Soul of Negary

Chapter 9: arrival


The sense of superiority that the traversers had when facing the natives of the other world, coupled with their powerless performance against their own methods, made Wang Yuan underestimate these humans too much.

"I was originally an ordinary human being. If I remove the special power, my personality and so on are also ordinary human beings. Even excellent humans can't compare to them. With such a personality, how can I become the ruler of all things beyond human beings."

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Wang Yuan remembered that when he absorbed the cool breath of the dead, he obtained the memories and emotions of the dead.

If the deceased held resentment rather than pain before death, then these resentments would impact Wang Yuan's rationality, and if the deceased had positive emotions, could he use these emotions to impact and transform his character

"Just like Dax." Wang Yuan looked at Dax's body. The other party had emotions before death, and the determination to achieve the goal no matter what. If he absorbed these emotions, would he be able to make himself no longer Hesitate, become firm.

Wang Yuan doesn't care that this is becoming less and less like himself. After all, he is just the remnant soul of a person named Wang Yuan, and people will grow with experience. When you look back at the past, you Only then will I find myself becoming more and more strange.

What Wang Yuan is doing now is just to artificially speed up this growth and change: "As long as it is my own choice, then there is nothing to be afraid of."

Comoros was at a loss as he watched the two crows start to peck at the corpse. He didn't dare to rush. This young man was completely defeated. Even if the crows were pecking at his companion's corpse, he could only endure it .

Before Dax's corpse opened his mouth, he had completely believed in the existence of Negri, and he was infected with the disease, so he didn't want to die, so he completely surrendered to Negri.

At the same time, the humiliation of his companion's corpse being pecked at made Comoros deeply irritated. In order to make himself feel better, he instinctively made excuses for himself.

"It's not that I'm cowardly, but that it's impossible for humans to defeat gods. This will only bring disaster to the village. That's right, I'm for the sake of the village. I'm right. It's wrong for Dax to resist the messenger. They deserve what they deserve for pecking at the corpse!" Comoros became more and more determined in his mind, and his sense of guilt gradually eased.

Wang Yuan absorbed the remaining white gas from the corpse, observed Comoro's expression changes, and probably could figure out the other party's mental journey. Wang Yuan expressed his approval for this. The more he thought about it, the more he would stand on Wang Yuan's side. On the other hand, he will promote Negri's invincibility and become a loyal supporter of Negri, otherwise it means that he is a cowardly and despicable person.

Although that is a fact, who can accept this fact with peace of mind? At least Comoros can't, so Comoros has been completely dominated by Wang Yuan so far.

Watching the crow peck Dax's throat, Wang Yuan couldn't help but think of the quick wit that broke out in the desperate situation before, and manipulated the opponent's vocal system through interference, and simulated speaking according to the feeling of speaking from his memory, so Words are so weird in the first place.

In fact, Wang Yuan also manipulated it with the mood of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If he hadn't absorbed enough cool breath and grown his interference power, it would be difficult for him to do this kind of thing.

"This is also a way of communication." Wang Yuan thought: "The information transmission of consciousness is only suitable for those who are infected with germs and have almost no white gas outside the body. It is finally good to have another way of communication."

"The soul body is quite complete." Wang Yuan absorbed the remaining white gas from several corpses, then controlled the crow to stop pecking, and stared at Comoros with pitch-black eyes.

Comoros froze for a moment and finally realized that it was time for him to set off. He took these messengers of Negri to the village, and maybe he would bring the disaster back. No, what he brought back was glory, the glory from the great Negri.

With Negri's blessing, the village will definitely become better. At that time, there will be no need to worry about the threat of the Kents, and there is no need to form any hunting teams. This is for the good of the village!

Wang Yuan followed not far away, carefully perceiving the development of the germs in Comoros' body. Due to the further integrity of his soul and body, his control over the virus became stronger. Now Comoros is still useful to him. He died so early, so Wang Yuan controlled the reproduction of germs in his body to prevent this person from dying too early.

The arrow shot out and accurately hit a creature that looked like a wild boar and they named it the pig beast. The pig beast shook twice, and finally fell down. Comoro approached slowly, with joy on his face.

With the help of the great Negri messenger, the pig beast that was extremely difficult to deal with was also easily solved by him, which further strengthened Comoros' thoughts. I took Negri's messenger back for the good of the village.

"My lords, please wait a moment." Comoro respectfully said to the two crows, cut off one of the pig's hind legs, and chopped it up for the two crows to eat.

Comoros built a fire by himself, roasted some meat, and carefully pulled off his clothes. Some small black spots had appeared under the skin, but they had not expanded for a long time.

"Ahead is the village of the Cauchy people." Wang Yuan absorbed the white energy from the pig beast. In order not to reveal the information that he was not suitable for traveling during the day, Wang Yuan's action time seemed to be very chaotic, and the white energy was consumed a bit.

But now you don’t have to worry too much about it. We are near the village. Wang Yuan is planning the next solution. With the help of Comoros, there should be no problem in spreading Negri’s greatness to the village.

Although Negri's culture of gods and names of all things and the culture of the Cauchy people, there is no problem in making concessions to the gods to a certain extent, but if you want to mobilize everyone to help raise crows, offering one or two people as sacrifices at intervals It is unlikely.

"Then conflicts will definitely break out, and only conflicts can establish prestige." Wang Yuan looked at Comoros with a complex expression over there. It seems good to be able to hold up the scene now, but of course it's only good.

"Considering the cowardly nature of this kid, I still need to prepare some backhands." Wang Yuan finished absorbing the white energy of the pig beast, and he needed some trump cards to deal with the sudden situation.

A rat-like creature came not far from the pig-beast, licking the blood left by the pig-beast on the ground, Wang Yuan came lightly to this creature, the interference force caught the mouse, and an idea appeared In Wang Yuan's heart.

In the end, Comoros returned to the gate of the village. Two crows landed on the branches, and the people in the village were reflected in their dark eyes.