Soul of Negary

Chapter 97: First Fire (4)


Nora inherited the blood of the dragon from her mother's clan and was proficient in the breathing method passed down by the giants. Her father, Jacques, was a Cauchy, but the power of the Cauchy was more reflected in the spirit.

Just right, the three gods who walked out of the flame, their things were more or less inherited by Nora, no wonder she became the savior of the world, because there is probably no one in this world who is more suitable than her to continue the flame Bar.

Granny Xi'er looked at Nora and smiled fiercely. She had foreseen this and announced Nora's prophecy of saving the saint, pushing Nora to her current position.

Connor looked at the big iron ball that had been cut in half, and walked towards Nora without saying a word. After using that kind of sword that cut everything to death, the other party was already extremely tired, and she could hardly use the first sword. Two swords, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Holding the Dragonscale Sword, Nora rushed towards Connor panting heavily.

On the other side, other battles gradually came to an end.

The white mask on Jason's face had been destroyed, revealing his rotten face. He was transformed into a living dead, and most of his body was rotten. The body is also difficult to repair.

The battle between him and Cadiz was extremely brutal. He was a living dead, and he was transformed by a blood burner, which gave Jason an immortal body. The same is true for Cadiz. The living dead cooperate with germs, and they are also immortal.

Therefore, there is not so much dodge in the battle between two people. It is a completely desperate style of play. You poke me with a gun, and I will chop you with an axe. Jason's fire of life and Cadiz's malicious fire, red and blue color.

The two flames are entangled with each other.

Since Cadiz killed Jason's family seventeen years ago, the fates of these two similar but completely different people have been tightly intertwined. One is only for revenge, and the other is purely for catharsis. Malicious, the two started this endless battle.

Jason's body turned into coke, his vitality was running out, and Cadiz on the opposite side was similar. The excessive consumption of germs that made up his body turned him into a mummy.

The two ugly guys were entangled together, attacking Fang with all their strength.

"Hahaha, Jason Todd, this is the happiest battle I've ever had." Cadiz's voice was dry to the extreme, but he still said with great joy: "Maybe we will die together in the end, you said that later people found us Do the intertwined bones think we are a couple?"

"You scum, do you still want to convey your malice to others when you die?" Jason ignited his last vitality angrily, and burned Cadiz's body with all his strength, completely burning him to death, and finally fell on the ground. Off the side, back to death.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Jason died like this. I don't know if he will be resurrected from a certain lake or a certain spring. Of course, it is more likely to die just like that." Killer Jack, flexible Dodging the attacks of several knights, he muttered words that others could not understand.

"And the Marshal, can we stop and make peace? It's not good to fight and kill." Jack continued to attack with trash talk, which made Rice, who was participating in the attack, very uncomfortable.

Especially when the other party called him Marshal, it was as if he was calling a pedophile scum. That feeling made Les even more uncomfortable. Although he did dark things, he would not become a scumbag, right? .

In short, the chattering words of Killer Jack made all the knights who attacked him furious, wishing to chop him into several pieces, cut off his tongue, and seal his mouth. Itself still has an immortal body injury that can be recovered in a blink of an eye.

"Wait, the boss is here. It's a pity that there is no fish seller in this world. Xingyue and JOJO are not in the same system. You should surrender." Jack said strange words again, but he also pointed out a message.

At the exit, the sound of footsteps came unhurriedly, and Negri's figure appeared in everyone's eyes. The battle between the Arakkoa and the Sacred Valley Assassin also stopped, and Jack even stepped directly to Negri. behind.

Only Nora was still fighting Connor. Because of the sword, Nora, who consumed a lot of energy, was gradually no longer Connor's opponent. The other knights who followed were about to help, but they were stopped by the Arakkoa and Jack.

"Just look at it. If you can't even win this, then she is not qualified to light the flame." Negri folded his hands, looked at Nora who was still fighting hard in the field, and said softly.

Noah stood not far away, and began to whisper various god names. With the power of the god names, everything in the world seemed to appear in Noah's hands. That little fluctuation attracted Nora's attention. Her intuition Tell her that the strength in Noah's hands was the key to her victory over her enemies.

The constant fighting made Nora's body more and more tired, and at the same time, her spirit was excited to the extreme. The names of gods in Noah's mouth gradually turned into a unique rhythm. Each of the god's names was a kind of spiritual rhythm. .

Lurking in Nora's body, the power of the Cauchy or the Protoss gradually began to awaken, and the authority of the Protoss also gradually blessed Nora's body. If the dragons let the rhythm of all things cater to themselves, they have the dragon's breath The power of flames, then the Protoss is in charge of these changes of flames.

Pure flames can only destroy and cannot be turned into everything in this world. After the power of the gods is completed, the rhythm of Nora and everything becomes the same, and everything turns into various materials to supplement the consumption of Nora's body, and surrounds her She wants to evolve to a higher level.

With the authority of the three gods in the flames, Nora can be called the god of this world. Of course, she is limited by the world. She may not be as powerful as the gods in ancient times.

The dragon scale sword pointed in front of Connor, and Connor felt that if he moved, he would be killed by Nora directly. She could even use the power of God to transform him into other things, achieving the effect of witchcraft , or witchcraft is originally imitating this kind of authority.

"Get out of the way, Connor." Negri's voice came, causing Connor to relax and move away quickly.

Grandma Xi'er also let go of the bone door behind her with a strange smile. Chuhuo was behind the door, and Nora could feel it.

Turning around and looking at Negri, Nora really wanted to kill Negri now, after all, Negri was her father-killing enemy, and also an extremely evil monster.

But what surprised her was that she could probably perceive the state of Negri's soul body, which was worse than what she is now, but if she wanted to kill Negri, her intuition told her that maybe she could do it. But it takes a lot of time to delay, and the flame may go out at any time during this period.

So Nora turned around and walked towards the bone gate. Under her divine authority, the gate gradually opened.