Soul of Negary

Chapter 86: Chapter of the Empire


"Interference power, that's what I call this kind of power. You should call it mind power or something." Negri's dragon features gradually retracted, returning to a human appearance.

"Generally speaking, this is the power that can only be controlled by the remnant soul." Negri continued, his eyes swept around casually: "After all, the root dominates the soul. When the root is still there, the soul remains stable. , it is difficult to generate interference power at all.”

"But your interference power even surpasses me as an evil spirit." Negri said with certainty: "This is the ability you got from God of the Moment."

"Let me guess. Before you said that the larger the territory controlled by the God of the End, the stronger it will be. In addition, you are extremely repelling the God's Grace, then you can draw a conclusion." Negri analyzed: "You need It’s also something like faith.”

"The more citizens attached to you, the more blessings you can get from the power of your mind, isn't that right, Eldridge!" Negri turned around and waved his hand, slashing out with a knife, something in the air resisted After a while, everything fell silent.

"In other words, now is your weakest moment." If it is as Negri guessed, then now is indeed Eldridge's weakest time. After all, the war against Intkami failed, Royas Domestic support for Eldridge is not the same as before: "That's why you hide."

Negri's words were full of contempt, as if Eldridge's hiding behavior had failed his status as a king. At this moment, Negri completely put aside the previous stealth and sneak attack. Hei, standing up and talking is an essential quality for a superior.

Negri's words are spiritually induced. Although it is not sure whether it will have an effect on Eldridge, if it can affect his emotional changes, it may bring Negri closer to winning.

For those who are similar to food, Negri can naturally continue to stimulate them, force their potential, and make their soul energy more delicious, but for Eldridge, Negri also has to admit that the other party and his It is an existence at the same level, and Negri would not commit suicide like this. Naturally, all kinds of means must be used.

The scene seemed to be at a stalemate like this. Eldridge hid in the dark and used interference attacks from time to time in an attempt to attack Negri, but he didn't dare to make a big noise for fear that Negri would find out where he was.

As Negri said, his power comes from his belief. The higher the rate of public support for him, the more he can get the blessing of their mind and get a huge power of mind. However, the war against Intekami failed. The power of his mind has fallen to an extremely low level, and now he is absolutely inferior to Negri in terms of absolute strength.

Admitting that one is inferior to others is easy to say, but how many people can actually do it, especially people like Eldridge, who has already stood at the pinnacle of the entire continent and achieved unprecedented success among the kings of Roas. Achievement, has obtained great glory, but can not be bound by this glory, this kind of person, the strongest is himself.

Even if Eldridge loses his good background, he can still achieve success, but the degree of success will vary.

"It's really cautious!" Negri walked towards the few ancestral knights who had passed out because of his spiritual will, grabbed the helmet of one of them, and slapped the whole helmet with both hands and turned it into pieces.

Even though it was infused with ancestral spirits, without the owner using it, the entire armor was still vulnerable to a dragon's body.

Rubbing the entire helmet fragments turned into tiny steel balls with a wave of the hand, and turned into a steel storm with a wave of the hand, shooting away towards the surroundings, and hollows the size of bowls appeared on the walls of the stone steps and caves.

Sensing the changes in the trajectory of the steel ball carefully, Negri grabbed one of the knights and inserted his fingers into the knight's body. Longwei dominated the surrounding rhythm and said strange words: "Kielit!"

A force injected into the knight's body, and was thrown to the side by Negri. The knight's body quickly swelled and turned red, and then exploded into fragments, blood and corpse fragments flew.

A force repulsed outwards, pushed the blood away, and Eldridge finally showed his figure. It was not because of cleanliness or the like, but because the blood contained the power of the dragon language. If you let it contaminate your body , will only lead to worse results.

Negri doesn't know many dragon languages. There are only four kinds in total. Jliost means irresistible. After using it, it will destroy any obstacles in front of it. Basically nothing can resist it, which symbolizes the power and irresistibility of dragons. block.

Kielit, which means surging power, can inject its own power into various items. Through this power and manipulation of items, Negri injects power into the knight's body, turning it into a living bomb, his Every inch of flesh and blood carries the power of Negri. If Eldridge is infected, he will be marked, and he will fall into an absolute disadvantage first when facing Negri.

In addition to these two dragon languages, there are also the defensive deliwo, and the flying or floating Cioul, a total of four dragon language magics.

These four dragon languages seem simple, but each of them has a huge effect. Even the most useless flight, once controlled, can become extremely powerful.

"It seems that you are determined to kill me." Eldridge's face was a little gloomy. He didn't ask Negri why he had to kill him. The other party's intentions had already been revealed, so naturally there was no need He hesitated.

"Let's unfold! Chapter of the Empire!" The huge interference force spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding environment began to change little by little.

Generally speaking, the power of the mind, that is, the interference power, interferes with the surrounding environment, and it is generally only expressed as a driving force, but Eldridge shows another usage of the interference power.

"My people believe in me, they believe that I can lead them to build a huge empire, an empire belonging to the Royas!!!" The scene around Eldridge began to change, the original steps became a square, one by one People in uniform appeared in the square.

"This is the expectation of every Royas people. The miraculous power formed by their expectations is also my ideal country!!!" Eldridge stood among the crowd, but was higher than them.

Negri felt that Longwei's control over the surroundings had dropped to freezing point. If he used the breathing method, he would find that all the rhythms here were combined with Eldridge.

This is the strength of Eldridge, one person makes an army, one person makes a country!