Soul of Negary

Chapter 46: Twelve people (four)


"Huh?" As if aware of something, Yadley's body quickly left the spot and flashed into the shadows.

"Is it too late?" Chris came to the battle site from the other side, but unfortunately, there were only two gradually cooling corpses to greet him.

The smell of blood in the air was mixed with a peculiar smell of gunpowder smoke. Chris took a breath, set his eyes on the two burning balls, and then looked behind the shadow.

The dark golden alien scale jumped out of the shadows, because of the injury on his leg before, its speed was much slower, Chris dodged to the side more easily, came to the corpse with one dodge, picked up The falling long sword slashed towards the empty space beside him without hesitation.

Several black thin lines were cut off directly, Yadley rushed out from the side, the skin and muscles of his right hand quickly turned black, turned into a tentacle and directly pulled towards Chris, the alien scale also turned around, and rushed towards Chris again .

The pitch-black tentacles waved past, and the long sword in Chris's hand came out directly. His body flew sideways back and forth, rolled with the ground, and escaped the pounce of the alien scale.

Yadley's right hand turned into a tentacle was knocked out by the long sword to create a finger-wide wound. The thin black line on the wound continued to spread. After just a few seconds, the wound was healed.

"I used the black crow to devour the muscles of my arm. Due to the limitation of the human body, there can only be so many muscles in one arm. However, the gift of Lord Negri allowed me to break through the limit of the human body."

I saw Yadley's body trembling, a large amount of black matter gathered from his body to his arms, and tentacles emerged from his shoulders, each of which was composed of simulated muscles of the black crow virus, and the muscle tentacles kept waving , the whistling wind seemed to remind him how terrifying his power was.

Chris stood up and moved his wrist. The strength of that pitch-black tentacle was no less than that of the sub-dragon back then. With a human body, if it was directly touched like this, it would probably be directly smashed in half, otherwise He sensed that something was wrong, and he let go of his own initiative, fearing that his hand would be broken directly.

"It has become a complete monster." Looking at Yadley's growth of several dark muscle tentacles, relatively speaking, Yadley's tentacles are the main body of this person, and his other body is a burden.

"Odd scales, come on, kill him."

Chris took a deep breath, his body moved, and the speed of the alien scale slowed down. With the help of the dragon powder, as long as he was careful, it was difficult to cause damage to him, but it limited his range of motion.

Yadley's two tentacles supported the ground, and several other tentacles kept waving. Trees blocked the way and were smashed directly. Houses blocked the way and were directly smashed into ruins by the tentacles. Chris's skin was blown alive by the wind blown by the tentacles. pain.

Faced with such a violent tentacle attack, and the occasional pounces of the alien scales, his energy has been fully focused on dealing with these attacks, and there is no room for slack, otherwise he only needs to be hit by the tentacles once, or by the aliens. The scaled man fell down, and death would come to him.

"What are you still insisting on, give up, the crow disease is not like human muscles, it will cause fatigue and soreness, and you will soon lose your strength." Yadley's body was almost hanging on the black tentacles, Because the black corvus bacteria that made up the other parts were taken away to form muscle tentacles, he now looks extremely thin. If it weren't for the two tentacles that help him stand, he wouldn't even be able to stand stably.

It is precisely because of this that although his tentacle attack is violent, its attack speed and range are not strong, otherwise Chris would not be able to sustain it until now.

"Give up resistance, Chris, you can't beat me, let alone Master Negri!!" Yadley said slowly: "Look at your feet, Chris, you have already lost."

Chris was startled, and saw that the two pitch-black tentacles supporting the ground had become much thinner at some point, and on the ground, thin black lines formed a large net, and Chris was falling into the net.

The thin black thread pierced Chris's pants and pierced through the skin on his feet. The thin thread penetrated deeper and deeper into Chris's feet, controlling Chris's movements. The thick tentacles directly smashed into the restricted body Chris.

"It was you who lost." Chris let out a breath: "Deep Chaos Rhythm."

A slight sense of discomfort appeared on Yadley's body, but he didn't pay too much attention to it: "Chris, your deep and chaotic rhythm needs time to accumulate, and the only contact between you and me is my thin thread piercing your body. Time, your deep chaotic rhythm makes me feel a little uncomfortable at most, and it has no effect other than that."

"Haven't you noticed yet?" Chris stretched out his hand to move the golden rhythm, forcing the attack of the tentacles.

"You devoured most of your body by the black crow, and now you pull it out to form tentacles, which has already formed a kind of uncoordinated rhythm. Your thin and small body has already demonstrated this. In addition to the poisoning, your own rhythm has already disappeared. With great problems, my deep chaotic rhythm is just an introduction."

"Poisoned..." Yadley turned his gaze, and saw the two small balls that were about to burn out, and the things that the two people kept chewing in their mouths, and he understood instantly.

"Gradually weakening!" Chris resisted the attack of the tentacles, but at this time the strength of the tentacles had become weak due to the uncoordinated rhythm: "The counterattack has begun!"

"Rhythmic Stripping Fist!" Chris waved his fist and hit the target-like tentacles. The Rhythmic Fist can attack the weakness of the enemy's rhythm, making the enemy unable to respond, and the Rhythmic Stripping can make and strip things. The power of repulsion, combined, every punch of Chris can carry a powerful force of repulsion.

The silk thread stuck in the foot was also directly torn off, one punch after another, and finally a punch directly hit Yadley's chest, the force of repulsion hit the heart, causing Yadley's heart to burst and stop beating .

Sensing that Yadley's breath of life was slowly fading, Chris took a deep breath and was on guard against the surprise attack of the alien scales. Although he seemed to win easily, his physical strength was indeed exhausted. As long as Yadley persisted After a while, he might really lose.

Now he has no way to deal with the different scales, he can only hope that without the master's control, the different scales will not attack him with dragon powder.

I saw that after Yadley's death, the alien scale became very irritable. It stared at Yadley's body, kept approaching and retreating, and finally roared and threw itself directly on Yadley's body , opened a mouth full of teeth, and bit Yadley's forehead and neck without hesitation. A small bulge implanted in the neck was bitten open, and the golden yellow blood inside poured out.

Seeing the alien scales licking the golden blood constantly, Chris backed away slowly. He had dealt with the enemy here, but what about the others

Just as Chris was thinking like this, he saw a dazzling light shining not far away, and the shining light looked extraordinarily magnificent.