Soul of Negary

Chapter 67: Girl with a sword


In this era, the survival rate of the population is not high, so it seems that the land is sparsely populated. Although it is a village, every household is far enough away.

The number of this army was not large, but in order not to disturb the residents here, Nora still did not let the army enter the village, but stationed in the field south of the village.

Nora sat not far from the fire, and did not take off the heavy armor. From time to time, she would raise her head and look to the other side of the village, always feeling ominous in her heart.

"How is the patrol arrangement at night?" Nora asked Rice who was walking over.

"It's already been arranged." Rice's face was not very good, and he said bluntly: "But I don't think they will pay more attention to the vigil."

"Morale is still too low." Rice sat down and sighed: "They don't see hope, they don't think they can win, so there is no motivation for all actions."

"I see." Nora nodded. In the past seven years, Intekami has been frightened, and the army's vigor has all faded in defeats. The reason why they are still willing to go to the battlefield is because they have There is no other choice.

The status of deserters in other places is very low. If they are found to be deserters and caught, they can be reduced to slaves without any status. That kind of life is better than death.

"Army in this state, go to the front line, just to die." Nora turned to look at those soldiers, she could feel their confusion, they are not afraid of death, but this kind of not afraid of death is not so heroic, they It's just that there is no goal at all. Sometimes looking at these soldiers, she feels as if she is looking at a group of dead bodies.

Only when one has clarified one's own beliefs and is not afraid of death for that belief, that kind of fearlessness of death is worthy of admiration, otherwise this kind of state of death will only make people sigh, sigh sadly.

"Something must be done to bring them back to life." Nora turned around and looked at the dancing flames, but her mind was blank. She was just a country girl on how to boost morale, so how could she know so much.

She grew up in Reastemia when she was young. At that time, most people in Rhea rejected her, and she rarely had contact with other people. When she arrived in Intercam, in order not to be exposed to Seth I's eyeliner, she Being on the farm all year round, Rivers can only teach her how to fight, and how to inspire others, Rivers himself does not know.

"As expected, leading troops to fight is the most difficult thing." Nora puffed her mouth and thought, she just wanted to eat a big meal, but unfortunately the military rations were not enough, and she was carrying a heavy thing on her shoulders, which made her feel particularly nervous. distressed.

Nora doesn't have much idea about the country, but Intercame is Isabella's hometown. When she was young, life was extremely difficult. Isabella often told her what happened in Intercame .

"If Intekami is destroyed, my mother will be very sad." That's what Nora thought, and she agreed to Lu En's request to stand up.

Les sat watching, looking at Nora, she was just a seventeen-year-old girl who had no military training, and she shouldn't have to bear all of this, but when only she can take that position, she But he stood up, and although he was distressed, he didn't have any thoughts of escaping.

"It's beautiful." Rice thought in his heart: "I hope she won't be destroyed in the war..."

The terrified screams one after another awakened Nora from her distress.

"The screams came from the village. Something happened inside." Nora stood up with a serious face. Sure enough, the ominous feeling she felt when she first came here was not wrong. There was indeed some disaster happening in the village. here.

"Come in a team, follow me to check, and the others are on alert!" Nora said loudly, and directly pulled out the knight's sword. The girl in armor with the sword is also reflected in people's eyes, giving people an indescribable touch.

"Yes!" Some people subconsciously stood up and obeyed Nora's order.

However, Nora did not wait for these people, but untied the white horse's bridle, turned on the horse, held a long sword, and galloped towards the village.

Looking at the girl on the white horse, Rice did not choose to follow, but stayed in the camp to arrange various matters. In such an emergency, he realized that the problem of low morale was not the only problem of this army. Management is quite chaotic.

The private soldiers brought by the nobles, when they heard his order, their first reaction was to protect their lord, completely ignoring Rice's order, and there were several people in the army giving orders at the same time. After a nobleman discovered the commotion, he immediately panicked, saying that Kolomiye had been broken, and the Royas had already entered, and they wanted to take people back, which caused a great commotion, and the entire camp was in chaos.

It's okay that Nora is here, she has a leader in name, but when Nora is not here, the nobles will not accept each other. It can be said that if there is a sneak attack by the enemy, the entire army will be wiped out directly.

There was no other way, Les had no choice but to ask the private soldiers he brought to help Nora first, then he directly pulled out the knight sword, took off a white glove, threw it on the face of the nobleman who was clamoring to go back, and said loudly : "Sir Magaldin, I think you are dishonoring the honor of the nobility by withdrawing now."

Les thrust the knight's sword in front of his body, and said decisively: "If you insist on quitting, then let's have a duel about the honor of the nobility."

"I will cut off your head full of tears and snot without hesitation, let you die in shame, and meet the ancestors of the Magaldin family." Les asked loudly, holding the knight sword in his hand: " Tell me now, your decision!"

Rice's behavior attracted everyone's attention. Sir Magaldin looked at the white gloves on the ground, but did not pick them up after all.

Rice also took this opportunity to issue an order: "All find their own queue, maintain the queue in advance, maintain order and vigilance, wait for the news from the front, and then go to the village or... retreat according to the front and back of the queue."

At this time, Nora also rode a white horse and drove into the village holding the knight sword, looking for the screams. The blood of the dragon gave her night vision ability. She saw a man in tattered linen lying on his stomach. On a corpse, with his head lowered, he kept biting something.

As if aware of Nora's approach, the man turned around, his face was so dry and black, and a large muscle was rotted on his cheek, he looked very disgusting.

"This kind of rhythm." Nora frowned. The other party was like a plant or a bug. There was almost no rhythm of the soul, and she was a real walking dead.