Soul of Negary

Chapter 41: joint


Osgoodin walked down the street with Gelosk, and the gift of true knowledge from the Lord allowed him to clearly perceive that many people were staring at him.

Many of these people have dirty thoughts in their hearts because of his overly delicate and beautiful appearance, and the other is the watcher.

"Tell me about the situation of those two people." Osgoodin asked Gelosk, not paying attention to the gazes around him.

"Oh, okay." Glosk was also a little stunned, and then continued: "One of them is Jason Todd, a mercenary, he is a brutal guy, but he is very trustworthy, it is this The man who came to Rhea in 2009 is said to have been looking for the murderer of his family."

"The other one is a weird killer, only known as Jack. He will come out every once in a while to look for business. According to what he said, as long as the price is enough, King will also kill you." Gloske said .

"As for the others, it's probably okay to fight with the wind, but let them face Negri, and they will probably turn against each other immediately." Geluosk explained: "Of course there are some people who hide too deeply, I know that's all. There are two."

"It doesn't matter, those people will probably find other people too." Osgooding said with a smile, and first went to Jason Todd's residence, a tavern, with Glosk.

It's not that Jason Todd is addicted to alcohol, but that taverns in most places have part-time mercenary missions and intelligence trading.

Jason Todd was originally just an ordinary family. According to the original trajectory, he might choose to go to the dock to transport goods, or become a carpenter or blacksmith, but a pirate invasion disrupted everything for him.

Although he was not rich, his happy family was torn apart. Luckily, he escaped with his life and returned home only to find his beheaded father, his mother lying in a pool of blood, and his younger sister and younger brother who had been ruined to death.

Those pirates were not taboo about meat and vegetables. Unable to accept this fact, Jason could only choose to embark on the road of revenge. He asked the murderer's appearance from another surviving woman, and he began to follow the trail of the gang of pirates. Exercise your body and fighting skills crazily.

It's a pity that after that group of pirates encountered another sea battle, most of them were killed or injured, and the rest broke up and chose to go ashore, preparing to clean themselves up and find a small place to be a manor or something.

Jason found one of them, asked the names and whereabouts of the murderers, and continued to pursue. This pursuit lasted seven years. In seven years, Jason changed from a young man to a strong man now. He was unable to revenge all the year round. His methods are becoming more and more violent, but perhaps because of what happened in the past, he attaches great importance to credit, as long as he makes an oath, he will definitely fulfill it.

Walking in the messy tavern, Osgoodin's face attracted the attention of many people, but the priest's attire of the Charismatic Church still made many people give up those dirty little thoughts and at best cast their eyes on it.

"That's Jason Todd." Gelosk pointed to a person who was eating seriously.

Seriously eating is an odd word, but anyone who has seen Jason eat will agree with it.

Jason ate the food bit by bit, looking extremely serious, as if it was something that had to be done, extremely serious, and at the same time, he looked expressionless, even if there were bugs in the food, he would Being able to eat it with a blank face gives people a feeling that it doesn't matter what the food is, he is just eating, not eating.

Jason, who was wearing a black vest and short silver hair, had a weapon next to him. A boring and brutal person like him didn't have any companions by his side.

"He's really an impressive person." Osgoodin said, pulling away the chair opposite Jason and sitting on it.

"What's the matter?" It was simple and direct, and it seemed that Jason had no intention of wasting a second.

"Well, I have a difficult commission that I want to entrust to you." Austin said with a smile.

"Okay." Jason agreed without looking up.

"Do you know what I want to entrust you with?" Osgoodin said slightly strangely.

"In fact, anyone who is well-informed will know about it." Jason swallowed the last morsel of food, looked up at Austin, "Didn't you see that none of the waiters in the tavern came to greet you?"

"Then why did you agree?"

"One of my goals may be to become the arakkoa. Even if you don't look for me, I will look for you. In addition, if you plan to look for Jack, there is no need. I have already looked for him. He seems to have picked up a Mission, leave Rhea."

"Very good." Austin nodded.

At the same time, Chris watched Nora go downstairs to continue to eat a big meal, with complicated eyes. When he learned the breathing method, he also had a senior guide, but it took more than a day to barely learn it.

But Nora has almost learned it in just one afternoon. As for the more advanced breathing techniques, Chris did not teach them. Those skills are up to the individual to comprehend. Basic abilities are learned, and advanced skills can be learned as long as they are comprehended.

The breathing method is still the same breathing method, but the breathing method used by each master is different. Of course, the breathing method passed down by the noble family will have other secret methods. crystallization.

Chris's secret method does have one, but it is not suitable for passing it on to Nora, maybe he will have a chance in the future.

After sending Nora away, Chris seemed to be relieved. After all, she was the prophesied savior. She learned how to breathe, so at least she could protect herself.

"Come out, after listening for so long, do you have any insights?" Chris's face became serious, and he said to the empty space on the other side of the room.

"Is this the saint who was prophesied?" The light in the empty space was distorted, and the person in the uniform of the Kingdom of Roas walked out, bowed slightly to Chris and said, "Fasmic Rancher, the stream of light Met Lord Chris."

"The stream of salary method Chris Modo." Chris's face was serious, and the inheritors of the breathing method used the secret method as the flow method to deal with each other.

"Negri is too dangerous, so join forces?" Chris said seriously.

"His power is getting bigger and bigger, which is not good for the kingdom." Smick nodded: "Union, there is no doubt about it."

"So what about Nora?" Chris said slowly.

"Following the ancient agreement, the rhythm will never extinguish another rhythm. I will not shoot at that little girl. This is why you taught her the breathing method when you knew I was there." Smick said seriously: " So what about the so-called Saintess of Salvation, under the leadership of His Majesty, even fate will be trampled on, not to mention a mere prophecy."