Soul of Negary

Chapter 58: Negri (end)


Smick showed his body shape, the basic application of the flow of light method is to hide his body shape, to the point of optical invisibility.

And the ultimate secret method of the Flow of Light method, the Blade of Flowing Light, is to fit one's own rhythm to the light infinitely. In an instant, a person's original perception will be lost, and he will turn into light. Arrived together with the light, and stabbed out the knife.

This state of infinitely fitting light can only be maintained for a moment, otherwise the human body will collapse. Of course, as long as the direction determined in advance is correct, it is almost impossible to dodge this kind of attack.

With Chris using the flow of salary method to contain it, Smick's knife naturally did not fail, the germs on the outer layer did not play any protective role, and the machete accurately hit the dark mass of meat inside.

The contents inside flowed out along the scimitar, and also splashed on his hand, it was golden yellow blood, the blood was like a rare treasure, and Smick's attention was focused on it for a moment.

Under the action of the golden blood, the scimitar seemed to have life, and there was a special feeling in the hand, as if anyone in front of him could be easily killed by this knife.

Chris fell to the ground, aged dozens of years, and his life was on the verge of dying. He didn't even have the strength to move his head, and death came as promised.

A small amount of life emerges from the corpse, and the death of fire is not without cost. Chris's remaining soul also surges out. Years of adventures have made him mentally far beyond ordinary people, so even if he becomes a remnant now, He still maintains some sanity.

A strange suction appeared on Chris's remnant soul.

"Is this going to the Kingdom of God?" Chris thought in confusion, his remnant soul flew through the pile of bones, flew into the distance, and finally fell into the hands of someone.

There was a happy smile on the corner of Noah's mouth: "The leaders of these ghost troops have been found."

The next moment, Chris only felt a lot of emotions pouring into his remnant soul, and those emotions kept impacting his remnant soul. Most of these emotions were negative, such as hatred, unwillingness, despair, and deep feelings for that person. fear and obedience.

"Negri!!" Chris shouted in despair, but after a long time, there were only two words left: "... my lord!"

Noah looked at Chris who had completely surrendered in his hands, and remembered the conversation with Lord Negri before.

"You know, Noah." Negri didn't live in the body of the virus at that time, or he wasn't in the body of the virus from the beginning. He floated on the big tree, looking at the bones everywhere: "People It's an interesting creature."

"They form a fixed mindset about certain things, and it is difficult to get out of this strange thinking circle." Negri said slowly: "They will turn a blind eye to some things and only believe what they think."

"I have also fallen into this kind of vicious circle, but how can I be limited to the form of human beings." Negri said with a smile: "When I am not limited, I am one, and I am also ten thousand."

This world is not another world, it has the attribute of extreme luck, there will be no protagonists and other people coming to the door, the devil is just one step away from completing the final evolution, and Negri will not be foolishly waiting for others to come to the door, in fact, when Chris and others enter Before entering the forbidden area, Negri completed the upgrade for himself.

It can be said that his soul body is composed of many people, but all of these are chosen by himself, so why should he be limited to one soul body, or in other words, limited to the form of individual human beings.

Therefore, this is the true function of the blood of the soul. The blood of the dragon has three functions, enhancing the physical fitness of the host, carrying inheritance information and dragon power, and inseparable connection with each other.

The blood of the soul also replicates these three functions, transforming the body of the host, making it stronger, carrying Negri, and connecting with each other.

Noah had the blood of the soul implanted, so Negri became his other side through the blood of the soul, so Noah said that he and Lord Negri have merged into one, and this relationship will continue. Continue with the inheritance of blood.

If Noah had heirs, then his heirs would be born with soul blood. With the growth of his heirs, the true spirit will continue to generate souls, and the soul blood will continue to wake up, infecting people with the soul germ called Negri. In the newborn soul, even if it is not completely infected by Negri, it will form a secondary personality named Negri, which is hidden in the blood.

In general, Negri has changed from a soul body to a soul germ rooted in the blood, and the more people he infects, the bigger he becomes.

As for the Negri killed by Chris and Smick, it is indeed a part of Negri. He absorbs the emotions of various people, but there are still too few people who consciously become sacrifices.

Most of the absorbed people were fighting during their lifetime. Although Negri carefully screened his emotions, he still inevitably absorbed a lot of fighting spirit, which made him unable to resist fighting.

So he combined part of his fighting spirit with some of his unwanted emotions, divided part of his soul blood, and hid it in the body of germs. Speaking of which, Negri would also like to thank Chris and others for helping him remove the unnecessary parts. By the way, help yourself spread the blood of the soul.

"Caddis Moraig, Connor Kenway." Noah or Negri said softly.

The pile of bones vibrated, and a fat man four or five meters tall stood up from the pile of bones. On his shoulders, there was a man with a spear on his back. The two were wearing black armor and helmets. Unable to see their faces clearly, they knelt down in front of Negri and said frantically, "Ghost troop, I have met Master Negri!"

"It's time for you to come out. Clear the field. You don't need to use all your strength. Let them run away if they can." After Negri ordered, the original superhuman temperament slowly changed, and he looked like a perfect and righteous person. Noah reappears.

A pitch-black spear flew over from a distance and was nailed to a skull. The ghost man with the spear jumped off the big fat man's shoulder and came in front of the crowd. The ghost man lifted his mask, revealing a A face full of evil.

And Jason, the first time he saw this face, his emotions went completely crazy: "Caddis Moraig!!!"

"Oh hehe, Jason Todd, your sister is really nice." The ghost man said with a smile.

Just this one sentence made Jason go berserk. He rushed towards the ghost man Cadiz crazily, but he was hit by an unbelievably fast skull. The skull was directly shattered into powder, and Jason's body collapsed. He flew out and was hugged by Smick.

"Run! Negri is not dead!!" Smick said in horror, he already felt that an ominous extreme will was invading his body, infecting him, and replacing him.