Soul of Negary

Chapter 63: Granny Sierra


This Granny Sier, who was following Negri, was the one who took the initiative to find Rhea six years ago.

Her profession is a wizard, which is what people often call a witch in legends.

In terms of appearance alone, but it fits well, with a strange old face, a crooked figure, and a weird laughter. If it is in a fairy tale, this image is a proper evil witch.

The prophecy of the Holy Maiden of Salvation was first proposed by Granny Xie. After she made this prophecy, she disappeared, and when she appeared again, she offered her forehead to Negri.

Granny Xi'er's current main responsibilities are Negri mysticism and the legendary dragon language.

A long time ago, Negri deciphered the inheritance information hidden in the blood of the dragon from the blood of the dragon, but the information was in the language of the dragon, so the inheritance information was almost useless.

Although Granny Xi'er is not very familiar with the dragon language, it is not a big problem to help Negri decipher the information in the inheritance bit by bit.

Negri stood up from the throne. This body was very different from the previous virus body. It looked extremely robust. A wave of coercion came from his body, and a little scale appeared on his body. Then cracks began to appear in this fit body, and golden blood spilled out.

Then his body collapsed and turned into a pool of golden blood. Negri's soul stood out from the body, looked at the pool of golden liquid and shook his head: "It still failed, I have already stood on the edge of this world. The pinnacle of power."

"This is something that cannot be helped. For Lord Negri, this world is too weak." Grandma Xie sighed and said, "But don't worry, darkness will come eventually, and by that time, the world will not be able to Stop Lord Negri."

Negri didn't answer, picked up a book next to him and began to read.

He was not wrong. In terms of strength alone, he has already stood at the pinnacle of this world, reaching the point where there is no room for promotion, and he also feels that his potential has been completely exhausted.

After all, he doesn't have a true spirit. Although he has become a soul germ through the blood of his soul, his strength has risen again, but now both the general environment of the world and his own problems are restricting him.

"The root cause is the most important path to improve individual strength." Granny Xie said on the sidelines: "Liberating the root cause step by step will drive one's soul to obtain a qualitative improvement and obtain various extraordinary powers."

"Master Negri does not have a true spirit, so he can only improve his soul quality through other methods. In an environment where it is difficult to liberate the root for the first time, Lord Negri has raised the quality of his soul to this point. , is already the limit."

"Even if I liberate the first root, my soul power is still weaker than Lord Negri. This is what I admire most about Lord Negri." Grandma Xie said with admiration.

"It's not enough. For me, it's not enough." Negri said slowly, looking at the book in his hand.

What Negri looked at was his collection of history books, in addition to various travel notes and myths and legends.

The history of this world is quite ancient. Before the Trilancia Empire of the Cauchy people, there were three recorded empires, namely the Lomihit Empire, the Leter Empire, and the Moi Empire.

The names of these three empires, in the words of the Cauchy people, are life, glory, and protection, respectively, and the meaning of Trilancia of the Cauchy people is hope.

The myths and legends handed down from the three countries are slightly different, but they can all find some commonalities.

For example, regarding the beginning of the world, their descriptions are all a white light.

According to the Cauchys, the light killed the ancestor of all things, and everything was born from the body of the ancestor. According to Lomihit, the light shattered a corner of the God Realm, and that corner fell into this world.

After that light passed, the world really appeared. In the time of Lomihit in the First Empire, the level of power at that time was obviously higher than it is now. At that time, there were really gods walking in the world.

The breathing method was also passed down from that time, and the inheritors of the breathing method still have an ancient agreement. It seems that the breathing method is related to something extremely important.

It is strange to say that breathing method is only a means of perceiving rhythm, but this method is weird, and it can only be used by humans. Although Negri is familiar with breathing method, if he does not control the human body, he cannot display.

That guy Eldridge seems to have got something from the First Empire, so he created the Doom Army.

The demise of the First Empire is somewhat unclear, and it is still a mystery. In addition, in the First Empire, it is said that there were no such things as evil spirits.

After a long period of chaos, the Second Empire Leiter was established. The first appearance of evil spirits was also in the Second Empire, and the Faith Religion was established based on something handed down from the Second Empire.

The fall of the Second Empire seemed normal. At that time, the absolute power of the ruler of the royal family oppressed other races for a long time. In the end, various uprisings broke out, the Second Empire fell, and the Third Empire was established soon.

The third empire, the Moi Empire, existed for a very short time. It seems that after the founding of the country, it fought against an unknown force once. The royal family and most of the army died inexplicably. This gave the Cauchys a chance to establish the fourth empire Lancia.

It's a pity that Trilancia was also disturbed by a certain evil spirit with wisdom, and fell apart. In the end, the situation became what it is now. The Cauchy people are scattered all over the place, and several kingdoms exist at the same time. Besides, there are many small countries , The empire that unified the continent never appeared again.

In the Grace Religion, it is a mistake to call evil spirits the source of disasters. As time goes by, the more evil spirits there are, the more certain disasters will be approaching.

There seems to be some secret hidden in this world, and it has an unusual relationship with breathing techniques, divine grace, and evil spirits, as well as the unlucky attribute of this world.

Grandma Xie once liberated her own root, which is the true spirit, through practicing witchcraft. She gained some kind of ability similar to foreknowledge. She found Negri and told about the future she said she saw.

In the future, desperate darkness will come, and following Negri is the only way out of the dark era.

It was impossible to tell the truth from the falsehood in these words, but since Granny Xi'er offered her forehead to him, she was proficient in witchcraft and understood the dragon language, which was of great value, so Negri naturally accepted her loyalty.

It was also with her help that Negri was able to reach the pinnacle of power in this world so quickly. Since she taught herself a lot of knowledge and her own value is not low, Negri also gave her a respect and called her For Grandma Xie.