Soul of Negary

Chapter 2: remnant soul


In the wilderness, around the decaying corpses, there are many animal corpses. It seems that this place has become a small mass grave.

If you have the ability of spiritual vision, you will be able to see a mosaic-like thing wandering around in a daze. You can vaguely see that this thing is in the shape of a human, and some white smoke is constantly overflowing from the surrounding corpses. Things absorb, making it more solidified.

"Yeah!" A group of crows flew over from a distance, they seemed to be attracted by the carrion below, flew down, and began to peck at the carrion.

The fuzzy figure stopped wandering, staring at these crows, his still somewhat chaotic thinking understood that after a while, these things would die, and then new white gas could be absorbed.

The fuzzy figure instinctively knew that those white breaths were very important, so he began to quietly wait for these lives to die.

As expected by the vague figure, shortly after the crows pecked at the carrion, they suddenly let out a shrill cry and collapsed to the side.

But the fuzzy figure waited and waited, but did not wait for the white breath to emerge from the corpse. Instead, a feeling appeared in the consciousness of the fuzzy figure, and the crows stood up again, pecking at the carrion.

The gradually blurred figure became clearer and clearer, Wang Yuan's appearance could be seen already blurred, and he gradually became more sober.

For example, his own name is Wang Yuan, why he is here, what state he is in now, and he can even think normally.

"My current state, if nothing unexpected, is a ghost." Wang Yuan easily accepted the fact that he had become a Piao, because although he remembered a lot of things, he also Lost a lot of things, not just life so simple.

For example, he can now calmly watch the crows pecking at his corpse. No matter whether it is physical or psychological, he does not have such reactions as nausea. If he had seen so many rotting corpses before, he would have run away a long time ago. that's it.

In his consciousness, a total of thirteen ignorant consciousnesses were connected, and these thirteen consciousnesses continuously transmitted some cool breaths, and it was these cool breaths that made Wang Yuan wake up.

And these thirteen ignorant consciousnesses are the thirteen crows that are still pecking at his corpse. The feathers of these thirteen crows are falling off, and some black fluff is growing back, as if their bodies are swollen. big.

The germ that caused Wang Yuan's death did not kill these crows, but mutated them. For some reason, it was connected to Wang Yuan's consciousness.

Through the connection of consciousness in his mind, Wang Yuan can transmit his will to those crows, but these crows can only understand some simple commands, such as flying to the rock over there, and ordering them to dance cannot jump out, because They have no concept of dancing.

But Wang Yuan was not in a hurry. He remembered that he had read some information about crows. On Earth, the most intelligent bird known was not a parrot that could learn tongues, but a crow. The "crow drinking water" that he learned when he was a child reflected Their thinking is clever, their heads are much smaller than those of domestic dogs, but their comprehensive intelligence is roughly equivalent to that of domestic dogs.

After a period of training, these mutated crows will be able to complete more of his instructions. More importantly, Wang Yuan will be able to check what the crows see and hear through conscious connection.

"The most urgent thing is to find more merits." Wang Yuan looked very dignified, he could feel his soul body was wrapped in a layer of white gas, this white gas protected his soul body, and the white gas was being consumed all the time , and once the white qi disappears, his soul body will be completely exposed.

Although he didn't know what would happen if the soul body was exposed, the sense of urgency that had always come from instinct made him understand that exposing the soul body is definitely not a good thing.

The problem he is facing now is that the wilderness has almost become a dead zone. Except for the thirteen crows and those microorganisms, there are basically no other life forms. Qi, once there is no supply of white gas, Wang Yuan is very likely to disappear.

"Fortunately, I'm not like those described in Strange Tales of Gods and Ghosts. I die when I see light, and I'm blocked by white gas. I can stay in the sun for a while. Of course, this may also be because the sun in another world is different." Wang Yuan Looking at the setting sun, dyeing the wasteland red, I comforted myself with the thought.

"So the primary goal now is to migrate to find a large number of life forms to fill the consumption of white gas. Not only me, these crows also need more food." The cool breath conveyed by crows is even more important than those white gas, white gas It's just to protect the soul body, but these cool breaths are strengthening his soul body. Of course, the breath that the crow can provide every day is also limited.

Afterwards, Wang Yuan continued to test, and gradually understood his current ability. He is now in the state of a soul body, with no vision or hearing, replaced by a spherical field. The range of this field in the air is three meters. He can see and hear clearly within three meters, but after contacting the entity, this perception range will decrease rapidly.

For example, the perception field can only spread about ten centimeters in the soil under the feet. The reason for this distance is because there are gaps in the soil. Wang Yuan tried to perceive the stone, and the perception field can only spread to one centimeter.

In addition, Wang Yuan's movement ability, the speed that can be achieved with full strength, is similar to walking slowly. His movement ability comes from a kind of interference force generated by the soul body. It is too weak, in addition to pushing itself to act, it can probably only shake the leaves, and the range of interference is exactly the same as the perception field.

"It's really miserable." Wang Yuan understood that his current appearance was caused by his own stupidity, and this kind of lesson is enough once: "How do you say that, what can't destroy me, can only destroy me. Make me stronger."

I don't know how long it took, Wang Yuan looked at the wilderness full of bones, the white air was almost gone, and the mutation of the crows had been completed, and now each of them grew two or three times bigger, and their dark feathers grew again. The claws and beak reflected the cold light and looked extremely sharp.

"Let's go then, to find a new gathering place of life." The remnant soul drifted slowly, followed by thirteen crows, the autumn wind blew, and the withered grass fell, covering those pale bones for a while. These bones will nourish more grass.

At that time, no one will know what happened here, and the journey of the remnant soul Wang Yuan has just begun.