Soul of Negary

Chapter 54: Negri (6)


"Are we late?" A slightly coughing voice appeared, causing Smick to stop his attack.

I saw Chris and a group of ten people all came here. Chris looked at the bones everywhere, sighed, and then set his eyes on Negri.

Before meeting Negri, Chris only had that ominous rhythm to Negri, but after seeing Negri in person, Chris came to only one conclusion, that is, such an existence It shouldn't be in this world at all.

"Evil spirits are mistakes that shouldn't exist in this world at all. They are the natural enemies of human beings. For this reason, evil spirits must be eliminated." Austin's eyes were serious. He had once crusaded evil spirits, so he knew the evil spirits dangerous.

Every evil spirit that develops is a natural disaster, and their existence needs other people's life support every minute and every second. The devil in the fog in the capital of Interkami, the green man that once appeared in a town, and the port on the east coast The shipwreck that appeared.

What makes Austin and the entire Grace Church uneasy is that the frequency of evil spirits appearing is getting higher and higher, making people have to believe whether the disaster recorded in the Grace of God will happen, especially this time A rational evil spirit like Negri appeared.

According to the records of the Grace Church, the Cauchys were once the most powerful race on the mainland, and they established a huge empire: Trilancia.

And the main reason why the empire that perished more than two hundred years ago was that a rational evil spirit appeared in Trilancia at that time, and that evil spirit had the power to control people's hearts. The civil strife in the Lancia Empire caused this huge empire to perish step by step.

"Evil spirits are the source of disasters. They are the result of mistakes. Their appearance will lead to greater disasters. Therefore, evil spirits must be purified!" This is the consensus of the Charismatic Church.

"Can't you wait for the main course?" Negri glanced at these people, his eyes on the food made them feel cold: "Then let's serve together, I don't mind if there are too many of you, Anyway, the result is the same.”

"Anyway, most of you have the need to defeat me, right?" Negri said with a smile, and then pointed to Jason Todd in the team: "Your name is Jason, right? You came to Rhea to find Cadiz Moraig, right?"

Negri's words made Jason emotional in an instant. He will never forget the tragedy at home that day, but when everything in him was destroyed, catching the murderer who destroyed everything and taking revenge was what supported him to go on. only belief.

"That bastard is really here with you." Jason said excitedly. The pirates who killed his relatives went ashore and disappeared. After seven years of searching, he finally found their traces here.

"It's not just one, after Kadiz Moraig came to me, he also called his companions to help." Negri said with certainty: "All your enemies are now under my command Woolen cloth!"

"If you want revenge, then use all your strength to defeat me." Negri said seductively.

Then Negri turned his gaze to the iron mask inside: "Before Comoros died, let Noah tell you I'm sorry, but Noah is busy with my affairs, so I really can't tell you, as his master, I Just pass it on to him."

As soon as these words came out, the hands of the bow and arrow held by Iron Mask kept trembling. He is a father, and what makes a father most angry is that the lives of his children are ruined, and there are still two of them.

Negri ignored the iron mask's anger, or the angrier he was, the happier he was. In some cases, anger can also be a kind of strength.

"The Faith Cult? It's a pity that Bukittel's soul was not eaten. I hope you can taste it better." One sentence aroused the anger of the knights and priests of God's Grace.

"And you, Chris." Negri finally set his sights on the legendary ranger: "If you don't want your secret to be exposed, then fight desperately."

"Believe me, the news in Rhea is easy to spread to other parts of the mainland. Once you lose the battle, that person's efforts and your efforts will all be in vain."

Negri's words made Chris's pupils shrink. He didn't ask how Negri saw the flaw. That was not important anymore. What he had to do now was to defeat Negri.

"Needless to say, let's fight." Jason's eyes were full of vengeful anger, and he raised his bow and arrow to aim at Negri.

Chris, the knight of grace Myerson, and another knight of grace rushed towards Negri standing among the bones. The two knights of grace activated their guardian gifts to protect themselves. On the swords of the knights, the light of justice shone , vowed to cut this evil spirit under the sword.

Jason, the Iron Mask and a person who also joined on the road pulled up the bow and arrow, and the arrows were shot out one after another, interfering with Negri's actions.

Austin and his disciple Luen Dona opened up the gift of true knowledge, and were alert to some of Negri's small moves, and occasionally used the gift of salvation to disperse the germs that were pervasive in the field.

Smick disappeared again, waiting for the chance of a fatal blow.

As for the masked fighters who joined on the other road, at this time they are playing soy sauce. They are sent by a gang formed by some outsiders in Rhea. They want to gain more benefits in this battle. For them Generally speaking, the more intense the fight between Negri and others, the better, and the primary purpose is to protect themselves.

Negri is in the midst of everyone's attack, and he keeps waving the swords with both wrists. The gift of justice on the knight's swords makes their swords invincible. Chris is much calmer, only occasionally swinging his fists, and more often observe.

"Since you don't want to fight, let's go die first." Negri's eyes suddenly stared at the two masked fighters who were playing soy sauce outside, ignoring the attacks of others, and with a flick of his hands, the two wrist swords were separated The body flew out, directly piercing through the bodies of the two people.

"My lord promised me the power of justice, and I will surely cut through the darkness." The knight of grace did not waste this opportunity, and the knight sword blessed with the gift of justice in his hand slashed at Negri's neck without hesitation. Under the effect of the gift, the knight sword cut Negri's neck like a hot knife cutting butter.

But when the sword was cut, he found that it didn't feel right. He saw that Negri's neck was cut open, but the inside was empty, while the severed head exploded suddenly, and liquids of various colors splashed around.

Negri's headless body was torn apart, covered in white liquid, his body shrunk a few times like a young Negri, with his palms together, the nails on it were like blades, from bottom to top, piercing the body of the Divine Grace Knight. The gift of protection, inserted into the neck of the divine grace knight, and directly lifted his head.