Soul of Negary

Chapter 42: Prepare


"King Royas..." Chris remained silent. Regarding national affairs, justice or evil can never be defined.

If Roas and Intekami really go to war, then in the eyes of the people of Intekami Kingdom, the people of Roas Kingdom are undoubtedly evil, but are the people of Roas Kingdom really evil

Simply using justice and evil to define a large group is biased. The so-called justice and evil are just in line with people's public morality.

So some things are really hard to define, so sometimes don't think so much, as long as things conform to your own moral values.

"I don't comment on His Majesty Eldridge." Chris said slowly.

Although the country cannot be judged purely by evil and justice, but from the perspective of personal perception, Chris is more inclined to the Intercomi Kingdom. First, Intercomi is a multi-racial kingdom, while the Kingdom of Roas Yas is dominated by people, and there is serious racial discrimination there.

Especially after the occurrence of the great thief Ika Alisa, most of the Roas of other races are perceived as inferior.

On the other hand, the Kingdom of Roas, under the leadership of the greatest Majesty Eldridge known as Roas for thousands of years, is full of aggression, aggression for the expansion of the country, can be called in their country In theory, it is to expand the territory, but for civilians, war has always been painful.

So for the side that launched the war, although Chris would not say that the other party is an evil person and wanted to get rid of the other party, his sense of the other party could not help but deteriorate.

But in the final analysis, all Chris can do is not to help Royas, and by the way, help the Kingdom of Intkami to prevent the war from happening as much as possible, but for His Majesty Eldridge, everything is indifferent Bar.

If there is anyone Chris has seen whose rhythm can compete with Negri, or even slightly exceed it, then only His Majesty Eldridge.

The kind who looked down on everything and was so confident that all the gods believed in by the Charisma should be under his position.

Thirteen years ago, when Eldridge had just ascended the throne, a bishop of the Charismatic Church went to the capital of the Kingdom of Roas, met with the Majesty, and asked him to allow the Divine Grace to operate in the Kingdom of Roas. preach.

At that time, in the Kingdom of Roas, there were already many people who were very interested in the Charisma, and even some nobles agreed with the introduction of the Charisma. He wanted to introduce the Charisma to check and balance the increasingly powerful Andre royal family.

But this majesty suppressed all dissatisfaction with iron and blood methods. He said that the so-called god was just a member of his throne. It was enough for the people of the Kingdom of Roas to believe in him. The idea of teaching the kingdom of Roas fell to nothing, and then cleaned up the nobles who were holding back the Kingdom of Roas, united all the nobles who stood on his side, and began to grow the Kingdom of Roas.

Up to now, the national power of the Royas Kingdom has far exceeded when he first took the throne. On the contrary, the national power of the Interkami Kingdom has declined because of the civil strife on the throne launched by Seth I.

The two kings both launched iron-blooded means in their own countries, and the time was close. At that time, the national power of Intercammy was much stronger, but now, the national power of Intercammy Kingdom is getting weaker and weaker.

If you have to say the reason, there is only one reason, and that is orthodoxy, and Eldridge is the leader of orthodoxy, so after he clears up all dissatisfaction in the country, he can concentrate on development.

In order to ascend to the throne, Seth I borrowed the power of too many nobles. After taking the throne, he wanted to develop Intercom, but he found that he was always hindered by those nobles, so he thought he would not lose to Al Derich's Seth I became more and more silent.

This also caused a different situation in the two kingdoms. Now Seth only wants to keep his throne and is known as the sunset of the kingdom, while Eldridge is known as the greatest king of Royas in the millennium. The young people of the Kingdom of Roas are willing to submit to His Majesty the throne and die for him.

"As a member of the Roas noble family, I was terrified by Eldridge's strength, but as a member of the Roas Kingdom, I feel extremely proud to have such a king." Smick said with a complicated expression Said.

"Let's end this topic. I won't take action against that little girl. In addition, I can restrain my men and won't take action until Negri is dealt with." Smick said solemnly: "Now whether it is a nobleman or a As a citizen of the Kingdom of Roas, Negri is an obstacle."

"The time is set at twelve o'clock tonight, no problem, but in order to avoid conflicts, we will attack from the east of the forbidden area." Smick continued.

"No problem, we will attack from the south." Chris nodded, and after the two sides exchanged some communication signals, the light on Smick's body distorted for a while, his figure completely disappeared, and he left without a sound.

"The Flow of Light?" Chris sighed, Eldridge has roughly completed his dictatorship, and the people who should oppose it most are the nobles in the Kingdom of Royas, but now Smick talks about Eldridge , couldn't help revealing the tone of admiration, which shows how strong Rojas is now.

"Forget it, this is also Seth I, and there are things that should be a headache for the Charismatic Church." Chris couldn't help but flashed Nora's small face in his mind, and suddenly he didn't want her to become the so-called savior. Because that means that what she will carry will be very heavy.

After going through the matter roughly, Chris slowly closed his eyes, he wanted to take a good rest to deal with tonight's battle.

On the other side, Yadley arranged for the defense of the forbidden area tonight with a strange expression. It can be expected that those people will choose to attack the forbidden area tonight in an attempt to harm the great Negri.

And what makes Yadley feel strange is the source of all this. It can be said that it is very likely that the lord has contributed to all this. He has a little understanding of the lord's plan, but there are still many doubts in it.

But no matter what is going on inside, what Yadley has to do is to complete Negri's protection, protect the order of Reastemia, and prevent those people from disturbing Lord Negri's dormant period.

"With our lives, we swear to protect the safety of Lord Negri!" Yadley said to the arakkoi.

In the forbidden area, Negri sat on the bone throne, his eyes closed as if he was thinking about something, until night fell, he opened his eyes and smiled happily: "The show has begun."