Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 85: I'm too lazy to write


"Ah! I forgot to wash my clothes!"

Adele hurriedly opened the closet, looking sad: "I forgot to wash clothes a few days ago, and I have no clean clothes to wear, Roy—"

"Don't look for me. Blame it on your laziness." Lois curled her lips and said, "My clothes are all tailor-made. They are basically deformed after you wear them once. Especially the chest fabric has been stretched out by you... You should look for Sonia."

Ingridt came out of the shower and said as she wiped her hair, "I do have some loose clothes, but I'm taller than you, so the sleeves might not fit."

Adele looked at Sonia eagerly: "Sonia..."

Sonia was indeed the only one in the dormitory with a similar figure to hers. Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, Sonia had to think of an excuse to make excuses - she didn't want to lend her clothes to others.

"No. I don't like wearing other people's clothes, and I don't want others to wear my clothes."

Lois and Ingrid glanced at Sonia with a strange look in their eyes.

Adele blinked and had to borrow Ingrid's clothes. But Ingrid was a head taller than her, and the swordsman girl's top almost looked like a dress on Adele.

There was a public class this morning, and all four of us had to attend it, so we went out together to the cafeteria to eat.

Halfway through the journey, a male voice suddenly came: "Sonia!"

They looked over and saw a rather handsome blond man approaching, and Lois's face suddenly darkened.

The male student was Mei Luowei, who had pursued Lois before. Seeing that he was good-looking and from an aristocratic family, Lois gave him a chance to pursue her. Unexpectedly, Sonia just threw a few flirtatious glances at him and made him change his mind, causing Lois to lose face in front of her friends.

"Good morning, Melowei."

"Good morning, Sonia." Mei Luowei said enthusiastically, "I rarely see you after you transferred to the swordsmanship department. It's such a coincidence today. Why don't we have dinner together tonight? It's the season for seafood recently. Do you want to go to the Gold Coast or Eel and Fish?"

Lois sneered in her heart. Now that Sonia doesn't even look down on Felix, she naturally won't care about Merowei. Merowei suddenly took the initiative, maybe it was because of the family's suggestion. After all, Sonia is Professor Trozan's apprentice, and she has a record of defeating Leonie. In the future, she will almost be a holy swordsman.

For small and medium-sized nobles, the joining of a three-winged magician is of great help. If Melowei was just attracted by beauty before, he must be attracted by profit now.

Lois knew that Sonia would definitely refuse, but it was hard to say how she would refuse. After all, her relationship with her was not very good, and she was afraid that she would take the opportunity to make some sarcastic remarks to her...

"No, I have to train, I don't have time."

"You are really hardworking, but relaxing is for better practice. If you are not interested in seafood, we can-"

"I don't think having dinner with you would be relaxing."

Mei Luowei's face froze, and he said "Excuse me" and left quickly. Sonia walked a few steps and found that the other three did not follow, but stayed behind and winked at each other. She asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lois suppressed the weird expression on her face.

The four of them came to the lecture hall, and the students who passed by took the initiative to greet them. Let's not talk about Sonia's actions these days. Even before, she and Lois were a beautiful sight in the school. It was a common practice for people to crowd around them wherever they went.

Lois responded to her classmates' greetings enthusiastically, while Sonia just nodded calmly without saying a word. The other three saw this scene, and the strange feeling in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

As soon as she sat down, Adele turned pale: "It's over, I forgot to write my essay! This class has to end!"

Ingulit couldn't help but gloat: "Then you're done."

This class is "Modern History of the Stars". The professor teaching it, Wesley, is over 60 years old and is notoriously old-fashioned and strict. Surprise checks and roll calls are a routine operation. If the paper is not completed after class, you will have to wait until next year to retake it.

As expected, the moment the gray-haired, straight-backed old professor walked into the classroom, he shouted out the order that frightened the students: "Put your papers on the podium for on-the-spot inspection."

As he spoke, the old professor stretched out his hand and flicked it, and a one-winged scholar spirit floated to the podium. Although it was only a one-winged spirit, it was the nightmare of countless students—the 'search' spirit!

As long as the magician makes detailed settings, the check magic spirit can quickly determine whether the article meets the requirements. The magician can even cast a miracle to connect it with the "document library" in the school curtain, check for plagiarism on the spot, and determine whether the student has plagiarized the document!

Students submitted their papers one by one, and the manuscripts were checked by Shuling lightly. The green color indicated passed, the yellow color indicated a plagiarism check, and the red color indicated a serious suspicion of plagiarism.

The old professor didn't say anything either, he just sat there watching everyone hand in their homework. Only when a student didn't hand in their homework would he snort coldly and write down the student's information.

It was Adele's turn. She walked forward empty-handed, her big, sparkling eyes full of sincerity: "Professor Wesley, I accidentally fell asleep while writing my paper last night, so I haven't finished it yet. Can I hand it in next week?"

Wesley glanced at her and said, "If the paper you hand in next week has a plagiarism rate of more than 10%, you will fail the regular score."

"Okay!" Adele skipped back, not taking the pressure seriously at all.

It was Sonia's turn to come forward. She also had empty hands, but Wesley's expression softened a lot: "You didn't write?"


"Why didn't you write it? Is it because the training mission is too heavy? I heard that Trozan often asks you to take extra classes. Although the training of magic is very important, humanistic cultivation cannot be neglected."

The other students were filled with envy and jealousy - comparing themselves to each other, they all had not written a paper, so they would definitely have their marks deducted. But Sonia had the support of Professor Trozan, and Wesley had even found a reason for her!

As long as Sonia takes advantage of the situation and says a few nice words, the old professor might even exempt her from the assignment.

“I’m too lazy to write.”

The classroom was silent.

After a moment, Wesley showed an expression as if to say, "Did I hear you wrongly?" "What did you just say?"

Sonia felt that everyone was weird and she subconsciously wanted to repeat it.

But she suddenly came to her senses—wait, shouldn't I praise Wesley in the name of Professor Trozan so that he can exempt me from my thesis assignment

"I..." Sonia opened her mouth: "I'm too lazy to do this kind of time-wasting and meaningless homework."

Looking at Wesley's angry face that looked like it was about to burst with magma, and the admiring expressions of the classmates around him who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, Sonia finally understood what the "sincere" summoning ceremony was!

Viewer, meeting you is really the misfortune of my life!