Soul of Negary

Chapter 80: Three Years War


Under Negri's intervention, the war gradually turned to Interkami, and a vigorous counterattack began.

Led by Nora, the lost ground was regained bit by bit, causing Interkami, whose spine was almost broken, to burst out with all the enthusiasm he had done before.

Intekami, which was on the verge of extinction, has once again regained its vitality, and the title of Saintess of Salvation has become more and more worthy of its name.

The war became more and more cruel. Many nobles died in the lost land conquered by the Interkami people. If they made military exploits in the battle, then the original free people might become knights, while the original It is possible for a knight to obtain a knighthood and a territory.

And Royas's fighting enthusiasm is higher, there is no way if it is not high, under the oppression of Eldridge, their rights and what is left, if the war cannot be won, then the only way left for them is to fight against Aldridge. Aldrich rebelled.

The three-year counterattack began, and the intensity of the war was even fiercer than before.

There are stone lampstands on both sides of the long stairs, and orange flames are lit on them. At the end of the stairs is a huge black stone statue. The stone statue is carved with a humanoid creature. He opened his hands, as if he was begging for something. Like hugging something.

The back of the stone statue is facing the stairs, and a person is looking at the back of the stone statue, as if thinking about something.

There was a sound from the stairs behind, but this person ignored it, but continued to look at the stone statue. His face was a little blurry, but as long as people noticed him, they would feel a kind of natural coercion, and then a kind of, This kind of feeling that people should be above them, as if the only thing people should do is kneel at his feet.

If the people in Hales see this person, they will find that the existence of the other person is somewhat similar to the god they know, like an abyss, and people will never be able to observe his depth.

"Your Majesty, Kerry County." Walking on the stairs were two people in uniforms. Their faces were gloomy. Obviously, the current situation of Royas made them aware that something was wrong.

"I already know." Eldridge interrupted the words of the two. It was nothing more than the loss of Keli County and was taken back by Intercom, even though Keli County was one of the few lands that they invaded Intercom.

The stone statue in front of him is called the Statue of the Last God, and it is the background of Roas. Roas' ancestral spirit ceremony and his potion of the Last God are all obtained from this stone statue.

"It's really a hopeless world," Eldridge said with a sigh. After several generations of accumulation, he finally got more information from the stone statue of the Last God. Now Eldridge is heading towards extinction step by step.

For example, the truth about the collapse of the First Empire. The First Empire is called the Age of the Gods. The three gods born in the first fire, except for the giant who created all things, the new gods and dragons are still in the world, and the gods and dragons are not counted. rare.

It's a pity that most of the gods and dragons left later. It can be said that from the standpoint of this world, Xinshen and Shilong are both sinners, and it was their departure that led to the first eruption of the black abyss. The First Empire collapsed immediately.

If it weren't for the appearance of the god of the end, that is, the stone statue in front of him, and the salvation of some heroes at that time, the whole world would return to the black abyss again.

The price of saving the world is that the Mo God has turned into the stone statue it is today, and now, Heiyuan is in turmoil again, and there is only one Mo God, who should we count on now? Do you count on the grace of God to teach that fake who claims to be God? Or are you counting on the group of ghouls in the Sacred Valley

That Negri, who caused countless troubles for himself, may have that qualification, but that kind of existence will never do that, even if the whole world sinks, he will not do such a thing.

"Who's leading the army?" Eldridge asked.

"Nara Tagul." The two subordinates said in a deep voice.

"Understood, you go down." Eldridge nodded, and then continued to stare at the stone statue.

Eldridge's attitude made the two subordinates even more puzzled. With His Majesty's great talents, if in the past, there must have been a lot of arrangements. Even if Interkami had the so-called savior, there would be no room for resistance.

However, the fact is that since the appearance of the Holy Maiden of Salvation, Eldridge has not left here, and no orders have been passed down. The political affairs during this period are handled by them.

"The Holy Maiden of Salvation, ha ha." Eldridge laughed, saving the world is not saving the country. He looked at the Mo God who had turned into a stone sculpture, and fell into deep thought again.

"Your Majesty, please hand over the command to Sir Les Laval, and return to the capital with me." The herald said coldly, causing a commotion in the barracks.

"This is the decision of His Majesty and the Grand Dukes." The herald continued.

Nora is wearing armor and holding a dragon scale sword. Compared to three years ago, she is much more mature.

She looked around for a week, and the nobles and knights who were following her originally had angry and puzzled faces on their faces, while others lowered their heads slightly ashamed.

Rice was not dazzled by the power of command, he understood very well what the current situation was, it was nothing more than a struggle for power, and now the lost territory of Interkami was almost conquered, and only one or two battles remained.

As the savior who saved Intercammy, her reputation is already terrifyingly high, which makes many people sleepless. Among these people is not only Seth I, but also those nobles.

Isn't it precisely because of Eldridge's great prestige that he can complete the oppression of the country, and now Nora, her prestige has surpassed the original level of Eldridge in the Royas Kingdom.

If she really ascends to the throne, then the power of the nobles in Interkami is likely to fall into a historical trough. Those people can sit back and watch Interkami destroy the country for the interests of the nobles. Now it is naturally impossible for Nora to continue to develop go down.

As for character, Nora's character is naturally convincing, but the Charismatic Church that supported her at the beginning, and her extremely religious mother, these are all factors that can affect her.

Therefore, Nora's victories could not continue to expand, so it was the right choice to recall the capital and become a mascot. In this way, Nora was only the leader in the early stage of the counterattack, and it was Rice who actually completed the counterattack.

Although Rice didn't want to admit it, he was also a member of the nobles. He could support Nora's ascension to the throne, but he wouldn't allow Nora to be influenced by the Faith Cult. This is the consideration of those nobles.

Although Nora is innocent, she is not stupid. This order was jointly decided by most of the power holders in the country. She cannot resist and has no intention of resisting.

"Be careful, Sess I, the nobles in the country still want you to ascend the throne, but Sess will definitely take action." Rice took over the command and became the new marshal, and whispered to Nora, as for him to be able to do No, it can only help Nora to take control of the military.