Soul of Negary

Chapter 105: star fall


The world does not know when the authority of disaster will be left to the world, and the authority of disaster will be able to control that kind of disaster.

Powerful natural disasters can make people become gods, and ordinary man-made disasters can also give people powerful power.

As big as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, droughts, and wars, as small as car accidents, falling objects, colds, and even wrestling, there may be corresponding authorities.

And there is no absolute rule for the emergence of these authorities.

Some people have experienced a corresponding disaster to obtain the corresponding authority. For example, the person who obtained the disaster authority experienced a car accident that broke him down, and took away his fiancée and her unborn child. The child who was born, he was also paralyzed in a car accident and is still in a wheelchair.

And some people didn't do anything, and a large amount of disaster power turned into authority and poured into his body.

This should be the case with the huge force of disaster that appears in the sky today.

"Appearing in the sky, what kind of disaster authority is this energy level? Thunderstorm? Hail? No, this kind of disaster can only be regarded as E-level, not F-level." Chang Xia thought of those monsters who held F-level disaster authority. .

For example, if the person in the past was promoted successfully and evolved an E-level authority such as an earthquake into land sinking, then the other party would be a real F-level disaster authority.

Now that an F-level authority appears directly, if one is not handled properly, there may be a world-class disaster.

"The power of calamity presents characteristics such as impact force and high temperature. It can be judged that it is an F-level disaster-asteroid impact." Ah Qi pushed open the office door, his face pale: "It is looking for a host. Once the host is born, then he will be the host." Calamity King Apophis."

Apophis is a near-Earth asteroid. Because it has the possibility of impacting the earth, and its size is so large that it will cause the death of life on the earth, it is named in Egyptian mythology. The purpose is to plunge the whole world into a permanent disaster. The dark ancient evil and demon of destruction "Apophis".

If this calamity king is really born, then once he chooses to exercise his authority, he may attract asteroids to hit the earth. Not every one of them may be "Apophis", but if it does happen, it will be a national-level world level of disaster.

If it really triggers an Apophis-level asteroid to hit the earth, then the earth will not have much problem, but human beings will basically become extinct. After all, many extinction events in the history of the earth were caused by the impact of small celestial bodies.

"Everyone is on alert. Once the disaster king Apophis appears in the sixth domain, he will immediately find the other party and carry out comprehensive protection." Chang Xia said quickly that the appearance of the disaster king is a problem that cannot be ignored no matter what.

Why do you call the other party the disaster king? It's not because the person in charge of the disaster authority at the level of destroying the world can do whatever he wants.

If it weren't for the abnormal death of the authority holder, it is very likely that the authority will explode. None of the disaster kings will survive, and poisoning and assassination will always kill the other party.

But precisely because of this existence, the disaster king has become a real king. The Disaster Emergency Countermeasures Section takes care of him as a grandpa, asking for money and power, and all requests that do not involve the bottom line will be granted. Requires Calamity King not to activate his ability.

Of course, Yingke would not agree to the disaster king without a bottom line, and agreeing to the other party without a bottom line will only make the other party gain more.

In addition, becoming a disaster king is also dangerous. There are always those ambitious people in this world. The existence of the disaster king is a huge benefit. It is a deterrent weapon no less than nuclear weapons.

There will be an extremely large team around the disaster king to serve him, on the one hand to prevent him from being stimulated out of control, and on the other hand to protect him.

A similar disaster occurred in 2012. The disaster king of a certain country was assassinated by terrorists. At that time, the authority of the disaster king was a solar storm. When he died, there occurred a coronal mass that may be the most violent in history. projectile (CME).

That is, the billions of tons of plasma erupted from the sun, if it hits the earth, it will be enough to cause long-term severe space weather, and the whole world will be cut off for several months. Artificial satellites, radio communications and modern power transmission networks will all be destroyed. Paralysis, as well as beautiful aurora, the specific situation can refer to the Carrington incident in 1859.

How much modern society relies on electricity and those electromagnetic instruments, the attack of solar storms will cause much loss to modern society.

Fortunately, someone intervened in that disaster, causing the sun to miss that time.

This is just the disaster king who is in charge of the solar storm. If death is the disaster king who sinks the continent, a continent sinks directly and is covered by icy sea water.

Therefore, the protection of the disaster king has always been the top priority.

And just today, a brand new disaster king, the disaster king in charge of the asteroid impact authority, is temporarily named after a possible Apophis.

Finding each other at the first time, protecting and educating each other is the most important thing.

In the thirteenth district, Fang Ze was holding a birthday present from Qiaojie, an astronomical telescope, and was observing the stars in the night sky with a happy smile on his face.

First of all, as a high school student, his biggest hobby is astronomy. It is naturally a place to be happy to have his own astronomical telescope.

On the other hand is the person who gave him this gift, Miss Qiao.

Qiaojie is three years older than him, and lives next door to his house. The relationship between the two families is very good.

The two have played together since childhood, and Fang Ze, who is physically mature, will inevitably have some indescribable affection for the young lady next door who has been taking care of him.

The joy that emanates from the bottom of my heart when I receive a gift from someone I like is enough to make Fang Ze happy for several days in a row.

"En? What is that?" Fang Ze saw a ray of light from the telescope, and the ray of light became brighter and brighter. Before he could react, he felt something rush into his mind, and then his head froze. Passed out from the pain.

At this time, on the other side, Negri looked at the four people who fell unconscious on the floor. These people were all living in a peaceful age. Although this world has such things as disaster authority, it is too far away from them .

"The will and character are not up to the mark at all. Even if you become an arakkoa, it will basically be useless." Negri observed these people, their spiritual will was useless.

"Zhang Jiuwei, the host of this house, Bai Jie, the hostess, Zhang Yulu, the two daughters." Negri didn't act in a hurry, but slowly checked the identities of the four people present.

"He Qiao, Zhang Yulu's best friend." Negri probed the identity of the last girl.

Looking at the four people, Negri flapped his wings, feeling the increasingly violent changes in the force of disaster in the sky outside. If he didn't act, and waited for the fluctuation of the force of disaster outside to subside, then reforming these people would definitely cause a greater impact. A fluctuating reaction to the force of disaster will cause a lot of trouble.