Soul of Negary

Chapter 36: Greatness of man


"A daughter is useless, especially if she is not beautiful!" said the man named father, and these words left a deep impression on the young Desa.

She was just the product of the businessman's father's one-night affair, and her mother was just a powerless commoner. After a natural disaster, she had to take her, who was only six years old, to seek the father who wanted to climb to the upper class.

In the end, her mother worked in the caravan in an extremely humble manner, and the merchant reluctantly kept them. Daughters with his blood will not get any attention, and they will only give a little affection when they can get certain benefits.

Desha grew up in the caravan. Her mother died of exhaustion in the caravan, but most of the evaluations she got were ridiculed. Although she was angry, she also understood a fact in this world. Women are mostly men's children. As a vassal, if you are not strong enough, you will never be able to gain the approval of others.

She worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge that she could use, and gradually became a more important person in the caravan. Those who looked down on her before gradually called her Miss.

Perhaps because of the traits inherited from her father, or perhaps because of her childhood experience, Desa is always refusing to stop. She is either strengthening herself or looking for opportunities to strengthen herself every moment.

She used money to ask an old mercenary to teach her swordsmanship, but the old mercenary pointed out mercilessly on the first day that women are inherently weaker than men, so no matter how hard she works in terms of swordsmanship, she will not be able to do so. What an achievement.

The special plane was when the caravan arrived in Reastemia. She saw the opportunity and left the caravan without hesitation and chose to become the arakkoa. She was like this, able to seize all opportunities.

"Comores is dead, and Rhea's power will change no matter what. At this juncture, only by making contributions and showing your talents, will you have a chance to rise further."

"The Arakkoa is definitely not my end!" Desa watched as the blood on her hand was covered with black crow germs and covered the rapier, and she put on a stabbing posture again, staring at Chris on the opposite side with deep eyes.

When she became the arakkoa, she chose to implant the black crow virus into her hands, which made her hands very stable, and also made her swordsmanship reach a very high level. The old servant who predicted that she would not have much success Bing has been unable to take her sword.

"Beating you is my opportunity to rise up, and I will seize it no matter what!" Desa held a rapier, and her body instantly rushed forward, and the rapier pierced Chris's nose and mouth like lightning: "Ker Reese, your strength is based on the breathing method, and your weakness is also the breathing method!"

"That sword is covered with those black substances, and it's definitely not a good thing to be stabbed by that sword!" Chris sensed the rhythm around him, dodging Desa's crazy stabbing.

"It's this time, Rhythm Gold!" Chris took a deep breath, closed the pores of his hands, and even revealed the color of metal, clamped the stabbing rapier with great accuracy, and broke the rapier with both hands Breaking, crookedly approaching Desa, the fist of rhythm smashed towards Desa's body without hesitation.

"I've seized the opportunity..." Desa didn't care about Chris' fist, her mouth puffed out, and a mouthful of blood mixed with crow germs sprayed out at Chris's mouth and nose.

Desa was punched in the face, and the whole person flew to the side, and a few bloody teeth fell to the ground, which was very obvious.

And those black germs were like living things, wriggling and trying to get into Chris's nose and mouth, so Chris had to stop his breathing, and the super perception brought by the rhythm of all things gradually disappeared.

"She deliberately covered the rapier with blood, etc., not to make the sword more powerful, but to attract my attention with the rapier, and then stabbed my face with the sword continuously, so that my attention was completely focused on on her sword, thereby ignoring the movement of her holding part of the black substance in her mouth at that time."

Chris frantically moved the black substance covering his mouth and nose, without the perception brought by the breathing method, which made him very uncomfortable, like a person who is used to seeing with his eyes is suddenly blindfolded .

Desa struggled to stand up, her face was already swollen, which made her not beautiful even more funny, but she didn't care, she wanted to seize the opportunity, and naturally she had to give something.

Although she implanted the crow disease bacteria into her hands, her physical fitness has been greatly enhanced. Otherwise, she would have been unconscious after being punched by Chris.

"I won..." Desa didn't choose to pursue the victory. Her mouth and nose were covered by crow disease, and Chris's breathing method was abolished. This is a kind of victory. She is just an illegitimate daughter in the caravan. Be careful everywhere, maybe you will die in that business trip.

Now, although Chris's breathing method has been abolished, he may still have some hole cards, so there is no need to make up for it.

"Come on, kill Chris, whoever kills him, I will ask Lord Negri to grant him the qualification to become an arakkoa." Desha said loudly in a leaky voice.

After a while of silence, a few people came out of nowhere and carefully approached Chris with their weapons. The black crow disease bacteria suitable for implantation in the human body does not multiply quickly, so the number of people who become arakkoa is very rare.

The battle between the arakkoa and Chris made these peeping people see the power of power. The chance of obtaining the breathing method from Chris is too slim, and at that time talent and hard work are needed, which is not as good as becoming a crow. people.

Due to poor breathing and lack of oxygen in the brain, the scene in front of him began to become illusory and blurred. Chris could only see figures approaching people with malicious intentions.

In the snow mountain ten years ago, those pursuers also approached with such ill intentions. He was temporarily blinded by snow blindness at that time, and could only vaguely see the approaching figures.

"I'm not the person who was so flustered that I needed to be rescued." Chris simply closed his eyes, remembering what the person who taught him the breathing method said: "When you are in a desperate situation, you will face the interference of fear, and The greatness of human beings is nothing more than the calmness in the face of fear and despair, and only by calming down can we find a way out of the desperate situation!"

The image of Desa biting the back of his hand and those black substances flowing along the blood flashed in his mind. Chris used his hands again, as if he understood something, he quickly knelt down and kept hitting the ground with his head to kowtow.