Soul of Negary

Chapter 35: Chance


"Master Negri?" Noah stood not far from Negri and asked with some doubts.

"Are you wondering?" Under the shadow of the big tree, there are bones of living creatures all around. This is the food that has been supplied to the crow and himself over the years. There are many humans among them, and Negri is sitting with a large number of bones. piled on the throne.

"Yes, my subordinates have doubts about your actions." Noah said seriously. This was impossible for Noah in the past. In the past, he would only obey all orders from Negri, but now he does not He asked with comprehension: "You don't have any dormancy period. Although your soul body is temporarily broken, under my support, you will be able to recover soon."

"It seems that after becoming one with me, you have been further liberated." Negri sat on the throne of bones, with his right index finger propping up his acupoint. Dozens of crows flew from a distance and picked up a dead body. Throwing in front of Negri.

"Nozades." Calling out the name of the corpse, Negri hooked his left hand, and the black corvus bacteria in the corpse spewed out from the corpse, and then gradually merged into Negri's body.

The big tree behind him changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic in an instant. Hundreds of crows shot out from the big tree and wrapped Nozades' body. After just a few seconds, a fresh bone was made come out.

The black torrent returned to the big tree, and everything became extremely quiet again. Negri moved his fingers again, and the bony head fell into Negri's hands under the influence of the interference force. He chose one on the throne. Fan finally selected a place on the throne steps and placed the skull there.

Negri sat down again and leaned his head against his right index finger, but he used too much force, his right index finger pierced his head directly, and a ray of anger slowly drifted away. Negri pulled his finger out of his head, and the wound on his head Several small pitch-black tentacles were connected together, and the wound was quickly repaired, and then some white mucus overflowed, and after drying up, it turned into pale skin.

"It seems that this body still has a lot of holes." Negri didn't feel regretful. It should have defects. What he needs to think about is how to make up for these defects bit by bit.

This body can also be regarded as one of Negri's research results. By combining dozens of germs and anger, the body of germs is extremely powerful, even the arakkoa can't compare with it.

In addition, there are various abilities, such as his nails, which are made up of a special kind of germs, that kind of germs like to devour metal, and when gathered together, they are as sharp and strong as a sword.

There is also the layer of white mucus-shaped germs that make up the skin, which can form a kind of interference layer. After Noah's test, his mental induction cannot sense Negri wrapped in the interference layer.

In addition, Negri's soul body lives in it, the interference power and perception field will not be restricted, and the manipulation of crows will not be blocked. The most important thing is that this layer of body slows down the consumption of anger to an extremely low level. To the extent that being exposed to the sun will not accelerate the consumption of anger, this is the protective layer Negri built for his own soul.

It's a pity that it is not too successful now, and the control of strength is not stable, and occasionally there will be problems such as accidentally injuring oneself with one's own strength. Perhaps obtaining the breathing method will solve this problem.

"Nozades still tested out a lot of Chris' cards." Negri said slowly after absorbing Nozades's black crow germ. Soul Qi.

The black crow and other germs make up for this. After the death of the arakkoa, his overflowing vitality and soul energy will be absorbed and preserved by the black crow bacteria implanted in his body, and Negri can slowly absorb the vitality and soul energy later. .

"Noah, you said that if Chris knew that I was in the so-called dormant period, what would he do?" Negri asked Noah next to him.

"Their task will no longer be to simply rescue Isabella and her mother. He will want to defeat me, and after he discovers his own shortcomings, he will seek help." Negri did not wait for Noah's answer. He said the answer by himself: "These helping hands may be the coming bishops and knights of the Grace Church, or they may be the response forces of the Interkami Kingdom, as well as the secret agents of the Royas Kingdom, and there are too many power."

"In order to develop Reastemia, we accepted too many external forces in the middle, and now many things in the entire Rhea are gradually out of our control. Even if there are spreading germs, they are still invisible forces. "

"This is an opportunity to clean up the forces in Reyane, and extend the tentacles farther by the way. These disordered forces also need an opportunity, and I just gave them this opportunity, so that they have the ability to unite. Erase my delusion."

"Chris is a talented person, and it's not just right to be the leader of this joint operation." Negri said slowly.

"So you handed over the alien scales to Yadley just to put pressure on those people. Aren't you afraid that Chris will be killed by the alien scales?" Noah understood Negri's plan and showed his respect for Chris. Reese's concerns.

"If this cannot be done, then he will not be able to become the leader of those forces, and he will die when he dies." Negri said indifferently.

The place where Desa and Chris fought has changed a street, and Chris has to admit that this woman is difficult.

The opponent's rapier was extremely accurate, and coupled with the inhuman speed of the sword, Chris had to deal with the opponent's attack with all his strength. Even so, there were several wounds on his body, and blood continued to flow.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." Desa panted. The opponent is indeed a legendary ranger. Based on the breathing method, her strength is very comprehensive. She uses her physical fitness and weapons to continuously attack, but it is nothing more than bringing a lot of damage to the opponent. Some insignificant wounds, if this continues, she is likely to lose.

"This is something that is absolutely not allowed to happen!" Desa stopped attacking, opened her mouth and bit directly on the back of her right hand, blood and black crow disease appeared together, staining the rapier.

"Everyone is like this, what a terrifying charm, Negri." Chris sighed, not long ago, Negri's ominous rhythm completely disappeared, as if hidden, which let Chris know that he can't Procrastinate, or you will miss the best chance to defeat Negri.

"Is it really enough for me alone?" Chris looked at Desa on the opposite side, and couldn't help but flash this thought. These subordinates who are loyal to Negri are extremely powerful, and it is hard to predict how much Negri is. powerful.

"Maybe I should get some help?"