Soul of Negary

Chapter 109: assistant


As Negri's righteous man, Noah was absorbed into Negri's body during the battle at Camp Fire.

According to the general knowledge, whether a person is himself or not is proved by the true spirit, then Noah died at the moment he was absorbed by Negri.

But in terms of personality, will, memory and emotion, Noah and Negri are still living together. After the fusion of soul blood, Noah has become a part of Negri, and can even be called another part of Negri. personality.

What Negri has to do now is to instill Noah's personality, will, memory, and emotions into the soul of the current young man, so that Noah's template can be engraved to cover the young man, achieving the effect of Noah's rebirth.

Because of passing through the Chuhuo Passage, his soul and body were unprecedentedly weak, so he only kept three personality models, one is his main personality Negri, and the other two are Noah and Killer Jack.

Noah is Negri's righteous man, he can perfectly execute all Negri's orders, such an assistant is what Negri needs.

As for the personality template of the killer Jack, his secondary soul originally came from Negri. After transplanting the secondary soul, his original soul and the secondary soul had a wonderful reaction. Gerry also hesitated between the Jack and Connor templates.

Connor is taciturn and obeys orders. Although he is not as perfect as Noah, he is also extremely reliable as a servant, but Negri finally kept Jack, because the latter's unpredictable jumping thinking is what Negri needs. Connor also has Noah on top, which is not necessary.

Looking at the unconscious Noah, Negri performed the last part, and the tentacles behind the tail broke off and entered Noah's body.

"The burden is still a bit heavy." Negri's body shrunk again, and the tentacles were completed. The form of the Dragon of Eternal Sin was a form that Negri had reached by stimulating the wrong essence of the blood of the soul, and planted a tentacle. Entering Noah's body, it is to prevent him from being affected by the power that may be luck.

However, it is a challenge for Negri to maintain two parts of the body of the Dragon of Eternal Sin at the same time.

"Hmm..." The boy lying on the ground woke up slowly, and after seeing Negri, he hurriedly saluted: "Master Negri."

"How does it feel?" Negri asked, flapping his wings.

"The other party's will is too weak, easily defeated by me, and has completed full coverage, but the other party's true spirit still rejects me. I need to complete the obsession of my predecessor in order to integrate the other party's true spirit and generate soul energy to support the adults. "

"There is no need to fuse the true spirit." Negri shook his head and said: "You can defeat the other party's personality will, and with your will you can guarantee that you will not be affected by the other party, but if you fuse the true spirit, the unknown true spirit It will infect you and make you a different person before you know it."

When Negri was still Wang Yuan, he was amazed at those people who immediately recognized their new identities after time travel, so it is not known whether the time traveler borrowed rebirth, or the natives merged with the memory of time travel.

Although Wang Yuan also became Negri, it was his own choice. He clearly recognized his own shortcomings, so he absorbed the character he recognized bit by bit, and sublimated into Negri.

Those time travelers are more and more identified with their identity after time travel. In Negri's view, it is the process of them being gradually infected by the true spirit, and finally completely dominated by the true spirit, which makes Negri avoid the true spirit.

"Understood." Noah obeyed Negri's order, and began to fully resist the fusion of the true spirit, refusing to complete the obsession of his predecessor, and then Negri observed that the true spirit belonging to that boy left the body and disappeared. Go to a new cycle.

Afterwards, Noah's remnant soul began to dissipate, and Negri secretly thought that sure enough, he was preparing to take back Noah's remnant soul, but at this time, Negri found that his alien invasion had an effect, and Noah's remnant soul was protected by authority. , but without the cooperation of the true spirit, Noah lacked control over this body, and the whole person appeared lifeless, like a corpse.

"Sure enough, in this way, should I be glad to have obtained the authority to invade the alien world?" Negri understood the importance of the authority to invade the alien world through Noah's appearance.

This world is different from the world of flames, it has no mistakes of the world of flames, from a normal point of view, remnant souls would not be born at all, if there is no authority to invade from other worlds, then in the state of Negri's weak soul body, at that time it would have to be fused with that Xu Ming's true spirit, either kill all living beings to restore himself, neither of these two options is what Negri wants.

It is also the authority of the alien invasion that protects the state of Negri's remnant soul, and now it is also protected by this authority, so that Noah's remnant soul can exist without fusing other people's true spirits.

"Sure enough, it's still weak." Negri became more and more aware of his own weakness. This time, "good luck" obtained the authority to invade the alien world, and the state of his remnant soul was also regarded as a link in the alien world, so he gained authority Protect.

Then, if one arrives in a world without authority, can one only be dominated by the situation and do things one does not want to do

"So the stronger you are, the more rights you can choose." If Negri was weaker at that time and couldn't even kill, then he could only choose to fuse the true spirit.

On the contrary, if he was stronger at that time, would he be able to maintain himself without relying on the authority obtained by "good luck".

Of course, this does not mean that Negri will abandon the power of alien invasion to show how great he is. It is not a shame to admit that he is weak. As long as he strives to seize the opportunity to change, it is a rare thing. quality.

Negri pays special attention to this quality of himself, because only in this way can he constantly discover his own shortcomings, and then seize the opportunity to fill in and surpass this deficiency.

"Noah, you live in this capacity for the time being, and you know everything about this world, right?" Negri asked.

"I have already understood it from the memory of my predecessor." Noah nodded: "And I also showed signs of secondary awakening, but the soul body is too weak, and the specific ability has not been shown."

"Very well, the people from the Disaster Emergency Response Division will be here soon. Be careful yourself, they will definitely monitor you, but don't worry, although they are powerful, they are shackled and restricted within the rules. I believe you can deal with them , my just man, Noah!"

"I understand, I will fulfill your order." Noah took the order.