Soul of Negary

Chapter 71: Return gift


The ritual blade was pulled out, and blood began to spurt. Moris fell to the ground, stabbed in the head, and stabbed in the heart again. Almost instantly, this noble lady with a strange hobby died like this.

Before death, the moment of pain made her so addicted.

On top of her corpse, some inexplicable things began to gather, absorbing the white vitality that overflowed from the corpse. In the eyes of Hales members, the remnant soul belonging to Moris was being formed.

The two members of Hales looked at each other and took out a gray-white stone. Unlike other gray-white stones, this stone has densely packed small holes.

The two men cut open the chest of the corpse, took out all the useless internal organs, and then put gray and white stones in it.

A suction force acting on the soul body absorbs the remnant soul that is being formed.

This kind of gray-white stone is the stone of the black abyss that the Hales organization has obtained through rituals over the years. It has the function of preserving people's souls and vitality. It can be said to be a very precious resource.

If it is an ordinary evil spirit, the Hales organization can use at most one such black abyss stone, which can greatly promote the birth of the evil spirit.

The birth of Hales has been searching for these years, and finally found Moris, not to turn her into an ordinary evil spirit, but her soul has the potential to become a handcutter.

So they used a lot of Black Abyss Stones, even if they were causing trouble in the area where the mad dogs of the Heresy Inquisition of the Divine Grace Church were located, they would not hesitate to do so.

The entire castle was full of corpses, and the corpses were buried with the Black Abyss Stone, as if some kind of force was acting on the corpses, causing the flowing blood to form a strange pattern beside the corpses.

The porous black abyss stone in Moris's corpse vibrated continuously, and the vital soul energy stored by the black abyss stone in those corpses turned into wisps of mist, rushing towards the porous black abyss stone.

In the end, these anger and soul energy will be integrated into the remnant soul of Moris, helping her become a qualified evil spirit, and finally perform a fire removal ceremony for her, making her one of the four sides of God, representing the unfathomable Choppers.

Adding the tongue-cutter who had already returned to his place, and the blind-eyed one who had a goal, it only represented the unreasonableness of the beheaded one. Once the four sides of the gods gather, it will not be far from the black abyss coming to the world completely.

Returning to the abyss is the long-cherished wish of every Hales member. They used to be ordinary people, but ordinary people are disasters in this world.

This world shouldn't be like this. How can nobles be born superior to others and have inexhaustible resources, money, food, rights, and women.

Aren't they all human beings? Why do those people have something, but they can only endure a tragic fate, suffer all kinds of suffering, and finally die helplessly.

Why is it that they made an unforgivable mistake and God punished them? Or is this their fate

Why? Why? Why

There will be such a big gap between people

In the end these people found a reason, that is, such a world is wrong.

Since the world is wrong, let the wrong be corrected.

These people who are determined to change this wrong world have found some information about the black abyss. He devoted himself to research and finally discovered the reality of the world. Light flashed through the black abyss, bringing flames, and the ashes left by the flames changed their lives original appearance.

So at that time, Hales was established. The meaning of the word Hales is return. They have a great and lofty ideal since they were established!

Remove the ashes, extinguish the flames, disperse the light, and return the world to the black abyss!

Clothes are made of fire, money is made of fire, food is made of fire, power is made of fire, desire is made of fire, most things in the world are made of fire now.

Therefore, when returning to Heiyuan, everything about people will be removed, including noble status, money, food, power, and women. All people will return to Heiyuan, and return to their original appearance. At that time, everyone will be the same .

What a great ideal, why is it that some people don't understand it

It must be that they are greedy for the color of light and the warmth of fire.

It must be that they were blurred by the ashes of hypocrisy and deceived by those useless beauty.

But it doesn't matter, anyone who blocks Heiyuan's return is an enemy enslaved by the flames, just clear them away.

The ceremony in the castle is turning, and everyone will become a sacrifice, so that the evil spirit of Moris will continue to grow, and after a while, the handcutter will return to his place.

The three members of Hales stood outside the castle, looking at the ominous castle, full of piety, then turned and left the castle. Naturally, the more sacrifices the better, the newborn evil spirits need a lot of food.

Those farmers and women were killed by them mercilessly, ignoring their begging for mercy, ignoring their pain, and forgetting that they had suffered in the same way. Three people wearing black masks, under the black mist, did not Any pause is killing.

You are also poor and oppressed by nobles, so you must be able to understand our approach!

Now that you can understand our approach, then die for our ideals, no, die for all the injustices in the world.

"Excuse me, Jie Jie Jie." An ugly voice came, and an ugly old woman with a cane appeared in front of the three members of Hales who were killing wildly.

Beside the old woman stood three people, a fat man four or five meters tall, a man with a gun sitting on his shoulder, and a young man in a white robe standing aside with a mean smile on his face.

It is the ghost army under Negri's command.

"It's like this. Not long ago, your people sent our lord a gift, so we obeyed your lord's order and we returned the gift!" Granny Xie said very politely.

"Why, someone has to stop such a lofty ideal, you slaves of flames, go to hell!" The members of Hales didn't care about their words at all. For them, as long as they stop the return of the black abyss , are enemies.

"I think you have misunderstood something, Jie Jie Jie." Grandma Xier let out an ugly laugh, turning a blind eye to the attack of the members of Hales.

The crutch in her hand hammered the ground heavily, and Grandma Xie said loudly: "We come with the will of our Lord Negri, so no matter who you are, what lofty ideals you have or what evils you have All plans will be governed by the will of our Lord Negri!"

The battle is imminent.