Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 133: Magic weapon


For two whole months, this small courtyard was always filled with billowing heat waves. From time to time, violent smoke came out of it as if it were a fire. Sometimes there were various violent roars coming from the hut. outgoing.

However, under the cover of the chaotic color array, the thick smoke and flames were diluted and dispersed when they emitted from the small courtyard. There were no fireworks rising from the courtyard at all, and the noise that occurred during the refining process was also invisible. Hidden by the formation, the mortals around the residential area were not aware of it.

Although this was Ouyang Xulin's first time refining a weapon, Yang Junshan could tell that he had made sufficient preparations in the process of refining the weapon, so much so that except for the weapon refining itself, all other related things had not been prepared. To the point where it takes a lot of thought.

In addition to the noise and smoke that may occur during the refining process, he can clearly calculate the types of talismans required for Yang Junshan's magic weapon, and can prepare a corresponding talisman for each type of weapon. Talisman pen; but the spiritual grain stored in the hut is only enough for two people to eat for ten days.

He could calculate thirteen different situations that could occur after fusing a spiritual material, but he never thought that the high temperature continuously emitted by the refining furnace would bake the books in the small room into a ball of black crumbs, and even burn them to the end. The entire house was almost set on fire. In desperation, Yang Junshan had to tear down the roof of the entire house, and then built a shed at a higher place to barely protect him from the sun and rain, and at the same time to avoid being lifted up by the refining furnace. The heat wave burned it again.

All in all, in Yang Junshan's opinion, Ouyang Xulin is actually a person who doesn't think about anything except refining weapons. Moreover, when he refines weapons, he must use a group of people to help him, not to handle the process of refining weapons. Instead, he deals with matters other than refining, such as purchasing, cooking, sleeping, organizing materials, cleaning slag, and other matters that have nothing to do with refining but are related to him.

That's why I met a well-informed person like Yang Junshan. Although he didn't study the weapon refining itself as deeply as Ouyang Xulin, he knew a little bit about the situations that might occur during the weapon refining process. He refines weapons by himself, so Yang Junshan can basically cooperate with him in a tacit understanding.

This guy hasn't become a master of weapon refining yet, but his skills in the process of refining the weapon are much better than those of ordinary weapon refining masters!

Yang Junshan himself couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. Ouyang Xulin, who devoted all his attention to refining weapons, even his emotions and desires disappeared on weekdays, leaving only an expressionless look all day long. It was as if he was crazy.

This may be the origin of his reputation as a "weapon crazy" in his previous life, and perhaps it is the reason why he has achieved great success in refining weapons.

In the weapon refining furnace, a three-inch square seal was suspended above the blazing weapon fire. Under the refining of the weapon fire, the earthy color of the seal surface became brighter and brighter at first, and gradually turned to gold. , and the flickering aura is getting stronger and stronger. Above the seal is a small but dangerous-looking mountain. After two months of hard refining, Yang Junshan's low-grade magical weapon finally took shape.

"If I refine the same kind of magic weapon again next time, I can at least shorten the time by half!"

What Ouyang Xulin suddenly said shocked Yang Junshan who was casually beside him. In the past two months, most of what Yang Junshan heard was Ouyang's command-like words without any emotion, and most of them were instructions. What was he going to do? Such a sigh suddenly came out today, which made Yang Junshan, who had not communicated with a real "person" in two months, feel quite excited.

"What, it looks like it's about to be finished?" Compared to Ouyang Xulin at this time, Yang Junshan could hardly conceal the excitement in his expression.

Ouyang Xulin glanced at Yang Junshan indifferently, as if he had returned to the otherworldly state in an instant, and said: "Refining? Everything before was to build the foundation for the magical weapon itself, because this is the first time Refining, so I can’t help but spend more time to avoid mistakes as much as possible, which will affect the power of the magic weapon itself.”

When Yang Junshan heard this, most of his excitement suddenly cooled down, but he immediately heard Ouyang Xulin say: "But it's almost over. Now everything else about this magical weapon is in great progress."

