Soul of Negary

Chapter 45: Twelve people (three)


It's a shame.

Needless to say.

As a knight of grace, he must protect the priest behind him at all times, and now the blood of the priest is splashed on him, which is a shame!

Rivers held the knight sword in his hand, gently stroking the armor on his body with one hand.

With slightly traced armor and warm blood, Rivers slowed down his breathing. The priestess died in an instant. She had always activated the gift of true knowledge. Even with the ability to hide, it was difficult to escape her vision. The position of the enemy is worth thinking about.

The problem now is that he doesn't have the gift of true knowledge. In this dark night, let alone continue to move forward, but he can't even find the enemy's position, how to defeat the opponent.

Tears ran down his cheeks, Rivers thought for a while, and tapped his armor lightly with his fingers. The knocking sound was especially crisp in this silent night.


With a soft sound, Rivers hurriedly hid, something shot past him and nailed to an abandoned house not far away.

"There is no mistake in guessing. It is through the sound to perceive my location." Rivers suppressed his sadness and kept thinking: "Attack by shooting, and the location of the two shots is not the same."

"She... her blood spattered me, so it means that the position of his attack was facing me, but this time the attack was shot from my side. He changed his position, but I didn't hear anything sound."


There was another sound of breaking through the air, and Rivers immediately put up 12 points of defense, but found that the attack was not coming towards him, because after the sound of breaking, he heard another obvious sound of entering the flesh.

The knight's figure froze, he was not attacked, and that enemy would not be so stupid as to harm himself, so the attack just now was already obvious, that guy, that damned guy, did not even spare the corpses of the dead, trying to Attack the corpse of the female priest, and expose the knight.

From a rational point of view, if you want to win, you can only endure it, don't make any noise, and then find the enemy's position, but how is that possible.

They are companions, they have fought together, they trust each other, she is his eyes, he is her sword and shield.

How could that bastard attack her corpse like this

Rivers' knuckles turned white from too much force holding the hilt of the sword.

There was another sound of breaking through the air, and the knight moved without hesitation.

"My lord bestowed on me the power to protect others!" Rivers put up a white shield of light, which provided some vision, and he saw a pale bone spear wrapped in black silk thread, sticking to the ground , rushed to the body of the female priest who fell on the ground.

Rivers stepped forward, holding the knight's sword with both hands, and slashed, cutting off the flying bone spear, and then he heard the next sound of breaking, and a bone spear flew from the other direction. Shooting over, the knight quickly returned to guard with the knight sword, and split the bone spear according to the power of the guardian gift.

The light brought by the gift of protection on his body gradually extinguished. Rivers held the sword in both hands and stood next to his companion's corpse. He no longer hid his breathing. .

"The attack is close to the ground. Is the person who launched the attack lying on the ground?" Rivers thought: "The attack direction is also different. Are there multiple enemies?"

"The opponent's attack has intervals, or my position has been exposed, but after that attack, it has been a while since I launched an attack." Rivers kept calculating all the data that could defeat the opponent, hoping that he could To avenge his companions.

At this time, on the other side, the closest position to Rivers and the female priest are the two confidant guards of Geluosk. They have heard Rivers' shout of just launching the guardian gift, but now they want to support , but also powerless, because they are now facing a more dangerous enemy - the alien scales.

These people infected by dragon blood, they are constantly oppressed by the dragon's power in the dragon blood, their own spirits have become crazy, like irrational and violent beasts, except for Negri who has developed a way to control them, only the dragon Only things with a strong breath can make them hesitate a little.

The confidant guards of the two merchants are powerful fighters. They were also well-known mercenaries in the early years and have rich combat experience. Ge Luosk has always brought them by his side to protect his own safety. Now he sent them out and gave a promise , No matter whether they can come back or not, they will be given great rewards.

Even the most exciting thing for them is to recommend them to go to Interkami Royal Knight Academy for further study, where it is possible to learn breathing method.

And if they can't come back, then their families will also be compensated, and the place to go to the Royal Knight Academy can also be given to their heirs.

For this reason, they agreed to join this operation. With rich experience, they found the other party's position through the crazy collision of the alien scales. In addition, relying on the dragon powder, they successfully escaped the surprise attack of the alien scales.

One person held a long sword in his hand and followed the surrounding movement. The other person took out two small balls with a rough surface and rubbed them hard. The two small balls emitted smoke and flames, and he threw a small ball to one side. .

The small ball smoked and made a whining sound, and then burst into flames and began to burn. The two small balls turned in one direction, providing them with illumination.

The dark golden figure of the different scales flashed away in the light of the fire. Both of them carried weapons, back to back, vigilant about the surroundings, and kept chewing something in their mouths.

"Over there!" One person reminded. Both of them moved very quickly, rolling to the sides, and with a wave of their hands, they threw the rope around their waists to the other person. Pull the rope.

The man with different scales flashed past, the scaly feet hung on the rope, and the two of them fell to one side. The rough rope rubbed against the palms, and the bandages holding the hands and the skin of the palms were directly worn away.

But the result was also extremely obvious. The alien-scaled person was tripped by the rope, his body fell forward, his hands rested on the ground, the leg that was tripped was slightly twisted, and his hideous face was turning his head to look at these two people.

Not caring about the injuries on their hands, the two of them held their weapons and rushed directly towards the alien scale. Without that terrifying speed, the so-called alien scale was nothing more than a terrifying beast.

It's just that their bodies froze as they rushed forward, as if something stopped them. They waved their long swords and wanted to split that thing, but they felt a pain in their hands. Something pulled his hand and waved the sword With a tilt of his hand, he directly split a big hole in his companion's neck.

And he felt that thing continuously drilled into his body from his hand, and he uncontrollably put the sword on his neck.

Blood splattered, Yadley jumped down from a nearby tree, and the black silk thread was pulled out of the body and returned to his fingers.

So far, fifteen people have attacked the troops, and three people have been killed.