Soul of Negary

Chapter 98: First Fire (5)


If it is inferred from the position of the hand bones, then the place where the bone gate is located is probably the head of the giant.

This is a huge irregular spherical space, the ground is filled with soil, and there is a pile of dancing flames in the center, illuminating the surroundings.

The pile of flames seemed very weak, but it made the people present feel extra warm. There seemed to be all the scenes in the world in the dancing flames.

This is the first fire, which created everything in this world. It looks like an ordinary flame, but it is actually the embodiment of the authority of this world. The authority of the three gods all comes from it.

Now Nora, who possesses the power of the three gods, will turn into a torch firewood to continue this initial fire and purify the black abyss again.

At the beginning, the passage of the new god Shilong to leave this world was also in the first fire. Only when Nora continued the flame and made the flame strong enough, could Negri rely on the body of the dragon to open the passage that the dragon left at the beginning.

Nora didn't hesitate, her eyes were still clear, and she walked towards Chuhuo. The assassins in the Sacred Valley wanted to stop it, but found that it was useless whether they stopped it or not. They could only hope that Nora really wanted to continue the flame.

"Lord Negri." Grandma Xie stood aside and said suddenly: "This is what I foresaw. The girl who wields the power of the three gods will go to the first fire resolutely, and then become the decapitated."

Nora walked towards Chuhuo, and her eyes widened in an instant. Some kind of power came here, limiting everyone. This kind of power does not belong to this world, or this world of flames, but comes from the black abyss.

This kind of power controlled Nora, causing her to involuntarily pick up the Dragon Scale Sword and put it on her neck, the sharp blade cut through her skin.

Nora kept mobilizing the power of the three gods to resist that force, but with little effect, the sword cut deeper and deeper.

Negri moved his body, but found that the force made him unable to move at all. He tried his mouth and found that the force did not restrict him from speaking, so Negri asked with a smile: "The indescribable , tongue cutter?"

"I didn't expect one of the leaders of Hales to be lurking beside me all the time. I always thought that the four sides of God must be evil spirits."

"The requirement is not an evil spirit, but the awakening of the root of the black abyss." Grandma Xie said with a strange smile: "The essence of the root is the connection with the world and the universe. On the mainland, some people's roots come from the black abyss. This group of people, this group of Sacred Valley Assassins called them the Black Abyss trait."

"My talent is no less than that of the original witch, but this world restricts me. The way to awaken my roots is to bring myself closer to my own root essence step by step. My roots come from the black abyss, and this world prevents the black abyss world from blocking me. Follow my way."

"So that's how it is." Negri realized with a turn of his mind: "The flames of the world are not as fragile as we thought. Those who continue the flames need qualifications, and those who extinguish the flames also need qualifications, right?"

"That's right, the three gods of the first fire correspond to the three sides of the four sides of the gods, the dragon corresponds to the invisible, because they represent disasters, the gods correspond to the unspeakable, symbolizing the mystery of the gods, and the human beings created by giants correspond to the unspeakable. It symbolizes the potential of human beings to perform miracles."

"Only when the three gods gather together can they become the representative of the flame, which corresponds to something that is beyond the common sense of this world and beyond our comprehension—the black abyss."

"Sacrificing Nora, who is in charge of the authority of the three gods, to Heiyuan can completely reverse the flames, disperse the light, and let the world truly return to Heiyuan's original appearance."

"Then you specifically explained this to me, you must have some kind of purpose, otherwise I believe you would not be so troublesome." Negri asked with interest.

"That's what I admire about Lord Negri." Granny Xie said sincerely: "No matter what kind of adversity you are in, you can keep calm and seize every opportunity to make yourself stronger until you overcome everything." adversity."

"It is precisely because I dare not underestimate Lord Negri, and because of the fact that I have chosen Moris, who was created at a great cost, to hand over to Lord Negri to teach mystical knowledge sincerely, so that Gain the trust of adults."

"If it weren't for the existence of Lord Negri, the old man's plan would not have been so smooth. Eldridge alone is enough to give the old man a headache." Granny Xie said exaggeratedly: "It was Lord Negri who created Nora. The appearance of him gave me all the plans."

"The reason why I explained so much to Lord Negri is that firstly, I really admire Lord Negri, and secondly, it is because of Heiyuan."

"This world was originally just a corner of the black abyss, but it was also a great existence that we could not imagine. After being broken by the white light, the burning flames continued to change the nature of the black abyss, falling to the original level, and then burned again by the last god , making Heiyuan weaker and weaker, if it is burned again this time, it's really hard to say whether Heiyuan is still there."

"Even if the flame is extinguished this time and it returns to the original appearance of the black abyss, such a black abyss will not be too strong, so the old body also needs chips to make this corner of the black abyss stronger, and even return to its original greatness."

"So I am another sacrifice, and I can attract the attention of the main body of the black abyss, and let it help this corner of the black abyss return to its personality." Negri understood what was going on as soon as his thoughts turned: "I represent another world .”

"Yes, although your roots have been lost, and the crown that symbolizes the son of the world is also lost, but all of this is not a problem for the great Heiyuan itself. You will be the breakthrough for Heiyuan to invade another world."

"So, would you please cooperate with Master Negri? Jie Jie Jie." Grandma Xie said with a strange smile: "The main body of Heiyuan will complete the root and crown for Master Negri, maybe it will be in Heiyuan at that time." , Lord Negri's position will be higher than mine."

"It's really a bad result." Negri raised his eyebrows. Nora's sword over there has already cut to a certain depth. Even if Nora is in charge of the power of the three gods, her body is much stronger than before. If you go down, you will die.

"Master Negri, in the face of my indescribable fate, you have no ability to stop me, because fate and the power of fate will push you towards the end I foresee."

"Fate?" Negri did not have any anger of being betrayed, and calmly analyzed: "This force should not be strong at the beginning. It is you who have laid out little by little over the years, guiding everything to proceed, accumulating Today, this force will have this intensity, right?"

Just like a marble falling from the hand, it may roll towards different positions according to the ground conditions. The ability of Granny Xie’s fate is to ensure that the marble only rolls in one direction, and then build A channel guides the marbles to roll over there.

The falling force of the marble is the greatest at the beginning. At that time, it may roll out of the passage, but the more it rolls, the smaller the force contained in the marble, and finally it cannot jump in other directions at all.

The force exerted on Negri and the others now is that channel. Grandma Xie has planned for so many years, and has reduced the force contained in the marbles to the extreme.

"It's too late for you to wake up, Master Negri!" Although Grandma Xie said so, she still looked at Negri with vigilance. As she said, she has always respected Negri, so she dared not be underestimated. Look at Negri.