tiger in troubled times being bullied by a dog", it burst out with a pile of trophies.

After looting the loot, the boat followed Shiffrin's flight path silently.

... ...


Blood Moon Kingdom, Broken Lake Prison.

Shifflin woke up from her bed and couldn't help stretching. Her bones made crisp sounds - because of the slow flow of blood, the bodies of the Blood Saints could easily become stiff.

If the Blood Saints want to explore the virtual world for a long time, they have to lie in coffins to reduce the oxidation rate by reducing the air, otherwise their whole bodies will be stiff when they wake up.

Shivlin first took a warm bath, then brushed her teeth and washed her face. During this process, all water sources must be kept still. One of the taboos of the Blood Saints is not to touch flowing water. Although they will not be hurt if they touch it, the flowing water gives the Blood Saints a feeling that is as disgusting and terrifying as the steak you are eating suddenly twisting.

The taboos that the Blood Saints need to pay attention to are enough to write a book as thick as a palm. In comparison, the most well-known "fear of sunlight" is just the most insignificant one.

Despite the many restrictions, there is still an endless stream of people who want to join the research institute and become blood descendants. This is not only because the Blood Saints are gifted with powerful racial talents, but also because the Blood Saints are the favorites of the Blood Moon Lord and are the only two ruling races in the Blood Moon Kingdom!

"I should be able to get a lot of research points if I report last night's adventure to the research institute... But then I have to talk to the teacher again, and he will definitely ask me a lot of questions, which is super annoying..."

While Shiffrin was lost in thought, she put on a loose black robe, put on a crow mask, and went to the doctor's exclusive restaurant.

"Good day, sir."

Seeing the passing healer about to salute her again, Shivlin quickly stopped him and said, "Didn't I tell you that you should just treat me as an ordinary healer. Just say hello. This is not the outside world."

"but… "

"If word gets out to the research institute, the teacher will definitely scold me. Your number plate is 137, right? I'll remember that. If I get scolded by the teacher, I'll remember to make trouble for you."

137 panicked now, and was so scared that he wanted to bow again: "I'm sorry, sir, I just-"

"Hmm? Still using honorifics?"

“… Good morning, 222.”

PS: Although the first order has not exceeded 10,000 at this time, I will still add 2 more chapters. Thank you very much for your support.

I didn't expect that I would have eight updates a day today, which is not only unprecedented, but may also be the last...