In order to be perfect, all that is left is the talisman carvings on the surface of the magic weapon and the engraving on the bottom. By the way, since you want to make this magic weapon into a seal without sealing it, and the seal itself is a thing only for the king, so it is your best choice. It is best to choose an appropriate name. When engraving, you must match and integrate your own spiritual power into the magic weapon. This will also have a great impact on the power of the magic weapon itself. "

Without even thinking about it, Yang Junshan said, "Then engrave the word 'Tiger' on it and call it the Tiger Seal!"


Ouyang Xulin still had that indifferent expression, and even his tone did not change at all, saying: "The name is appropriate, but the tiger itself refers to a tiger. If there is another tiger sitting on the mountain on top of the magic weapon, it can Integrated with the magic weapon itself, perhaps the quality and power will be even better."

Yang Junshan's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Then you still have time to carve one now!"

Ouyang Xulin shook his head and said: "The refining of magic weapons, especially the refining of natal magic weapons, is closely related to the holder of the magic weapon. You personally participated in the refining process of this magic weapon. If you carve it again at this time, A tiger, because I can't combine the charm of a tiger with your own breath, so it doesn't greatly improve the power of the magic weapon itself, but it might even be self-defeating. "

Yang Junshan's heart flashed with Huniu's vigorous figure. Last time he heard from his second brother that Huniu rarely goes home these days. She has taken over the entire Xishan Mountain and is the king. It's a pity that Ouyang Xulin can see it with his own eyes. If you go to Huniu, you may be able to carve a statue of a tiger descending from the mountain on this magical weapon, which will definitely greatly enhance the power of the magical weapon itself.

Yang Junshan said helplessly: "In that case, forget it, but if the quality of the magic weapon is improved again in the future, can a tiger be carved on the seal base?"

Ouyang Xulin said: "Don't worry, your Tianhuang Stone is enough!"

Yang Junshan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good!"

Ouyang Xulin said: "Come on, the last moment has arrived. I need as much support as possible from the spiritual power in your body. When the weapon is completed, the more spiritual power it absorbs from the holder of the weapon, the closer it will be to the holder of the weapon. The higher it is, the easier it will be to refine it into a natal magical weapon in the future, and the power will be stronger, and it may also be able to feed back to the monk himself. "

After Ouyang Xulin said this, he directly put his hands into the weapon fire. Yang Junshan, who had fully experienced the power of weapon fire these days, found that the weapon fire at this time did not hurt Ouyang Xulin at all.

Then I saw Ouyang Xulin starting to carve some patterns on the sides of the Tiger Seal. These patterns are not only beautiful, but more importantly, they are the key to stimulating the power of the magic weapon itself with less spiritual power. It is also the basis for whether this magical instrument can have a perfect ending.

At this time, Yang Junshan stretched his hands above the Tiger Seal, and the spiritual power in his body continued to flow, and then gathered in his palms and directed towards the Tiger Seal below.

But the Tiger Seal itself is like a glutton, swallowing up Yang Junshan's powerful Wutu spiritual power but never feeling saturated. Whenever Ouyang Xulin finishes carving a pattern, the magic weapon itself will be filled with energy from within. A mass of vitality seeped out from the outside, imbuing it all along the lines of the decoration, and then there would be a flash of light on the surface of the decoration.

A whole day passed before Ouyang Xulin was able to finish carving the patterns on one of the four sides of the Shanjun Seal, and Yang Junshan also used his own Wutu spiritual power to support it for the whole day.

Ouyang Xulin raised his head and glanced at Yang Junshan, feeling that Yang Junshan seemed to still have some remaining strength, so he continued to carve the second side of the decoration, while Yang Junshan still maintained the spiritual power output of the magic weapon itself.

Another day passed, and the second pattern was finished. Ouyang Xulin saw that Yang Junshan was sweating slightly on his forehead, so he asked, "Take a rest?"

Yang Junshan asked: "Will interrupting the carving of the four-sided decoration affect the power of the magic weapon itself?"

Ouyang Xulin said: "Of course it is best to do it in one go, but is the spiritual power in your body enough to support it? It is surprising enough that a monk in the mortal realm can have the current spiritual power storage."

Yang Junshan forced a smile and said, "Go on, I have a rejuvenating pill!"

Ouyang Xulin said "Huh" and stopped talking, but continued to bury his head.

The carving of the third side of the decoration began.