Soul of Negary

Chapter 27: The Last Whisper (below)


"Cough!!" Bujitel suddenly bent down and spit out a big mouthful of black blood: "Before I knew it, my body was also full of germs?"

Bujitel let go of the hilt in his hand. His hand was already full of wounds, and it was through these wounds that germs entered his body on a large scale.

"My lord promised me the power to save others, the gift of salvation!" Black blood overflowed from his mouth, and Bujitel's belief became more and more firm. Lush light came out of his body, and a lot of white smoke came out of his body.

"Gift of salvation? The power to heal diseases and heal wounds?" Wang Yuan didn't make any obstruction, just watched Bujitel get rid of the germs that had invaded his body: "I think you should understand that those germs have eroded too much of your body The physical body has become an irreplaceable part of you, so if you get rid of it in this way, you can get rid of the trouble of germs, but you are not far from death."

"Evil ghost! What do you want to say!" Bujitel stared at Negri with his eyes open, and the black blood was squeezed out with wounds on his body.

"Surrender to me!" Wang Yuan stretched out his hand to Bujitel: "With your injury, even the Gift of Salvation cannot heal it!"

"In this case, surrender to me, let my germs flood into your body, offer your forehead to me, receive my gift, and share life with the germs, and with the support of my germs, you can live forever ah."

"Are you questioning my belief? Evil ghost!" Bukittel yelled angrily, and white runes appeared in five places on his body, which were salvation, protection, true knowledge, justice, and life.

"You are angry, are you shaken?" Wang Yuan laughed, and his fingers began to stretch infinitely, turning into black germ tentacles, spreading towards Bujitel: "You are also afraid of death, right? Missionary, your Lord has not given you the strength to face death."

"You are using your anger to cover up your fear of death, missionary, surrender to me, then you will find that you will never have anything to fear again!" Wang Yuan's words had a different charm, It seems to be able to touch people's hearts.

In the past ten years, Wang Yuan has devoured the soul energy of too many people, and he has a very good understanding of the human heart. He accurately grasped the fears that all human beings have, and stimulated Bujitel's heart.

The white light around Bujitel's body gradually weakened, and the black germ tentacles spread to his body, pierced his skin, and spread along the blood vessels to the inside of his body.

"Accept my gift, hehehe!" Wang Yuan smiled lightly and waved the germs into Bujitel's trembling body.

"I'm really afraid of death! Until this moment, my body was still shaking from the fear of death." Bugitel's voice at this moment was extraordinarily calm.

"It is true that my lord did not give me the power to face death, but His existence gave me the belief that I can fight against death even if I am afraid!" Power: "Evil ghost, go to hell!!"

A large amount of white light burst out from Bujitel's body, along the tentacles of the germs that pierced his body, surging towards Wang Yuan. The moment the germs penetrated into his body, he was Bujitel's disease and could be cured.

"Hehe..." After the white light passed, the human-shaped object emitted a lot of thick smoke, which were the "cured" germs, but the next moment, those dead germs turned into carbon blocks and fell, revealing the blackness inside again. pieces of meat.

The black meat squirmed again, spilling a large amount of white liquid, and after a while Wang Yuan appeared in front of Bujitel again: "Hehehe, your strategy is really good, but you know too little about my information, For sudden attacks, I designed preventive measures early on."

"So I deliberately changed my body structure. My body is not closely connected like a human body. Inside my body is the skin formed by the dead mucus of this germ, which turns my body into a nesting doll. One layer."

"This kind of attack from the surface of the body, which is not deep enough, can only kill a layer outside my body. In the current environment of germs, my body can recover quickly, and it can't kill me at the deepest part of my body. "Wang Yuan introduced to Bujitel seriously: "I will give you one last chance, and offer your forehead to me."

"That's impossible, ghost." Bukittel fell to the ground, he felt that death was closer than ever, and he was afraid of death, but his belief in God gave him the belief to fight against this fear.

"Then there is no way, but it is also this kind of belief. In my eyes, it has been cooked into the most delicious delicacy. It is not too bad to be able to reap a delicious meal if you cannot be subdued," Wang said. Yuan once again reached out to the dying Bujitel.

Facing the enemy these years, Wang Yuan has always stimulated the opponent to a limited extent. If the opponent is not strong enough, he will easily choose to surrender to Wang Yuan. For the angry Wang Yuan, it is the ultimate delicacy.

But now the unyielding tenacity shown by Bujitel made his soul more delicious, not to mention that in his memory, there were still various confidential information of the Grace Sect.

"Your unyielding and tenacious belief, I will accept it!!"

"As you said, we know too little about you, Negri, but it doesn't matter, I will pass this on to others, and they will defeat you, Negri!!" Bugitel thought about the evil spirit Information.

The Grace Sect has done a lot of research on evil spirits. They know that evil spirits can read the memories of the dead souls when they kill people. However, for all those who have been bestowed, everything, including their souls, has been dedicated to God. How can they bear it? The soul that should be attributed to God has been profaned. For this reason, the Grace Cult has developed a secret technique that transforms their souls into a special ripple when members are dying.

This secret method protects the souls of members of the Grace Church from being desecrated by evil spirits, and at the same time, it can record the last whispers of the deceased and preserve the memory before his death. Only members of the Grace Church can perceive the rhythm of all things Only a master of breathing method can read the information inside.

"En? No soul energy overflowing?" Wang Yuan stood in front of Bujitel's body, thinking a little strangely, remembering Bujitel's last behavior, he chuckled, and left under Noah's respectful escort up.

"Is this your last murmur? I accepted it! Bukittel!" Chris stood up with anger on his face: "Negri! Follow Bukittel's last wish, I will definitely defeat you !!"

"Hehehe..." Under the big tree, Wang Yuan opened his eyes and laughed, "I'm looking forward to it!"