Soul of Negary

Chapter 119: chips


When Negri was in the flame world, his temperament was always so aggressive. In front of him, human beings were like slices of bread, just food.

When people see him, they will feel the fear brought by human instinct, which is extremely dangerous, as if every inch of their flesh and blood is dominated by the other party, and his existence is the greatest challenge to reason.

But that's because in the world of flames, everything is much more naked, and the law of the jungle is more obvious there. Personal force is powerful and can produce great charm. Therefore, when Negri exists, more people choose Surrender.

In this world, although the essence of worshiping the strong remains unchanged, it has put on a layer of civilization. Faced with Negri's fear, people here will have a feeling of resistance, and they cannot adapt to that kind of barbarism. powerful.

This is because the environment is different. In this environment, there is a huge market for humanity, sympathy for the weak, and there are more and more things that I am weak and reasonable, so Negri will adjust himself accordingly.

At this moment, the aggression on Negri's body has been subdued, with a gentle smile on his face, looking down at a magazine, his every move is extremely coordinated, just looking at each other, you will feel like a spring breeze .

If someone is looking at him, he can quickly sense it and smile back. The extreme charm makes the faces of several female staff around him blush. There is a sense of pride, as if being appreciated by the leader, which can make people feel happy.

He was obviously the suspect who had been invited back, and he was still wearing special handcuffs, but he was sitting in the office of the Response Section, as if he was the owner of the place.

This made Xiao Bafu and Zhang Zijie, who were standing not far away, fearful, even occasionally looking at the person who looked down at the book, they would have the illusion that they had arrested the wrong person in a trance.

After regaining consciousness, the fear that penetrated the bone marrow deepened further. That guy is definitely not human.

If they hadn't seen the three skinny people with their own eyes, and the fear that the other person showed at that moment penetrated into their hearts, they would also have noticed that they were conquered by the charm of this person.

Negri raised his head, put down the magazine in his hand, and looked at the capable woman in front of him.

"Please come with me, Mr. from another world." Ah Qi said calmly, not being so easily disturbed by the other party's charm.

"As you wish, ma'am." Negri stood up and followed Ah Qi into the office.

"We finally met. I thought you could hide forever." Chang Xia preemptively pushed her eyes to look at Negri.

"Please forgive a traveler for wandering in a strange land." Negri said with a smile.

"I don't see any hesitation in you." Chang Xia said with a sneer.

But Negri just smiled and didn't care. In fact, even if he didn't bump into the two people who dealt with the department, Negri would "surrender himself".

Unlike the world of flames in the Middle Ages, this calamity world has the rule of law, and the body of guilt cannot be recognized by society, which will make many actions of Negri inconvenient in the future.

"You killed Chinese citizen Xu Ming in Room 101, 3rd Street, District 14, 6th Domain on X, X, XX, do you admit it?" Chang Xia slapped the table and said directly.

Looking at Chang Xia who was full of anger in front of him, Negri felt that several eyes locked on him from other places, and if he had any abnormal movements, he would be attacked jointly.

"In a critical state at the time, I came to this new world in an unconscious state. With my survival instinct, I did kill a person. I admit this." Negri showed a regretful expression on his face just right.

"Of course, if you still keep his body, I can resurrect him." As soon as Negri's words came out, he noticed the heavy breathing of some people.

Negri smiled lightly, despite the cloak of civilization, the essence of human beings is still so naked, survival and reproduction.

Even to some extent, reproduction can be programmed into survival.

When Negri takes out the "resurrection" chip, he can be sure that he will be found guilty, but the punishment can be reduced or even exempted.

As for whether Negri will be resurrected, although this world has such things as the power of disaster, but other than that, they have very little research on spiritual souls. With Negri's means, he can compile a vice-soul entry Master the opponent's body, and then activate the body with germs, resulting in "resurrection".

"As long as the death is not too long, or the body remains intact, plus some items from his life, I can resurrect him. There may be some sequelae, but it is indeed resurrected." Negri's tone was very natural, just As if what he said was a matter of course.

Coupled with Negri's super high personal charm, his words are extremely convincing.

"Enough, this is not the time for you to show your ability." Chang Xia's face turned cold. He was not very optimistic about punishing Negri from the beginning. After the other party said something like resurrection, this hope became even slimmer.

He is in this system, and he clearly knows how dirty it is. He himself has done countless things that would be shot in a general sense, such as killing the civilian who blocked Fangze Road before. Things, even more extreme things, he has done countless times.

In the eyes of their superiors, interests are more important than anything else, not to mention just killing a civilian, let alone causing some turmoil, even if the person in charge of the medical accident is killed, there is no problem.

"Is it you who implanted the germs in the citizens' bodies? I can think that you are spreading the plague. In addition, you are also suspected of instigating Luo Fu, Zuo Yuxiao and others to disrupt public order, murder Zhao Shichang, and damage citizens' personal property." Wait for the charges."

"I can defend each of these." Negri said unhurriedly: "You can think of the germs implanted in them as a gift. The human body has limits, but some limit germs are No."

"I gave them germs, which have a series of functions such as prolonging life and curing diseases, and allowing them to obtain the power that you call the power of disaster." Negri handed over another chip.

Chang Xia already knew this when he heard this, and he was completely unable to punish the person opposite him.

The other party was indeed guilty, but so what if he was guilty, based on the bargaining chips handed over by the other party, the punishment he received would not be a punishment at all.

"I hope you can still be so eloquent in the disaster management court." Chang Xia calmed down and said indifferently.