Soul of Negary

Chapter 53: Negri (5)


"Although my willpower is as solid as a rock, it will not change even after thousands of years, but I think that if I want to become the ruler of everything, my willpower is not enough. When you face temptation, The character of standing up for what you believe in no matter what, is exactly what I've been needing."

Negri looked at Smic and said with a smile: "As a reward for my praise, I will suppress my physical fitness, let my strength and speed reach the peak of human beings, and I will not use the ability to control objects. If you can overcome Me, I'll let you go, and it's okay to cooperate with your majesty."

"Stop talking big!" Mingming Smic was still standing in the distance, but the voice sounded not far from Negri, and Smic flashed twice before disappearing in the distance.

"Don't you have a long memory?" Negri's right hand changed, gold-eating bacteria gathered in his right hand, and a white sword blade stretched out from the wrist of his right hand, holding an invisible weapon.

Negri suddenly turned his head, and on his cheek, a wound suddenly appeared, exposing the dark germs inside, and a trace of white life dissipated. Of course, this small wound healed soon.

"The reason why you can find me is because of the things floating in the air." Smick's voice came out: "They are all over the whole space, so even if I hide my body, you can still pass through these things in the air." The distribution of things to judge my position and even my actions."

"I've seen through your little tricks, Negri." Smirk receded back, gradually revealing his figure, and more and more Smirk showed his figure.

"Light flow method, light phantom." By mobilizing the rhythm of light, various phantoms are formed, and light is not a harmless thing. These phantoms of light are obviously human, but they give people the feeling of Like the sun one by one, those spreading germs close to the illusion are all wiped out by the rhythm of light.

"In this way, you won't be able to distinguish whether I'm real or fake through rhythm." A dozen or so Smicks stood in different positions, and his voice seemed to have undergone some kind of processing, so that people couldn't tell where it came from.

"You really have a skill, Smic." Negri praised: "Show more of your potential and make your soul more delicious."

Negri raised his right hand and rushed towards those smicks. He did what he said and suppressed his physical fitness to the peak of human beings. Although he was still incredibly fast, it was not the kind of speed that made people completely unable to react in time. up.

More than a dozen smicks came over them. These illusions were extremely realistic, and Negri couldn't tell the real ones from the fake ones.

The first Smic rushed over without hesitation, raised his scimitar and slashed at Negri. Negri resisted with his wrist sword, but found that Smic passed through his body, which was just an illusion.

Then, while Negri raised his hand to respond, several Smics raised their scimitars and attacked from different angles at the same time. After responding to this person's attack, the others could not respond. Once they chose to respond to the fantasy attack, the real Smick would Will face the defenseless Negri.

Just the next moment, the five fingers of Negri's left hand exploded together, and the pitch-black liquid splashed from the fingers to the surrounding Smirks, and all the liquid penetrated. Facts have proved that these attacking Smirks are all illusions.

"So cautious?" Negri said quite unexpectedly. He had already thought of this test method just now. If Smic was really in the illusion of the attack just now, Negri would not hesitate. Kill him with a fatal blow.

Smick didn't answer, and more than a dozen phantoms kept switching positions, occasionally overlapping and separating backwards, making it impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake, and then two groups of phantoms continuously launched attacks from different directions.

If you can’t be sure which one is an illusion and which one is a real person, it’s like having more than a dozen Smics attacking him. Negri’s left wrist also grows a sword blade, and his left and right hands dance at the same time. Any Smics who approach will be slashed first. a sword.

The phantom's attack became more and more violent, and Negri looked a little tired of coping.

The blade crossed a figure of Smick, and after the blade passed through without hindrance, Negri twitched the blade to attack other phantoms, but this half phantom continued to swing the scimitar at Negri, if If you look closely, you will find that the scimitar has a layer of phantom.

Just when Smirk thought he was going to succeed, Negri's body turned around, ignoring those phantoms. The wrist sword in his left hand held Smirk's scimitar, and he stabbed forward with his right hand without hesitation.

At the very moment, Smick sensed something was wrong, without any hesitation, he adjusted his own rhythm through changes, so that his body could change its state at that moment, his body jumped back, squatted on the ground and covered his waist, only There was already a finger-deep wound there.

Looking at the blood on the blade, Negri shook his head. If Smic's reaction was slower, his wrist sword would have pierced his heart instead of his abdomen.

Smick looked at the bones under his feet, swiped the scimitar in his hand several times, and saw a black strip of flesh in one of the bones.

"Although your illusion is very realistic, but the fake is fake. Among them, only you have weight." Negri explained with a smile: "So I gathered an excessive amount of germs in some bones , hidden in the bones, even your rhythm of light can't kill them instantly, your trampling will cause the position of the germs inside to change, thus exposing your position."

Of course, there is one point that Negri did not tell Smic, that is, Smic's flow of light method is completely useless in front of his perception field, and the change of light cannot stop the perception field.

So from the very beginning, Smic had no chance of winning against Negri. The situation he showed was naturally that the opponent could win with a little effort to stimulate the opponent's potential, but in essence Negri always Controlling the direction of the battle, he has been clinging to a few trump cards.

It is precisely because of such an absolute advantage that Negri will stimulate the potential of the opponent and make various moves. In this world, there is no halo of the protagonist. Under the attribute of unlucky, only strength and wisdom can be relied on.

"Then, Smic, continue to show your potential. I am looking forward to it more and more." Negri said with a smile: "Or just give up and surrender to me."

Smic kept breathing, adjusted his rhythm, looked at Negri on the opposite side, stood up, and was ready to fight again. He didn't want to sink, so he chose to continue fighting.

It is this kind of persistence that makes Negri smile more happily.